"Industri e-commerce di Indonesia itu sangat prospektif di masa yang akan datang dengan melihat pertumbuhan dan besarnya kelas menengah di Indonesia. Selain itu peningkatan kepemilikan perangkat teknologi informasi (gadget), serta akses terhadap internet dan juga perilaku belanja online. Sejumlah perusahaan e-commerce rintisan (startup) yang didirikan anak muda Indonesia telah berhasil diterima pasar, bahkan beberapa perusahaan dalam waktu singkat nilai valuasi bisnisnya meningkat berpuluh kali lipat.
Tesis ini mengambil studi kasus keberhasilan empat rintisan e-commerce fashion lokal, Berrybenka.Com, HijUp.Com, BelowCepek.Com, dan Saqina.Com, serta e-commerce ritel Bilna.Com. Perusahaan-perusahaan e-commerce tersebut telah menjadi banyak liputan media dan merupakan contoh rintisan bisnis e-commerce pemula yang dapat menjadi benchmark keberhasilan e-commerce lokal.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat faktor-faktor potensial penentu keberhasilan dari perusahaan rintisan e-commerce yang baru berkembang di Indonesia. Kemudian teridentifikasi sumber potensial, serta model dan peta prediktif strategi penciptaan nilai (value creation strategies) dari perusahaan rintisan e-commerce yang berhasil di Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan metode SODA (Strategic Options Development & Analysis).
E-commerce industry in Indonesia is very prospective for the future this is evident from growth and the size of the middle class in Indonesia, ownership of gadgets or information technology devices, and access to the internet and online shopping behavior. A number of pioneering e-commerce company founded Indonesian youth have been successfully received by the market, even some companies in a short time his business valuations increased tenfold. This thesis took four case studies of successful e-commerce local fashion, i.e. Berrybenka.Com, HijUp.Com, BelowCepek.Com, and Saqina.Com, as well as e-commerce and online media retail Bilna.Com. The companies e-commerce has become a lot of media coverage and is a pioneering example of the business starters to be the benchmark of success of e-commerce locally. The results showed that there are factors in the success of the company's pioneering e-commerce emerging in Indonesia. Namely sources, models, and maps value creation strategy (value creation strategies) of the company's pioneering e-commerce in Indonesia. Research using SODA (Strategic Options Development and Analysis) Method."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014