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New Jersey : Responsive Environments Corporation , 1968
102 GRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
london: Phaidon, 1999
153.3 IMA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Morton, Adam
"In recent years have seen an enormous amount of philosophical research into the emotions and the imagination, but as yet little work has been done to connect the two. In this book, the author shows that all emotions require some form of imagination and goes on to fully explore the link between these two important concepts both within philosophy and in everyday life. We may take it for granted that complex emotions, such as hope and resentment, require a rich thinking and an engagement with the imagination, but the author shows how more basic and responsive emotions such as fear and anger also require us to take account of possibilities and opportunities beyond the immediate situation. The book highlights that many emotions, more than we tend to suppose, require us to imagine a situation from a particular point of view and that this in itself can be the source of further emotional feeling. It goes on to demonstrate the important role that emotions play in our moral lives, throwing light on emotions such as self-respect, disapproval, and remorse, and the price we pay for having them. He explores the intricate nature of moral emotions and the challenges we face when integrating our thinking on morality and the emotions. This book challenges many assumptions about the nature of emotion and imagination and will appeal to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the role that these concepts play in our lives. -- From publisher's website."
Cambridge : Polity Press, 2013
128.37 MOR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khairunnisa Liummah
"Sebuah ruang dianggap baik tidak hanya dari keindahan bentuknya saja, tetapi dari caranya memicu imajinasi penggunanya. Dalam arsitektur, imajinasi adalah hasil dari pengalaman ruang yang dialami oleh manusia. Walaupun imajinasi adalah hal yang bersifat personal karena melibatkan memori manusia, imajinasi dapat dipicu melalui pemberian rangsangan visual, salah satunya melalui cahaya. Cahaya khususnya cahaya buatan merupakan variabel yang dapat diubah untuk mencapai suatu kualitas dan pengalaman ruang tertentu. Sehingga imajinasi dapat diarahkan oleh perancang ruang melalui kualitas cahaya.
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas peran cahaya dalam memicu imajinasi manusia melalui pengamatan terhadap seni pertunjukkan dan adegan-adegan di dalamnya.Melalui pembahasan terhadap studi kasus, cahaya memiliki peran sebagai elemen pendukung dari objek lain atau konteks maupun menjadi objek imajinasinya sendiri. Artinya untuk memicu imajinasi, cahaya perlu berkaitan dengan objek lain. Untuk mendukung imajinasi, cahaya dapat dimodifikasi melalui kualitas-kualitasnya yaitu intensitas, tingkat kecerahan, warna, difusi, dan arah.

A space considered as a good space not only by the beauty of its shape, but also by the way it triggers user rsquo s imagination. In architecture, imagination is a result of human rsquo s space experience. Although imagination is a personal thing because there is human rsquo s memory involved, imagination can be triggered by visual stimulation and one of the visual elements is light. Light, especially artificial light is a changeable variable to achieve a certain quality, hence users can feel a certain space experience. Then, imagination can be directed by the space designer through the quality of light.
This thesis will explain light rsquo s role that triggers imagination through an observation of a theatre and its scenes. The result of the case study is that light can be a supporting element for imagination object and it can be an imagination object itself. Then, light should be related to another object to trigger imagination. Light should also be modified to trigger imagination through its qualities such as intensity, brightness, color, diffusion and direction.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Copland Aaron
New York: the New american Library, 1959.
780.13 COP m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmia Nurwulandari
"Bandung di masa kolonial dikenal sebagai Parisnya Pulau Jawa atau yang populer dengan sebutan Parijs van Java. Sebutan itu memberikan kesan kota yang estetik dan dicintai oleh banyak orang bahkan hingga saat ini. Orang Belanda menyebut Bandung sebagai Een Western Enclave atau permukiman eksklusif bagi orang Barat yang membuat kota ini makin spesial. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perkembangan kota di Bandung pada awal abad ke 20, dari kota kecil di tengah perkebunan menjadi kota modern yang diakui dunia internasional. Bandung dicalonkan menjadi ibukota Hindia Belanda untuk menggantikan Batavia. Berbagai perubahan kota yang terjadi ikut berpengaruh pada tampilan estetika arsitektur dan kota. Namun, di balik gemerlap perkembangan yang pesat itu, terdapat sejumlah ide terkait estetika yang tidak saling berhubungan.
Penelitian ini mencoba menjawab apa aja citra estetik yang ingin ditampilkan di Bandung saat dipersiapkan menjadi ibukota baru beserta alasanalasannya yang dikaji melalui teori estetika Immanuel Kant dan teori metropolis karya Georg Simmel. Dengan menggunakan metode yang diperkenalkan oleh Iain Borden dan rekan-rekannya dalam buku The Unknown City, terungkap sejumlah pandangan terkait estetika yang membentuk citra kota Bandung, seperti potensi alam, ide keteraturan, eksotisme, ambisi terhadap hal-hal baru, imajinasi kenyamanan Eropa di kota tropis, sekaligus ketakutan akan wabah penyakit yang mengancam imajinasi kolonial.

Colonial Bandung was known as the Paris of Java (Parijs van Java). It gives an impression of aesthetic and is adored by the people until present day. The Dutch named Bandung as Een Western Enclave or an exclusive neighborhood for the European. This research focused on the development of the city in the early twentieth century, from a small town near the plantation to a modern city that is globally known, even to be prepared as a capital city of Dutch East Indies. The development also changed the visual of architecture and the city. However, behind the rapid development of the city, there are some ideas in aesthetics that was unrelated.
This research tried to answer what is the image of aesthetics that was appeared in Bandung as the future capital city of Dutch East Indies. I learn it through the Aesthetic theory of Immanuel Kant and Metropolis of Georg Simmel. With the method that is introduced by Iain Borden and friends in the book The Unknown City, I found some views that is related to the aesthetic and the city, such as nature beauty, the urban planning and design principle, ambition to the tecnology and innovation, exoticism, imagination of the ideal tropics, as well as fears that threatened colonial imagination.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper is aimed at providing description of the current emergence of knowledge economy ,knowledge management (KM) ,challnges facing accounting discipline and ande for future accounting development . The dynamics of contemporary and sosial changes has created the condations of possibility leading to the emergence of knowledge economy and consequently knowledge management....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Loupatty, Myrna Ivana
"Imajinasi mengenai utopia seringkali dikaitkan dengan impian yang tidak mungkin atau sulit untuk direalisasikan. Dari persepsi tersebut, timbul ketertarikan untuk mencari tahu mengenai perealisasian sebuah utopia dan kota ideal, perihal hal tersebut mungkin dilakukan ataupun tidak. Pembahasan akan diawali dengan memperdalam beberapa konsep kota ideal yang telah dipublikasikan. Kemudian dilakukan pembahasan yang lebih mendalam mengenai salah satu contoh implementasi utopia dalam bentuk kota ideal.
Berdasarkan kesimpulan, kota ideal adalah sesuatu yang mungkin untuk dilakukan namun tidak secara sempurna. Konsep kota ideal cenderung berkaitan erat dengan imajinasi bebas perancangnya. Maka dari itu, perealisasian kota ideal belum dapat dilakukan secara total dikarenakan adanya intervensi masyarakat dan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat.

Imagination about utopia is closely related to something which is hard or impossible to be realized. From this perspective, there is an interest to investigate the realization of utopian dreams, an ideal city and its possibilities. The investigation will start by learning the basic meanings of imagination ideals in design, utopia, an ideal city and a utopian city. Then, there will be a discussion of some sample of utopian ideas in the form of an ideal city done by some architects in the past that will lead to a case study of the city of Brasilia which an implementation of urban utopian thinking.
Based on the conclusion, an ideal city is a dream which is yet to be fulfilled. Some attempts to make it happen in the past have succeeded, but the result was not as expected by the initial concept. The concept of an ideal city is based on the planner?s freedom of imagination. Therefore, the realization of an ideal city has not been carried out perfectly because the ideal city itself was intervened by the people living in it who needed a change of lifestyle.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan asuransi yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah den gan kepemilikan saham Bank Indonesia dan Departemen Keuangan Rl. Bidang usaha bergcrak di bidang asuransi knedit. Pada tahun pmduksi 2006 perusahaan mengalami penurunan kinclja, yang mana pendapatan premi danjasa pelayanan mengalami penurunan sebesar 10% dari pendapatan tahun 2005. Agen yang merupakan fasilitator dalam mendukung strategi bisnis pemsahaan ?i aringan pemasaran terpadu untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada konsumen?, dituntut untuk marnpu menguasai semua. pengetahuan tentang produk agar marnpu mcnjual serta memberikan pelayanan memuaskan kepada konsumen.
Bila dianalisis den gan menggunal-can pendekatan enable:-5 Ba Nonaka, komponen yang paling lemah terletak pada tidak adanya intensi dan redundansi. Produk yang harus dikuasai agen dalam waktu yang singkat sedangkan pengetahuan yang dibagikan tidak terstruktur dan lerarah. Proses transfer pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang kurang Iancar sehingga menimbulkan gap kompctensi antara agen senior dan yunior, dan motivasi unmk rnernpelaj ari, menggunakan dan berbagi pengetahuan masih kurang. Tidak adanya intensi dan redundansi inilah yang menyebabkan bcium lancarkan mobilisasi sharing SECI Nonaka dan menghambat pula proses OKC sehingga mengakibatkan bclum munculnya budaya knowledge sharing di organisasi.
Untuk mclakukan pcrbaikan terhadap masalah tersebut, intervensi yang dilakukan pada tingkat organisasi adalah pengadaan enabler 5 Ba Nonaka yang menekankan pada intensi dan redundansi dalam rangka meningkatkan budaya knowledge sharing. Pada Iingkat kelompok (group) dilakukan intervcnsi menciptakan gaya kepemimpinan fasilitatiil yang diharapkan akan menjadi kataiisator proses pembelajaran dan pembahan dalam organisasi. Sedangkan pada tingkat individu dilakukan intervensi meningkatkan motivasi untuk belajar, menggunakan dan berbagi pengetahuan.
Ditinjau dari Strategy Map, intervensi psikologi berada pada perspective learning and growrh. Tujuan intewensi adalah merubah keadaan dari tidak adanya budaya knowledge sharing menjadi berkembangnya budaya knowledge sharing dalam organisasi dengan melakukan pembahan pada tingkat organisasi, kelompok dan individu (individual learning), sehingga diharapkan terjadi generate Ieuming yang berdampak pada perbaikan operation management pada internal process perspective serta customer perspective yang semakin baik. Dan secara tidak Iangsung akan memberikan dampak pada peningkatan share holder value organiswi.

PT XYZ is state-owned Insurance Company belongs to Bank Indonesia and Ministry of Finance. The main business as to provide an credit insurance. ln the year of 2006 production, the company had experienced low productivity, premium income and services had decreased of 10% in compare to 2005. Agents are facilitator to support business strategic ofthe company in order to ?Marketing synergy web to improve service to customers? has been pushed to be able to cover product knowledges. This is aimed to cater lack ofproduet knowledge and provide better service to the customers.
According to analysis approach of enabler 5 BA Nonaka, the most wealcnexes is no intention and redundancy. The product knowledge which must be owned by the agents in a short time, whereas the given knowledge has not structures and target yet. The knowledge transfer process and experience is inadequate, this is result to gap competency between senior and junior Agents. Moreover, there is lack of motivation on Ieaming, using and sharing the knowledge. lnexistency of intention and redundancy will cause ineffective of sharin g SECI mobilization as well as bad eliect to the process of OKC, which may result to unappearance ofknowledge sharing in the organization.
In order to resolve the problem, t.he intervention which must be done on the organizational level is to provide Enabler 5 Ba Nonaka particularly on the intention and redundancy to enhance knowledge sharing culture. The intervention which must be done on group level is to create facilitative leader style, and hopefully it will be a staping stone in a leaming process and improvement within tl1e organization. Whereas in the individual level the intervention which must be done is to motivate for learning using and sharing the knowledge.
Looking at Map Strategy, psychology intervention stands at lcaming perspective and growth. The aim of intervention is to change the situation fiom nothing of knowledge sharing culture to the enhancement of knowledge sharing culture within the organization, by doing of improvement on the organizational level, group and individual (individual leaming). Eventually, generate leaming which is etiected to improvement of operation management in the intemal perspective process and customers perspective is better. Moreover this will bring good impact to the increasement of organization share holder values.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970
London: George Allen & Unwin, 1949
121 RUS o
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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