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Ditemukan 17822 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hendricks, William O.
Paris: Mouton, 1973
419 HEN e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mukarovsky, Jan
"The core of the book is an intelligent summary of various studies of literary forms done by the French critics of the last several decades, in particular, by Barthes, Greimas, Genette and Todorov. This is accompanied by a compact discussion of Russian formalism, one more bird's eye view on the Saussure-Jakobson tradition in linguistics, and the author's own contribution to the poetics of fiction : the topics for which Scholes has a special predilection and on which he has published a number of important essays. His critical summaries of structuralist critics are models of clarity"
New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1977
809 MUK w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marisa Intan Rizonna
Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang sudah semakin berkembang, sastra pun ikut terpengaruh dalam hal produksi karya sastra, yaitu memanfaatkan jaringan internet sebagai wadah para pengarang mengekspresikan sesuatu dalam sebuah karya sastra, seperti Kurzgeschichte, Gedichte atau Roman atau istilahnya adalah Netzliteratur. Netzliteratur ini hanya menyediakan karya sastra dalam bentuk digital, seperti dalam webiste atau forum khusus untuk para pengarang mengunggah karyanya. Contohnya website e-Stories yang merupakan website terbesar di Jerman yang memiliki karya Netzliteratur paling banyak dengan para pengarang yang terdaftar yang juga terhitung banyak. Dalam penelitian ini, korpus data yang akan diambil adalah tiga buah cerpen Netzliteratur yang terdapat di dalam website www.e-stories.de yang memiliki kesamaan objek yang digunakan pada masing-masing cerpen, yaitu Spiegel. Cerpen-cerpen tersebut adalah Die Frau im Spiegel karya Stephani Herman, Der Spiegel Erz hlt- Gestern und Heute karya Hella Sch mann dan Das Spiegelbild karya Sunni Be. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada pemaknaan objek Spiegel melalui tinjauan semiotik oleh Charles Sanders Peirce. Pemaknaan ini akan menampilkan bahwa pada masing-masing cerpen tersebut, tokoh di tiap cerpen mengekspresikan adanya sebuah masalah pada identitas diri mereka.

With the development of technology that has been growing, literature was also influenced in terms of production of literary works, namely utilizing the Internet network as a container for authors to express something in a literary work, such as Kurzgeschichte, Gedichte or Roman or the term is called ldquo Netzliteratur rdquo. This Netzliterature only provides literature in digital form, as in webiste or special forum for authors to upload their work. For example e Stories website which is the largest website in Germany that has the most Netzliteratur works with registered authors who are also counted. In this study, the data which is going to be retrieved is three short stories Netzliteratur contained in the website www.e stories.de which has similar objects used in each short story, namely ldquo Spiegel. The short stories are Stephani Herman 39 s Die Frau im Spiegel, Der Spiegel Erz hlt Gestern und Heute by Hella Sch mann and Sunni Be 39 s Das Spiegelbild. This research will focus on the meaning of Spiegel object through semiotic review by Charles Sanders Peirce. This meaning will show that in each of these short stories, the characters in each short story express a problem on their self identity."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfhatin Pratama
"Penelitian ini merupakan studi penggunaan tanda dalam novel grafis Maus karya Art Spiegelman, yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggambaran panoptisme milik Michel Foucault sebagai konsep pengawasan, pendisiplinan, dan pengoreksian masyarakat, secara sadar atau tidak, oleh Rezim Nazi Jerman terhadap tokoh-tokoh Yahudi Polandia yang berada di luar kamp konsentrasi, di dalam kamp konsentrasi, dan saat tokoh utama berada dalam pelarian. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori semiotika Ferdinand de Saussure. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di bawah Rezim Nazi Jerman kekuasaan panoptisme yang mengawasi, mendisiplinkan, dan mengoreksi orang-orang Yahudi dapat dibuktikan secara total berlangsung di dalam Kamp Konsentrasi dibandingkan dengan di luar Kamp Konsentrasi dan ketika tokoh utama berada dalam pelarian.

This undergraduate thesis is a study of the use of signs in graphic novel Maus by Art Spiegelman. The purpose of this study is to describe Michel Foucault 39 s panopticism as a concept of surveillance, control, and correction, by the German Nazi Regime to Polish Jewish figures outside the concentration camp, inside the concentration camp, and when the main character was on the escape. The data was analyzed using Ferdinand de Saussure 39 s semiotics theory. The research method that being used is descriptive qualitative method. The results show that under the German Nazi regime the power of panopticism that supervises, controls, and corrects the Jews can be fully demonstrated within the Concentration Camp rather than outside the Concentration Camp and when the main character was on the escape. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Okke Saleha K. Sumantri Zaimar
Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa Depdiknas, 2008
404.41 OKK s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Routledge, 1992
401.41 LAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medina Basaib
Sebagai salah satu band perintis punk, Sex Pistols kerap dijadikan simbol pergerakan punk di Inggris pada akhir dekade 1970. Sex Pistols dihubungkan dengan pergerakan melawan pemerintah, dan sebagai akibatnya mereka dilarang untuk tampil selama beberapa waktu. Lirik lagu-lagu Sex Pistols saat itu dirasa membawa pengaruh buruk terutama bagi pendengarnya karena dianggap menyebarkan ideologi tertentu. Sebagai produsen sebuah wacana, penulis lirik dapat menuangkan ideologinya dalam lirik sebagai media untuk menyampaikan aspirasinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana ideologi tersebut disampaikan melalui lirik lagu dan pengaruhnya terhadap pendengar lagu-lagu Sex Pistols. Penulis menggunakan kajian analisis wacana kritis Fairclough dalam menganalisis hubungan antara sebuah wacana dengan ideologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pilihan kata yang digunakan penulis lirik berpengaruh terhadap penyebaran ideologi tertentu kepada pendengarnya. Selain itu, lagu-lagu yang penulis kaji pun mempunyai kesamaan, yaitu merupakan kritik terhadap kondisi sosial-politik pada masa itu.

;As one of the punk pioneers, Sex Pistols was associated with punk movement at The United Kingdom in the 1970?s era. Sex Pistols then was connected to some strikes against the government and they got banned many times. Sex Pistols songs lyrics were considered as bad influence because of the song writer?s ideology. As the producer of a discourse, the song writers were able to put their ideology in the lyric. This study aims to find out how the ideology was put in the lyric and what it brings to Sex Pistols? listeners. This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in order to find out the connection between a discourse and ideology. The result shows that the song writers? choice of words effectuate the diffusion of ideology to their listeners. Also, the songs that were analysed have something in common, which is all of them are critics toward social and political condition at that time.
;As one of the punk pioneers, Sex Pistols was associated with punk movement at The United Kingdom in the 1970?s era. Sex Pistols then was connected to some strikes against the government and they got banned many times. Sex Pistols songs lyrics were considered as bad influence because of the song writer?s ideology. As the producer of a discourse, the song writers were able to put their ideology in the lyric. This study aims to find out how the ideology was put in the lyric and what it brings to Sex Pistols? listeners. This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in order to find out the connection between a discourse and ideology. The result shows that the song writers? choice of words effectuate the diffusion of ideology to their listeners. Also, the songs that were analysed have something in common, which is all of them are critics toward social and political condition at that time.
;As one of the punk pioneers, Sex Pistols was associated with punk movement at The United Kingdom in the 1970?s era. Sex Pistols then was connected to some strikes against the government and they got banned many times. Sex Pistols songs lyrics were considered as bad influence because of the song writer?s ideology. As the producer of a discourse, the song writers were able to put their ideology in the lyric. This study aims to find out how the ideology was put in the lyric and what it brings to Sex Pistols? listeners. This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in order to find out the connection between a discourse and ideology. The result shows that the song writers? choice of words effectuate the diffusion of ideology to their listeners. Also, the songs that were analysed have something in common, which is all of them are critics toward social and political condition at that time.
, As one of the punk pioneers, Sex Pistols was associated with punk movement at The United Kingdom in the 1970’s era. Sex Pistols then was connected to some strikes against the government and they got banned many times. Sex Pistols songs lyrics were considered as bad influence because of the song writer’s ideology. As the producer of a discourse, the song writers were able to put their ideology in the lyric. This study aims to find out how the ideology was put in the lyric and what it brings to Sex Pistols’ listeners. This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in order to find out the connection between a discourse and ideology. The result shows that the song writers’ choice of words effectuate the diffusion of ideology to their listeners. Also, the songs that were analysed have something in common, which is all of them are critics toward social and political condition at that time.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Ardelia Saptono
"Pada 2006 Pemerintah Belanda mengeluarkan Canon van Nederland mengenai para tokoh, benda-benda, dan peristiwa penting dalam sejarah dan budaya Belanda. Canon tersebut digunakan sebagai panduan pendikan sejarah dan kewarganegaraan bagi para guru sekolah dasar dan menengah. Oleh karena muncul kritik terhadap Canon tersebut, pada 2020 pemerintah Belanda merevisinya, termasuk venster (jendela) Indonesia mengenai Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Penelitian ini membahas perubahan wacana Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Canon van Nederland sebelum dan sesudah revisi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, yaitu menggabungkan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dengan pendekatan poskolonial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah direvisi, wacana Perang Kemerdekaan dalam Canon van Nederland merepresentasikan lebih banyak keberagaman gender dan etnis dibandingkan sebelumnya. Canon van Nederland revisi juga merepresentasikan orang kulit berwarna dengan agency atau keberdayaan yang lebih besar dari sebelumnya. Canon van Nederland revisi memperlihatkan upaya menghindari bias Eropa dengan menyajikan perspektif yang lebih beragam tentang Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dan memasukkan penelitian terbaru tentang kekerasan pasukan Belanda dalam Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia.

In 2006 the Dutch Government launched the Canon van Nederland of important figures, objects and events in Dutch history and culture. The Canon is used as a guide for history and civics education for primary and secondary school teachers. Due to criticism of the Canon, in 2020 the Dutch government revised it, including the Indonesia venster (window) on the Indonesian War of Independence. This research discusses the changes in the discourse of the Indonesian War of Independence in Canon van Nederland before and after the revision. This research uses mixed methods, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, with a postcolonial approach. The results show that after the revision, the discourse of the War of Independence in Canon van Nederland represents more gender and ethnic diversity than before. The revised Canon van Nederland also represents people of colour with greater agency than before. The revised Canon van Nederland shows an attempt to avoid European bias by presenting a more diverse perspective on the Indonesian War of Independence and incorporating recent research on Dutch military violence in the Indonesian War of Independence."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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