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Damasius Sasi
The goal of the study is to review changes in dryland farming culture of atoni pah meto in North Center Timor District caused by global climate changes. The research method used was qualitative descriptive: the data collecting method used was interviews, observations, and the document study. Research results prove that the atoni pah meto which consists of eighteen farming rituals, five work patterns, work division between genders, and work ethos, has shifted. It is caused by the interaction of atoni pah meto with other nations, tribes, and ethnic groups, further affected by global climate changes.
Climate changes have made a great impact on farmer?s existence and culture. Because of that, the atoni pah meto of NCT District must open up more by accepting changes in the form of program intervention from the governmental and private institutions. It is time to leave shifting cultivation and slash and burn culture, and move to nature friendly farming technologies. Sickle culture will be offered here to replace slash and burn culture, supported by technologies, a more efficient work pattern and work division, and high work ethos, and it is expected that dryland farming of atoni pah meto will persevere."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
306 UI-PJKB 6:2 (2016) ; PDF
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damasius Sasi
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
907 PJKB 6: 2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khaeruman Khuluki
"Lahan kering merupakan sumberdaya pertanian terbesar ditinjau dari segi luasnya. Profil usaha tani pada agroekosistem ini sebagian masih diwarnai oleh rendahnya produktifitas lahan. Daerah Aliran (DA) Ci Sokan merupakan salah satu dari Sub DA Ci Tarum yang memiliki sebaran pertanian lahan kering cukup luas yang dikhawatirkan berdampak pada besarnya erosi dan berakhir pada pembentukan lahan kritis.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menilai persebaran spasial perubahan pertanian lahan kering di DA Ci Sokan yang diduga sebagai salah satu kontributor yang menyebabkan gangguan fisik tanah dan degradasi lahan oleh erosi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pertanian lahan kering di DA Ci Sokan sejak tahun 1990 sampai 2010 semakin bertambah. Secara spasial peningkatan luas pertanian lahan kering terjadi pada daerah yang memiliki ketinggian antara 700-1000 mdpl dan kelas lereng agak curam (15-25%) dan curam (25-40%). Dengan pemodelan spasial menggunakan metode Artificial Neural Network (ANN) dan Markov Chain diprediksi terdapat penambahan luas pertanian lahan kering pada tahun 2030 sebesar 16,5% dari tahun 2015. Dari penelitian ini pula diketahui bahwa Tingkat Bahaya Erosi (TBE) kelas sedang sampai dengan sangat berat semakin bertambah seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah pertanian lahan kering di DA Ci Sokan.

Dryland farming should contribute significant amount of agricultural product, based on its extent area. However, some of this agro-ecosystems practice has low productivities. Ci Sokan watershed is one of the sub-watersheds of Ci Tarum River, which has vast area of dryland farming, and has been considered affects the amount of erosion and causes degraded land.
This research aims to study the spatial distribution of the change of dryland farming area in Ci Sokan watershed, which is supposed to contribute to soil physical disturbance and land degradation caused by erosion.
The results show that from 1990 to 2010, the area of dryland farming in Ci Sokan watershed increased. The model predicted that the conversion will mostly occurred in the area with the height of 700-1000 m above sea level and intermediate to steep slope (15-25% and 25-40%). Using spatial modelling with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Markov Chain method, the predicted show that dryland farming area will increase 16.5% by 2030, compare to the area in 2015. The results also show that the research area is in the intermediate to highly risk of Erosion Hazard Level, which is related to the increasing of shifting land use into dryland farming.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Daniswara Santoso
"Fenomena alih fungsi lahan dan kerusakan hutan telah menyebabkan erosi yang besar yang terjadi di bagian hulu DAS (Daerah Aliran Sungai) . Erosi mengakibatkan lahan terdegradasi sehingga menurunkan daya dukung lingkungan. DA Ciwilung Hulu termasuk salah satu dari 13 DAS dalam kondisi sangat kritis. Pemilihan DA Ciliwung hulu sebagai wilayah penelitian dikarenakan fakta tren erosi dan lahan kritis yang terus meningkat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sebaran erosi serta luasannya di DA Ciliwung Hulu, menganalisis produktivitas lahan DA Ciliwung Hulu, serta menganalisis hubungan antara erosi dan produktivitas lahan. 
Metodologi penentuan tingkat bahaya erosi adalah Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) menggunakan ArcGIS 10.1. Selain itu dilakukan survei lapang untuk verifikasi data penggunaan lahan, pengelolaan lahan maupun produktivitas lahan. Tingkat erosi sangat tinggi ini berada wilayah topografi agak curam hingga sangat curam dengan erodibilitas tanah sangat tinggi dan didominasi oleh penggunaan lahan pemukiman. Sementara erosi tingkat berada di wilayah erodibilitas tanah sangat rendah dengan topografi datar. Penurunan ini diiringi dengan peningkatan luasan yang terjadi pada erosi tingkat sangat tinggi. Produktivitas lahan tanaman pangan sangat tinggi berada di sub DA Ciesek dan Ciliwung Hulu dengan hasil responden rata-rata 4,65 ton/ha/tahun. Sementara untuk produktivitas lahan holtikultura, tingkat tertinggi ada pada sub DA Ciseuseupan dan Cisukabirus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara tingkatan erosi dengan produktivitas lahan holtikultura. 

The phenomenon of land use change and forest destruction has caused large erosion that occurs in the upper reaches of the watershed. Erosion causes degraded land to reduce the carrying capacity of the environment. The Upper Ciwilung Watershed is one of the 13 watersheds in very critical conditions. The selection of Upstream Ciliwung Watershed as a research area is due to the fact that erosion trends and critical land continue to increase. The purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of erosion and its area at Upstream Ciliwung Watershed, analyze the productivity of Upstream Ciliwung Watershed land, and analyze the relationship between erosion and land productivity.
The methodology for determining the level of erosion is Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) using ArcGIS 10.1. In addition, a field survey was conducted to verify land use data, land management and land productivity. This very high level of erosion is in a rather steep to very steep topographic area with very high soil erodibility and is dominated by residential land use. While level erosion is in very low erodibility areas with flat topography. This decrease was accompanied by an increase in the area that occurred at very high levels of erosion. The productivity of land for food crops is very high in sub Watershed Ciesek and Ciliwung Hulu with respondent` average yield of 4.65 tons / ha / year. While for horticultural land productivity, the highest level is in sub watershed Ciseuseupan and Cisukabirus. The results showed that there is a relationship between the level of erosion and the productivity of horticultural land.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Indah Utami
Dampak fenomena ENSO yakni menyebabkan adanya pergeseran pola musim hujan danmusim kemarau. Hal tersebut akan berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan pertanian di Kabupaten Kebumen diantaranya seperti kegagalan panen dan penurunan hasil produktivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola keterpaparan pertanian lahan kering di Kabupaten Kebumen sehubungan dengan adanya fenomena ENSO dan keterkaitannya dengan produktivitas jagung. Data yang digunakan berupa curah hujan harian periode 1986-2016 dari 32 stasiun pengamat hujan. Parameter yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi keterpaparan ada lima parameter yaitu penyimpangan awal musim kemarau, durasi musim kemarau, curah hujan masa tanam jagung, curah hujan masa panen jagung, jumlah hari hujan panen jagung dan dan metode yang digunakan adalah skoring dan overlay. Pola keterpaparan pertanian lahan kering yang terpapar tinggi cenderung berada di wilayah pegunungan. Periode El Nino tahun 2015 tidak mengakibatkan pertanian lahan kering terpapar secara signifikan karena didominasi keterpaparan rendah, sedangkan periode La Nina mengakibatkan keterpaparan sedang hingga tinggi karena lahan kering tidak membutuhkan air terlalu banyak. Pada periode El Nino tahun 2015 produktivitas jagung cenderung naik 43 dari kondisi normal. Pada periode La Nina tahun 2010 produktivitas jagung menurun cukup signifikan yaitu 63 dibandingkan dengan kondisinormal.

The impact of ENSO phenomenon causes a shift in the pattern of rainy and dry season.This will affect the agricultural activities in Kebumen regency such as crop failure and decreased productivity results. This study aims to find out the exposure pattern of dry land agriculture in Kebumen regency with the phenomenon of ENSO and its association to corn productivity. The data used is the daily rainfall period of 1986 2016 from 32 observer rain stations. There are 5 parameters to identify exposure are early deviation and duration of dry season, rainfall of the maize, the maize harvest, the number of rainy days in maize harvestand the method used is scoring and overlay. The pattern of high exposure to dry land agriculture tends to be in mountainous areas. The El Nino Period of 2015 does not result in dry land agriculture being significantly exposed due to low exposure, while the La Nina period results in moderate to high exposure because dry land does not require too muchwater. In the El Nino period of 2015, maize productivity tends to rise 43 from normalconditions. In the La Nina period in 2010 the productivity of maize is 63 compared tonormal conditions."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Agricultural land conversion accured as a logical consequence of development activites in a particular region....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jefri Ferliande
"Ekosistem DAS terdiri atas komponen bio-fisik yang dapat terganggu akibat erosi. Prediksi erosi tanah dalam penelitian dilakukan di pertanian tanah kering DA Ci Kapundung menggunakan model USLE. Parameter yang digunakan antara lain erosivitas (R), erodibilitas (K), panjang lereng (LS) dan pengelolaan jenis tanaman (C) dan teknik konservasi (P). Dalam penelitian ini, pengelolaan jenis tanaman (C) dan teknik konservasi (P) diinformasikan secara spesifik melalui pengolahan citra quickbird dan survey lapang berbasis raster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan erosi sangat berat terjadi di bagian hulu dengan pola mengelompok dan di bagian tengah dengan pola memanjang. Sementara erosi ringan ataupun normal umumnya tersebar di bagian hulu DAS.

Due to erosion, watershed ecosystem that consists of bio-physical components can be disrupted. Soil erosion prediction in this research conducted on dryland agricultural in Ci Kapundung watershed using USLE (Universal Soil Loss Estimate) model. The parameters used include erosivity (R), erodibility (K), slope length (LS), crop management (C) and conservation techniques (P). In this research, crop management (C) and conservation techniques (P) are informed specificly based on raster using quickbird?s image which verified with field survey. Based on the research known to occur very severe erosion. Its spread quite widely on the upper watershed with clumped patterns and in the middle with elongated pattern. Meanwhile, normal or mild erosion generally spread on the upper watershed."
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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