ABSTRAKBertentangan dengan tujuan peradaban dengan nilai-nilai Utopisnya yang dimaksudkan untuk memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat, Freud mengajukan konsekuensi lain yang menunjukkan ambivalensi peradaban. Dalam masyarakat beradab, menurut dia, orang menghilangkan bahaya yang berasal dari manusia lain melalui penciptaan institusi sosial, seperti budaya, moralitas, atau regulasi sistem yang lebih kompleks. Lembaga sosial ini selain manfaat yang diberikan, juga memberikan bahaya lain yang menurut Freud menyebabkan benturan antara individu dan naluri utamanya untuk memenuhi prinsip. Untuk menjadi bagian dari masyarakat, anggota masyarakat harus menyesuaikan diri dengan sistem sosial masyarakatnya. Dalam sistem sosial ini, naluri fundamental manusia terbatas atau ditolak melalui adanya peraturan, moralitas, dan budaya yang perlu dipatuhi dan diprioritaskan di atas keinginan individu. Dengan demikian, untuk hidup bersama dalam masyarakat, individu seharusnya melepaskan aspek tertentu dari keinginannya dengan menindasnya.Dengan begitu masyarakat yang terlihat memiliki peradaban tinggi ternyata adalah sebuah masyarakat totaliter yang merupakan masyarakat distopis.
ABSTRACTContrary to the purpose of civilization which is meant for benefiting the community, Freud proposed another its consequence that shows the ambivalence of civilization. In civilized society, he stated, people eliminated the danger which comes from other human beings through creating social institution, such as culture, morality, or more complex system regulation. This social institution, despites of the benefits that it can bring, also brings another danger which according to Freud causes a clash between individual and its primal instinct to fulfill the pleasure principle Dalley, 1977 . To become of a part of society, a member of society must adapt to its society rsquo s established social system. In this social system, Tthe fundamental instinct of human beings is limited or denied through the existence of which needs to obey and prioritize above individual rsquo s will. Thus,to live together in a society, individual is supposed to giving up certain aspect of his or her desire by repressing them. Introduction The Giver was released in the United States on August 15, 2014 and based on the 1993 novel of the same title by Lois Lowry. It depicts a civilized community with the inexistence of inequalities and discriminations. The community is shaped and governed by the old generation based on their ideal values they believe have created an ideal community. A community which is a great place and considered as a solution to live where every member of the community succeed in eliminating all the things that can create undesirable feelings and conditions such as disorder, bad weather, chaos, pain, envy, fear and hatred. Watching The Giver, the audience will be given a depiction of a community where no poverty exists. There are no the rich and the poor. The citizens rsquo behavior and attitude during interaction to other member of the community are extremely polite even to their own family member or colleagues to avoid internal aggression. Thus, there are no crimes because everyone behaves perfectly well according the norms strictly regulated.In addition, the advanced technology has made many improvements in the quality of human life by successfully avoiding danger from bad weather or natural disaster as external dangers. In the movie, the community seems have perfectly avoided both internal aggressions and external dangers that lead to sorrow and unhappiness. However, the community also cannot feel the pleasure of the real world, such as to love or to be loved since showing emotion is considered not proper. They also have no choice about what job they will be assigned to, whom they will marry to or who their future children will be. Every child never sees his or her birthmother as the Elders or the old generation will choose his or her family. Everything is decided by the elder as the leader of the community, including when a member of the community will need to be lsquo released rsquo which means lsquo will be killed or dead rsquo without his or her knowing what is the real meaning of death.This journal will show that The Giver gives realization that there is a cost of such ideal society to individualism. Using Sigmund Freud rsquo s social theory of civilization, a seemingly ideal Utopian of civilized society in the Giver is actually a repressed society that have lead the society to totalitarian state which is a dystopian. Thus, from the depiction of The Giver society, civilization and its fundamental nature are actually incompatible with the individual needs of human being to please the primal instinct."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017