"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri daerah asal dan arah migrasi orang Minangkabau yang berada di Provinsi Jambi berdasarkan kajian variasi dialektal. Untuk tujuan tersebut digunakan metode dialektometri dengan teknik permutasi. Berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut, di Provinsi Jambi ditemukan lebih banyak kecenderungan asal dan arah
migrasi. Titik pengamatan-titik pengamatan (TP-TP) Jambi yang memperlihatkan hubungan beda wicara dengan TP-TP
Sumatera Barat mempunyai tiga pola kecenderungan asal dan arah migrasi, sedangkan TP-TP yang menunjukkan tingkat hubungan pada perbedaan subdialek menunjukkan lebih banyak kecenderungan asal dan arah migrasi, yakni tujuh pola.
AbstractThis article is aimed to reveal the
original homeland of Minangkabau people in Jambi Province and to trace their migration area based on dialectal variation. For that purpose, the research used the method of dialectometry by applying
the technique of permutation. Based on this technique, it is found that in Jambi Province, there are many tendencies of the origines and directions of migration. The points of observation in Jambi which show the level of relation in the difference of pronunciation reveal that there are three tendencies of the pattern of the origines and directions of
migration. Meanwhile, the points of observation which show
the level on relation in the difference of subdialect shows
more tendencies. There are seven patterns."
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, Univers itas Andalas. Fakultas Sastra], 2008