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Rahayu Handayani
"Peraturan Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor. 122 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik memiliki batasan konsentrasi amonia pada air buangan sebesar 10 mg/l. Namun, beberapa instalasi pengolahan limbah cari (IPLC) belum mampu mencapai angka tersebut karena nitrifikasi terhambat jika konsentrasi oksigen terlarut tidak mencukupi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kinerja IPLC terkait masalah amonia pada efluen yang masih melebihi baku mutu dengan mengoptimalisi konsentrasi oksigen pada unit aerasi hingga 2- 4 mg/l melalui reaktor aerasi skala laboratorium. Hasil dari evaluasi IPLC adalah beban hidrolis masih memenuhi desain awal sebesar 10,7 m3/ hari, sedangkan beban organik yang masuk ke IPLC adalah 34 g/m3/hari. Hasil penelitian dengan reaktor aerasi skala laboratorium menunjukkan optimasi dengan meningkatkan konsentrasi oksigen terlarut mampu menurunkan amonia pada hari ke-0 sebesar 77,4 mg/l dengan efisiensi penurunan hingga 70%, dengan hasil pada hari ke-14 mencapai 21,4 mg/l. Agar amonia pada efluen memenuhi baku mutu, optimasi menggunakan pengolahan tambahan seperti unit klorinasi atau penambahan unit ion exchange, dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu pilihan pengolahan.

Regulation of DKI Jakarta Province Government No. 122 in 2005, concerning treatment of domestic wastewater, has an ammonia discharge limit of 10 mg/l. However, some sewage treatment plants (STP) do not meet this regulation yet, since nitrification process is inhibited when the presence of dissolved oxygen (DO) is in inadequate amount. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of STP in case of the ammonia concentration still higher than the discharge limit and to optimize the DO concentration in aeration tank about 2 to 4 mg/l through a laboratory scale reactor. The evaluation result indicates that hydraulic loading is about 10,7 m3/day which still meets the design criteria, while the organic loading is about 34 g/m3/day. On the other hand, the result from labscale aeration reactor shows the reduction of ammonia from day-0 (77,4 mg/l) up to day-14 (21,4 mg/l) with the efficiency of ammonia removal of 70%. In order for the discharge of ammonia to meet the discharge limit, optimization through additional treatments such as chlorination unit or ion exchange unit can be one of wastewater treatment alternative."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Epifani Satiti
"The purposes of this research are to identify & characterize the wastewater, discharged from a traditional market and also to evaluate its Sewage Treatment Plant performance. Case study is done in Glodok Traditional Market from November until December 2010. Wastewater identification and characterization took place in wet lot, which consist of fish lot, chicken lot, and meat lot. The source of fish lot wastewater are fish washing and rinsing, shrimp shell and squid cleaning, melting ice cube from fish storage, and hand washing from the seller itself; in chicken lot, wastewater is discharge from chicken slaughter; while in meat lot, the wastewater is released from washing cow stomach wall activities (in the making of tripe).
Result of the research in identification showed that the discharge of waste water can be identified using flow rate based on selling volume. Meanwhile, the result of characterization are: Fish lot : pH = 6.153, TSS = 786.667 mg/L, Total N = 123.330, Ammonia = 101.333, Total P = 24.981, BOD = 1109.388, COD = 2037.248, Oil and grease = 1004.5 ; Chicken lot : pH = 5.893, TSS = 666.667 mg/L, Total N = 75.557 mg/L, Ammonia = 54 mg/L, Total P = 16.247 mg/L, BOD = 598.963 mg/L, COD = 1392.304 mg/L, oil and grease = 518 mg/L; Meat lot : pH = 10.553 mg/L, TSS = 460 mg/L, Total N = 32.720 mg/L, Ammonia = 12 mg/L, Total P = 9.43 mg/L, BOD = 100.031 mg/L, COD = 1536.240 mg/L, oil and grease = 668 mg/L.
Result of STP evaluation showed that STP plan which is made based on office and hotel biological loading causing the performance of STP is not optimum. It can be displayed from the value of TSS and oil & grease of the effluent, whose not meet by the quality standard of Kepmenlh 112 tahun 2003. The low performance of STP also can be seen from high amount of ammonia in effluent because the process itself only can remove BOD without followed by nitrification."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meliala, Verenia Sembiring
"Sebagai perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi, CNOOC SES Ltd. memiliki beberapa wilayah kerja, salah satunya adalah Pulau Pabelokan. Pada pulau tersebut berlangsung aktivitas yang menghasilkan air limbah, yaitu aktivitas di dapur, tempat laundry, kamar mandi, dan toilet. Sebelum dialirkan ke badan air terdekat, air limbah tersebut diolah di sewage treatment plant yang terdiri dari beberapa unit, yaitu ash tank, grease trap, aeration tank, abiotech tank, dan activated carbon tank. Unit abiotech tank merupakan unit pengolahan air limbah secara biologis dengan prinsip attached growth reactor. Keberadaan biofilm pada tangki ini memungkinkan terjadinya kombinasi reaksi nitrifikasi-denitrifikasi yang berdampak pada penurunan konsentrasi amonia. Namun, berdasarkan data harian kualitas air limbah STP Pabelokan, setiap hari terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi amonia sebesar rata-rata 20-30% setelah air limbah melalui proses pengolahan di unit abiotech tank. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dapat memicu terjadinya kenaikan konsentrasi amonia tersebut dan memberikan solusi pencegahan. Kegiatan operasional pihak pengelola STP Pabelokan yang diduga dapat menjadi faktor penyebab kenaikan konsentrasi amonia adalah penambahan 0,2 kg nutrisi dan 0,5 kg mikroorganisme ke unit aeration tank. Hasil analisis dampak pemberian nutrisi melalui perhitungan stoikiometri dengan reaksi nitrifikasi membuktikan adanya peningkatan konsentrasi amonia dalam air limbah yang diolah sebesar rata-rata 15-19%. Sedangkan penambahan mikroorganisme berdampak pada peningkatan angka kematian mikroorganisme di unit abiotech tank. Mikroorganisme yang mati berdampak pada peningkatan konsentrasi amonia karena mikroorganisme tersebut terhidrolisis menjadi senyawa-senyawa sederhana, salah satunya amonia. Solusi yang dapat diberikan berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan adalah mengalihkan pemberian nutrisi dan mikroorganisme yang pada awalnya melalui unit aeration tank menjadi langsung ke unit abiotech tank.

As an oil and gas company, CNOOC SES Ltd. has some working areas, one of them is Pabelokan Island. Activities that produce wastewater originate from the kitchen, laundry, bathroom, and toilet. Before dumped into the sea, the wastewater is treated at the sewage treatement plant that consists of several units: ash tank, grease trap, aeration tank, abiotech tank, and activated carbon tank. Abiotech tank is a biological wastewater treatment that adopts attached growth reactor principle. The presence of biofilm in the tank allows the combination of nitrification and denitrification which can reduce the ammonia concentration. However, based on the daily report of wastewater quality, it is known that the increase of ammonia concentration consistently occurs after being processed in abiotech tank, with the increase of around 20-30%. The purposes of this study are to determine the factors that cause the increase of ammonia concentration in treated domestic wastewater at STP Pabelokan and to suggest solutions. It is estimated that the causes of the ammonia increase are the addition of 0,2 kg nutrition and 0,5 kg microorganism to aeration tank. The result of adding nutrition to nitrification reaction (done with stoichiometry calculation) gave evidence that by adding nutrition causes an increase in the concentration of ammonia around 15-19%. Whereas the addititon of microorganism increases the dead rate of microorganism in abiotech unit. The dead microorganisms can trigger an increase of ammonia concentration because their body will be hydrolyzed into several compounds, one of them is ammonia. The solution can be given based on those analysis is to shift the distribution of nutrient and microorganism that initially given to aeration tank, directly to abiotech tank."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurannisa Shaleha
"Kebutuhan air minum di Kota Depok yang semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang juga semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air minum dibutuhkan pengolahan air minum yang bekerja dengan baik serta pengembangan pengolahan air minum itu sendiri. Dalam pengembangan ini memerlukan evaluasi dan pengoptimalan kinerja dari Instalasi Pengolahan Air IPA di Kota Depok, salah satu yang perlu ditinjau adalah IPA Legong yang melayani kebutuhan air minum wilayah Kota Depok bagian Timur.
Evaluasi dilakukan dengan meninjau kualitas dan kuantitas air baku dan air produksi serta kapasitas pengolahan IPA yang digunakan. Langkah pertama yang dilakukan yaitu pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder, observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan diskusi dengan pengelola IPA Legong sistem Kedasih. Kemudian, tahap evaluasi kinerja unit pengolahan dengan menghitung dimensi setiap unit berdasarkan parameter kriteria desain yang tersedia dan membandingkannya. Tahap pengoptimalan kapasitas berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kinerja dengan memberikan solusi alternatif permasalahan.
Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa IPA Legong sistem Kedasih dapat meningkatkan kapasitas pengolahan sebesar 40 dari 300 l/dt menjadi 420 l/dt. Selain itu, hasil analisis penyisihan kualitas air juga menyimpulkan dair beberapa parameter yang diuji masih memenuhi syarat dalam Permenkes 429/2010 serta unit pengolahan IPA Legong masih bekerja dengan baik dan belum terdapat kendala akan melampaui syarat kualitas air minum.

The increasing demand for drinking water in Depok City is growing as the population grows every year. In meeting the needs of drinking water water treatment is required to work well and the development of drinking water itself. In this development and Performance optimization of Water Treatment Plant WTP in Depok City, one of the things to be considered is Legong WTP that serves the drinking water needs of East Depok City.
The evaluation is done by measuring the quality and quantity of air and air production and processing capacity of WTP. The first step is to dig primary and secondary data, interviews and discussions with Legong WTP Kedasih system manager. Then, the evaluation stage of the performance of the processing unit by calculating the unit of each parameter based on the available design parameters and compare them. Stage of capacity based optimization based on results with alternative solutions.
The results showed that Legong WTP system can increase processing capacity by 40 from 300 l dt to 420 l dt. In addition, the results of air quality allowance analysis also influenced some parameters that are still needed in Permenkes 429 2010 and Legong WTP processing unit still work well and no one will meet the drinking water quality requirements.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Anindya
Plaza Great River Indonesia (Plaza GRI) adalah gedung perkantoran
dengan tipe gedung perkantoran komersial mid-rise yang terletak di kawasan bisnis Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan. Pembatasan konsumsi sumber air yang berasal dari pasokan air tanah dan harga air PDAM yang relatif mahal menjadi penyebabnya melakukan efisiensi air dengan menerapkan teknologi daur ulang limbah cair diproses di lokasi objek penelitian. Hasil analisis kualitas limbah seluler STP yang ada dengan sistem pengolahan Lumpur Aktif tipe Aerasi yang Diperpanjang pada 18 April 2012 di laboratorium diperoleh nilai BOD5 sebesar 39,12 mg/L; COD 75,63 mg/L; TSS 22 mg/L; NH3-N 32,92 mg/L; MBAS 0,11 mg/L; Minyak dan Lemak 1.22 mg/L; dan Fecal Coliform dengan nilai lebih dari 1.600 MPN/100 mL. Skor kualitas efluen telah memenuhi baku mutu pengolahan limbah cair berdasarkan Pergub DKI Jakarta No. 122 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, kecuali parameter uji NH3-N. Pemanfaatan air olahan dari proses daur ulang dimaksudkan sebagai pengganti kebutuhan air bersih untuk kegiatan non-potable-urban reuse, meliputi: pembilasan toilet lainnya 66 m3/hari, menara pendingin 48 m3/hari, dan irigasi lanskap 6 m3/hari. Teknologi sistem pemrosesan siklus yang direkomendasikan pengerjaan ulang yang sesuai untuk diterapkan berdasarkan analisis kinerja sistem pengolahan (persentase penyisihan) dan aspek ekonomi (biaya infrastruktur dan operasional /m3) adalah filter karbon aktif (pra-perawatan), osmosis balik, dan Desinfeksi radiasi UV (pasca perawatan), dengan persentase penghapusan total parameter BOD5 94%; COD 95%; TSS 99%; NH3-N 95%;Kekeruhan 96%; dan Fecal Coliform 95% yang mengacu pada pencapaian target kualitas air kelas II berdasarkan PP No. 82 Tahun 2001.
Plaza Great River Indonesia (Plaza GRI) is an office building
with a mid-rise commercial office building type located in the Kuningan business district, South Jakarta. Restrictions on consumption of water sources originating from groundwater supplies and the relatively expensive price of PDAM water are the reasons for carrying out water efficiency by applying the technology of recycling liquid waste processed at the location of the object of research. The results of the analysis of the quality of the existing STP cellular waste with an Extended Aeration-type Active Sludge treatment system on April 18, 2012 in the laboratory obtained a BOD5 value of 39.12 mg/L; COD 75.63 mg/L; TSS 22 mg/L; NH3-N 32.92 mg/L; MBAS 0.11 mg/L; Oils and Fats 1.22 mg/L; and Fecal Coliform with a value of more than 1,600 MPN/100 mL. The score of effluent quality has met the quality standard for wastewater treatment based on Pergub DKI Jakarta No. 122 of 2005 concerning Domestic Wastewater Management in DKI Jakarta Province, except for the NH3-N test parameter. The utilization of treated water from the recycling process is intended to replace the need for clean water for non-potable-urban reuse activities, including: flushing other toilets 66 m3/day, cooling towers 48 m3/day, and landscape irrigation 6 m3/day. The recommended rework cycle processing system technology that is suitable to be applied based on the analysis of treatment system performance (percentage removal) and economic aspects (infrastructure and operational costs /m3) is activated carbon filter (pre-treatment), reverse osmosis, and UV radiation disinfection ( post-treatment), with the percentage of total deletion of parameters BOD5 94%; COD 95%; TSS 99%; NH3-N 95%; Turbidity 96%; and 95% Fecal Coliform which refers to the achievement of class II water quality targets based on PP no. 82 of 2001."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sefni Yenti
"Rumah sakit St. Carolus Jakarta merupakan salah satu rumah sakit dengan predikat pengelola air limbah yang baik. Sistem pengolahan biologis adalah sistem pengolahan air limbah yang diterapkan di Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah di rumah sakit St. Carolus Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian terhadap kualitas effluent IPAL rumah sakit St. Carolus, nilai kadar pencemar yang terkandung pada effluent air limbah telah sesuai dengan baku mutu lingkungan yang ditetapkan oleh Peraturan Gubernur DKI Jakarta No. 122 Thun 2005 Tentang baku mutu limbah cair domestik. Selain itu, efektifitas IPAL rumah sakit St. Carolus tergolong bagus, terlihat dari efisiensi penurunan kadar pencemar untuk setiap parameter antar lain: pH 0,54%, TSS 82,13%, BOD5 94,17%, COD 78,6%, Minyak Lemak 14,43%, Zat Organik KMnO4 91,3%, Senyawa Aktif Methylene Blue 84,35% dan ammonia sebesar 81,42%, yang keseluruhannya diperoleh dari data sekunder dari pihak rumah sakit. Sedangkan berdasarkan analisis laboratorium, efisiensi penurunan kadar pencemar untuk setiap parameter adalah: TSS 95,42%, BOD5 75,66%, COD 73,52%, Minyak Lemak 17,30%, Zat Organik KMnO4 60,43%, Senyawa Aktif Methylene Blue 68,33% dan ammonia sebesar 98%.

St. Carolus Hospital ini Jakarta is one of activity that have good waste water treament. The Biological Treatment is the way that used in this hospital. Based on laboratorium test about effluent quality of this Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), the number of pollutant in outlet of WWTP is suitable with value that permitted by Jakarta's Governor regulation No. 122 /2005 About Domestic Waste Water Quality Limitation that permitted to throw to stream or river. Beside that, the effectiveness of this WWTP is good, seen from the efficiency of pollutant removal for each parameter that found from secondary data from St. Carolus Hospital: pH 0,54%, TSS 82,13%, BOD5 94,17%, COD 78,6%, Minyak LeOil and Fat 14,43%, Organic substance KMnO4 91,3%, Methylene Blue Active Compound 84,35% and ammonia 81,42%. Based on laboratorium analysis, the efficiency of pollutant removal for each parameter are: TSS 95,42%, BOD5 75,66%, COD 73,52%, Oil and Fat 17,30%, Organic Substance KMnO4 60,43%, Methylene Blue Active Compound 68,33% and ammonia 98%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudi Hadisaputra
Air bersih merupakan salah satu kebutuhan mendasar bagi manusia. Saat ini, IPA Pulo Gadung dapat mengolah debit air sebesar 4.200 L/detik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1 mengevaluasi desain unit pengolahan terhadap kriteria desain, 2 mengevaluasi kualitas air baku dan air bersih, 3 mengevaluasi efisiensi kinerja unit pengolahan, serta 4 menentukan debit pengoptimalan. Untuk mengetahui tingkat kinerja kualitas IPA Pulo Gadung, maka dilakukan pengujian kualitas air, yaitu kekeruhan SNI 06-6989.25-2005, E. Coli Most Probable Number, zat organik SNI 06-6989.22-2004, dan COD Standard Methods: 5220 D serta jar test. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui tingkat kinerja kuantitas, maka dilakukan evaluasi desain terhadap kriteria desain dan rancangan pengoptimalan kapasitas. Berdasarkan evaluasi desain, banyak aspek yang tidak memenuhi kriteria desain. Berdasarkan parameter COD, pada PP No. 82 Tahun 2001, air baku yang digunakan IPA Pulo Gadung tergolong dalam air Kelas IV air untuk mengairi pertanaman. Air bersih hasil pengolahan, berdasarkan Permenkes No. 492 Tahun 2010, memiliki beberapa parameter kualitas air yang tidak memenuhi standar tersebut. Unit mixing well efektif dalam menghilangkan E. Coli 47,7, sedimentasi dan filtrasi menghilangkan kekeruhan 93,05 dan 97,32, serta reservoir menghilangkan E. Coli 73,04. Secara keseluruhan, IPA Pulo Gadung dapat menghilangkan kekeruhan sebesar 99,83, E. Coli sebesar 96,39, organik sebesar 40,16, dan COD sebesar 16,57. Dari uji jar test, koagulan optimal untuk air IPA Pulo Gadung adalah koagulan PAC 20 ppm. Dengan mengacu pada kriteria desain, debit optimal masing-masing unit adalah intake sebesar 9,33 m3/detik, saringan kasar 1,09 m3/detik, saringan halus 13,44 m3/detik, grit chamber 4,86 m3/detik, pompa 7,65 m3/detik, mixing well 18,9 m3/detik, flokulasi 3,09 m3/detik, sedimentasi 5,83 m3/detik, filtrasi 12 m3/detik, dan reservoir 16,57 m3/detik. Kesimpulannya adalah kinerja pengelolaan kualitas air IPA Pulo Gadung sudah baik dan kapasitasnya masih dapat ditingkatkan.

Clean water is one of the basic needs for human beings. Currently, IPA Pulo Gadung can treat 4,200 L sec of raw water. The objectives of this study are 1 to evaluate the design of the processing unit based on design criteria, 2 to evaluate the quality of raw and clean water, 3 to evaluate the efficiency of processing unit removal rate, and 4 to determine the flowrate optimization. To determine the removal rate of IPA Pulo Gadung, the water qualities to be tested are turbidity SNI 06 6989.25 2005, E. Coli Most Probable Number, organic matter SNI 06 6989.22 2004, and COD Standard Methods 5220 D and jar test. To determine the level of quantity performance, the unit design was evaluated to design criteria and determined the flowrate optimization. Based on design evaluation, many aspects do not meet the design criteria. Based on COD parameters, in PP No. 82 of 2001, raw water used by IPA Pulo Gadung classified in Class IV water water to irrigate crop. Clean water produced, based on Permenkes No. 492 of 2010, has several water qualities that do not meet the standard. The mixing well unit is effective in removing E. Coli 47.7, sedimentation and filtration removing turbidity 93.05 and 97.32, and reservoir removing E. Coli 73.04. Overall, IPA Pulo Gadung can eliminate with the removal rate of turbidity 99.83, E. Coli 96.39, organic matter 40.16, and COD 16.57. From jar test, optimal coagulant for IPA Pulo Gadung is PAC 20 ppm. With reference to the design criteria, the optimal flowrate of each unit is intake 9.33 m3 sec, coarse screen 1,09 m3 sec, fine screen 13,44 m3 sec, grit chamber 4.86 m3 sec, pumping system 7.65 m3 sec, mixing well 18.9 m3 sec, flocculation 3,09 m3 sec, sedimentation 5.83 m3 sec, filtration 12 m3 sec, and reservoir 16.57 m3 sec. The conclusion is that the performance of water quality removal rate of IPA Pulo Gadung is good and the capacity can still be improved."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atikah Mutia Desiana
"Pertumbuhan lalu lintas udara mendorong PT. Angkasa Pura II melakukan pengembangan berupa grand design Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta. Pengembangan ini berdampak pada peningkatan beban pengolahan air limbah yang masuk ke STP-745. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik air limbah, kinerja STP eksisting, dan proyeksi peningkatan beban air limbah yang masuk ke STP sampai tahun 2030. Debit inlet STP tahun 2013 adalah 7.289 m3/hari dan debit outlet adalah 5.691 m3/hari.
Hasil proyeksi tahun 2030 menunjukkan debit air limbah meningkat sebesar 14.735 m3/hari. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan waktu detensi pada unit grit and grease remover, aerasi dan sedimentasi kondisi ekesisting belum memenuhi kriteria desain. Unit pengolahan STP-745 masih dapat mengolah air limbah sampai tahun 2030. Pada unit aerasi dilakukan penambahan nilai MLSS menjadi 3 kg/m3 dan pada unit sedimentasi rasio QR/Q ditingkatkan menjadi 100 agar kinerja pengolahan lebih optimal. Hasil analisa karakteristik efluen STP menunjukkan kualitas efluen berada di bawah baku mutu pengelolaan air limbah domestik.

The growth of air traffic motivates PT. Angkasa Pura II in doing a grand design in Soekarno Hatta International Airport. The grand design affects the increase of wastewater load that is treated STP 745 Sewage Treatment Plant 745 . This research is aimed to study the characteristic of wastewater, the existing STP performance, and projecting the increase of wastewater load that enters the STP until 2030. STP inlet flow in 2013 was 7.289 m3 day and outlet discharge was 5.691 m3 day.
The projection result until 2030 shows the increase of wastewater discharge is 14.735 m3 day. The result of evaluation shows detention time in grit and grease remover, aeration and sedimentation unit of existing conditions are not matching the design criteria. The existing STP is still capable to treat wastewater until 2030. In the aeration unit, MLSS value is increased to 3 kg m3 and for sedimentation unit, QR Q ratio is increased to 100 in order to optimize STP performance. Result from analyzing the effluent characteristics shows that the effluent quality is still in the range as standardized by domestic wastewater management.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Aisyah Al Anbiya
"Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah PT. Kimia Farma Plant Jakarta mengolah air limbah yang berasal dari kegiatan produksi obat, pencucian, limbah domestik yang menggunakan proses biologis dengan metode anaerob-aerob. Setelah 20 tahun beroperasi, IPAL tidak pernah dicek kesesuaian parameter disain unit pengolahannya sehingga harus dilakukan evaluasi untuk meningkatan efisiensinya. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menghitung parameter-parameter disain pada kondisi eksisting dan membandingkannya dengan kriteria disain padaliteratur.Hasilnya yaitu efisiensi pengolahan keseluruhan penyisihan BOD=91%, COD=88%, TSS=96% dan telah masuk kriteria disain. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa parameter yang tidak masuk rentang kriteria disain diantaranya waktu tinggal dan organic loading (bak anaerob), F/M dan MLSS (bak aerob), overflow rate (bak sedimentasi). Sehingga pada perhitungan keseuaian kondisi rencana IPAL, bak anaerob tidak difungsikan dan dilakukan beberapa kontrol perbaikan agar mencapai nilai kinerja MLSS 4000 mg/L, F/M Ratio 0,076, kebutuhan udara 4195,37 m3/day, overflow rate 8,182 m3/m2.h.

Wastewater Treatment Plant of PT Kimia Farma Jakarta processesinfluent from the units of producingdrugs and washing equipment. It also processes waste water from biological process using anaerobic-aerobic method.After 20 years of operation, WWTP of PT Kimia Farma Plant Jakarta have never checked the suitability of the design parameters and the application in each unit, so that should have been done to improve the efficiency of The WWTP. An evaluation is conducted by calculating the design parameters on existing conditions and comparing it to the design criteria?s literature. The results of the overall processing efficiency in removal BOD were : 91%, COD: 88%, TSS: 96%.Moreover, there are several parameters that are not in the range of design criteria such as residence time and organic loading (unit of anaerobic), the F/M ratio and MLSS (unit of aerobic), overflow rate (unit of sedimentation). So that in the planning process, anaerobic unit was not used. Then, the writer used some improvements to achieve the performance value of MLSS 4000 mg/L, the F/M Ratio 0,076, aeration air demand 4195,37 m3/day, overflow rate 8,182 m2 m3/h.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuki Leonita
"Industri pulp dan kertas merupakan salah satu industri penyumbang air limbah, sehingga diperlukan instalasi pengolahan air limbah. Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) industri pulp dan kertas di PT.RAPP terdiri dari beberapa unit, seperti unitbucket screen, primary clarifier, neutralization basin, cooling tower, aeration basin, dan secondary clarifier. Terjadi peningkatan jumlah produksi maka terjadi peningkatan beban air limbah yang dibuang, sehingga harus dilakukan identifikasi dan evaluasi kinerja sistem dan unit pengolahan. Evaluasi yang dilakukan berdasarkan parameter-parameter kinerja berupa TSS, pH, warna, COD, dan BOD yang akan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu lingkungan, kriteria desain IPAL, serta studi literatur. Selain itu, dilakukan perhitungan terhadap proses kondisi bak aerasi pada kondisi eksisting dan pada kondisi perencanaan.
Dari penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa timbulan limbah cair sebesar 330000 m3/hari, dimana masih memenuhi kriteria desain IPAL sebesar 450000 m3/hari. Karakteristik limbah cair industri pulp dan kertas menunjukkan limbah cair tersebut memiliki pH kondisi basa, yaitu 9,0, sedangkan untuk parameter TSS (566 mg/l), warna (1256 PtCo), COD (741 mg/l) dan BOD (338 mg/l). Konsentrasi effluent secara keseluruhan sudah dibawah baku mutu lingkungan, dengan nilai efisiensi pH sebesar 14%, warna sebesar 70%, TSS sebesar 94%, COD sebesar 78% dan BOD sebesar 96%.

Pulp and paper industry is one of the contributors to the wastewater industry, so that the necessary wastewater treatment plant. Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in the pulp and paper industry PT.RAPP consists of several units, such as units of bucket screen, primary clarifier, neutralization basin, cooling tower, aeration basin and secondary clarifier. Increase the amount of production then increase loads wastewater, so it should be the identification and evaluation of system performance and the processing unit. Evaluation of performance is based on parameters such as TSS, pH, color, COD, and BOD which will be compared with environmental quality standards, design criteria for wastewater treatment, and the study of literature. In addition, the calculation is done on process conditions of the existing conditions of aeration basin and on the conditions of the planning.
From research conducted showed that wastewater generation of 330 000 m3/day, which still meets the design criteria of 450000 m3/day WWTP. Characteristics of wastewater pulp and paper industry showed the effluent pH alkaline conditions, namely 9.0, whereas for the parameters of TSS (566 mg/l), color (1256 PtCo), COD (741 mg/l) and BOD (338 mg/l). Effluent concentration is below the overall environmental quality standards, with a pH value of efficiency by 14%, color by 70%, amounting to 94% of TSS, COD and BOD by 78% at 96%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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