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Ditemukan 181434 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Titien Suryanti
"Specific purposes of this research are to know suitable area spatial distribution of Javan Gibbon habitat at Mountain Halimun National Park (MHNP), to know vegetation structure and composition on Javan Gibbon habitat, to know disturbance happened on Javan Gibbon habitat, and making a planning model of Javan Gibbon habitat conservation area at MHNP."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erma Nur Sigmawati
"Owa ungko (Hylobates agilis) merupakan primata yang dapat ditemukan di Sumatra, Kalimantan, dan Malaysia. Satwa ini memiliki sistem perkawinan monogami dan perilaku pengasuhan biparental. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa jika dilakukan pemisahan induk jantan terhadap kelompok, perilaku pengasuhan bermain oleh induk betina tidak ditemukan. Penelitian mengenai ketiadaan jantan terhadap perilaku pengasuhan induk betina belum pernah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis pola pengasuhan induk betina owa ungko tanpa kehadiran jantan dan menganalisis pengaruh intervensi pengunjung terhadap pola pengasuhan infant. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah focal animal sampling dengan dua kelompok penelitian. Kelompok kandang 1 terdiri atas induk betina 1 (B1), induk jantan 1 (J1) dan anak 1 (A1), sedangkan kelompok kandang 2 terdiri atas induk betina 2 (B2) dan anak 2 (A2). Perilaku yang diamati meliputi perilaku menyusui, memberi makan, menggendong, menelisik, dan bermain. Perilaku pengunjung yang diamati meliputi aktivitas pengunjung, kepadatan, dan kebisingan. Hasil uji t (independent t-test dengan tingkat kepercayaan 0,05 menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan perilaku pengasuhan oleh induk B1 dan B2. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan aktivitas pengunjung tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku pengasuhan induk betina B1 dan B2 di Taman Satwa Taru Jurug Surakarta.

Agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis) is a primate that can be found in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Malaysia. They have monogamous mating system and biparental parenting behavior. Previous research has shown that if the male parent is separated from the group, the parenting behavior of playing by the female parent is not found. However, research on the absence of males in the parenting behavior of females has never been done. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the parenting pattern of female agile gibbon without the presence of males and analyze the effect of visitor intervention on infant care patterns. The method used in this research is focal animal sampling with two research groups. Group 1 consists of female 1 (B1), male 1 (J1), and infant 1 (A1) who is less than 1 year old. Group 2 consists of female 2 (B2), and infant 2 (A2). The observed behaviors included lactating, feeding, carrying, allogrooming, and playing. Observed visitor behavior included visitor activity, density, and noise. The independent t-test results at a significance level of 0,05 showed differences in parenting behavior between B1 and B2 parents. The observation result showed that visitor activities did not affect the parenting behavior of B1 and B2 females at Taman Satwa Taru Jurug, Surakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfiralda Sjahfirdi
"Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch AUDEBERT 1797) is one of at least thirteen species of gibbons, which make up the Family Hylobatidae (Groves 2001: 289). The Javan gibbon is endemic to Java, Indonesia and now found only in fragmented forest tracts in the western and central portions of the island. As such, the conservation of this species has 'become a high priority for the government of Indonesia and the World. Habitat loss combined with illegal hunting and live capture has reduced the-Javan gibbon numbers in the wild to under 5000 individuals. Javan gibbon populations in zoos worldwide number less than 10 successful breeding pairs and live births have been extremely rare. The reasons for the low breeding success among captive Javan gibbons is not well understood but are likely to stem from a very limited knowledge of the basic reproductive biology/behavior. Expansion of genetic diversity and animal numbers in demographically isolated captive and wild populations are urgently required. Therefore, studies addressing female reproductive biology, particularly in providing data on the ovarian hormone profiles during ovarian cycle so to determine optimal mating time for assisted breeding, are a high priority.
This study aims to provide a detailed knowledge of basic reproductive biology in female Javan gibbons in captivity which is vital to promote population growth in captivity. This study was carried out to : (1) deine the endocrinology of the ovarian cycle in Javan gibbon by direct measurement of estradiol and progesterone in serum samples, (2) use serum hormones profiles to detennine the ovarian cycle and to predict the fertile phase of the cycle or Optimal Mating Time (GMT), (3) characterize the changes in vaginal epithelium and genital swelling, (4) evaluate cytological changes as Maturation Index (Ml), (5) correspond the similarity pattern of MI and genital swelling during ovarian cycle related to ovarian hormone profiles, and (6) monitor the time allocated to primary daily activity by captive-housed female Javan gibbons (Hylobales moloch) during their sexual cycle that live in pair to distinguish estrous period fiom anestrous one. This study was carried out from June 2003 to December 2003 for daily activity observations at Schmutzer Primate Center, Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta and Taman Sari Zoo, Bandung, and from September 2004 to April 2005 for blood sampling at Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta and Taman Sari Zoo, Bandung.
This is an exploration research that was conducted by daily observation and followed by blood sampling. Cycle status of all females was assessed daily by rating genital swelling following Czekala & Sicotte (2000: 210). Visual inspections of each gibbon sexual skin were observed daily for sign of swelling at 10 to 20 cm distance, while the animals are in caged as suggested by Heistermann et al. (1996: 845). The degree of wrinkling and the size of the labia minora will represent the primary physical features for evaluating changes in sex skin swelling during) the menstrual cycle. Four grades of were scored: 1 - no swelling; 2 - slightly swollen; 3 - nearly full swelling; 4 - fully swollen with additional coloration; Observations and sampling were conducted 2-month period that covered one complete ovarian cycle. Blood samples and vaginal swabs were taken at intervals of 3 to 4 days for the 2-month period. All sampling were conducted while the animal was under kethamine sedation; approximately 3 ml of blood was drawn from the femoral vein per sample. Blood collection was conducted by an experienced veterinarian or veterinarian technician on staff at the respective zoo in accordance with approved animal care and use protocols. Serum was drawn oif and stored in sealed vials at -20°C prior to EIA analysis to measure estrogen and progesterone levels during the ovarian cycle.
Daily observation was conducted to see how the limited area will influences their behavior including their reproductive behavior related to their hormonal regulation. Daily observations were divided into 2 (two) conditions, i.e. daily activity during esuus and during anestrus phase of the cycle. The vaginal morphology scores used to define estrus and anestrus phase. Estrous females were judged when the swelling scores were more than 1. The daily activities of 2 (two) female gibbons which were paired in each captivity were recorded base on ad-libitum method (Altmann 1974: 235). Observations were made by one observer, on an average of 5 to 6 days per week from 09:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. The Scan Sampling Method with five minutes duration for each sample point was used (Altmann 1974: 259), during visiting hours at both captivities. To measure the activity budgets, Dunbar (1988) methods was used. Activities of the animals were recorded, namely resting, moving, feeding, and grooming (in Matsumoto-Oda &. Oda 1998: 160), plus calling activity was added to be recorded, since gibbon?s calling is significantly spent during activity.
Results of this study were concluded as follows: The secretion patterns of estradiol and progesterone in serum Samples gave a reliable reflection of ovarian activity in captive-housed Javan gibbon. The range concentrations in cycling females of estradiol were 47.64 to 104.35 pg/ml and of progesterone were 0.5 to 10 ng/ml. The length of ovarian cycles was found to be 29 and 38 days, with follicular phase ranged from I9 to 24 days and luteal phase ranged from 7 to I2 days. The Optimal Mating Time was lasted 3 days after the day of estradiol surge or first day that progesterone levels begin to rise. From this study, two cycling females (0wa 1 and Owa 2) from Ragunan Zoo, displayed the lengths of the ovarian cycle ranging between 29 to 38 days. Two other females which live with their partners (Ulah at Schmutzer and Donna at Taman Sari Zoo) also displayed the length of the ovarian cycle by genital swelling observation. Their ovarian cycle length ranged between 29 to 30 days (for Ulah) and 26 to 36 days (for Donna). Despite the small sample and variability among animals, the limited subject animals using in this study gave an average ovarian cycle length of 315: 4.23 days, almost similar with other higher primates and human.
This study also found that genital swelling indicated correlationwith fluctuated estradiol values and could be useful as external marker to predict fertile phase of the cycle. The pattems of vaginal cytology were not consistent in all subjects during sampling period, theneafterthe patterns of comilication did not reliably reflect the physiological status ofthe animal, in contrast to many other species. Superficial cells presented throughout the cycle during sampling period corresponded with estrogen levels which never reach basal values.
Cycling female gibbons that live with their partners, demonstrated that in eslxous period, female tended to spend more time on calling, moving, and grooming. The dominant time spent on daily activity was for moving, that include brachiating leading to accommodate consortship behavior. Time spent for moving shown significantly different between estrus and anestrus, while feeding was less significant because of the availability of the food in captivity. They were more active in estrous than in anesmous condition."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Celia Nova Felicity
"Owa kalimantan (Hylobates albibarbis) merupakan spesies owa endemik yang hanya dapat ditemukan di wilayah Kalimantan Tengah dan Kalimantan Barat. Populasi H. albibarbis termasuk ke dalam kategori Endangered (terancam) menurut IUCN dan terus mengalami penurunan akibat degradasi dan fragmentasi habitat, perdagangan ilegal dan perburuan liar, serta perubahan iklim. Penelitian mengenai distribusi H. albibarbis telah dilakukan di kawasan restorasi lahan gambut bagian selatan, Katingan Mentaya Project, Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menghasilkan peta distribusi H. albibarbis dan memperoleh data estimasi jumlah kelompok H. albibarbis yang berada di kawasan tersebut. Pengambilan data dilakukan 5 hari sepekan selama 7 pekan dari bulan Maret hingga Juni 2022. Metode yang digunakan adalah triangulasi (auditory sampling) dan ground survey. Triangulasi dilakukan di 4 lokasi dengan jumlah pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali di setiap lokasi. Selama 12 hari pengambilan sampel suara, tercatat sebanyak 124 suara vokalisasi H. albibarbis. Hasil metode triangulasi menunjukkan bahwa 11 kelompok H. albibarbis terdistribusi di hutan gambut wilayah selatan pada jenis vegetasi hutan rawa gambut campuran. Selama periode penelitian, terjadi perjumpaan langsung dengan H. albibarbis sebanyak 8 kali. Hasil metode ground survey menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 20 spesies pohon pakan dan 10 spesies pohon tidur yang berada di sekitar wilayah distribusi dan titik perjumpaan dengan H. albibarbis. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa wilayah hutan yang dihuni oleh H. albibarbis masih mampu mendukung pergerakan dan menyediakan sumber daya bagi H. albibarbis, meskipun kebakaran pernah terjadi di bagian hutan tersebut.

The bornean white-bearded gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis) is an endemic species that can only be found in Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan. The population of H. albibarbis is classified as Endangered (threatened) according to IUCN and continues to decline due to habitat degradation and habitat fragmentation, illegal trade and hunting, and climate change. Research on the distribution of H. albibarbis has been conducted in the southern peatland restoration area, Katingan Mentaya Project, Central Kalimantan. This study was aimed to generate a map of the distribution of H. albibarbis and obtain estimation data for the number of H. albibarbis groups in the area. Data collection was carried out 5 days a week for 7 weeks from March to June 2022. The method used is triangulation (auditory sampling) and ground survey. Triangulation was conducted at 4 locations with a total of 3 times in each location. During 12 days of voice sampling, 124 vocalizations of H. albibarbis were recorded. The results of the triangulation method showed that 11 groups of H. albibarbis were distributed in the southern peat forest on mixed peat swamp forest vegetation types. During the study period, there were 8 direct encounters with H. albibarbis. The results of the ground survey method showed that there were 20 species of feeding trees and 10 species of sleeping trees around the distribution area and the point of encounter with H. albibarbis. These results indicate that the forest area inhabited by H. albibarbis can still support movements and provide resources for H. albibarbis, even though there have been fires in those parts of the forest."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Broto Raharjo
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juanita Calista Puteri
"Salah satu penyebab penurunan populasi Hylobates agilis adalah rendahnya tingkat reproduksi dari owa ungko. Selain itu, owa ungko juga membutuhkan kemampuan yang tinggi untuk mempertahankan komunikasi agar bertahan monogami. Kemampuan tersebut merupakan bentuk dari pair bonding. Telah dilakukan penelitian aktivitas pair bonding pada owa ungko (Hylobates agilis) di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberadaan pair bonding pada pasangan owa ungko di Pusat Primata di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan dan melihat kaitannya dengan keberadaan pengunjung. Subjek penelitian ini, yaitu 2 pasang owa ungko dengan pasangan pertama telah menghasilkan keturunan dan mengalami pemisahan selama satu tahun sementara pasangan lainnya merupakan pasangan baru yang dipasangkan selama satu tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 4 pekan dari Juli sampai Agustus 2022 mulai pukul 08.00-13.00 WIB. Metode pada penelitian ini yaitu scan animal sampling dan ad libitum sampling. Perilaku pair bonding yang diamati terdiri dari tujuh perilaku, yaitu allogrooming, proximity, contact, behaviour sync, presenting, duet vokalisasi dan agonistik. Sementara untuk Kondisi pengunjung dibagi menjadi tiga kategori, yaitu aktivitas, kepadatan, dan kebisingan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan, kedua pasang owa ungko yang telah lama dipisahkan maupun baru menunjukan perilaku pair bonding dan tingginya keberadaan pengunjung cukup berpengaruh terhadap perilaku pair bonding

One of the causes of the decline in the Hylobates agilis population is the low reproduction rate of the gibbon. Besides that, the gibbon also requires a high ability to maintain communication in order to survive monogamy. That ability is a form of pair bonding. Pair bonding activity research has been carried out on the gibbon (Hylobates agilis) in Ragunan Wildlife Park. This study aims to analyze the existence of pair bonding in gibbon pairs at the Primate Center in Ragunan Wildlife Park and see its relation to the presence of visitors. The subjects of this study were 2 pairs of gibbons with the first pair having produced offspring and experiencing separation for one year while the second pair was a new pair that was paired for one year. This research was conducted for 4 weeks from July to August 2022 from 08.00–13.00 WIB. The method in this research is scan animal sampling and ad libitum sampling. The observed pair bonding behavior consisted of seven behaviors, namely allogrooming, proximity, contact, sync behavior, presenting, vocalization and agonistic duets. Meanwhile, the condition of visitors is divided into three categories, namely activity, density, and noise."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lawalata, Shobi Zenobia S.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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