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Pourbaix, Marcel
New York: Plenum Press, 1973
620.112 POU l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stansbury, E.E.
"Self-contained textbook covering the essential aspects of the corrosion behavior of metals in aqueous environments. Provides an overview of aqueous corrosion, electrode reactions, and electrode kinetics. DLC: Electrolytic corrosion."
Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 2000
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riskin, Joseph
"Systematized data on electrocorrosion and protection of metals, especially in electrochemical plants allow using the book as a guide for corrosion engineers end researchers and for the personnel maintaining the equipment of all kinds of electrochemical plants to analyze the corrosion state of the metallic equipment and to prevent its electrocorrosion."
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008
620.16 RIS e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medio Feby Fitriana
"Magnesium (Mg) merupakan logam ringan dan dapat diserap tubuh melalui proses degradasi atau bersifat biodegradable. Namun Magnesium dan paduannya mengalami degradasi yang sangat cepat di dalam lingkungan fisiologis akibatnya kekuatan mekanik dari implan akan menurun. Untuk meningkatkan ketahanan korosi dari paduan magnesium dapat dilakukan dengan metode anodizing. Lapisan oksida yang dihasilkan dari proses anodizing memiliki banyak retakan dan pori pada permukaannya. Retakan dan pori ini dapat ditutup melalui metode sealing beeswax-colophony. Proses anodizing dilakukan pada tegangan konstan 5 volt dalam elektrolit 0.5 M Na3PO4 pada suhu 30°C ± 1°C dengan variasi waktu 10, 20, dan 30 menit. Pada waktu 10, 20, dan 30 menit terukur tebal lapisan 6, 14, dan 16 μm. Optimasi waktu anodizing dihasilkan pada anodizing 20 menit. Untuk mengetahui laju korosi paduan magnesium yang telah di anodizing dan sealing dilakukan dengan uji hilang berat (invitro) selama 14 hari dalam larutan 0,9% NaCl pada suhu 37°C. Hasil uji hilang berat divalidasi dengan uji potentiodynamic polarization. Hasil uji hilang berat yang menunjukkan laju korosi dari substrat; anodizing; substrat + beeswax-colophony sealing; anodizing + hidrotermal sealing; anodizing + beeswax-colophony sealing berturut-turut yaitu 7,91; 6,26; 5,0; 6,06; dan 3,30 mmpy. Hasil uji polarisasi menunjukkan peningkatan ketahanan korosi yang diperlihatkan oleh kenaikan potensial korosi untuk substrat; anodizing; substrat + beeswax-colophony sealing; anodizing + hidrotermal sealing; anodizing + beeswax-colophony sealing berturut-turut adalah -1.49, -1.57, -1.54, -1.43, dan -1,17 VAg/AgCl dan penurunan arus korosi berturut-turut 5.72x10-4, 3.40x10-5, 2.54x10-8, 2.19x10-5 , dan 3.19x10-8 A/cm2. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan anodizing dan sealing dengan beeswax-colophony terbukti dapat meningkatkan ketahanan korosi paduan AZ31 2 kali lipat.

Magnesium (Mg) is the light metals and absobable materials by the human body through a process of degragradation known as biodegradable. However, Mg and its alloys has a rapid corrosion rate in physiological environtment causes reduction of mechanical properties of implants. Anodizing is widely used to increase corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys. The oxide layer produced while anodizing process has many cracks and porous on its surface. Cracks and porous could covered by beeswax-colophony sealing method. The anodization process was carried out at constant voltage 5 volt in electrolyte of 0.5 M Na3PO4 at 30 ° C ± 1 ° C with variations of time 10, 20, and 30 minutes. The thickness of layer was measured at 10, 20, and 30 minutes are 6, 14, 16 μm respectively. Anodizing time optimization was obtained at 20 minutes. to determine the corrosion rate of anodized and sealed magnesium alloy was carried out by in-vitro test for 14 days on 0.9% NaCl solution at 37 ° C. The results of the weight loss test were validated by potentiodynamic polarization test. The weight loss test results exhibits the rate of corrosion of the substrate, anodizing; substrate + beeswax-colophony sealing; anodizing + hydrothermal sealing; anodizing + beeswax-colophony sealing are 7.91, 6.26, 5.0, 6.06, and 3.30 mmpy respectively. The results of corrosion on AZ31 show by increased corrosion potential, -1.49, -1.57, -1.54, -1.43, and -1.17 VAg/AgCl and decreased corrosion currents, 5.72x10-4, 3.40x10-5, 2.54x10-8, 2.19x10-5, and 3.19x10-8 A/cm2 on the substrate; anodizing; substrate + beeswax-colophony sealing; anodizing + hydrothermal sealing; anodizing + beeswax-colophony sealing. These results prove anodizing and coatings increase corrosion resistance of AZ31 twice.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Matra Rizki Pratama
"Pengamatan terhadap perubahan perilaku korosi sumuran material Duplex SAF 2205 yang telah diberikan perlakuan panas dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai ketangguhan material tersebut telah dilakukan. Pengujian korosi sumuran dilakukan melalui metode Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy dan Polarisasi Potentiodynamic pada material yang telah mengalami perlakuan panas pada rentang temperatur 350-550°C dan waktu tahan 10-40 menit dimana sebagian sampel mengalami perlakuan serangan hidrogen.
Berdasarkan pengamatan mikrostruktur, tidak ditemukan terbentuknya fasa sekunder pada sampel sehingga mikrostruktur sampel tidak berubah. Hasil pengujian mekanik menunjukkan proses perlakuan panas pada sampel awal akan meningkatkan kekuatan tarik hingga 10% dan kemampuan elongasi hingga 70%.
Hasil pengujian korosi sumuran terlihat dengan meningkatkan temperatur perlakuan panas dan waktu tahan akan meningkatkan laju korosi, namun tidak terlalu signifikan, dimana juga terjadi perbedaan perilaku korosi sumuran pada sampel yang mengalami serangan hidrogen.

Observation of pitting corosion behaviors in heat-treated Duplex SAF 2205, in order to improve material?s toughness has been investigated. Pitting Corrosion Investigation has been done by using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Potentiodynamic Polarization to heat-treated samples with temperature range between 350-550°C and holding time 10-40 minutes, which half of samples underwent hydrogen charging.
Based on microstructure observation, there is no microstructural change because secondary phases were not formed. Mechanical behavior examination shows that tensile strength will increase up to 10% and elongation will increase up to 70% by heat-treating samples. Corrosion pitting examination showed that increasing temperature and holding time of heat treatment will increase corrosion rate insignificantly, where the differences of corrosion rate behaviors were found in hydrogen-charged samples.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robby Debriand
"Air yang dalam bahasa kimianya adalah H2O disusun oleh 1 molekul Oksigen dan 2 molekul Hidrogen yang jika dipisahkan menjadi gas hidrogen dan oksigen merupakan unsur yang ideal dalam pembakaran. Elektrolisa air adalah teknik pemisahan air menjadi gas oksigen dan hidrogen. Dalam skripsi ini akan dijelaskan mengenai perancangan dan pembuatan HHO Generator dengan prinsip elektrolisa air. Setelah itu alat tersebut diukur untuk dicari performanya. Pengukuran dilakukan di 2 (dua) sumber yaitu dari jala-jala dan solar cell untuk membandingkan kemampuan alat tersebut dalam sumber listrik yang berbeda. Akuisisi data dilakukan secara bertahap. Pertama sistem diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu, seperti dipelajari prinsip kerjanya. Kedua, menentukan parameter pengukurannya, yang berupa tegangan, arus dan flowrate. Ketiga, mempersiapkan alat akuisisi data. Keempat, alat tersebut dikalibrasi agar besaran ukur pembacaan sesuai dengan besaran ukur real. Kelima, melakukan proses akuisisi data dan hasilnya dianalisa serta dibuat kesimpulannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan sumber jala-jala, HHO Generator ini otimal jika dikonfigurasikan pada molaritas elektrolit 0,59M dan tegangan 12,94V. Flowrate yang dihasilkan sebesar 3786,08 mL/s atau Flow per Daya-nya 7,89 mL/W.s. Sedangkan pada sumber solar cell, HHO Generator ini otimal jika dikonfigurasikan pada molaritas elektrolit 0,59M dan tegangan 13,23 V. Flowrate yang dihasilkan sebesar 3443,72 mL/s atau Flow per Daya-nya 8,24 mL/W.s.

Water in chemical is H2O, arranged by 1 molecule of Oxygen and 2 molecules of Hydrogen, both of them if separated each other will become hydrogen and oxygen gas which is an ideal in combustion. Water Electrolysis is a technique for separating water become oxygen gas and hydrogen gas. This thesis will explain about designing and making HHO Generator which use water electrolysis principle. After that, that tool will be measured to look for their performance. Measurements were taken in 2 (two) sources, from the grid and solar cell to compare the ability of the tool in a different power source. Data acquisition is executed step by step. First, system must be identified, such as learned the principle works. Second, determine the parameters of measurement, i.e. measuring voltage, current and flowrate. Third, prepare the data acquisition tools. Forth, the data acquisition device is calibrated so that the measurand readings match with real measurand. Five, start the acquisition process and the results are analyzed then make the conclusion from that. As per research result with source from electric grid, this HHO generator optimal if configurated at electrolyte molarity 0,59 M and voltage 12,94V. Flowrate result is 3786 mL/s or Flow per power is 7,89 mL/W.s. While at research with source from solar cell, this HHO Generator optimal if configurated at electrolit molarity 0,59M and voltage 13,23 V. Flowrate result is 3443,72 mL/s or Flow per power is 8,24 mL/W.s."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London : Shell Petroleum, 1956
620.112 COR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deva Rifa Nurgantini
"Aluminium (Al) adalah logam ringan dengan massa jenis 2,7 g/cm3. Untuk melindungi permukaan paduan Al dari lingkungan korosif dan abrasif, dibutuhkan rekayasa permukaan seperti PEO. Karakteristik lapisan oksida hasil PEO dipengaruhi oleh arus dan durasi proses. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis evolusi morfologi dan pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik mekanik dan ketahanan korosi lapisan PEO. PEO diaplikasikan pada paduan Al 7075-T651 menggunakan elektrolit 30 g/l Na2SiO3-30 g/l KOH-30 g/l Na3PO4 dengan rapat arus konstan 200 A/m2. Waktu proses PEO divariasikan 10, 15, dan 20 menit. Lapisan PEO dikarakterisasi menggunakan X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) untuk menganalisis komposisi fasa kristal, Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive x-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) untuk menganalisis morfologi permukaan dan komposisi unsur. Perilaku korosi pada sampel dievaluasi melalui uji elektrokimia, yaitu Potentiodynamic Polarization (PDP) dan Electrochemical Impedence Spectroscopy (EIS). Hasil analisis XRD mengindikasikan bahwa lapisan PEO bersifat amorf. Konsentrasi oksigen dalam lapisan yang dideteksi dengan EDS meningkat seiring bertambahnya durasi proses PEO sesuai dengan peningkatan ketebalan lapisan. Hasil uji elektrokimia PDP dan EIS menunjukkan sampel PEO 15 menit memiliki ketahanan korosi terbaik dengan nilai rapat arus korosi terendah sebesar 2,28 dan nilai hambatan tertinggi sebesar 1,038 dan 1,123. Hasil uji mekanik menunjukkan PEO 10 menit memiliki nilai keausan tertinggi sebesar dan nilai kekerasan sebesar 129,8 HV; PEO 15 menit memiliki nilai keausan sebesar dan nilai kekerasan sebesar 131,8 HV; dan PEO 20 menit memiliki nilai keausan terendah yaitu dan nilai kekerasan tertinggi yaitu 142 HV yang menunjukkan bahwa sampel dengan durasi lebih lama dapat menghasilkan sifat mekanik yang lebih unggul

Aluminium (Al) is a lightweight metal with a density of 2,7 g/cm3. To protect the surface of Al alloys from corrosive and abrasive environments, surface engineering techniques such as Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) are required. The characteristics of the PEO-derived oxide layers are influenced by the current and process duration. This study aims to analyze the morphological evolution and its impact on the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of PEO layers. PEO was applied to Al 7075-T651 alloy using an electrolyte of 30 g/l Na2SiO3-30 g/l KOH-30 g/l Na3PO4 with a constant current density of 200 A/m2. The PEO process duration was varied at 10, 15, and 20 minutes. The PEO layers were characterized using X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) to analyze the composition of crystalline phases, Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) to analyze surface morphology and elemental composition. Corrosion behavior was evaluated through electrochemical tests, namely Potentiodynamic Polarization (PDP) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). XRD analysis indicated that the PEO layers were amorphous. The oxygen concentration in the detected layers using EDS increases with the duration of the PEO process, in line with the increase in layer thickness. Electrochemical tests PDP and EIS showed that the PEO 15 minute sample exhibited the best corrosion resistance with the lowest corrosion current density of 2,28 and the highest resistance values of 1,038 and 1,123. Mechanical test results indicated that the PEO 10 minute sample had the highest wear resistance of and a hardness value of 129,8 HV; PEO 15 minute sample had a wear resistance of and a hardness value of 131,8 HV; and PEO 20 minute sample had the lowest wear resistance of and the highest hardness value of 142 HV, suggesting that longer process durations produce superior mechanical properties."
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Fadhil
"Ketahanan korosi SS 316L pada variasi konsentrasi lingkungan NaCl diinvestigasi dengan menggunakan pengujian Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Perlakuan panas dilakukan pada suhu 1100oC. Pengamatan struktur mikro menggunakan Optical Microscope. Larutan NaCl mensimulasikan kondisi air laut tempat pengaplikasian SS316L, variasi konsentrasi larutan NaCl yaitu ; 1%, 2%, 3,5%, 4%, dan 5%. Ion klorida pada NaCl dapat menyerang lapisan pasif pada permukaan SS. Penetrasi ion klorida ini yang bepengaruh terhadap ketahanan korosi pada SS316L.
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pada konsentrasi 3,5% NaCl memiliki ketahanan korosi yang paling rendah. Kelarutan oksigen dalam air paling optimum pada ion Cl 3-3,5%. Pengamatan perubahan struktur mikro menggunakan larutan 3,5% NaCl sebagai pembanding ketahanan korosi sebelum dan setelah dilakukannya perlakuan panas. Hasilnya menunjukkan ketahanan korosi sesudah diberikan perlakuan panas jauh lebih rendah. Struktur mikro saat sesudah mengalami sensitasi pada batas butirnya dan ketidaksamaan besar butir.

Corrosion resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel 316L in variation of NaCl environment was investigated using Electochemical Impedance Spectroscopy test. Heat treatment was done at temperature 1100oC. The microstructure was studied by Optical Microscopy. NaCl solution demonstrated seawater environment, conctentrations varying from 1% to 5%. Ion chloride can penetration through passive film. The penetration of chloride affected corrosion resistance of SS316L.
The result showed that the corrosion resistance of concentration of 3,5% NaCl had the lowest corrosion resistance. Optimum oxygen dissolved occured in concentration 3 ? 3,5% NaCl. The studied of changed of microstructure used 3,5% NaCl solution to compared corrosion resistance of before and after heat treatment. The result demonstrated tha corrosion resistance after heat treatment was lower than the before one. The microstructure after heat treatment suffered sensitization and dissimilarity of grain on microstructure.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Riastuti
"Hyperduplex Stainless Steel 3207 (SAF 3207 HD) is one of the materials used in the oil and gas industry, especially for umbilical, which is a system to connect cables or instrumental setups between control platforms and wellhead station. It is used in deep water containing high chloride ion (Cl-), so it needs high tensile strength and must be a highly corrosion-resistant material. In this research, several corrosion resistance tests were conducted on 3207 hyperduplex stainless steel such as polarization and weight loss testing. Roughness surface tests were carried out to observe alterations to the surface caused by underwater corrosion. SAF 3207 HD can form a passive layer due to an environmental reaction; to observe this phenomenon, an EIS test was conducted at the interface of the material. The weight loss test was conducted on a particular sample, in accordance with ASTM G48-97 method B. The corrosion test was carried out at temperatures of 60-90°C (at 5°C intervals) in 6% FeCl3 solution. The results show that SAF 3207 HD has good crevice corrosion resistance, although crevices were not seen below temperatures of 70oC, which is known as critical crevice temperature. At this temperature, the corrosion rate reached 10.032 mm/year and the crevice depth was 1.034 ?m. This means that the operating temperature of the umbilical can be increased up to 70oC."
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Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:3 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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