ABSTRAKTesis ini akan membahas tentang fluktuasi investasi langsung Jepang di
Indonesia dengan melihat faktor pendorong (dari pihak Jepang) dan faktor penarik (dari
pihak Indonesia). Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan
dukungan data primer dari laporan-laporan resmi. Investasi merupakan salah satu faktor
pendukung pembangunan perekonomian bagi negara berkembang. Jepang adalah salah
satu negara investor yang melakukan investasi langsungnya di Indonesia. Naik turunnya
aliran investasi dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor didalam maupun diluar negeri. Disini akan
diungkap usaha Indonesia sebagai negara penerima berupaya untuk menarik investor dari
Jepang. Demikian pula apa alasan yang mendorong Jepang melakukan investasi di
ABSTRACTThis thesis will discuss fluctuation Japanese direct investment in
Indonesia by looking at the push factors (from Jepang) and pull factors (from
Indonesia). The study will use qualitative descriptive method, with support of
primary data from official reports. Investment is one of the factors supporting
economic development for developing countries. Japan is one country that invests
its direct investor in Indonesia. Ups and downs of investment flows can be
influenced by factors inside and outside the country. ndonesian businesses here
will be revealed as a recipient country seeks to attract investors from Japan.
Similarly, what is the reason that pushed Japan to invest in Indonesia, This thesis will discuss fluctuation Japanese direct investment in
Indonesia by looking at the push factors (from Jepang) and pull factors (from
Indonesia). The study will use qualitative descriptive method, with support of
primary data from official reports. Investment is one of the factors supporting
economic development for developing countries. Japan is one country that invests
its direct investor in Indonesia. Ups and downs of investment flows can be
influenced by factors inside and outside the country. ndonesian businesses here
will be revealed as a recipient country seeks to attract investors from Japan.
Similarly, what is the reason that pushed Japan to invest in Indonesia]"