Ditemukan 49852 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Maman Kartaman Ajiriyanto
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi pelumasan terhadap mampu bentuk lembaran kuningan perforasi heksagonal dan membandingkan kekuatan mekanis dan sifat mampu bentuk kuningan perforasi dengan tanpa perforasi. Dimana sifat mampu bentuk dipengaruhi oleh nilai LDR proses deep drawing dan nilai kedalaman stretching dan distribusi regangan proses stretching."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Kwe Kosasih
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Bimo Pratomo
"Minyak pelumas Mesran Super SAE 20W/50 yang telah dipakai akan mengalami berbagai proses dan kontak dengan material yang lain. Dengan demikian setelah mencapai periode pemakaian tertentu minyak pelumas akan mengalami pembahan nilai-nilai spesifikasinya. Dalam hal ini pengamatan dilakukan terhadap penurunan kekentalan (viskositas) minyak pelumas Mesran Super SAE 20W/50, yang telah dipakai selama 0 km, 1000 km, 2000 km dan 3000 km. Akibat penurunan viskositas ini terjadi tendensi/kecenderungan perubahan daerah pelumasan dari pelumasan hidrodinamika (hydrocivnamic Iubricalion) ke pelumasan batas (boundary lubrication) pada celah antara poros dan bantalan. Terjadi keausan pada permukaan poros pada putaran rendah Pengamatan keausan ini dilakukan dengan mengamati perubahan kekasaran permukaan pada permukaan poros, foto permukaan poros, dan rnelakukan uji laju keausan yang terlumasi pada kecepatan rendah. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bertambahnya laju keausan sesuai dengan berlambahnya umur pakai pelumas."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berkembangnya dunia industri otomotif saat ini menuntut industri manufaktur untuk dapat membuat produk secara efektif dan efisien tanpa mengalami kegagalan dalam proses manufaktur tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan koefisien pengerasan regangan (n) dan pengaruhnya serta pengaruh kecepatan pons dan aplikasi lubrikasi terhadap kurva batas bentuk dari lembaran baja canai dingin SPCC dengan tebal 0.8mm. Perhitungan nilai koefisien pengerasan regang ditentukan melalui uji tarik dengan standar ASTM E 646, sementara konstruksi kurva batas bentuk ditentukan dengan menghitung regangan mayor dan minor pada lingkaran yang telah terdistorsi melalui pengujian peregangan berdasarkan ISO 12004-2. Dari pengujian ini didapatkan bahwa semakin besar koefisien pengerasan regang suatu material, maka kemampuan bentuknya pun semakin meningkat. Selain itu, didapatkan juga bahwa kecepatan pons yang semakin tinggi akan menurunkan kemampuan bentuk suatu material, serta aplikasi lubrikasi yang menunjukkan pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap kurva batas bentuk yang didapat.
The development of the automotive industry today requires the manufacturing industry to make products effectively and efficiently without experiencing failure in the manufacturing process. This study aims to determine the coefficient of strain hardening (n) and its effect as well as the effect of punching speed and lubrication application on the forming limit curve of SPCC cold rolled steel sheet with a thickness of 0.8mm. The calculation of the value of the strain hardening coefficient was determined by means of a tensile test with the ASTM E 646 standard, while the construction of the forming limit curve was determined by calculating the major and minor strains on the distorted circle through a stretch test based on ISO 12004-2. From this test, it was found that the greater the coefficient of strain hardening of a material, the greater its formability. In addition, it was also found that the higher the punch speed will reduce the formability of a material, as well as the application of lubrication which shows an insignificant effect on the forming limit curve obtained."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisna R. Hidayat
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Baginda M.S.
"Pemahaman tentang mutu pelumas dan pelumasan menjadi penting karena dapat menghindari digunakannya pelumas berrnutu rendah yang dapat menurunkan umur teknis mesin. Setiap pelumas yang dipasarkan kebanyakan sudah ditambahkan aditif tertentu sesuai dengan komposisi yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan produsen minyak pelumas tersebut, sehingga diharapkan minyak pelumas tersebut dapat memenuhi kondisi operasi mesin-mesin yang selalu berkembang. Namun, kenyataannya di pasaran dijual bermacam-rnacam merek aditif improves atau treatment minyak pelumas. Pada penelitian ini penulis ingin mengetahui pengaruh penambahan aditif improver STP oil yang ditambahkan pada minyak pelumas Meditran S40. Proses pengujian dilakukan dengan dua pengujian yaim pengujian kelahanan oksidasi dan pengujian keausan.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, menunjukan bahwa pada pengujian ketahanan oksidasi, perubahan viskositas minyak pelumas. Meditran S40 yang telah ditambahkan dengan aditif STP oil mengalami perubahan viskositas yang lebih kecil (26%) dibandingkan dengan perubahan viskositas pada base oil (326%) dan perubahan viskositas pada Medinan S40 tanpa penambahan aditif STP oil (45%) Sedangkan untuk nilai TBN perubahan nilai TBN minyak pelumas Meditran S40 yang telah ditambahkan dengan aditif STP oil mengalami perubahan sebesar 15%, perubahan nilai TBN pada base oil 54% dan perubahan nilai TBN pada Meditran S40 tanpa penambahan aditif STP oil sebesar 4%. Untuk uji keausan menunjukan bahwa base oil memiliki nilai keausan yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan Meditran S40 dan Meditran S40 yang telah ditambahkan dengan STP oil."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Farhan Ramadhan
"Friksi yang tidak dikendalikan pada mesin dapat mengakibatkan keausan yang tinggi, menyebabkan maintenance yang sering, dan membuat umur pendek serta memiliki efisiensi energi yang rendah. Lubrikasi merupakan solusi untuk masalah ini dengan membentuk lapisan pelumas yang mencegah kontak langsung antara permukaan material, mengurangi gesekan dan keausan pada mesin. Material nanopartikel timah oksida dan graphene digunakan sebagai aditif pada lubrikan PAO karena masing-masing material sudah menunjukkan performa yang baik dalam menurunkan coefficient of friction (COF) dan wear scar dimension (WSD) pada minyak PAO. Selain itu usaha pemanfaatan SnO2 dilakukan guna memaksimalkan hilirasi tambang dan industri timah dengan usaha pengolahan limbah solder dross. Sintesis SnOâ dilakukan dari limbah solder dross menggunakan metode leaching dengan asam nitrat berkonsentrasi 68%. Hasil sintesis menunjukkan kemurnian SnOâ sebesar 98.4%. Karakterisasi XRD mengindikasikan fase kristal rutile dengan ukuran kristal sekitar 21.7 nm. SEM-EDS mengungkapkan partikel SnOâ berukuran rata-rata 198.5 nm² yang cenderung beraglomerasi. Graphene yang digunakan menunjukkan kemurnian tinggi dengan kandungan karbon 99.4% berdasarkan berat. Pengujian HFRR dilakukan untuk menilai kinerja tribologi dari berbagai sampel pelumas. Penambahan 0.05 wt% graphene dan variasi konsentrasi SnOâ (1 wt%, 3 wt%, dan 5 wt%) secara signifikan menurunkan COF dan WSD dibandingkan dengan PAO murni. Penambahan 1 wt% SnOâ dan 0.05 wt% graphene memberikan hasil paling optimal dengan penurunan COF sebesar 44.59% dan WSD sebesar 71.53% dibandingkan PAO murni.
Uncontrolled friction in machinery can lead to high wear, frequent maintenance, short lifespan, and low energy efficiency. Lubrication addresses these issues by forming a lubricating layer that prevents direct contact between material surfaces, reducing friction and wear. Tin oxide nanoparticles and graphene are used as additives in PAO lubricants due to their proven performance in reducing the coefficient of friction (COF) and wear scar dimension (WSD) in PAO oil. Additionally, the utilization of SnOâ aims to optimize downstream mining and the tin industry by processing solder dross waste. SnOâ was synthesized from solder dross waste using a leaching method with 68% nitric acid. The synthesis resulted in SnOâ with a purity of 98.4%. XRD characterization indicated a rutile crystal phase with a crystal size of approximately 21.7 nm. SEM-EDS revealed SnOâ particles with an average size of 198.5 nm², which tended to agglomerate. The graphene used exhibited high purity with a carbon content of 99.4% by weight. HFRR testing was conducted to evaluate the tribological performance of various lubricant samples. The addition of 0.05 wt% graphene and varying concentrations of SnOâ (1 wt%, 3 wt%, and 5 wt%) significantly reduced COF and WSD compared to pure PAO. The optimal results were achieved with the addition of 1 wt% SnOâ and 0.05 wt% graphene, resulting in a 44.59% reduction in COF and a 71.53% reduction in WSD compared to pure PAO."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Hanifuddin
ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas pengaruh penambahan aditif pemodifikasi gesekan serbuk MoS2 ukuran 1 5 m dengan jumlah mulai 0 05 0 1 0 5 1 dan 2 berat dan ukuran 90 nm sebesar 0 05 0 1 0 5 pada minyak lumas dasar mineral HVI 60 terhadap karakteristik gesekan dan perlindungan keausannya Aditif ukuran 90 nm dan minyak lumas dasar dicampur dan diaduk menggunakan magnetik stirrer selama enam puluh menit pada suhu 50oC setelah itu dimasukkan ke dalam ultrasonic homogenizer selama satu jam sedangkan aditif ukuran 1 5 m pada suhu 75oC tanpa menggunakan ultrasonic homogenizer Campuran yang dihasilkan diuji karakteristik gesekan dan perlindungan keausannya menggunakan mesin uji four ball dan mesin uji SRV Analisis dilakukan pada material bola uji menggunakan optical emission spectroscopy OES goresan permukaan bola uji menggunakan scanning electron microscope SEM dan minyak lumas sisa pengujian dengan alat uji rotating disk electrode RDE Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan aditif meningkatkan perlindungan keausan dengan dosis optimal sebesar 0 1 berat dengan rincian ukuran 1 5 m perbaikannya sebesar 23 dan ukuran 90 nm sebesar 11 Pengamatan permukaan goresan menunjukkan mekanisme keausan terjadi secara adesif dan abrasif Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini bisa digunakan sebagai dasar dalam pembuatan minyak lumas untuk aplikasi tertentu dengan mutu yang lebih baik
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the influence of MoS2 friction modifier FM addition in the form of powder with two different mesh sizes i e 90 nm and 1 5 um on the friction and wear characteristic of HVI 60 base oil The variation of MoS2 were 0 05 0 1 0 5 weight whereas MoS2 1 5 um were 0 05 0 1 0 5 1 and 2 weight MoS2 additive 90 nm was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 50oC and homogenized in ultrasonic homogenizer for 1 hour For the MoS2 1 5 um the additive was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 75oC without using ultrasonic homogenizer Friction and wear characteristic of these mixtures were tested using four ball and SRV test rig Ball specimen surfaces were analyzed by using optical emission spectroscopy OES the wear scars were analyzed by using scanning electron microscope SEM while used mixtures from the test were analyzed by using rotating disk electrode RDE The results of the tests showed that the addition of 0 1 weight MoS2 additive both in 90 nm and 1 5 um resulted in an optimum increase in friction and wear characteristic of 23 and 11 respectively Observation on the wear scar showed that adhesive and abrasive wear mechanism were involved in the wear process The results of this research could be applied in production of lubricating oils for certain applications to improve their quality ;This thesis discusses the influence of MoS2 friction modifier FM addition in the form of powder with two different mesh sizes i e 90 nm and 1 5 um on the friction and wear characteristic of HVI 60 base oil The variation of MoS2 were 0 05 0 1 0 5 weight whereas MoS2 1 5 um were 0 05 0 1 0 5 1 and 2 weight MoS2 additive 90 nm was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 50oC and homogenized in ultrasonic homogenizer for 1 hour For the MoS2 1 5 um the additive was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 75oC without using ultrasonic homogenizer Friction and wear characteristic of these mixtures were tested using four ball and SRV test rig Ball specimen surfaces were analyzed by using optical emission spectroscopy OES the wear scars were analyzed by using scanning electron microscope SEM while used mixtures from the test were analyzed by using rotating disk electrode RDE The results of the tests showed that the addition of 0 1 weight MoS2 additive both in 90 nm and 1 5 um resulted in an optimum increase in friction and wear characteristic of 23 and 11 respectively Observation on the wear scar showed that adhesive and abrasive wear mechanism were involved in the wear process The results of this research could be applied in production of lubricating oils for certain applications to improve their quality ;This thesis discusses the influence of MoS2 friction modifier FM addition in the form of powder with two different mesh sizes i e 90 nm and 1 5 um on the friction and wear characteristic of HVI 60 base oil The variation of MoS2 were 0 05 0 1 0 5 weight whereas MoS2 1 5 um were 0 05 0 1 0 5 1 and 2 weight MoS2 additive 90 nm was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 50oC and homogenized in ultrasonic homogenizer for 1 hour For the MoS2 1 5 um the additive was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 75oC without using ultrasonic homogenizer Friction and wear characteristic of these mixtures were tested using four ball and SRV test rig Ball specimen surfaces were analyzed by using optical emission spectroscopy OES the wear scars were analyzed by using scanning electron microscope SEM while used mixtures from the test were analyzed by using rotating disk electrode RDE The results of the tests showed that the addition of 0 1 weight MoS2 additive both in 90 nm and 1 5 um resulted in an optimum increase in friction and wear characteristic of 23 and 11 respectively Observation on the wear scar showed that adhesive and abrasive wear mechanism were involved in the wear process The results of this research could be applied in production of lubricating oils for certain applications to improve their quality ;This thesis discusses the influence of MoS2 friction modifier FM addition in the form of powder with two different mesh sizes i e 90 nm and 1 5 um on the friction and wear characteristic of HVI 60 base oil The variation of MoS2 were 0 05 0 1 0 5 weight whereas MoS2 1 5 um were 0 05 0 1 0 5 1 and 2 weight MoS2 additive 90 nm was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 50oC and homogenized in ultrasonic homogenizer for 1 hour For the MoS2 1 5 um the additive was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 75oC without using ultrasonic homogenizer Friction and wear characteristic of these mixtures were tested using four ball and SRV test rig Ball specimen surfaces were analyzed by using optical emission spectroscopy OES the wear scars were analyzed by using scanning electron microscope SEM while used mixtures from the test were analyzed by using rotating disk electrode RDE The results of the tests showed that the addition of 0 1 weight MoS2 additive both in 90 nm and 1 5 um resulted in an optimum increase in friction and wear characteristic of 23 and 11 respectively Observation on the wear scar showed that adhesive and abrasive wear mechanism were involved in the wear process The results of this research could be applied in production of lubricating oils for certain applications to improve their quality ;This thesis discusses the influence of MoS2 friction modifier FM addition in the form of powder with two different mesh sizes i e 90 nm and 1 5 um on the friction and wear characteristic of HVI 60 base oil The variation of MoS2 were 0 05 0 1 0 5 weight whereas MoS2 1 5 um were 0 05 0 1 0 5 1 and 2 weight MoS2 additive 90 nm was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 50oC and homogenized in ultrasonic homogenizer for 1 hour For the MoS2 1 5 um the additive was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 75oC without using ultrasonic homogenizer Friction and wear characteristic of these mixtures were tested using four ball and SRV test rig Ball specimen surfaces were analyzed by using optical emission spectroscopy OES the wear scars were analyzed by using scanning electron microscope SEM while used mixtures from the test were analyzed by using rotating disk electrode RDE The results of the tests showed that the addition of 0 1 weight MoS2 additive both in 90 nm and 1 5 um resulted in an optimum increase in friction and wear characteristic of 23 and 11 respectively Observation on the wear scar showed that adhesive and abrasive wear mechanism were involved in the wear process The results of this research could be applied in production of lubricating oils for certain applications to improve their quality , This thesis discusses the influence of MoS2 friction modifier FM addition in the form of powder with two different mesh sizes i e 90 nm and 1 5 um on the friction and wear characteristic of HVI 60 base oil The variation of MoS2 were 0 05 0 1 0 5 weight whereas MoS2 1 5 um were 0 05 0 1 0 5 1 and 2 weight MoS2 additive 90 nm was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 50oC and homogenized in ultrasonic homogenizer for 1 hour For the MoS2 1 5 um the additive was mixed with base oil and stirred with magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes at 75oC without using ultrasonic homogenizer Friction and wear characteristic of these mixtures were tested using four ball and SRV test rig Ball specimen surfaces were analyzed by using optical emission spectroscopy OES the wear scars were analyzed by using scanning electron microscope SEM while used mixtures from the test were analyzed by using rotating disk electrode RDE The results of the tests showed that the addition of 0 1 weight MoS2 additive both in 90 nm and 1 5 um resulted in an optimum increase in friction and wear characteristic of 23 and 11 respectively Observation on the wear scar showed that adhesive and abrasive wear mechanism were involved in the wear process The results of this research could be applied in production of lubricating oils for certain applications to improve their quality ]"
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Martinus Adi Anggoro
"Kualitas kerja bantalan sangat dipengaruhi oleh sistem pelumasannya. Pengembangan sistem pelumasan dilakukan dengan pembentukan sistem interlocking ? adsorbsi yang digabungkan dalam pelumas padat, dibentuk melalui pelapisan komposit Zn3(PO4)2 / MoS2 / MWCNT / nanografit / Na2SiO3 secara pencelupan kimiawi. Teknik one mixing layer menunjukkan kemampuan pembentukan lapisan tipis yang homogen. Kombinasi kristal phospat, phosphophyllite dan hopeite, terbentuk di matriks komposit. Permukaan kasar terbentuk pada bola komposit, tingkat kekasaran bola komposit I: 1,350 m, komposit II: 1,000 m dan komposit III: 0,475 m. Ketebalan komposit berada pada daerah 5 ? 6 m. Pelumas dapat teradsorb dalam lapisan komposit, terjadi interaksi ikatan hidrogen antara pelumas dan kristal phosphat. Multi walled carbon nanotube mempunyai kemampuan interlocking dan pelumas padat yang lebih baik dibandingkan grafit ketjenblack. Bola komposit memiliki ketahanan friksi yang lebih baik dibanding bola tanpa pelapisan ataupun bola berlapis MoS2; bola komposit II memiliki rasio umur pakai tertinggi (17,92) untuk uji friksi satu kali pelumasan, sedangkan umur pakai tertinggi uji friksi simulasi pelumasan berkala dimiliki oleh kedua bola komposit II dan III (rasio > 28,3).
Work quality of bearing is strongly influenced by its lubrication system. Development of lubrication system can be done by create an interlocking and adsorbtion system which is combined by solid lubricants. It was formed through a coating of Zn3(PO4)2 / MoS2 / MWCNT / nanografit / Na2SiO3 composite by chemical immersing. One mixing layer technique show good ability to produce homogeneous thin layer. Combinations of phosphate crystals, phosphophyllite and hopeite, was formed in the composite matrix. Rough surface was formed on composite ball, roughness of composite I ball: 1.350 m, composites II ball: 1.000 m and composites III ball: 0.475 m. Thickness of composite is in the region of 5 - 6 m. Lubricants can be adsorbed in composite layer, lubricants and phosphate crystals have hydrogen bonding interaction. Multi walled carbon nanotube has better interlocking and solid lubricants capabilities than its graphite ketjenblack. Composite ball has a better friction resistance than no coating ball and MoS2 coated balls; composite II ball has the highest lifetime ratio (17.92) for a one-time lubrication friction test, while the highest lifetime friction test simulating periodic lubrication is owned by both of composites II and III ball (ratio> 28.3)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Gian Villany Golwa
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library