"Dinas Kesehatan Kota Cirebon merupakan salah satu institusi pemerintah di bidang kesehatan mempunyai tugas pokok melaksanakan kewenangan otonomi daerah kota dalam rangka pelaksanaan tugas desentralisasi bidang kesehatan di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Cirebon. Keberhasilan tersebut akan tercapai salah satunya dengan upaya mengelola sumber daya manusia ( SDM ) secara efektif dan eiisien, bukan saja dari segi kuantitasnya tetapi yang penting kualitasnya.
Penelitian ini untuk melihat gambaran perencanaan strategis SDM kesehatan Dinas Kesehatan Kota - Cirebon, menganalisa upaya perencanaan strategis dcngan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard menezjemahkan misi dan strategi kedalam berbagai tujuan dan ukuran kedalam empat Perspektif Balanced Scorecard yaitu Perspcktif Finansial, Perspektif Pelanggan, Perspektif Proses Intemal dan Perspektif Pembelajaran dan Pertumbungan Organisasi sehingga mampu mengkomunikasikan stratgi kepada pegawai.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metoda kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitik mengunakan data primer dengan mclakukan wawancara mendalam, CDMG serta data sekunder. Daxi hasil penelitian ini didapat langkah-langkah kelja yang dibagi dalam empat tahapan yaitu Tahap I, Tahap pengumpulan data (The Input Stage) akan menghasilkan visi dan misi SDM serta Nilai (score) Variabei Ekstcmal dan Internal (EFB dan IFE Score), Tahap II, tahapnpencocokan (The Adaching Stage) sehingga menghasilkan strategi alternatif, stralegi terpilih dan tujuan strategis yang dimangkan dalam Peta Strategi (Strategy Map), Tahap III, adalah tahap pengambilan keputusan (The Decision Stage) menghasilkan Indikator Kinerja Kunci (Key Perfomance Indicators/KP1), ukuran-ukuran KPI, Target-target KP1 dan Program Prioritas serta kegiatan dalam periode 2008 - 2012, Tahap IV adalah Tahap Implementasi (Plan of Aclibn) menghasilkan Format Implementami, Form Monitoring dan Evaluasi. Pada tahap ini ditetapkan kategori nilai kinerja.
Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai instrument rencana szrarcgis SDM kesehatan, khususnya pada Dinas Kesehatan Kota Cirebon.
City of Cirebon Health office is one of government institution of health department which has a fundamental job to perform a district autonomy responsibility for implementing a decentralization duty of health jobs at Government of Cirebon. This success will be reached, one of them is trying to manage a Human Resource Development (HRD) effectively and efficiently, not only fiom their quantity but more important that is their quality.This study showed a describing on strategic plan of Human Resource Development (HRD) City of Cirebon Health office, analyzing a strategic plan effort with a Balanced Scorecard method, implementing a mission and strategy into various objectives and measurement to become four Balanced Scorecard perspectives, that are Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Intemal Process Perspective, Study and Organization Growth Perspective, so they cart communicate a strategy to officer.This study used a qualitative method which has an analytic descriptive, primary data with a deep interview, CDMG and secondary data. From this study result known that job steps divided into four steps. The first step is data collecting (The Input Stage) which conducted a vision and mission of Human Resource Development and External and Intemal variable score (EPB and IFE Score). The second step is adaptation (The Matching Stage) which conducted an objective and alternative strategy that implemented on Map Strategy (Strategy Map). The third step is a decision making (The Decision Stage) which conducted a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), criteiia of Key Perfomance Indicator, the objectives of KPI, priority program and activity in period of 2008 - 2012, The fourth step is implementation (Plan of Action) which conducted an Implementation Format, Monitoring Form and Evaluation. In this step is specified a performance score category.From this study result is suggested can be used as a strategic plan instnunent of Human Resource Development on health, especially for City of Cirebon Health office."