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Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1995
809.933 5 IDE (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singer, Jefferson A.
"The Proper Pirate: Robert Louis Stevensons Quest for Identity explores the nineteenth-century author Robert Louis Stevensons psychological journey from a constricted and religious family of Scottish engineers to a life of imagination and adventure that culminated in the South Seas island of Samoa. Drawing on contemporary theories of identity development, the author traces how Stevenson overcame Victorian dualities of piety versus passion in his personal life and artistic works, gradually edging toward a more modernist and complicated moral vision. This first full-length psychobiographical analysis of Stevenson follows the trajectory of his life, while highlighting how key memories and conflicts within his personality shaped the narrative structure and themes of his most celebrated works, Treasure Island, A Childs Garden of Verses, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Kidnapped. Stevensons relationships to his parents, wife, Fanny, and circle of intimate friends also play a prominent role in this investigation of his emerging identity and artistic work. Drawing on Stevensons extensive volumes of correspondence, personal memoirs, essays, novels, stories, and poems, as well as historical documents, multiple biographies, and critical studies, the author uses his background as a clinical psychologist and researcher in personality science to provide new insights into Stevensons psychological development. In doing so, he helps to unlock the mystery of how a sickly youth confined to the land of the counterpane grew up to become the author of some of the worlds most beloved and enduring works of adventure and fantasy.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wetherell, Margaret
""The study of identities is one of the most important research areas in the social sciences, and has been for many decades. It is now a major inter-disciplinary area where the interests of psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers, historians, scholars in cultural studies, feminist studies, disability studies, ethnic studies and organization studies intersect. It is currently the topic through which debates about globalization, and trends such as individualization the nature of social subjectivity, diaspora and migration, conflict, and the psychosocial are increasingly conducted and focused. Given this breadth, the range of disciplines involved and the contemporary enthusiasm for identity research, a new systematization for the 21st century is overdue." "The SAGE Handbook of Identities codifies this complex interdisciplinary field, providing a comprehensive overview of the themes in contemporary research while still acknowledging the historical and philosophical significance of the concept of identity."--BOOK JACKET."
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2010
155.2 SAG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996
973.049 BET (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosephine Gunawan
Isu mengenai migran, terutama dalam proses penyesuaian diri di lingkungan tempat tinggal baru dan konflik kultural yang terjadi sebagai akibatnya, banyak diangkat menjadi tema film Jerman dekade terakhir ini. Salah satunya adalah film berjudul Shahada 2010 karya Burhan Qurbani. Film bergenre melodrama dengan durasi 88 menit ini menceritakan tiga orang anak muda muslim yang tinggal di Berlin dan harus berhadapan dengan hal-hal yang baru sehingga terjadi konflik dalam diri dan identitas mereka. Adegan dalam film akan dianalisis menggunakan konsep mengenai konstruksi identitas dari Stuart Hall. Konstruksi identitas yang dilihat adalah Islam sebagai keyakinan para migran dan pluralitas identitas muslim yang ditunjukkan mengenai Islam dari negosiasi yang terjadi antara ldquo;roots ldquo; dan ldquo;routes ldquo; para migran muslim dalam film ini. Melalui analisis film Shahada 2010 akan dilihat bagaimana konstruksi identitas migran muslim di Jerman ditampilkan.

The issues of migrant, mainly on the adaptation process and cultural conflict, have been used as Germany movie themes in the last decades. This undergraduate thesis focus on the identity construction of muslim migrant in a film named Shahada 2010 by Burhan Qurbani. This 88 minute melodrama genre film tells about three young Muslims who are living in Berlin and has to deal with new things, causing inter cultural clashes and causing conflicts within themselves and their identity. Each scene in this film will be analyzed using the concept of identity construction by Stuart Hall. The results of identity construction is pluralism in muslim identity shown by negotiation process between the ldquo roots ldquo and the ldquo routes ldquo of muslim migrant in this film. Through the analysis of Shahada film will be seen how the construction of Muslim migrant identity in Germany is represented.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Aulia Ramadhian
Reunifikasi antara Jerman Barat dan Jerman Timur yang disepakati pada 1989, mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan yang signifikan dalam berbagai macam aspek kehidupan di Jerman, termasuk salah satunya dalam aspek perfilman. Film menjadi salah satu media yang dapat dianalisis melalui berbagai perspektif. Pada tahun 90-an dunia perfilman Jerman mulai dibanjiri dengan munculnya sejumlah film Jerman yang mengangkat cerita mengenai kehidupan di Jerman Timur. Fenomena ini kemudian dikenal dengan ldquo;Ostalgie rdquo;. Ostalgie sendiri merupakan kerinduan akan kehidupan di Jerman Timur. Ostalgie ternyata tidak hanya sekadar kerinduan, namun juga dapat dimaknai sebagai bentuk satire atau bahkan bertujuan untuk menunjukkan keironian. Film Sonnenallee 1999 karya Leander Hau ?mann merupakan salah satu contoh film Ostalgie yang akan dianalisis pada pembahasan ini.meskipun film ini disutradarai dan ditulis oleh warga eks-Jerman Timur, tetapi pada pembuatannya film ini diproduseri dan dibiayai oleh pihak barat. Hal inilah yang membuat film ini menjadi menarik untuk dianalisis, karena adanya campur tangan pihak barat sangat memengaruhi konstruksi yang dibangun dalam film ini mengenai Jerman Timur, khususnya remaja Jerman Timur sebagai tokoh sentral dalam film. Analisis ini akan dilakukan dengan cara pemilihan adegan-adegan tertentu yang paling menonjol. Melalui analisis ini, dapat dilihat bagaimana remaja Jerman Timur dikonstruksikan sebagai pelanggeng pemerintahan serta posisi film Sonnenallee sebagai film Ostalgie yang menampilkan ironi.

The German reunification in 1989 causes some significant changes, which happen in different kind of life aspects. Film is considered to be one of the media that can be analyzed through different perspectives. The German film industry in the 90s was starting to be filled with documentary film about life in East Germany. This phenomenon is known as ldquo Ostalgie rdquo , which is a yearning of life in there. This film also can be interpreted as satire or an irony. Sonnenalle 1999 , the work of Leander Hau mann is one example of Ostalgie film that will be analyzed in this discussion. Although the film was written and directed by an ex of eastern Germany, but it was funded by the western Germany. The western intervention in this film rsquo s construction can be recognized in the story line, which makes the teenagers of eastern Germany as the main character. This analysis will be done through the selection of particular prominent scenes. Through this analysis it can be seen how the eastern German teenagers is constructed as the lasting performer for the government and is positioned as ironic Ostalgie film.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naftally Clarettha


Tong Tong Fair merupakan festival budaya Indo terbesar yang diselenggarakan di Den Haag. Tong Tong Fair sebagai pasar malam memiliki nilai sejarah dan budaya yang tinggi. Sejak hadirnya Tong Tong Fair, orang-orang Indo memiliki wadah untuk bernostalgia dengan budaya Indo. Selain untuk mengobati rasa rindu terhadap tanah air, Tong Tong Fair juga diperuntukkan kepada generasi selanjutnya yaitu orang-orang Indo dan keturunannya yang tinggal di Belanda. Kegiatan Tong Tong Fair tidak hanya menyediakan program budaya dan gerai makanan yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Namun juga kita dapat menemui beragam barang khas yang dimiliki oleh budaya Indis contohnya adalah kerajinan tangan dengan berbagai variasi. Tong-Tong Fair diharapkan menjadi wadah untuk orang Indo agar tetap mempertahankan identitas budaya mereka di Belanda. Permasalahan yang terdapat pada penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana Tong Tong Fair dapat bertahan sampai saat ini? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan keunggulan dari Tong Tong Fair dan keragaman budaya yang ditampilkan  di Tong Tong Fair sehingga dapat bertahan sampai saat ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitis dan konsep identitas budaya dari Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pekembangan kegiatan Tong Tong Fair berubah seiring dengan pergeseran identitas kultural orang Indo di Belanda. Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan Tong Tong Fair dapat bertahan karena mengikuti perkembangan yang ada di masyarakat. Perubahan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat seiring berjalannya waktu memberikan perubahan pada perkembangan dalam kegiatan Tong Tong Fair



Tong Tong Fair is the biggest Indo festival which are held in Den Haag. As a  night market, Tong Tong Fair has high historical & rich cultural values. Since the presence of Tong Tong Fair, Indo have their own place to reminisce with Indo culture. Beside to cure homesick feeling into Indo culture, Tong Tong Fair also aimed to inherit the culture into the next Indo generation that live in Netherlands. Besides of food & cultural program, Tong Tong Fair also sell Indonesian goods with many variation. Tong Tong Fair is expected can be a place for Indo keeping their cultural identity in Netherlands. The issue that exist in this research is: How Tong Tong Fair maintain its existence until now? The aim of this research is to explain the advantages of Tong Tong Fair and cultural diversity that being showed in Tong Tong Fair. Author using analytical descriptive & cultural identity theory from Stuart Hall. The research show that Tong Tong Fair  activities development is a shift in Indo's cultural identity in Netherlands. In this research, author can conclude that Tong Tong Fair succeed maintain its existence because it followed community development. The changes from community development  also effect activities development in Tong Tong Fair.


Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudwina Indira Deannisa
"Permasalahan pembentukan identitas yang dialami oleh imigran merupakan fenomena yang masih marak terjadi terutama pada imigran yang datang ke Jerman. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena pertentangan budaya antara budaya asal dan budaya Jerman. Dilematika pertentangan budaya ini menjadi tantangan bagi para imigran yang ingin berintegrasi dan hidup harmonis bersama masyarakat Jerman. Penelitian ini akan meneliti isu tersebut melalui buku audio Der unglaubliche Lauf der Fatima Brahimi (2017) oleh penulis buku anak-anak Jürgen Banscherus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan teori Identitas Budaya dan Diaspora oleh Stuart Hall dan teori Status Identitas oleh James Marcia. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keluarga Fatima dan tokoh Jakob memberikan pengaruh besar yang menjadi faktor dilematika pembentukan identitas baru tokoh Fatima sebagai remaja muslim moderat Aljazair-Jerman. Keluarga Fatima menjadi hambatan proses integrasi Fatima sementara Jakob menjadi faktor akselerasi yang mendorong Fatima mengadopsi budaya Jerman dengan cepat.

The problem of identity formation experienced by immigrants is a phenomenon that still arise, especially among immigrants who come to Germany. One of the reasons is due to cultural conflicts between the culture of origin and German culture. This dilemmatic cultural conflict is a challenge for immigrants who want to integrate and live in harmony with German society. This research will examine this issue through the audiobook Der unglaubliche Lauf der Fatima Brahimi (2017) by children's book author Jürgen Bancsherus. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with the theory of Cultural Identity and Diaspora by Stuart Hall and the theory of Identity Status by James Marcia. This study shows that Fatima's family and Jakob have a major influence that becomes a dilemma factor in the formation of Fatima's new identity as a moderate Algerian-German Muslim teenager. Fatima's family became a barrier to Fatima's integration process while Jakob became an accelerating factor that encouraged Fatima to acquire German culture quickly."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : New American Library , 1987
973.049 6 CLA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratu Tsamarah Kusumaning Ayu
Tulisan ini membahas penggambaran identitas Indo dalam lima cerita pendek pemenang sayembara menulis teks bertema budaya Indo, Jouw Indisch Verhaal 2017. Karya para pemenang dikaji secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan struktural yang difokuskan pada sudut pandang penceritaan, penokohan dan latar sosial. Analisis diharapkan dapat memaparkan identitas Indo yang digambarkan dalam teks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pencarian identitas Indo melalui berbagai sudut pandang. Kenangan akan peristiwa masa lalu dipilih untuk memaparkan pencarian identitas. Misalnya kehidupan di Maluku, kondisi kamp tahanan Jepang, keberadaan Ibu mereka di Hindia Belanda dan permasalahan tentara KNIL, merupakan pokok pikiran yang disuarakan melalui para tokoh. Dalam cerita, elemen-elemen Indo yang dihadirkan melalui berbagai peristiwa ditengarai mengukuhkan permasalahan identitas pada keturunan orang Indo dan orang Maluku di Belanda.

This paper discusses the representation of Indo identity in five winning short stories from the Indo-themed writing contest, Jouw Indisch Verhaal 2017. This paper uses qualitative descriptive method with a structural approach focused on the point of view of storytelling, characterization and social setting. The analysis is expected to disclose the Indo identity described in the text. The results showed the search for Indo identity through various points of view. Memories of past events are selected to expose identity searches. For example about the life in Maluku, the condition of Japanese camps, their mother 39;s presence in the Dutch East Indies and the KNIL army problem, were the main ideas voiced through the characters. In the story, elements of Indo are presented through various events allegedly confirmed the identity problem on the offspring of the Indo and the Moluccans in the Netherlands. "
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
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