"Penelitian di bidang perpustakaan, khususnya dalam aspek yang menyangkut kriteria kemampuan profesional pustakawan masih jarang dilakukan. Oleh karena itu penelitian di bidang perpustakaan ini sangat diperlukan sejalan dengan makin pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja pustakawan lulusan Program D2 Perpustakaan dengan mencari hubungan antara variabel Pendidikan dan Persepsi Peran masing-masing terhadap Kinerja dan intensitas hubungan antara variabel Pendidikan dan Persepsi Peran bersama-sama terhadap Kinerja. Rumusan hipotesisnya: 1). Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara Pendidikan terhadap Kinerja. 2). Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara Persepsi Peran terhadap Kinerja , dan 3). Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara Pendidikan dan Persepsi Peran terhadap Kinerja.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada pertengahan kedua tahun 1997 di perpustakaan perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta: UGM, IKIP Yogyakarta, LAIN Sunan Kalijaga, 151 Yogyakarta. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 37 sama dengan populasinya (sampel jenuh). Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner sebagai instrumen utama. Data yang terkumpul diolah untuk pembuktian hipotesis. Hipotesis 1 dan 2 dengan uji korelasi Product moment untuk hubungan, dan hipotesis 3 dengan uji Regresi ganda untuk intensitas. Tingkat signifikansi a.= 0,05 (5%).
Secara statistik:
1). Tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara Pendidikan terhadap Kinerja pustakawan lulusan Program D2 Perpustakaan;
2). Tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara Persepsi Peran terhadap Kinerja pustakawan lulusan Program D2 Perpustakaan;
3). Secara bersama-sama tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara Pendidikan dan Persepsi Peran terhadap Kinerja.
Karena koefisien diterminasi (R2) kecil maka masih terdapat variabel-variabel bebas lain yang belum masuk agar mendapatkan prediksi yang "baik". Didapat persamaan regresi: Y = 0,39117-0,08968 XI+ 0,05319X2 artinya kontribusi relatif Persepsi Peran (X2) terhadap Kinerja (Y) lebih besar daripada Pendidikan (XI).
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan dan persepsi peran saja tidak cukup untuk digunakan menilai kinerja. Banyak faktor lain yang perlu diperhatikan seperti kesempatan, rotasi kerja, dan situasi kerja dsb. Pendidikan tinggi belum menjamin kinerja yang baik jika situasi/sistem manajemen perpustakaan tidak memberi kesempatan pada pustakawan tersebut. untuk berkiprah.
Library research focusing on criteria and evaluation of professional capability of librarians are relatively rare. Therefore research on that area is highly essential. This study aims to analyze the performance of librarians graduated from Diploma 2 Program on library science. It is specifically looking at the variable of librarian's education as correlated with its role perception and performance; and also at the correlation intensity between education variable and role perception to performance. Hypothesis of the study is as follows: 1). There is a significant correlation between education and performance, 2). There is a significant correlation between role perception and performance, 3). There is a significant correlation among education and role perception to Performance. This study involved State University Libraries in Yogyakarta Special Regency: UGM, IKIP-YG, IAI N-SK and ISI-YG. The sample size is as same as its population size which is 37. The data is collected through questionaire as the primary tool. The first and second hypothesis are analyzed using Product Moment Correlation. Multiple Regression is being used to test the third hypothesis at the degree of significant of 5%. The results of this study are as follows: 1). There is no significant correlation between education and librarian's performance graduated from Diploma 2 Program in library science, 2). There is no significant correlation between role perception and librarian's performance graduated from Diploma 2 Program in library science, and 3). There is no significant correlation among education and role perception to performance. Since the determinant coefficient (R2) is relatively low, it can be interpreted that there are still other independent variables to be counted as predictor of performance. The regression equation is: Y = 0,39117-0,08968X1+0,05319X2 which means that the contribution of role perception (X2) to performance (Y) is higher than education (XI). It is concluded that education and role perception alone are not adequate to evaluate performance. There are many other confounding factors that must be considered such as employee turn over, job rotation, working environment, etc. Higher education does not guarantee a good performance, where the situation and or the library management system does not provide opportunity for the librarians to grow professionally.;Library research focusing on criteria and evaluation of professional capability of librarians are relatively rare. Therefore research on that area is highly essential."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1998