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Regianto Wisnuseputro
"Penggunaan pecahan kaca dalam beton umumnya terbentur oleh reaksi kimia yang dihasilkan antara agregat gelas dan semen yang disebut Alkali-Silicate Reaction (ASR). Belakangan ini sudah ditemukan terobosan-terobosan untuk mengatasi hal itu. Penggunaan pecahan gelas bekas botol sebagai pengganti agregat alami beton untuk aplikasi konstruksi diharapkan mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap sumber agregat kasar alami. Skripsi ini mendalami aplikasi agregat kasar kaca dalam beton struktural dari segi kuat tekan dan kuat lentur serta susut, dengan fokus pada penggunaan limbah botol berwarna hijau. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa keberadaan agregat kasar kaca dalam beton secara umum memperkecil kuat tekan, menambah kuat lentur, dan mengurangi susut beton.

The usage of glass as a concrete aggregate in construction applications may reduce the dependence towards natural aggregate sources despite the presence of Alkali-Silicate Reaction (ASR) long-term effects. This study observes the compressive, flexural, and shrinkage properties of concrete with glass coarse aggregate, focusing in the exclusive usage of green-colored glass by neglecting the short-term effects of Alkali Silicate Reaction. Samples are made with 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 50% of glass coarse aggregate replacement ratios. The results show that generally the increase of glass coarse aggregate presence in concrete decreases the compressive strength, increases the flexural strength and reduces the shrinkage effects of the glass coarse aggregate concrete."
[, ], 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Marastuti
"Saat ini telah terjadi penambangan sumber daya alam bahan baku beton secara berlebihan. Dilihat dari sisi lain, banyak terdapat limbah beton yang hanya menjadi limbah di tempat pembuangannya. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan agregat kasar daur ulang sebagai agregat pada beton. Komposisi benda uji terdiri dari 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60% agregat kasar daur ulang dari limbah beton mutu K350-K400. Pengujian meliputi, yaitu pengujian kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan susut pada beton. Kuat tekan dan kuat lentur beton dengan komposisi 20% agregat kasar daur ulang meningkat 14,961% dan 12,5% dari kuat beton normal pada umur 28 hari. Susut beton dengan komposisi 60% agregat kasar daur ulang mempunyai nilai susut tertinggi dibandingkan dengan campuran lainnya.

Nowadays, there is a natural resource mining of concrete forming materials excessively. On the other hand, there are a lot of concrete waste in concrete waste dumps. This study will use recycled coarse aggregate as aggregate in concrete. The composition of the test object consisting of 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60% recycled coarse aggregate from concrete waste K350-K400. Testing includes, compressive strength test, flexural strength, and shrinkage in concrete. Compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete with 20% recycled coarse aggregate increased by 14.961% and 12.5% of the normal concrete at 28 days. Shrinkage of concrete with a composition of 60% recycled coarse aggregate has the highest shrinkage value compared to other mixtures."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Derrie Nabilaputra
"In the construction world, concrete is still the main choice because of good economic value, as well as a variety of advantages. As one of the primary material in the construction world, concrete has always been developed in order to achieve improvement. Nearly all the material used for the manufacture of concrete using materials from nature so that with the use of concrete, the many large-scale mining occurred on natural rocks as concrete forming materials. This causes the least capacity provided by nature. Based on the results of an experimental study, recycled aggregate mortar containing 25% to 45% for coarse aggregate, and 70% to 100% for fine aggregate. From the explanation of it, arising out of research on the use of recycled aggregates instead of natural aggregate in concrete production. In this study, the waste concrete is concrete that is used with the K300-K350 quality crushed into aggregate recycling. The study was conducted on compressive strength, flexural strength, and shrinkage of the concrete. Compressive strength is reviewed at the age of 7 to 56 days, whereas for flexural strength at 28 and 56 days. For the composition of recycled aggregate is set at 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60%. Results of the testing showed that concrete with recycled coarse aggregate 20% has the highest compressive strength value, which is an increase of 22.67% from the normal concrete compressive strength at 28 days. The results of flexural strength testing, concrete with recycled coarse aggregate composition of 20% and 40% had the highest flexural strength values, ie an increase of 2.1807% of the flexural strength of normal concrete at 28 days. For shrinkage testing, concrete with recycled coarse aggregate content of 60% has the highest shrinkage rate when compared with the composition of the mixture of other aggregate.

Dalam dunia konstruksi, beton masih menjadi pilihan utama karena nilai ekonomisnya yang baik, serta berbagai keuntungan. Sebagai salah satu material utama dalam dunia konstruksi, beton selalu dikembangkan demi mencapai peningkatan. Hampir semua material yang digunakan untuk pembuatan beton menggunakan material dari alam sehingga dengan penggunaan beton yang banyak maka terjadi penambangan besar-besaran terhadap batuan alam sebagai bahan pembentuk beton. Hal ini menyebabkan semakin sedikitnya kapasitas yang disediakan oleh alam. Berdasarkan hasil studi eksperimental, agregat daur ulang mengandung mortar sebesar 25% hingga 45% untuk agregat kasar, dan 70% hingga 100% untuk agregat halus. Dari penjabaran itu, timbul penelitian mengenai penggunaan agregat daur ulang sebagai pengganti agregat alam pada pembuatan beton. Dalam penelitian ini, limbah beton yang digunakan adalah beton dengan mutu K300-K350 yang dihancurkan menjadi agregat daur ulang. Penelitian dilakukan pada kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan susut pada beton. Kuat tekan ditinjau pada umur 7 hingga 56 hari, sedangkan untuk kuat lentur pada 28 dan 56 hari. Untuk komposisi agregat daur ulang ditetapkan sebesar 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60%. Hasil dari pengujian didapatkan bahwa beton dengan agregat kasar daur ulang 20% mempunyai nilai kuat tekan tertinggi, yaitu meningkat sebesar 22,67% dari kuat tekan beton normal pada umur 28 hari. Hasil pengujian kuat lentur, beton dengan komposisi agregat kasar daur ulang 20% dan 40% memiliki nilai kuat lentur tertinggi, yaitu meningkat sebesar 2,1807% dari kuat lentur beton normal pada umur 28 hari. Untuk pengujian susut, beton dengan kandungan agregat kasar daur ulang 60% memiliki nilai susut tertinggi apabila dibandingkan dengan komposisi campuran agregat lainnya."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramadi Nuzul
"Menurut sebuah studi oleh “World Business Council for Sustainable Developmet”, diungkapkan bahwa hampir 3 ton beton digunakan untuk setiap manusia di bumi ini. Beton daur ulang memberikan kelebihan preservasi alam terhadap keberadaan material alam yang akan habis jika digunakan terus menerus. Komponen agregat daur ulang ini salah satunya adalah agregat kasar yang berasal dari sisa-sisa beton kontruksi bangunan yang tidak terpakai, dan juga sisa pengujian material laboratorium. Akan tetapi, di Indonesia masih belum banyak penelitian tentang beton daur ulang ini, terdapat perbedaan antara jenis semen yang digunakan di dimana terdapat perbedaan jenis semen yang digunakan antara di luar negeri dan Indonesia. Indonesia menggunakan PCC (Portland Composite Concrete). Selain perbedaan dalam hal penggunaan material, juga tidak terdapat pengontrolan kualitas dari agregat kasar daur ulang. Dengan diberlakukannya pengontrolan mutu didapatkan peningkatan mutu tekan dari beton daur ulang yang dihasilkan sebesar 117.46% pada komposisi 20%, demikian pula untuk pengujian lentur dapat menghasilkan lentur pada komposisi 40% sebesar 1,34%. Akan tetapi, untuk pengujian susut didapat nilai presentase susut yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan beton dengan kadar daur ulang 0%.

According to a study by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, it reveals that nearly 3 tons of concrete has been used for every human being on this earth. Concrete that’s derived from recycled material, and it provides the advantages of natural preservation of the existence of natural materials that will be depleted if used continuously. The recycled aggregate components, one of which is coarse aggregate derived from the remnants of concrete construction of unused buildings, and also the rest of the material tested from a laboratory.. However, in Indonesia there is still not much research on recycled concrete, where there is a difference between the type of cement used abroad and in Indonesia where we use PCC (Portland Composite Concrete). In addition to the differences in the use of materials, there is also no quality control of the recycled coarse aggregate recycling. With the obtained quality control applied, the quality of recycled concrete press can be generated at 117.46% at the 20% composition. Testing flexural bending can result in a composition of 40% at 1.34%. Nevertheless, for testing shrinkage percentage, shrinkage values have ​​obtained greater percentage than the concrete with recycled content at 0%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heidi Duma
"Pada saat ini beton siap pakai (ready mix) sedang marak digunakan untuk membuat konstruksi bangunan, namun pada penerapannya sering terjadi kelebihan supply dan sisanya terkadang dibuang di sembarang tempat, sehingga dapat mengurangi kesuburan tanah dan merusak keseimbangan ekosistem. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasinya adalah mendaur ulang limbah beton. Namun, pemanfaatan limbah sebagai agregat daur ulang tersebut perlu dikaji lebih mendalam, dengan melakukan pengujian secara eksperimental dan analisis terhadap karakteristik yang dimiliki. Metoda dan prosedur pelaksanaan pengujian agregat daur ulang tersebut dilakukan dengan mengacu pada standar ASTM.
Beton dibuat dengan agregat alam maupun campuran antara agregat alam dan agregat daur ulang dengan komposisi tertentu. Kekuatan beton yang akan dipakai adalah 25 MPa. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian terhadap kuat lentur pada umur 28 hari dan susut selama 56 hari.
Berdasarkan hasil studi eksperimental, agregat daur ulang mengandung mortar. Kandungan mortar tersebut mengakibatkan absorpsi agregat menjadi lebih besar, lebih poros atau berpori, sehingga kekerasannya berkurang. Beberapa perbedaan kualitas, sifat-sifat fisik dan kimia agregat daur ulang tersebut menyebabkan perbedaan sifat-sifat material beton yang dihasilkan.
Persentase penurunan kuat lentur beton agregat daur ulang dengan komposisi 25 % agregat kasar daur ulang dan 0 % agregat halus daur ulang adalah 1.26 %, sedangkan beton agregat daur ulang dengan komposisi 0 % agregat kasar daur ulang dan 25 % agregat halus daur ulang adalah 6.33 %. Ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan agregat kasar daur ulang dengan persentase 25 % lebih baik dari pada penggunaan agregat halus daur ulang dengan persentase 25 % untuk pengujian kuat lentur beton. Pada pengujian susut, nilai persentase pertambahan susut beton agregat daur ulang dengan komposisi 0 % agregat kasar daur ulang dan 25 % agregat halus daur ulang adalah 10.53 %, sedangkan dengan komposisi 25 % agregat kasar daur ulang dan 0 % agregat halus daur ulang adalah 5.26%. Ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan agregat kasar daur ulang dengan persentase 25 % lebih baik dari pada penggunaan agregat halus daur ulang dengan persentase 25 % untuk pengujian susut.

Now ready mix is very well known to make construction of building, but the usage often more supply that throw in anywhere, so it will decrease the fertilizer of soil and destroy the ecosystem. To against that, the solution is to recycled aggregate. We need research chemical properties of the materials and then to be analyzed to understand the difference between natural and recycled aggregates. The method and procedure for testing of the recycled aggregate materials are in accordance with the ASTM standard.
Concretes are made from normal aggregate and mix both normal and recycled aggregate. Concrete strength is 25 MPa. After that, test of flexural strength in 28th day old and shrinkage during 56 days.
Based on the experimental works, recycled aggregates contain mortar. The existence of mortar content in recycled aggregates affects to the accretion of absorption of aggregate, more porous, less hardness. Some of the difference of qualities, physical and chemical properties of recycled aggregates cause the difference of properties of the resulted concrete materials. The difference properties consist of the reduction of flexural strength and increase of shrinkage.
The reduction of percentage recycled aggregate concrete of composition 25 % coarse recycled aggregate and 0 % fine recycled aggregate was 1.26 %, while recycled aggregate concrete of composition 0 % coarse recycled aggregate and 25 % fine recycled aggregate was 6.33 %. This indicate that usage recycled coarse aggregate was prefer than recycled fine aggregate for flexural strength. For shrinkage, percentage accretion value of composition 0 % coarse recycled aggregate and 25 % fine recycled aggregate was 10.53 %, while 25 % coarse recycled aggregate with 0 % fine recycled aggregate was 5.26%. This indicate that usage of coarse aggregate of recycle with percentage 25 % was better the than usage of fine aggregate of recycle with percentage 25 % for the examination of length change.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
R.01.08.21 Dum s
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reynanda Adrian Namara
"Dewasa ini banyaknya kebutuhan akan material beton telah memicu pemakaian sumber daya alam secara besar-besaran. Penggunaan beton pada industri konstruksi menghasilkan beton sisa atau limbah beton yang dapat merusak ekosistem tanah jika dibiarkan menumpuk. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan agregat halus daur ulang dan komposisi agregat kasar daur ulang sebesar 40%, dimana agregat tersebut berasal dari penghancuran limbah beton. Komposisi benda uji terdiri dari 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60% agregat halus daur ulang dari limbah beton mutu K350-K400. Pengujian meliputi, yaitu pengujian kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan susut pada beton. Kuat tekan beton dengan komposisi 40% agregat halus daur ulang meningkat 3,9% dan mengalami penurunan kuat lentur sebesar 7,6% dari kuat tekan dan kuat lentur beton normal pada umur 28 hari. Susut beton dengan komposisi 60% agregat kasar daur ulang mempunyai nilai susut tertinggi dibandingkan dengan campuran lainnya.

Nowadays, a huge mining activity of concrete forming maaterials been developed due to constructions in Indonesia. On the other hand, use of concrete in every sector of constructions produce a concrete waste, which will damage soil environment if it?s abandoned. This study will use recycled fine aggregate as aggregate in concrete and 40% recycled coarse aggregate. The composition of the test object consisting of 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60% recycled fine aggregate from concrete waste K350-K400. Testing includes, compressive strength test, flexural strength, and shrinkage in concrete. Compressive strength of concrete with 40% recycled fine aggregate increased by 3,9% and decreased by 7,6% for its flexural strength compared with compressive strength and flexural strength of the normal concrete at 28 days. Shrinkage of concrete with a composition of 60% recycled coarse aggregate has the highest shrinkage value compared to other mixtures."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fira Riza Aulia
"Penggunaan sumber daya alam sebagai pembuat beton semakin meningkat belakangan ini sehingga menambah jumlah limbah beton. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan agregat kasar dan agregat halus daur ulang sebagai agregat pada beton. Komposisi benda uji terdiri dari 40% agregat kasar daur ulang dan 0%, 20%, 40% dan 60% agregat halus daur ulang dari limbah beton mutu K350-K400. Pengujian meliputi pengujian kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan susut pada beton. Kuat tekan beton pada komposisi 20% agregat halus daur ulang meningkat 5,18% dari beton normal pada umur 28 hari. Kuat lentur beton dengan komposisi agregat halus daur ulang 20% memiliki nilai yang paling tinggi dibandingkan komposisi lainnya. Susut beton dengan komposisi 60% agregat halus daur ulang mempunyai nilai susut tertinggi dibandingkan dengan komposisi lainnya.

The using of natural resources to make concrete is increase nowadays that can gain the concrete waste. This study will use fine and coarse recycle aggregate as aggregate as aggregate in concrete. The composition of the test object consisting of 40% coarse recycle aggregate and 0%, 20% 40%, and 60% fine recycle aggregate from concrete waste K350-K400. Testing includes, compressive strength test, flexural strength, and shrinkage in concrete. The purpose of this study is to know the influence of coarse and fine recycle aggregate to compressive strength, flexural strength, and shrinkage in concrete and the optimum composition of the fine recycle aggregate to be used. Compressive strength of concrete with 20% recycled fine aggregate increased by 5,18% of the normal concrete at 28 days. Flexural strength of concrete with 20% recycled fine aggregate has the highest value than other composition. Shrinkage of concrete with 60% recycled fine aggregate has the highest shrinkage value compared to other composition."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Amalia Hidayah
"Hampir semua material yang digunakan untuk pembuatan beton menggunakan bahan dari alam menyebabkan berkurangnya sumber daya alam yang ada. Dilihat dari sisi lain, banyak terdapat limbah beton yang hanya menjadi limbah di tempat pembuangannya. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan agregat halus daur ulang sebagai agregat pada beton. Komposisi benda uji terdiri dari 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60% agregat halus daur ulang dari limbah beton mutu K350-K400 menggunakan bahan tambah superplasticizer Glenium C-316. Pengujian meliputi, yaitu pengujian kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan susut pada beton. Kuat tekan beton dengan komposisi 20% agregat halus daur ulang meningkat dari kuat beton normal pada umur 7, 21 dan 28 hari. Tegangan lentur beton dengan komposisi 20% agregat halus daur ulang mengalami penurunan sebesar 8.54% dari beton normal. Susut beton dengan komposisi 60% agregat kasar daur ulang mempunyai nilai susut tertinggi dibandingkan dengan campuran lainnya.

Almost all of the materials used for the manufacture of concrete using materials from nature, causes natural resources that exist decrease. Besides, there are a lot of concrete waste at a waste disposal. This study will use recycled fine aggregate in concrete. Composition of the test object consists of 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60% of fine recycled aggregate from waste concrete K350-K400 with addition superplasticizer Glenium C-316. Testing includes, compressive strength test, flexural strength, and shrinkage in concrete. Compressive strength of concrete with a composition of 20% recycled fine aggregate increase compared to normal concrete at the age of 7, 21 and 28 days. Flexure strength of concrete with a composition of 20% recycled fine aggregate decreased by 8.54% compared to normal concrete. Shrinkage of concrete with a composition of 60% recycled coarse aggregate has the highest shrinkage values compared to other mixtures."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hestia Hartini Novitasari
Kaca merupakan sumber silika amorphous yang baik serta memiliki komposisi kimia dan reaktivitas yang tepat untuk melakukan reaksi Pozzolan. Sehingga muncul lah ide untuk menggunakan kaca sebagai agregat kasar pada beton. Pada penelitian ini, sampel yang dibuat adalah dua jenis beton, yaitu Portland dan Geopolimer dengan variasi substitusi kaca sebanyak 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji tekan dan pengamatan foto makro. Komposisi beton, sejarah perlakuan, dan suhu curing memberi pengaruh signifikan pada nilai kuat tekan yang dihasilkan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah beton Portland dan beton geopolimer dengan substitusi kaca sebesar 50% memiliki kuat tekan tertinggi, dan pasta geopolimer dapat melekat pada kaca namun pasta semen tidak.
Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not., Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azfar Fauzi Akbar
"Banyaknya jumlah penggunaan beton dalam konstruksi mengakibatkan peningkatan kebutuhan material penyusunnya. Inovasi material diperlukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan ketersediaan bahan penyusun beton. Penelitian ini menggunakan agregat halus daur ulang yang berasal dari limbah beton padat dengan mutu K350-K400 dan divariasikan sebesesar 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60% dan ditambahkan dengan admixture Conplast SP 337. Pengujian meliputi kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan susut. Beton dengan campuran agregat halus daur ulang sebanyak 20% memiliki kuat tekan lebih tinggi 6,04 % dibandingkan dengan beton normal. Kuat lentur optimum dimiliki oleh beton dengan 20% agregat halus daur ulang, namun masih lebih rendah 6% dibandingkan dengan beton normal. Susut beton dengan komposisi 60% mempunyai nilai susut tertinggi dibandingkan dengan campuran lainnya.

A heavy use of concrete in construction caused an increased need for component material. So that, material innovation is needed to overcome the availability of concrete constituents. This study will use recycled fine aggregates from K350-K400 concrete waste and varied at 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60% and added with Conplast SP 37. Tests including compressive strength, flexural strength, and shrinkage. Concrete with 20% recycled fine aggregat resulted 6,04% higher compressive strength compared with normal concrete. Optimum flexural strength produced by 20% recycled fine aggregate concrete, but still 6 % lower than normal concrete. Shrinkage of concrete with 60% composition of recycled fine aggregate has the highest shrinkage values compared with other mixtures."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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