ABSTRAKKode Etik Filantropi Media Massa adalah produk baru yang dihasilkan atas
insiatif pengelola filantropi media massa di Indonesia pada 11 Januari 2013.
Tujuannya untuk menjaga transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana publik
dan juga sebagai dinding api fungsi jurnalistik dan fungsi filantropi di media
massa. Tesis ini meneliti bagaimana pelaksanaan Kode Etik Filantropi Media
Massa di dua media televisi yang melakukan kegiatan filantropi sebagai bagian
dari tanggungjawab sosial media massa. Teori Social Responsiblities Media
Massa dan Corporate Philantrophy menjadi teori yang peneliti gunakan dalam
menelaah mengenai Kode Etik Filantropi Media Massa ini. Hasil penelitiannya,
menunjukkan pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip kode etik filantropi media massa belum
efektif, karena belum adanya konsepsi yang sama mengenai tanggungjawab sosial
dan filantropi media massa.
ABSTRACTMass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics published as the initiative of Indonesia
mass media philantrophy manager on January 11, 2013. The code of ethics had
goal to maintain mass media transparency and accountability as well as firewall
between philanthropy functions and journalism functions. This thesis examines
the implementations of Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics in two private
television that doing mass media philanthropy as a part of their social
responsibilities. Mass Media Social Responsibilities Theory and Corporate
Philanthropy is two of theories that used to review of implementations Mass
Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics. The result showing to us, implementation of
the principles of mass media philantrophy code of ethics has not been effective,
because there?s a lack of conception in mass media philantrophy managers about
mass media social responsibilities and mass media philantrophy.;Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics published as the initiative of Indonesia
mass media philantrophy manager on January 11, 2013. The code of ethics had
goal to maintain mass media transparency and accountability as well as firewall
between philanthropy functions and journalism functions. This thesis examines
the implementations of Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics in two private
television that doing mass media philanthropy as a part of their social
responsibilities. Mass Media Social Responsibilities Theory and Corporate
Philanthropy is two of theories that used to review of implementations Mass
Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics. The result showing to us, implementation of
the principles of mass media philantrophy code of ethics has not been effective,
because there’s a lack of conception in mass media philantrophy managers about
mass media social responsibilities and mass media philantrophy., Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics published as the initiative of Indonesia
mass media philantrophy manager on January 11, 2013. The code of ethics had
goal to maintain mass media transparency and accountability as well as firewall
between philanthropy functions and journalism functions. This thesis examines
the implementations of Mass Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics in two private
television that doing mass media philanthropy as a part of their social
responsibilities. Mass Media Social Responsibilities Theory and Corporate
Philanthropy is two of theories that used to review of implementations Mass
Media Philantrophy Code of Ethics. The result showing to us, implementation of
the principles of mass media philantrophy code of ethics has not been effective,
because there’s a lack of conception in mass media philantrophy managers about
mass media social responsibilities and mass media philantrophy.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014