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Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1985
327.17 ENE
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Solidum, Estrella D.
Queson City: University of the Philippines Press, 1974
327.17 Sol t
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Gayuh Kurnia Aji
"Tesis ini menyorot bantuan luar negeri Norwegia yang ditujukan untuk pembangunan lingkungan melalui program REDD di Indonesia. Tujuan tesis ini yaitu untuk melihat motif bantuan Norwegia dengan menggunakan konsep ontological security. Konsep ontological security yang digunakan untuk menganalisis terdiri dari tiga variabel yaitu afirmasi identitas diri, aksi sosial, dan dorongan kehormatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk mengelaborasi hingga sejauh apa ontological security berpengaruh terhadap kelanjutan kerjasama antara Norwegia dengan Indonesia dalam program REDD+.
Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukan meskipun pelaksanaan program REDD di Indonesia tidak berjalan lancar, Norwegia tetap mendukung Indonesia untuk menyelesaikan pelaksanaan program REDD+. Alasan Norwegia tetap mendukung pelaksanaan REDD di Indonesia, karena Norwegiamenilai REDD merupakan sarana untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ontologisnya. Dengan tetap mendukung upaya pelaksanaan REDD+ di Indonesia, kebutuhan afirmasiidentitas diri dan dorongan kehormatan yang diraih melalui aksi sosial akan dapat terpenuhi. Kesuksesan pelaksanaan program REDD+ akan meningkatkan reputasi dan kehormatan Norwegia di mata negara-negara lain.
This thesis highlights Norway rsquo's foreign aid for environmental development through REDD+ program in Indonesia. This research aims to uncover the true motive of Norway rsquo's foreign aid by employing ontological security concept. Ontological security comprises three variables self identity affirmation, social act, and honor driven. This research uses qualitative method to elaborate how far those three variables affect the continuity of bilateral cooperation between Norway and Indonesia. This research shows that even though REDD implementation does not run properly, Norway is still keeping their support for Indonesia to complete REDD+ program. It is found that the main reason of continuing support is because Norway perceives REDD+ as a vehicle to fulfill its ontological interest. By supporting REDD+ in Indonesia, the self identity needs can be affirmed while the honor driven achieved through social acts can be fulfilled. This research concludes that the success of REDD+ in Indonesia would improve Norway rsquo's reputation and dignity in front of other countries."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Daltrop, Anne
England: Longman, 1982
327.17 DAL p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Keisha Marsha Tuffahati
"Tulisan ini akan mencoba memahami bagaimana istilah human security dipahami dalam konteks studi keamanan internasional dari 3 sudut pandang: human security sebagai Hak Asasi Manusia, human security sebagai freedom from fear, dan human security sebagai freedom from want. Human security sebagai Hak Asasi Manusia menekankan pada pentingnya diseminasi norma HAM yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk agenda human security serta peran berbagai aktor dalam upaya diseminasi norma tersebut. Human security sebagai freedom from fear menekankan perlindungan terhadap manusia dari situasi konflik serta justifikasi terhadap intervensi kemanusiaan. Sedangkan human security sebagai freedom from want menekankan perlindungan terhadap martabat dan pemberdayaan manusia melalui program pembangunan. Analisis juga meliputi bagaimana kontribusi human security bagi studi keamanan serta penjajaran perbedaan kedua konsep tersebut.
Tulisan ini berargumen bahwa human security memperkaya khasanah kajian keamanan internasional dengan memperluas agenda keamanan dan pengadopsian agenda normatif. Selain itu, tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa meskipun diklaim sebagai perusak koherensi intelektual kajian keamanan, konsep human security tetap relevan dalam studi keamanan internasional karena konsep tersebut berorientasi pada pembuatan kebijakan. Pada praktiknya, konsep human security digunakan sebagai jargon dalam mempromosikan agenda keamanan dan pembangunan oleh institusi internasional seperti PBB serta negara middle power seperti Kanada dan Jepang.
This paper aims to seek how human security is understood from 3 standpoints human security as human rights, human security as freedom from fear, and human security as freedom from want. Human security as human rights emphasizes dissemination of human rights norms manifested in the form of human security agenda and the role of various actors in the dissemination of the norms. Human Security as freedom from fear emphasizes protection of the people in conflict situations and justification towards humanitarian intervention agenda. Meanwhile, human security as freedom from want emphasizes the protection of human dignity and human empowerment through development program. It also highlights the contribution of human security to security studies as well as juxtaposition of the two concepts. This paper argues that human security has enriched the repertoire of security studies by expanding the scope of security and adopting normative agenda. This paper concludes that although human security is claimed to be damaging to intellectual coherence of security studies, the concept itself remains relevant in international security studies due to its policy orientedness. In practice, human security is used as a jargon in promoting security and development agenda by international insitutions such as the United Nations as well as middle power countries such as Canada and Japan."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Hosang, Lesly Gijsbert Christian
"Ilmu hubungan internasional memiliki tiga paradigma utama; realisme, liberalisme, dan kontruktivisme yang khas dalam memandang institusi. Tulisan ini akan melihat dan membandingkan bagaimana ketiga paradigma ini memandang ASEAN Political Security Community 2015. Pada akhirnya, dapat diketahui keunikan dan kelemahan masing-masing paradigma dalam memandang kerjasama keamanan di Asia Tenggara ini. Realisme memandang security dilemma sebagai faktor kunci munculnya kerjasama, sedangkan liberalisme memandang institusionalisme sebagai faktor determinan. Di sisi lain, konstruktivisme menakankan pada identitas kolektif yang terkonstruksi di antara negara-negara anggota APSC 2015.
International relations has three major paradigms: realism, liberalism, and constructivism that has distinct view on institution. This paper will compare how the three paradigms asses the ASEAN Political Security Community 2015. In the end, the uniqueness and weaknesses of each paradigm will be identified. Realism regards security dilemma as a key factor in the emergence of security cooperation, while liberalism sees institutionalism as a determinant factor. On the other hand, constructivism emphasizes on collective identity that is constructed among the member countries of APSC 2015."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Annan, Kofi A.
New York: United Nations, 1998
909.82 ANN p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Dannreuther, Roland.
"International Security is a cutting-edge analysis of the key security challenges and developments in the post-Cold War world. Drawing on a wide range of contemporary examples, from the Iraq war to the rise of China, it is an essential guide for students and policy makers seeking to understand the theoretical and empirical debates over the fast-changing nature of international security today.The book is organized into four main parts. Part 1 provides an analytical framework for the book, identifying the most significant post-Cold War shifts in international security and recent theoretical developments in security studies. Part 2 analyses the root causes for contemporary warfare, the dilemmas and debates over military intervention, and the role played by the UN, NATO and other organizations in maintaining international peace and security. Part 3 assesses the challenges of environmental security, including the threat of resource-based conflict, most notably over oil and water, and the perceived security challenges of international migration. Part 4 discusses the new security challenges posed by international terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and cyber warfare. It explores the strategies and policies adopted by the United States, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11 and assesses the implications of the rise of China and other emerging powers.This book will be essential reading for students and analysts of international relations, international security and strategic studies.
Cambridge, UK : Polity, 2013 , 2013
327.17 DAN i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Chufrin, Gennady
New Delhi: Vekas Publishing House, 1976
337.1 Chu e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Haris
"Kerjasama keamanan Jepang dengan Uni Eropa (UE) yang telah berlangsung cukup lama, dinilai masih sangat minim dan terbatas. Namun, di masa pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Jepang Shinzo Abe terjadi perkembangan yang cukup signifikan. Ditandai dengan kerjasama keamanan kedua pihak yang terlibat dalam misi kontra pembajakan di Somalia dan pembuatan Perjanjian Kerjasama Strategis (Strategic Partnership Agreement, SPA) sebagai kerangka kerja yang mengikat dan berkekuatan hukum, menimbulkan optimisme Jepang-UE terhadap semakin eratnya kerjasama keamanan kedua belah pihak di masa yang akan datang. Pertanyaan dalam penelitian adalah: Faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi Jepang di masa pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Shinzo Abe dalam melakukan kerjasama keamanannya dengan UE?. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep dan teori adaptive foreign policy James N. Rosenau. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Jepang dalam melakukan kerjasama keamanannya dengan UE di masa pemerintahan Abe, dipengaruhi oleh perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan internal dan eksternalnya. Faktor internalnya adalah kepemimpinan dari Shinzo Abe sebagai Perdana Menteri dan reformasi kebijakan pertahanan dan keamanan yang menginginkan Jepang lebih proaktif berkontribusi untuk perdamaian. Sedangkan faktor eksternalnya adalah terpilihnya Donald Trump sebagai Presiden AS dengan kebijakan-kebijakannya dan perkembangan dari peran UE sebagai aktor keamanan global. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui studi pustaka dan dokumen. Data bersumber dari pemerintah dan pernyataan yang diterbitkan dan jurnal, buku dan situs internet.
Japanese security cooperation with the European Union (EU) that has been going on for quite a long time, but still considered very minimal and limited. However, during the reign of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe there was a significant development. Marked by the security cooperation of the two parties involved in the counter-piracy mission in Somalia and the creation of a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) as a binding and legally enforceable framework, it has raised optimism between Japan and the EU in the increasingly tight cooperation between the two parties which will come. The questions in the study are: What factors influence Japan during the reign of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in conducting security cooperation with the EU? This research uses James N. Rosenau's adaptive foreign policy concept and theory. The analysis in this study found that Japan in carrying out its security cooperation with the EU in Abe's reign, was influenced by changes that occurred in its internal and external environment. Its internal factor is the leadership of Shinzo Abe as Prime Minister and defense and security policy reforms who want Japan to be more proactive in contributing to peace. While the external factor is the election of Donald Trump as US President with his policies and the development of the EU's role as a global security actor. This study uses qualitative methods through literature and document studies. Data sourced from the government and published statements and journals, books and internet sites."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library