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Aloisius Poleng
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djamhuriyah S. Said
"Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan variasi kromosom dan karyotipe 5 spesies ikan pelangi Irian, yaitu Glossolepis incisus, Melanotaenia boesemani, M. lacustris, M. maccuilochi, dan M. praecox. Sel metafase diperoleh menggunakan teknik jaringan padat. Larva ikan direndam dalam kolkisin dosis 0,07--0,09% selama 7,5 -- 9,0 jam dan dianalisis setelah diwarnai dengan Giemsa.
Glossolepis incisus, M. boesemani, M.macculfochi, dan M. praecox masing-masing memiliki 48 kromosom diploid, sedangkan M. lacustris memiliki 46 kromosom diploid. Karyotipe G. incisusterdiri dari 7 pasang kromosom berbentuk subtelosentrik (ST), dan 17 pasang Iainnya berbentuk telosentrik ().
Karyotipe M. boesemani terdiri dari 4 pasang kromosom berbentuk ST dan 20 T, M maccullochi terdiri dari 4 pasang ST dan 20 T, dan M. praecox terdiri dari 1 ST dan 23 pasang Iainnya berbentuk T. Karyotipe M. lacustris terdiri dari 9 pasang submetasentrik (SM), 3 ST, dan 10 T. Selain itu pada M. lacustris juga diperoleh sepasang kromosom yang tidak identik yang diduga sebagai kromosom seks. Karyotipe Melanotaeniidae cenderung didominasi oleh bentuk T. Terdapat spesifikasi perlakuan kolkisin dalam memperoleh sel metafase dengan sebaran kromosom terbaik, dan terdapat keanekaragaman karyotipe pada 5 spesies ikan pelangi Irian. Perkerabatan antara G. incises dengan M. lacustris diduga relatif tidak dekat dibandingkan antara G. incisus dengan spesies lainnya.

Karyotipe and Hybridization of Irian's Rainbowfish, (Melanotaeniidae)Rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae family) have several species (i.e. Melanotaenia, Glossolepis) that are endemic in Irian Jaya. Attractive color and shape of this fish have an economical value (especially the male fish) as the ornamental fish, that caused the exploitation of this fish so intensified. The problem of this fish are poor biological (genetics) information, and in rearing are low survival rate, growth rate, and male percentage. Therefore, a genetic research (such as cytogenetic) and genetic manipulation (i.e. hybridization) of this fish are needed.
Cytogenetic study of this fish was focussed on the karyotype to identify characteristics of chromosomes_ This research was conducted from March 2000 at Laboratory of Genetic and Fish Reproduction, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Bogor. And further the hybridization is carried out to get a good performance of hybrid in case of growth rate, survival rate, and male percentage. This research was conducted from October 1999 at R & D Center for Limnology-LIPI, Cibinong-Bogor.
Fish samples (G. incisuslGi, M. boesemani/Mb, M. IacustrislMl, M. maccullochilMm, and M. praecox/Mp) were collected from R & D Center for Limnology-LIPI, Cibinong. Chromosome plates were prepared by solid tissue technique from 10-30 days old larvae and were analyzed after staining with Giemsa. Some larvae were exposed to 0.07-0.09 % colchicine for 7.5-9 hours, then to 0.075M KCI hypotonic solution for 90-100 minutes,and finally were fixed with Carnoy's solution. The intergenus hybridization (reciprocal) among these species by pairing a couple of broodstock of each species. Observation were conducted in three replicates on fertilization rate (FR), length of incubation period of hatching (LIP), hatching rate (HR), survival rate (SR), growth rate, and male percentage.
Diploid chromosomes number of these fish are 46-48. Karyotyping of G. incisus showed that 48 chromosomes consist of 7 subtelocentrics (ST) and 17 telocentrics (T). Karyotyping of M. boesemani showed 48 chromosomes consist of 4 ST and 20 T. Karyotyping of M. lacustris showed 46 chromosomes consist of 9 submetacentrics (SM), 3 ST, and 10 T with 1 ST and I T on the no.23. This result indicates that M. lacustris has a sex chromosome. Karyotyping of M. maccullochi showed 48 chromosomes consist of 4 ST and 20 T and karyotyping of M. praecox showed 48 chromosomes consist of 1 ST and 23 T. There were differences in chromosomes numbers and 13 chromosomes pairs between G. incisus and M. lacustris according to the morphological analysis. Based on these evidences, it is suggested that 2 species is not closely related compared to the others. The highest hatching rate was demonsrated from crossing between a G.incisus x M. lacustris, whereas crossing of a M.lacustris x G.incisus resulted a total mortality of embryos three days after spawning, and the crossing between 31 G.incisus x 9 M. praecox were failed to spawn. Among those hybrids, were found that c M.praecox x 9 G.incisus showing the highest growth rate, whereas the highest survival rate (SR) was shown by the d G.incisus x 9M.boesemani crossing. Crossing of cG.incisus x 9M. lacustris and oM_ maccullochi x9 G.incisus resulted 100% male (monosex hybrids), while the other combinations increased the male percentage.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Himawat Aryadita
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danny Hermanto
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ariska Nur Aeni Pratiwi
"Obesitas merupakan salah satu penyakit gangguan metabolisme yang disebabkan oleh akumulasi lemak berlebih di jaringan adiposa. Obesitas memiliki faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kelainan metabolik yang mengakibatkan resistensi insulin seperti penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 (DMT2). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh mencit obes yang berisiko DMT2 setelah dipajan oleh Static Magnetic Field (SMF). Desain penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorium secara in vivo dengan menggunakan sampel penelitian berupa mencit jantan galur C57BL/6J berumur 12 hingga 18 minggu yang diberi pakan standar dan pakan tinggi lemak (HFD) lalu dipajan SMF 2 mT selama 2, 7, 14, dan 21 hari dengan durasi waktu 1 jam/hari. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh pajanan SMF terhadap glukosa darah, kadar HbA1c, ekspresi protein DPP4, gen Caveolin-1, GLUT4 dan kalsium. Analisis statistik untuk uji glukosa darah dan kadar HbA1c menggunakan Paired sample t test atau Wilcoxon. Analisis statistik untuk selisih glukosa darah, kadar HbA1c, ekspresi protein DPP4, gen Caveolin-1, gen GLUT4, kadar kalsium menggunakan One way ANOVA atau Kruskal-Wallis. Apabila berbeda bermakna maka dilanjutkan dengan Uji Post Hoc atau Mann-Whitney. Uji korelasi antara ekspresi protein DPP4 dengan Ekspresi Gen Caveolin-1 dan GLUT4 dilakukan menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson (p>0,05). Hasil penelitian yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pajanan SMF pada mencit obes berpengaruh terhadap glukosa darah, kadar HbA1c, ekspresi protein DPP4 dan kalsium (p<0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada ekspresi gen Caveolin-1 dan GLUT4 setelah diberikan pajanan SMF (p>0,05). Pajanan SMF yang terbaik ditunjukkan pada kelompok mencit obes yang dipajan SMF selama 7 hari dapat mempengaruhi glukosa darah, kadar HbA1c, ekspresi protein DPP4, gen Caveolin-1 dan GLUT4 menurun serta peningkatan dalam kadar kalsium.

Obesity is one of the metabolic disorders caused by the accumulation of excess fat in adipose tissue. Obesity has risk factors associated with metabolic disorders resulting in insulin resistance, such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). This study aimed to examine the effect of static magnetic field (SMF) exposure on obesity-prone mice with T2DM susceptibility. The research design involved an in vitro laboratory experimental stuy using  C57BL/6J male mice aged 12 to 18 weeks, fed standard and high-fat diets (HFD), followed by exposure to a 2 mT SMF for duration of 2, 7, 14, and 21 days, with each exposure lasting 1 hour per day. This study  observed the effects of SMF exposure on blood glucose, HbA1c levels, DPP4 protein, Caveolin-1 and GLUT4 genes expression, and calcium level. Statistical analysis for blood glucose and HbA1c levels used paired sample t-test or Wilcoxon. Differences in blood sugar, HbA1c levels, DPP4 protein, Caveolin-1 and GLUT4 genes expression, and calcium levels were analyzed using One-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis. If significant differences are found, Post Hoc or Mann-Whitney tests were conducted. The correlation test between DPP4 protein with Caveolin-1 and GLUT4 genes expression were conducted using Pearson correlation (p>0,05). The research indicated that SMF exposure in obese mice significantly influences blood glucose, HbA1c levels, DPP4 protein, and calcium (p<0.05). There were no significant differences observed in the expression of Caveolin-1 and GLUT4 genes after SMF exposure (p>0.05). The most effective SMF exposure duration was observed in the obese mice group exposed to SMF for 7 days, resulting in decreased blood glucose, HbA1c levels, DPP4 protein, Caveolin-1 and GLUT4 genes expression, as well as increased calcium."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ovy Aulia
"Telah dilakukan uji teratogenik ekstrak etanol daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum Wight.) yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak tersebut terhadap morfologi fetus mencit (Mus musculus L.) galur DDY. Tiga puluh ekor mencit betina bunting dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yang terdiri dari kelompok kontrol dan kelompok dosis 0,5; 5; 50 dan 500 mg/kg bb. Bahan uji diberikan secara oral sejak hari ke-6 hingga ke-15 kebuntingan. Pembedahan dilakukan pada hari ke-18 kebuntingan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun S. polyanthum pada dosis 0,5 mg/kg bb tidak menimbulkan resorpsi dan malformasi eksternal. Pada dosis 5 mg/kg bb ditemukan resorpsi (6,15%) dan fetus kelopak mata terbuka (1,63%). Pada dosis 50 dan 500 mg/kg bb ditemukan resorpsi (7,69%; 9,34%) dan fetus hemoragi (1,63%; 1,47%).
Meski demikian, secara statistik (P > 0,05) pemberian ekstrak etanol daun S. polyanthum pada dosis 0,5; 5; 50 dan 500 mg/kg bb selama periode organogenesis tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perkembangan morfologi fetus mencit.

This research was conducted to observe the teratogenic potential of S. polyanthum ethanol extract on morphology of fetal mice strain DDY. Thirty pregnant female mice were divided into 5 groups, consisting of normal group and treatment groups with dose 0.5; 5; 50 and 500 mg/bw. The extract was given orally from 6th to 15th day of gestation.
The results showed that the effect of S. polyanthum ethanol extract at a dose of 0.5 mg/bw did not cause resorption and external malformation. At a dose of 5 mg/bw extract given, there were resorption (6.15%) and fetal eyelids open (1.63%). Resorption (7.69%; 9.34%) and fetal hemorrhage (1.63%; 1.47%) were found in mice given doses of 50 and 500 mg/bw.
However, statistic test (P> 0.05) showed that the treatment of S. polyanthum ethanol extract at doses of 0.5; 5; 50 and 500 mg/bw during the period of organogenesis did not have a significant influence on morphology of fetal mice strain DDY.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heri Maryanto
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clarissa Mirafraditya Puspita Anggraini
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bahwa penipisan zona pelusida dengan Laser Assisted Hatching dapat membantu dalam perkembangan dan viabilitas kultur embrio pascavitrifikasi. Embrio uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu embrio blastokista awal pascavitrifikasi yang dibagi menjadi lima perlakuan KK 1, KK 2, KP 1, KP 2, dan KP 3 dengan lima kali ulangan. KK 1 merupakan kelompok kontrol normal yang divitrifikasi tanpa penipisan zona pelusida dan dikultur selama 72 jam, KK 2 merupakan kelompok kontrol perlakuan tanpa vitrifkasi dengan penipisan zona pelusida dan dikultur selama 72 jam, KP 1, KP 2, dan KP 3 merupakan kelompok perlakuan blastokista awal yang divitrifikasi dan diberikan perlakuan penipisan zona pelusida masing-masing dengan ukuran dari keliling zona pelusida, keliling zona pelusida dan 2/3 keliling zona pelusida secara berurutan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian persentase viabilitas, hatched embryo, dan degenerasi secara berturut KK 1 68,33 ;13,33 ;31,67 , KK 2 80,00 ;30,00 ;20,00 , KP 1 66,67 ;11,67 ;28,33 , KP 2 78,33 ;23,33 ;21,67 , dan KP 3 65,00 ; 6,67 ;35,00. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ukuran penipisan keliling zona pelusida KP 2 merupakan ukuran yang paling efektif untuk membantu meningkatkan perkembangan kultur dan viabilitas blastokista awal karena ukuran tersebut mendekati perkembangan embrio pada KK2. Kata kunci : Blastokista awal, Laser Assisted Hatching, penipisan zona pelusida, vitrifikasi xiv 102 halaman : 22 gambar; 24 lampiran; 7 tabelBibliografi : 101 1969 ndash; 2016.

The aim of this study was to find out that the zona thinning of embryo with Laser Assisted Hatching can assist in the development and viability of embryo culture post vitrification. The embryo test used in the study was early blastocyst post vitrification divided into five treatments KK 1, KK 2, KP 1, KP 2, and KP 3 with five replications. KK 1 is a normal control group that is vitrified without thinning of the zona pellucida and cultured for 72 hours, KK 2 is a treatment control group without vitrification with zona thinning of zona pellucida and cultured for 72 hours, KP 1, KP 2, and KP 3 are blastocyst treatment groups A vitrified and thinning of pellucida zone treatment of each of the of the pellucida zone, of the pellucida zone and 2 3 of the pellucida zone in succession. Based on the results of the research, the percentage of viability, hatched embryo, and degeneration are respectively KK 1 68,33 13,33 31,67 , KK 2 80,00 30,00 20,00 , KP 1 66.67 , 11.67 , 28.33 , KP 2 78.33 23.33 21.67 and KP 3 65.00 6, 67 35.00 . The results of this study indicate that the thinning of the zona pellucida KP 2 is the most effective measure to help improve the development of early blastocyst culture and viability as it approximates embryonic development in KK2. Keywords Early Blastocyst, Laser Assisted Hatching, thinning zona pellucida, vitrification. xiv 102 pages 24 appendixes 22 pictures 7 tablesBibliography 101 1969 ndash 2016. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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