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Retno Handini
Yogyakarta: Galang Press, 2005
306.6 RET f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Handini
"As an ethnic group that lives in the interior part of the Jambi Province, Suku Anak Dalam is inseparable with tropical rainforest. The rainforest is their most essential environment. Therefore, changes in the rainforest have a significant impact on the people's lifestyle Among the lifestyles that represents their dependence to nature is their pattern of subsistence, which is foraging, a combination of hunting and gathering activities that they do in nomadic fashion tracking the food sources provided by nature. That is the reason that the Suku Anak Dalam is also known as foragers, meaning people who roams in search of food.
The topic of this thesis is the foraging lifestyle, which has become very difficult to maintain due to environmental changes. The quantity and quality of the rainforest are declining as the result of the opening of plantations, transmigration areas, illegal logging, road construction, etc. The impact is immediately felt: the food sources of the Suku Anak Dalam are drastically decreasing.
The research method used in this thesis is participant observation, which is implemented in the field by conducting a descriptive technique with the inductive type of reasoning. The optimal foraging analysis by Winterhalder (1981) and Schoener (1971), which emphasizes on four aspects that should go in concert to acquire optimal results, were applied directly to the foraging of the Suku Anak Dalam. The four aspects are the food extent, foraging space foraging period, and group size.
The application of optimal foraging analysis among the Anak Dalam foragers reveals that wild boar and deer are their favorite menu because those kinds of animals are easy to find, have plenty of meat, and delicious. On the other hand, a tuber plant called bazaar (Diascrorea sp.) is also a favorite. Analysis shows that foraging lifestyle mainly depends not on animal hunting but on plant gathering activities. Protein is the supplement of carbohydrate, and the food sources can be found around the habitation camps. The foraging space is in proportion with the condition of the surrounding rainforest: the more infertile/barren a foraging area, the scarcer the food sources; as a consequence, the wider is the roaming area and the higher is the foraging intensity. In the case of the Anak Dalam foragers, the foraging space covers 2 - 6 hour walk or within a radius of 2 - 29 km from their habitation camp.
The Suku Anak Dalam people generally practice foraging for 20 - 30 hours per week, or + 6 hours per day. During the foraging period, 30 % are allocated for hunting and 70 % are for gathering activities. The ideal size for a group of foragers is 20 - 25 people, which includes at least 3 - 4 adult males as hunters. Gathering activities, on the other hand, can be done by any number of people, be it an individual, a small group, or a large group. If a foraging group becomes too large, some of its members will leave the group and form a new group.
Environmental changes have made each Anak Dalam foraging group to employ its own adaptation strategy. As a result, based on their subsistence, there are three types of Anak Dalam groups: foragers, semi-foragers, and crop growing groups. Aside from environmental changes, there are also internal and external factors that changed the lifestyle of the Anak Dalam people. Among the internal factors is their desire to move into what they thought to be a better lifestyle, while one of the external factors is government policy. This thesis will focus on the- causal relationship between environmental changes and foraging activities among the people of Suku Anak Dalam. Various aspects of their daily life will also be described in this thesis, which will include their nomadic tradition, social organization, life cycles, genealogical system, religion system, political and governmental system, and technological system.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pria Kurniawan
"Masyarakat urban kiwari memiliki tingkat keberagaman yang tinggi. Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat mendorong perubahan terjadi setiap saat dan menyebabkan kondisi masyarakat urban menjadi sangat dinamis. Arsitektur yang terwujud dalam bangunan mau tak mau harus menyesuaikan diri terhadap kondisi ini. Penentuan satu fungsi tertentu dalam sebuah bangunan melahirkan bangunan dengan fungsi spesifik. Dengan hanya mempunyai satu fungsi yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, kemampuan bangunan untuk dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan dan keberagaman masyarakat dipertanyakan. Penelusuran terhadap hubungan fungsi dan bentuk menjadi relevan ketika mulai dijumpai bangunan- bengunan dengan fungsi yang tidak spesifik. Terciptanya bangunan dengan fungsi yang tidak spesifik ini pun menimbulkan pertanyaan bagaimana keterkaitannya dengan kondisi masyarakat yang beragam dan selalu berubah. Skripsi ini mencoba menelusuri apa yang melatarbelakangi timbulnya bangunan dengan fungsi yang tidak spesifik ini dan bagaimana sebuah bangunan terbentuk. Di sini akan terlihat bagaimana hubungan antara fungsi dan bentuk yang sebenarnya dalam konteks masyarakat urban kiwari.

Nowadays, urban society possesses an extensive degree of diversity. The rapid growth of technology encourages an alteration to take place at any time which then led the urban society to be labeled as a dynamic society. Subsequently, there is no other way for architecture, which is concretized in building, than to become accustomed and adjust itself with this circumstances. Concluding one certain function in a building bring into being a building with identifiable and precise function. Having resolved one restricted function, one should inquire the aptitude of building regarding to the changing and wide-ranging society. The exploration of the correlation between form and function suddenly find its light when buildings with vague functions are experienced and encountered. The creation of buildings with their indistinct and blurred function awakens the query of connectivity between the diverse changing society and building. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate what aggravate the emergence of building with no specific function and how the building is formed. The genuine missing link between function and form in the urban context will come into revelation through the thorough and careful case study."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2006
398.21 ALA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Sugiarto
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2007
PGB 0423
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Ramawati
"Kemampuan perawatan diri adalah keterampilan mengurus atau menolong diri sendiri dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga tidak tergantung pada orang lain. Pada anak tuna grahita, kemampuan perawatan diri dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, baik faktor eksternal (karakteristik orangtua dan lingkungan) maupun faktor internal (karakteristik anak). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan perawatan diri anak tuna grahita. Rancangan penelitian cross sectional dan sampel adalah 65 orangtua anak tuna grahita di Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB). Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan regresi logistik ganda.
Hasil menunjukkan kemampuan perawatan diri pada anak tuna grahita masih rendah.Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara pendidikan orang tua, umur, dan kekuatan motorik pada anak tuna grahita dengan kemampuan perawatan diri (p value < 0,005). Faktor paling dominan yang mempunyai hubungan adalah faktor kekuatan motorik anak tuna grahita dengan OR = 4,77.

Self-care is the ability to take care of self or self-help in daily life activities. For children with mental retardation, self-care can be influenced by various factors, external (parents and environment characteristics) as well as internal (children characteristics). This study aimed to explore determinant factors that related to self-care ability in mental retardation children. Study design was cross sectional with samples are 65 parents whose mental retardation children registered in special education school. Data analysis used Chi-Square and Logistic Regression.
Result of this study found that the self-care ability among retarded children is relatively low and there was significantly relationship between parents education, children's age and gross motor performance to self-care ability in mental retarded children (p value < 0,005). Gross motor performance of mental retarded children is the most dominant factor that contributed to self-care ability (OR = 4,77).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Partrijunianti Gularso
Pada tahun 1981, Pemerintah membentuk Kota Administratif Depok berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No.43 th 1981, dan dalam kurun waktu 18 tahun, Depok menunjukkan perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Pada tahun 1999 berdasarkan UU No 15, atas dasar tuntutan dan aspirasi masyarakat maka Kotif Depok diangkat menjadi Kodya Daerah Tk II Depok dan ditetapkan pada tgl 20 April 1999.Perkembangan kota Depok semakin pesat dan meluas ke wilayah-wilayah lain di sekitarnya.Pembangunan perumahan, pembangunan perkantoran, pembangunan pusat-pusat perbelanjaan, pembangunan pasar tradisional semi modern, dan bermacam-macam pembangunan pelayanan umum dilaksanakan hampir di seluruh wilayah secara bersamaan. Dengan semakin meluasnya perkembangan pembangunan di segala bidang, sudah barang tentu membutuhkan lahan untuk mengaktualisasikannya.Lahan penduduk kampung yang semula merupakan lahan pertanian, dan perkebunan buah-buahan, menjadi menyusut karena dijual untuk kepentingan tersebut.Kondisi ini berdampak pada terjadinya suatu perubahan di berbagai aspek kehidupan penduduk kampong Rawakalong yang mengaku dirinya sebagai orang Betawi di wilayah Kodya Depok. Mereka kemudian mengubah pekerjaannya semula sebagai petani, menjadi pekerjaan lain di sector informal seperti bekerja sebagai tukang ojek, srabutan, tukang bangunan, dan pemilik rumah petak yang disewakan. Pekerjaan di sector informal tidak memberikan penghasilan tetap dan tidak bisa mencukupi kebutuhan hidup keluarga, dan mereka merespons kondisi ini dengan cara adaptif dimana para suami mengijinkan isteri mereka untuk bekerja di luar rumah dengan beberapa syarat yang tidak jauh menyimpang dari kebudayaan mereka. Dan pekerjaan yang banyak dilakukan oleh para perempuan di kampung ini adalah sebagai pekerja rumahtangga. Bentuk respons lainnya terjadinya konflik antara pasangan suami dan isteri karena tidak bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan yang terjadi. Konflik yang berkepanjangan bisa berakhir dengan suatu perceraian, dan kemudian terjadi perkawinan baru dengan perempuan lain. Oleh karena itu kawin?cerai menjadi suatu hal yang biasa terjadi di kampong ini. Untuk memperoleh data penelitian dilakukan penelitian kualitatif, terhadap beberapa orang informan yang bisa mencakup berbagai usia dan status perkawinan dengan cara observasi, wawancara mendalam dan menggunakan pengalaman hidup mereka (life history method).

In 1981, the government established the Administrative Town of Depok through Government Decree No.43 of 1981, and within 18 years, Depok showed considerable development. In 1999, based upon Legislation No.15 as well as the aspirations of its citizens, the Administrative Town of Depok was elevated to the Regional Municipality of Depok on April 20, 1999. The rate of development of Depok increased and spread to the surrounding areas. The development of housing, office complexes, retail centers, semi-modern traditional markets, and other public service facilities went underway almost at once throughout the area. The increase in growth and development in every area required space. Land held by kampong residents that was previously utilized as farmland and orchards decreased in area through their sale for development projects. The impact took the form of change in many aspect of life among the people of the kampong of Rawakalong,who identify themselves as Betawi of the Municipality of Depok. The people left their farmwork for other occupations in the informal sector, such as motorcycle taxis (ojek ), construction work, and tenement leasing. Work in the informal sector does not provide a steady income, nor does it cover family needs, and their response is adaptive. Husbands allow their wives to takes jobs outside the home, under certain conditions that do not break from their cultural norms. The job must often sought by the women of the kampong is as domestic help. Another response involves conflict between spouses, due to an inability to adapt to the changes occurring . A prolonged conflict may end in divorce, which may lead to re-marriage. Thus divorce and re-marriage has become common in this kampong. Data was collected through qualitative research among informant of varying age and marital status, with observation, in-depth interviews and the use of the life-history method."
Depok: 2012
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reni Mareta
Penelitian ini bertujuan adalah untuk menggali pengalaman orang tua dalam
mengasuh anak balita di tempat hunian sementara pasca korban bencana lahar
dingin di Jawa Tengah. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah 6 orang partisipan yang
yang mempunyai anak balita dan tinggal di huntara. Pemilihan partisipan dengan
menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil analisa menunjukan bagaimana
orang tua mengasuh anak balitanya di huntara. Menurut orang tua mengasuh anak
di huntara tidak berbeda dengan mengasuh anak di rumah sendiri. Ditemukan ada
lima tema dalam penelitian ini yaitu: respon orang tua saat di huntara, respon anak
saat di huntara, perilaku mengasuh anak balita di huntara, perkembangan anak di
huntara dan pemanfaatan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan di huntara.

The study aims were to explore the experience of parents in caring for children
under five years old in a temporary shelter area after a cold flood disaster victim
in central of java. The subjects of this study in six participants who have children
under five year old and living in shelter. Participants are selected using purposive
sampling method. The result of analysisi shows how parents caring for toddler at
the shelter. According to parents caring for children in shelter are not different
from the care of children at home. There are five themes found in this study:
parental response in shelter, response of children at shelter, parenting behavior of
toddler in shelter, child development, the utilization of health care facilitaties in
the shelters."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prihandoko Sanjatmiko
Depok: Departemen Antropologi FISIP Universitas Indonesia, 2016
551.462 PRI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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