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Kranz, Rachel
New York: Factsts On File, Inc, 2005
342.73 Kra a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerapetritis, George
"This book discusses affirmative action or positive discrimination, defined as measures awarding privileges to certain groups that have historically suffered discrimination or have been underrepresented in specific social sectors. The book?s underlying rationale is that one cannot place at the same starting point people who have been treated differently in the past because in this way one merely perpetuates a state of difference and, in turn, social gaps are exaggerated and social cohesion is endangered. Starting out with an introduction on the meaning and typology of affirmative action policies, the book goes on to emphasise the interaction of affirmative action with traditional values of liberal state, such as equality, meritocracy, democracy, justice, liberalism and socialism. It reveals the affirmative action goals from a legal and sociological point of view, examining the remedial, cultural, societal, pedagogical and economy purposes of such action. After applying an institutional narrative of the implementation of affirmative action worldwide, the book explains the jurisprudence on the issue through syntheses and antitheses of structural and material variables, such as the institutional recognition of the policies, the domains of their implementation and their beneficiaries. The book eventually makes an analytical impact assessment following the implementation of affirmative action plans and the judicial response, especially in relation to the conventional human rights doctrine, by establishing a liaison between affirmative action and social and group rights.. The book applies a multi-disciplinary and comparative methodology in order to assess the ethical standing of affirmative action policies, the public interests involved and their effectiveness towards actual equality. In the light of the above analysis, the monograph explains the arguments considering affirmative action as a theology for substantive equality and the arguments treating this policy as anathema for liberalism. A universal discussion currently at its peak."
Switzerland : Springer, 2016
341.763 GER a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihite, Irma Latifah
"Tesis ini membahas tentang rendahnya tingkat keterwakilan perempuan dalam parlemen, penyebabnya, implikasinya, dan upaya pemerintah dalam mengatasinya. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa lebih dari setengah penduduk Indonesia adalah perempuan, namun mereka tidak memiliki wakil yang proporsional di parlemen. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh hambatan-hambatan struktural maupun kultural yang menghambat akses perempuan terhadap dunia politik. Kesadaran tentang arti penting perempuan di parlemen telah mulai dibangun melalui kebijakan afirmasi dengan sistem kuota. Melalui kebijakan ini diharapkan partisipasi aktif dari perempuan, sehingga akan didapat keterwakilan yang memadai di parlemen. Namun, dinamika ketatanegaraan yang terjadi kerap kali kontradiktif dengan cita-cita keterwakilan proporsional perempuan. Hasilnya, angka minimal 30% yang ingin dicapai melalui kebijakan afirmasi tidak tercapai dan hanya mampu meraih 18%. Meski tidak dapat dipungkiri, bahwa tercapainya keterwakilan yang proporsional tidak hanya bicara aturan semata tetapi juga kesadaran dan keinginan penuh dari kaum perempuan itu sendiri. Untuk itu, kebijakan afirmasi ini harus diaplikasikan dari hulu ke hilir. Mulai dari pendidikan politik bagi kaum perempuan, pembangunan kesadaran partai politik akan arti penting partisipasi perempuan, sampai dengan jaminan hukum terhadapnya.

This thesis discusses about the low level of women representation in parliament, causes, implications, and government efforts to overcome them. As we know that more than half of Indonesia's population are women, but they do not have a proportional representative in parliament. This condition is caused by structural and cultural barriers that hinder women's access to politics. Awareness about the importance of women in parliament has begun to be built through affirmative policies with quota systems. This policy is expected to increase active participation of women, so it will get adequate representation in parliament. However, the dynamics of state administration shows in contradiction with the ideals of proportional representation of women. The result, at least 30% figure to be achieved through a policy of affirmation is not reached and only able to reach 18%. Although it is undeniable, that the achievement of proportional representation not only talk about rules but also full consciousness and the appetency of women themselves. Therefore, this affirmation policy should be applied from upstream to downstream. Starting from the political education for women, building awareness of political party about the importance of women political participation, until the legal guarantees against it."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismah Naqiyyah
"Penelitian ini membahas perkembangan pengaturan tindakan afirmasi untuk meningkatkan keterwakilan perempuan pada DPR RI dan bagaimana pelaksanaan pengaturan tersebut sejak awal tindakan afirmasi diterapkan pada tahun 2004, hingga terakhir kali tindakan afirmasi untuk DPR diterapkan, yaitu pada tahun 2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan sejarah hukum. Pembahasan dimulai dengan menganalisis tindakan afirmasi pada Undang-Undang Partai Politik, Undang-Undang Pemilihan Umum Anggota DPR, DPD, dan DPRD, dan Undang-Undang Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah. Selain itu penelitian ini akan membahas pelaksanaan undang-undang tersebut dengan menganalisis peraturan pelaksanaannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua bentuk tindakan afirmasi untuk perempuan masuk ke dalam DPR RI, yaitu melalui kuota partai politik dan kuota pada proses pencalonan legislatif. Setiap periode pengisian jabatan DPR, peraturan mengenai tindakan afirmasi perempuan tersebut selalu berubah. Namun dengan adanya perubahan-perubahan tersebut, belum menghasilkan peningkatan keterwakilan perempuan yang signifikan di DPR RI.

This research discusses about the development of affirmative action regulations in the increase of women's representation in the House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat/DPR) of Republic of Indonesia and how the implementation of the regulations since the beginning of affirmative action was applied from 2004 until the last time affirmative action for DPR was implemented in 2014. The research method used is normative juridical with a legal history approach. The discussion begins by analyzing the affirmative action on the Acts of Political Parties, the Acts of the Election for Members of DPR, the Regional Representatives Council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah/DPD) and the Local People’s Representatives Council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah/DPRD), and the Acts of Representatives Council Institutions. In addition, this research will also discuss about the implementation of the regulations by analyzing the implementative regulations. The results of the research show that there are two forms of affirmative action for women to enter DPR, i.e.: through quotas of political parties and quotas in the process of legislative candidacy. In every period of DPR, the regulations on women's affirmative actions have been continuesly changing. However, with those changes, the regulations have not succeeded to increase women's representation in DPR significantly."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasker, Yvonne, 1964-
""Provides a timely and richly revealing portrait of a powerful cinematic genre that has increasingly come to dominate the American cinematic landscape"--"
Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Balckwell, 2015
791.436 TAS h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Program "Affirmative Action" merupakan suatu komitmen antara suatu perusahaan, sekolah, atau institusi lainnya untuk memberikan kesempatan yang lebih luas terhadap kaum wanita, orang kulit hitam, kaum Hispanics, dan kelompok minoritas lainnya, dengan tujuan untuk memperbaiki akibat-akibat dan perlakuan diskriminasi terhadap mereka dimasa lampau. Dalam pelaksanaanya program ini sering mendapatkan reaksi negatif terutama dari laki-laki kulit putih (WASPs Male). Mereka justru menganggap bahwa program tersebut hanya membuat ketidakadilan, dan memberikan keuntungan kepada kelompok minoritas belaka. Hal ini yang akhirnya menimbulkan "reverse discrimination" dimana dalam usaha memberantas diskriminasi terhadap kaum minoritas, justru akhirnya menimbulkan diskriminasi baru terhadap seseorang atau sekelompok orang lainnya.
Penulisan tesis ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan mengapa program "affirmative action" ini dapat menimbulkan "reverse discrimination" bagi masyarakat Amerika dan juga untuk menunjukkan mengapa "reverse discrimination" tersebut sulit dihilangkan.
Timbulnya kasus-kasus "reverse discrimination" memperlihatkan bahwa telah terjadi pertentangan diantara nilai-nilai budaya baik pertentangan antara nilai "equalitiy" yang terkandung dalam program "affirmative action" itu sendiri, yaitu "equality of opportunity" dengan "equality of outcome", maupun antara nilai "equality of outcome" dengan nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat Amerika lainnya. Pemerintah Amerika telah menyadari bahwa kebijakan program "affirmative action" tidak selamanya sempurna, "review" terhadap program tersebut terus dilakukan dengan harapan suatu saat "reverse discrimination" bisa menghilang dan program "affirmative action" akan dihapuskan seiring dengan hilangnya praktek diskriminasi di Amerika. Namun hal ini berjalan cukup lamban, dikarenakan kesadaran masyarakat Amerika sendiri khususnya dari kelompok WASPs terhadap perlakuan diskriminasi masih sangat rendah.
Tesis ini menggunakan sumber kepustakaan, dan dalam pengkajiannya menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Disamping itu kajian ilmu sosial dan budaya juga digunakan dalam memahami berbagai aspek yang terkaitdalam permasalahan yang dikaji.

Affirmative action program is a commitment among enterprises, schools, other institutions to give greater opportunities to women, blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups in order to improve the effects of former discrimination. In its implementation, the program frequently got negative reaction especially from WASPs males. They suppose that the program has been done unfair which gives advantages to those minority groups only. Finally, this case creates reverse discrimination, a new discrimination which appears to a person or groups of people as an effect of the effort in order to fight other discrimination.
The objectives of this thesis are focused on why the program of affirmative action can cause reverse discrimination and also to indicate why it is hard to be abolished. The emerges of reverse discrimination cases show that there has been conflicts among the cultural values. Either the conflicts of equality values that implies in affirmative action program itself., the equality of opportunity and the equality of outcome, and also the value of equality of outcome with the other cultural values of American societies.
The United States has realized that the policy of affirmative action program is not fully perfect. The review-of the affirmative action program has been conducted in the hope that the reverse discrimination will be abolished in the future, and the affirmative action program will be abolished by the same time the practices of discrimination eliminated in United States. Nevertheless, the implementation works very slowly due to the positive consciousness of Americans especially the WASPs towards the discrimination is still weak.
This thesis uses the library resources and its research utilizes the qualitative approach. Besides the studies of social and culture are also utilized in order to interpret all related aspects in the case study.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esty Ekawati
Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi masih rendahnya keterwakilan perempuan di lembaga legislatif pasca Reormasi 1998. PKB merupakan partai politik yang sudah tiga kali mengikuti Pemilu pasca reformasi. Partai ini didirikan oleh PBNU dan memiliki basis massa warga Nahdliyin yang dianggap masih memiliki perspektif patriarki dalam menempatkan perempuan dalam agenda politik. Akibatnya peran dan posisi perempuan masih kurang terwakili baik di struktur partai maupun dalam lembaga legislatif. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari jawaban bagaimana PKB mengimplementasikan kebijakan afirmasi untuk meningkatkan keterwakilan perempuan baik di struktur kepengurusan partai maupun pada Pemilu 2009 dan bagaimana pola rekrutmen caleg dilakukan serta peran elit PKB dalam menentukan nomor urut dan dapil bagi caleg.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teori demokrasi Henry B. Mayo dan Iris Marion Young yang menitikberatkan pada keadilan, persamaan dan kesetaraan politik yang merupakan nilai-nilai demokrasi. Selain itu juga digunakan teori rekrutmen politik dan keterwakilan politik perempuan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan sumber data primer berdasarkan wawancara dengan tujuh narasumber dan sekunder.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperlihatkan bahwa PKB megimplementasikan kebijakan afirmasi dalam dua hal: pertama, tindakan afirmasi pada Internal partai dimana PKB menempatkan lebih 38% perempuan dalam struktur kepengurusan partai (DPP PKB). Kedua,tindakan afirmasi pada Pemilu 2009. PKB telah memenuhi ketetuan UU Pemilu dengan megikutsertakan 33,7% perempuan dalam daftar caleg tetap (DCT) Pemilu 2009 dan menerapkan sistem semi zipper yang menempakan satu perempuan diatara tiga caleg. Dalam proses seleksi caleg pada Pemilu 2009 di PKB dlakukan oleh Tim Mantap, Lembaga Pemenangan Pemilu, Pengurus DPP PKB dan juga perwakilan dari PBNU. Pihak-pihak tersebut yang menyeleksi dan menentukan nomor urut bagi caleg. Akan tetapi, karena waktu yang tidak memungkinkan, PKB tidak mengadakan uji kompetensi/tes wawancara kepada caleg sehingga penilaian hanya didasarkan pada seleksi berkas, rekam jejak caleg, pengalaman organisasi caleg, dan rekomendasi dari PBNU serta pertimbangan/lobi-lobi politik.
Implikasi teoritis menunjukkan bahwa PKB telah melakukan demokratisasi interal di partai dengan menempatkan 38% perempuan dalam struktur partai dan juga mengikutsertakan perempuan sebanyak 33,7% dalam DCT Pemilu 2009 dan beberapa caleg perempuan potensial mendapat nomor urut kecil. Melalui penerapan kuota tersebut maka PKB telah berupaya mewujudkan keadilan dan kesetaraan politik yang merupakan nilai-nilai demokrasi.

The Thesis is directed by the women under representation in parliament after political reform in 1998. Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) is one of the political party which has followed three times of the election after reform. This party was initiated by PBNU and has a lot of masses from Nahdliyyin societies, which they have a patriarchy perspective to place women in the political agenda. As the result from patriarchy perspective, position of women in politic still under representated in party structure and also in the parliament body. This research was also done to answer how PKB adopted affirmative action to increase women political representation in politic and how recruitment process of the candidate in 2009 election to be done. Beside that, in this research also want to know how the position of PKB‟s elites determining the consecutive number and electoral area.
This research uses democracy theory by Henry B. Mayo and Iris Marion Young, especially the democratic value such as justice and political equality. Beside that, it uses political recruitment theory and women political representation. The method that is being used in this research is the qualitative method with a primary and secondary data usage and 7 respondent interview.
As the result from the research showed that PKB has implementated affirmative action in 2 matters: first, affirmative action at the party internal, which PKB has accommodated 38% of women representation in party structure. Second, affirmative action at the 2009 election. PKB has accommodated 33,7% women representation in candidate list (DCT) at the 2009 election and implemented semi-zipper system, which placed one women among three candidates list. At the process of candidate selection in 2009 election was done by Tim Mantap, Lembaga Pemenangan Pemilu, members of DPP PKB and representation from PBNU. They select the candidate and give the consecutive number and electoral area. Because of the limited time, PKB didn‟t do interview for candidate, so scoring given from administrative verification, candidate‟s track records, organization experiences and recommendation from PBNU and also political lobbying.
Implication of the theory showed that PKB has done the democratization in party internal with placed 38% women in party structure and accommodated 34% women in candidate list (DCT) at the 2009 election. And among the potencial women get beautifull number. With implemented quota system, PKB has tried to create justice and political equality which is the democratic values."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Craig, Dorothy Valcarcel
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009
370.72 CRA a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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