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Dadan Heryada
"Keunggulan pembuatan tooling dengan teknik rapid tooling dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan murah, khususnya untuk produk yang memiliki kontur permukaan yang kompleks, dan hanya dapat dikerjakan melalui mesin CNC, EDM. Salah satu aplikasi rapid tooling adalah soft injection mould. Cetakan untuk memproduksi produk plastik dalam jumlah produksi terbatas (low volume production). Dalam penelitian ini part/produk yang akan dibuat didesain menggunakan CAD. Data geometri CAD kemudian dipergunakan untuk membuat prototip part melalui mesin rapid prototyping Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). Metode pembuatan tooling menggunakan indirect tooling dimana prototip yang dibuat digunakan sebagai master pola untuk membentuk kaviti dan inti injection mould. Cast resin alumunium filled epoxy (AFE) CW5156-1 diterapkan sebagai material kaviti dan inti. Hasil proses manufaktur dan percobaan yang dilakukan pada cetakan menunjukkan bahwa tooling yang dibuat dapat diterapkan sebagai plastic injection mould; ukuran part yang dicetak teliti, kestabilan ukuran pada cetakan tinggi serta biaya manufaktur jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan cara konvensional (CNC, EDM).

The advantage implementation of rapid tooling is the process can perform faster and cheaper, especially for the shape product/part with complicated surface contour and only manufactured through CNC or EDM machine. One of application of rapid tooling is soft injection mould, the tool for producing plastic product for low volume production. In this research part/product model was designed using CAD. CAD data geometry is then used for building the prototype of the model through Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) rapid prototyping machine. Tooling manufacture method use indirect tooling, where the prototype was made is used as master pattern for cavity and core forming. Cast resin aluminum filled epoxy (AFE) CW5156-1 was implemented as the material of cavity and core injection mould. The result of manufacturing process and experiment indicated that the tool has been made could be implemented as plastic injection mould; the dimension of part was accurate, dimension stability of the mould was high and the cost of manufacturing was lower than conventional method (CNC, EDM)."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manullang, Haryman Lamhot
"Kualitas barang produksi suatu perusahaan manufaktur diukur dari berapa banyaknya jumlah barang yang tidak sesuai (non conformance). Jenis kecacatan produk perusahaan diawali dari pokok permasalahan yang ditampilkan dalam diagram pareto kemudian analisa faktor penyebab dalam fish bone dan FMEA. Pengecekan barang hasil produksi dilakukan pada tingkat awal yang menggunakan mesin injection molding. Bahan baku biji plastik polypropylene yang dapt didaur ulang diolah menjadi produk kemasan makanan. Pada penelitian ini dibahas mengenai bagaimana cara mengurangi produk cacat tersebut dengan perancangan eksperimen 3k dengan metode design of experiment. Untuk mengurangi produk cacat tersebut, faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam proses injection molding adalah temperature, pressure dan cooling time yang menjadi faktor utama dalam menghasilkan kualitas barang tanpa hasil cacat.

The quality of goods produced by a manufacturing company is measured by the number of non-conformance goods. Types of defects in the company's products start with the main problem shown in the Pareto diagram and then analyze the causal factors in fish bone and FMEA. Inspection of manufactured goods is carried out at the initial level using an injection molding machine. The raw material for recycled polypropylene plastic seeds is processed into food packaging products. This study discusses how to reduce the defective product by designing a 3k experiment with the design of experiment method. To reduce these defective products, the factors that influence the injection molding process are temperature, pressure and cooling time which are the main factors in producing quality goods without defects."
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depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bryce, Douglas M.
Deaborn: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1997
668.4 BRY p (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufiq Ismail
"Seiring dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi manufaktur, maka penggunaan material Plastik juga semakin beragam. Dan pada saat ini sebagian besar industri manufaklur mcnggunakan komponen terbuat dari material plastik, termasuk industri elelctronika dan automotif.
Untuk menghasilkan produk plastik yang baik dengan jumlah yang relatif banyak dzlam waktu yang cepat, diperlulcan mesin Plastic Iryection Molding yang dapat dioperasikan secara maksimal dan optimal.
Pada saat siklus produksi berlangsung, ada kalanya teriadi kegagalan baik produk maupun proses. Salah satu kegagalan proses pada mcsin Plastic Injection Molding adalah kcgagalun Clamping dan Locking. Kegagalan proscs Clamping dan Locking memerlukan waktu yang relatif lama dalarn melakukan tindakan troubleshooting atau perbaikan, yaitu antara I0 mcnit sampai 10 jam. Kalau kegagalan ini sering tcrjadi maka akan sangat mengganggu proses produksi.
Penerapan metode FMEA (Failure Mode, Eject, and Anabfsis) pada prosos Clamping dan Locking dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya kegagalan proses dengan cara menentukan semua potensi kegagalan (potential failure ntorle) misalnya kcgagulnn pada proscs hydraulic system worked, akibal kegagalannya (potential ejects of failure) yaitu moving platen tidak dapat bcrgcruk, nilai kcseriusan akibat kegagalan (severity) adalah 8.
Langkah selanjutnya mcnentukan polensi penyebab kegagalan (potential causes offailure) yaitu control circuit kotor, panas, atau rusak, kemudian frelcuensi tcrjadinya penyebab kegagalan dinmgking dengan menentukan nilai occurrence, yaitu 2. Setelah itu ditentukan lcontrol aliran proses (current process control) untuk mendeteksi teijadinya penyebab kegagalan yaitu alarm dan tampilan pads monitor control kemudian kcmampuan penyebab kegagalan dapat dideteksi (detection) dibcri nilai S, sehingga diperoleh nilai prioritas resiko alau risk priority number {Rl’N=S.O.D) udalab 80.
Selanjutnya ditentukan langkah penanganan kegagalan (recommended actions) dan pelaksanaannya (actions taken) yaitu pengecekan dan pembersihan control circuit setiap bulan dan perbaikan kerusakan schingga potensi penyebab terjadinya kcgagalnn berkurang, ditandai dengan menurunnya nilai RPN. Paula potousl pany;-bob kogagnlnn control elrcult Rotor. penal. atau rusak nilai RPN menurun dari 80 menjadi 48.
Dengan FMEA dapnt dirancang suatu program preventive maintenance untuk IIICIICCBIIII lcrjndinyu kcgngnlun proxcs (.'lampirtg dun Locking pudu siklus produksi l’ln.vtic Ingestion Molding Machine. Unluk mcncegah tcrjadinya potensi penyebab kegagalan control circuit kotor, pnnas, atau rusak adalah clengan pelaksanaan maintenance procedure pengccekan visual, pcngcccknn dengan multitester, pembersihan, perbaikau kerusakan, dan memastilmn fan pendingin berfungsi, dengan waktu pelaksanaan setiap bulan.

Follow to the development of manufacttue technologies, the use of plastic are so variously. Now, there are many manufacture industries that use the component or part from plastics, especially in electronics and automotive industries.
For producing the good quality plastic products with good quantity on a short time, need The Plastic Injection Molding Machine that can operate maximally and optimally.
On the production cycle, sometime the failure in product and process is happened. One of process failure on the Plastic Injection Molding Process is “Clamping and Locking Failure". This failure need a long time of service, repair or troubleshooting (its about 10 minutes - 10 hours). lf this failure oiien happened, its will disturb the production process.
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Clamping and Locking process will eliminate or reduce the failure happened by evaluate all of potential process failure (potential failure mode), ex: failure in hydraulic system worked, evaluate the potential effect of failure, moving platen can’t move then give the assessment ofthe effect (severity). In this case, the severity is 8.
Evaluate the potential causes of failure, it’s the control circuit dirty, high temperature, or break. Then assess the occurrence of potential causes happened. The occurrence is 2. Then develop the current process control to detect the cause of failure happened. It’s control by alarm and statement on control monitor. Then assess the ability of process control can detect the failure. The detection is S. After the step above the Risk Priority Number (RPN) will be found, it’s 80.
Then develop the recommended action and action taken. In this case, it’s checking and cleaning the control circuit every month and repair if any troubles. The potential cause of failure will reduced. It’s indicate by the decrease of RPN from 80 to 48.
The result of FMEA implementation is the preventive maintenance program to avoid, eliminate, or decrease the potential failure in Clamping and Locking Process on the Plastic Injection Molding Process. To prevent the potential cause of failure happened, ex: control circuit dirty, high temperature, or break by take the maintenance procedure action like visual checking, multi tester checking, cleaning, repairing, and ensure that the cooling fan worked. lt’s procedure must be taken every month.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bown, John
London: McGraw-Hill Company, 1979
668.412 BOW i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samuel Joshua
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki waktu changeover mold dalam studi kasus proses injeksi plastik. PT XYZ sebagai produsen sepeda motor memiliki seksi injeksi plastik yang memproduksi part plastik untuk sepeda motor. Sebuah mesin injeksi digunakan untuk memproduksi lebih dari satu jenis part, sehingga pergantian jenis part membutuhkan proses changeover. Proses changeover yang sering dilakukan menghasilkan waste bagi PT XYZ berupa waktu mengganggur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) untuk mengurangi durasi pelaksanaan changeover secara signifikan. Penelitian dilakukan sesuai dengan tiga tahap metode SMED yaitu mengelompokkan aktivitas ke dalam setup internal dan setup eksternal, mengkonversi aktivitas internal menjadi aktivitas eksternal, dan memperlancar seluruh pelaksanaan aktivitas setup. Langkah perbaikan pada tahap ketiga disimulasikan dengan simulasi Monte Carlo pada Ms. Excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode SMED dapat mengurangi waktu changeover sebesar 42,86%. Pengurangan ini berdampak pada penurunan waktu menggangur sebesar 760,77 menit dan peningkatan produktivitas sebesar 1.030 part dalam waktu satu bulan.

This research aims to improve mold changeover time on plastic injection molding case. PT XYZ as a motorcycle manufacturer has a plastic injection section which produces plastic parts for motorcycle body. An injection machine is used to produce more than one part type, so changeover process is needed. The frequent changeovers result in idle time waste for the company. The research uses Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) method to reduce changeover time significantly. The research was conducted based on three steps of SMED, namely, separating internal and external setup, converting internal to external setup, and streamlining all aspects of the setup operation. Improvement actions on the third step were simulated by Monte Carlo simulation in MS. Excel. The result showed that SMED is capable to reduce changeover time by 42.86%. This leads to 760.77 minutes of idle time reduction and an increase in productivity by 1,030 parts within one month."
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Hasnan
"Injection molding is the most common process for producing plastic products. The surface quality and the cycle time of the plastic product is strongly influenced by the cooling system, which accounts for approximately 70% of cycle time. In conventional injection molds, beryllium copper (BeCu) inserts are commonly used to speed up the cooling process and to obtain a uniform temperature distribution. This study aims to compare the abilities of the vapor chamber and the BeCu insert to increase the cooling rate and provide an even temperature distribution. The experiment was conducted with variations in heat inputs, cooling temperatures, and cooling rates. The vapor chamber had a copper foam wick with a pore diameter of 0.2 mm, filling ratio of 30%, and water as the working fluid. The vapor chamber provides an effective way to speed up the heat transfer process in injection molding, with heat transfer up to 67% greater than in conventional cooling methods that use BeCu."
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Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thareq Wibisono
"Proses injection molding adalah salah satu tipe proses manufactur yang sangat menguntungkan dari segi presisi dan kapabilitas produksi massa. Sifat bawaan dari proses inilah yang memberikan dampak positif bagi pembuatan alat-alat medis. Salah satu alat medis yang diuntungkan adalah Cranio Maxillofacial miniplate untuk rekonstruksi wajah. Pada paper ini, kami menyajikan desain cetakan (mold) untuk miniplate Cranio-Maxillofacial untuk proses injection molding. Kami memfokuskan studi kami terutama pada prediksi efek lokasi gating, kondisi pemrosesan injeksi, dan desain sistem feed (sprue, dan runner) pada kualitas (indikasi degradasi material, cacat permukaan, penyusutan volumetrik, defleksi atau lengkungan produk, kapabilitas filling, dan weld lines) cetakan menggunakan pendekatan analitis dan numerik. Penyelidikan mengungkapkan proporsi efek dari masing-masing faktor tersebut terhadap hasil produk cetakan.  Selain itu, kami juga secara analitis memprediksi desain sistem ejeksi optimal untuk menghindari efek degradilitas baik pada produk cetakan maupun pin ejektor itu sendiri. Terakhir, kami mencoba mendesain mold base berdasarkan analisis kami.

The injection molding manufacturing process is a lucrative manufacturing option for precision product and mass production. Such nature of injection molding provides an advantageous benefit to the medical device products. One of the devices is the Cranio Maxillofacial miniplate for facial reconstruction. In this paper, we present the molding design for Cranio-Maxillofacial miniplate for injection molding process. We focus our study mainly on the effect prediction of the gating location, injection processing condition, and the feed system design on the quality (indication of material degradation and surface defects), the volumetric shrinkage, and the deflection or warpage of the molding products using analytical and numerical approaches. The investigation reveals the effect proportion of each of the said factors to the molding product result. In addition, we also analytically predict the optimal ejection system design that avoid a degrading effect for both to the molding products and the ejector pin itself. Lastly, we try to design the mold base based on our analysis."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moayyedian, Mehdi
"This book describes an effective framework for setting the right process parameters and new mold design to reduce the current plastic defects in injection molding. It presents a new approach for the optimization of injection molding process via (i) a new mold runner design which leads to 20 percent reduction in scrap rate, 2.5 percent reduction in manufacturing time, and easier ejection of injected part, (ii) a new mold gate design which leads to less plastic defects; and (iii) the introduction of a number of promising alternatives with high moldability indices. Besides presenting important developments of relevance academic research, the book also includes useful information for people working in the injection molding industry, especially in the green manufacturing field."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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