Ditemukan 7653 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1990
341.484 SOU
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Ta, Chen
New York: Secretariat Institute of Pacific Relations, 940
325.2 TA e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Acosta, Diego
"Since the turn of the century, South American governments and regional organisations have adopted the world's most open discourse on migration and citizenship. At a time when restrictive choices were becoming increasingly predominant around the world, South American policymakers presented their discourse as being both an innovative and exceptional 'new paradigm' and part of a morally superior, avant-garde path in policymaking. This book provides a critical examination of the South American legal framework through a historical and comparative analysis. Diego Acosta uses this analysis to assess whether the laws are truly innovative and exceptional, as well as evaluating their feasibility, strengths and weaknesses. By analysing the legal construction of the national and the foreigner in ten South American countries during the last two centuries, he demonstrates how different citizenship and migration laws have functioned, as well as showing why states have opted for certain regulation choices, and the consequence of these choices for state- and nation-building in the continent. An invaluable insight for anyone interested in global migration and citizenship discussions."
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2018
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Desita Damayanti
"Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang analisis dari dampak kebijakan imigrasi Amerika Serikat pada imigran Korea Selatan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayah barat Amerika Serikat dengan menggunakan model proyeksi kebijakan dan menjelaskan negara bagian mana yang berpotensi meningkatkan perekonomian. Data kuantitatif yang digunakan adalah data penduduk wilayah barat Amerika Serikat per County, jumlah imigran Korea Selatan per County, dan pertumbuhan pendapatan per kapita per County. Sementara itu, data kualitatif yang digunakan berupa berbagai literatur seperti berita internasional, jurnal ilmiah, publikasi pemerintah, dan laporan tentang imigrasi di Amerika Serikat seperti kebijakan, proses imigrasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan imigran Korea Selatan yang tinggal di barat. wilayah Amerika Serikat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran kongruen dengan mengumpulkan dan menggabungkan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif serta memperoleh informasi dari proses interpretasi. Sisi kuantitatif menggunakan uji statistik imigran Korea Selatan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menggunakan analisis cluster-outlier dalam GIS. Sedangkan dari segi kualitatif, hasil uji kuantitatif akan dijabarkan dengan data kualitatif dengan cara interpretasi & triangulasi data secara keseluruhan. Hasil yang diperoleh didasarkan pada jumlah imigran Korea Selatan tertinggi dimana jumlah imigran yang tinggi berdampak pada cluster dan outlier dengan nilai pendapatan per kapita yang tinggi di setiap county di wilayah barat Amerika Serikat serta dari sumber bacaan. Dari segi validitas, terdapat kecenderungan di tiga lokasi, yaitu Los Angeles dan Santa Clara di California, di mana mayoritas imigran bekerja sebagai pebisnis, Honolulu di Hawaii, sebagian besar imigran bekerja sebagai petani tebu, dan King di Washington. , sebagian besar pendatang bekerja sebagai pekerja seni dan mahasiswa.
This study examines the analysis of the impact of the United States immigration policy on South Korean immigrants on economic growth in the western area of the United States by using a policy projection model and explains which states have the potential to increase the economy. The quantitative data used are population data of the western area of the United States per County, the number of South Korean immigrants per County, and the growth of income per capita per County. While the qualitative data is in the form of various kinds of literature such as international news, scientific journals, government publications, and reports on immigration in the United States such as policies, immigration processes, economic growth, and South Korean immigrants living in the western area of the United States. The method used is a congruent mixed method by collecting and combining quantitative and qualitative data as well as obtaining information from the interpretation process. The quantitative side uses a statistical test of South Korean immigrants on economic growth and uses cluster-outlier analysis in the GIS. Meanwhile, in terms of qualitative, quantitative test results will be elaborated with qualitative data by way of interpretation & triangulation of data as a whole. The results obtained are based on the highest number of South Korean immigrants where the high number of immigrants has an impact on clusters and outliers with high per capita income values in each county in the western area of the United States as well as from reading sources. In terms of validity, there is a tendency for three locations, these are Los Angeles and Santa Clara in California, where the majority of immigrants work as businesspeople, Honolulu in Hawaii, most of the immigrants work as sugarcane farmers, and King in Washington, most of the immigrants work as art workers and students."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Strategik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeremia Budhi Pratama
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai implementasi atas International Convention on the Protection of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families Tahun 1990 oleh Indonesia dalam rangka perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di luar negeri. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang memiliki jumlah pekerja migran membutuhkan suatu mekanisme perlindungan yang dapat menjamin nasib para pekerja migrannya di luar negeri yang rentan terhadap pelanggaran hak-hak dasar mereka. International Convention on the Protection of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families merupakan sebuah instrumen hukum internasional yang disahkan untuk menyediakan perlindungan atas hak-hak dasar seluruh pekerja migran di dunia. Komitmen Indonesia untuk terikat dengan perjanjian internasional ini diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi terhadap pekerja migrannya di negara-negara tujuan pekerja migran untuk bekerja. Indonesia harus melakukan perubahan pada kerangka hukum perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia dan mereformasi praktik perlindungannya untuk memastikan agar hak-hak para Tenaga Kerja Indonesia dapat terjamin.
This final paper discusses about the implementation of 1990 International Convention on the Protection of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families by Indonesia regarding the protection of the Indonesian migrant workers overseas. Indonesia, as one of the countries who has the largest number of its migrant workers, needs a protection mechanism to ensure the life of its migrant workers’ who are highly susceptible to the violation of their rights. 1990 International Convention on the Protection of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families is one of the existing international law instrument which was formed to provide protection to the migrant workers’ rights. Indonesia’s commitment to be bound by the treaty is expected to overcome the problems that happened in their working destination states. Indonesia must conduct a change in its regulation concerning the protection of Indonesian migrant workers and reform the protection practice to ensure its migrant workers’ life."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Singapore: Archipelago Press; Landmark Book, 1998
R 304.80951 CHI e
Buku Referensi Universitas Indonesia Library
Yarwood, A.T.
London: Melbourne University Press, 1964
325.94 YAR a
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Boulder: Westview press , 1991
325.272 097 3 DET
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanna Frisca Chesyta Zihni
"Skripsi ini menganalisis faktor penarik dan pendorong (push-pull factors) arus balik migrasi (return migration) menuju Jepang yang dilakukan oleh Nikkei Brazil berdasarkan teori migrasi tentang push and pull yang dikemukakan oleh Everett S. Lee (1966). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian historis. Dari penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat tiga buah faktor penarik dan pendorong yang secara umum mendukung terbentuknya arus migrasi kembali dari Brazil ke Jepang. Pertama, krisis ekonomi di Brazil yang bertepatan dengan krisis tenaga kerja di Jepang. Kedua, adanya kesenjangan pendapatan antara di Brazil dan Jepang. Ketiga, adanya faktor-faktor pendukung lainnya, seperti adanya kesadaran akan etnis transnasional, dan adanya revisi Peraturan Imigrasi Jepang tahun 1990 yang memberikan legitimasi para Nikkeijin untuk datang dan bekerja di Jepang. Analisis tentang arus balik migrasi Nikkei Brazil ke Jepang di awal tahun 1990-an, memperlihatkan bahwa migrasi tersebut terjadi tidak hanya didorong oleh faktor ekonomi semata. Penelusuran historis terhadap migrasi yang dilakukan para Nikkei Brazil mengungkapkan sebuah rangkaian kekuatan sosio-historis, politik, dan ekonomi yang kompleks di antara kedua negara, Brazil dan Jepang.
This thesis analyses the push and pull factors of return migration to Japan by Brazilian Nikkeijin based on the theory of push and pull factors proposed by Everett S. Lee (1966). This research uses historical methods. From this research, it can be concluded that there are three push and pull factors that generally encourage the flow of return migration from Brazil to Japan. First is the economic crisis in Brazil which coincided with labor shortage in Japan. Second is the income gap between Brazil and Japan. Third is the presence of other supporting factors, such as the awareness of transnational ethnic groups and the 1990 revision of Japanese Immigration Law which allow Nikkeijin to come and work in Japan. An analysis of return migration flow of Brazilian Nikkeijin to Japan in early 1990s, suggests that the migration is not solely driven by economic motives. Historical research on emigrations, immigrations, and return migrations of Brazilian Nikkeijin reveal a series of complex socio-historical, politic, and economic forces between the two countries, Brazil and Japan."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Susilo Komar
"Skripsi ini mendeskripsikan fenomena sosial mengenai migrasi sirkuler yang dilakukan oleh individu maupun kelompok individu dalam rangka memperoleh sumber daya pekerjaan di suatu wilayah yang berada di luar dari wilayah masing- masing individu itu berasal. Kegiatan untuk pergi ke suatu wilayah yang berada di luar dari wilayahnya ini dilakukan guna memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, dan mereka memang tidak berniat untuk menjadi warga permanen yang menetap di wilayah tujuan. Pada suatu saat nanti, mereka akan kembali ke keluarga masing-masing yang tetap berada di wilayah asalnya. Para migran sirkuler pergi ke suatu wilayah tujuan dalam konteks penelitian ini diawali dengan bermodalkan hubungan sosial yang sudah dimiliki para aktor dengan migran terdahulu yang dikenalnya melalui hubungan sentiment (emosi). Hubungan sosial yang sudah ada ini coba diaktifkan para migran sirkuler karena hubungan sosial ini merupakan modal sosial bagai para aktor untuk memperoleh sumber daya pekerjaan yang sudah dilakoni oleh migran yang diikutinya baik sebagai buruh bangunan maupun pedagang makanan. Dari dua konteks sumber daya pekerjaan inilah akan terlihat secara jelas adanya pengelompokan sosial para aktor/migran sirkuler yang masing-masing membentuk satu kesatuan jaringan sosial.
Kemudian dalam tulisan ini pula akan dijelaskan jaringan sosial berdasarkan dua konteks sumber daya pekerjaan yang coba dibina dan diperlihara oleh para aktor, karena baik itu migran terdahulu maupun migran sirkuler, keduanya saling tergantung dan saling membutuhkan. Hubungan sosial yang terwujud, mengikat individu dalam jaringan sosial sehingga dapat diketahui logika situasional dimana adanya sejumlah pertukaran yang dijelaskan dalam hubungan power dimana adanya reward dan sanction yang digunakan dalam jaringan sosial guna mencapai suatu kepentingan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup para aktor.
This thesis describe the social phenomena of circular migration by individual or groups of individuals in order to obtain employment resources in a territory that is outside of individual origin territory come from. Movement into a territory in order to appeased life need, and they, indeed, have no intend to be permanent residents in destination territory. Later, they will return to their each families who stay remain of their origin territory. Circular migrants went to a territory in the context of this research begins to capitalize on social relations have been owned by actors with previous migrants had known through sentiment relations (emotion). They tried to activated their social relations because this social relations is the social capital of actors/circular migrants to obtain employment resources that have been done by previous migrants who participated either as construction workers or food vendors. From this two context, Both will clearly show the social grouping of actors/circular migrants which each form a unity of social network.This thesis also explain social network based on two context of employment resources effort to fostered and maintained by actors, because previous migrants or circular migrants, both interdependent and well earned need each other. Social relations are materialized, binding individuals in a social network go into as to know the „logika situasional‟ which interchange explained in power relation with reward and sanction used in social network to achieve their purpose in appease life need of actors."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library