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Ditemukan 137817 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Alline Dwiantina
"Skripsi ini membahas hubungan antara teori ruang personal dan teritori dengan kepadatan yang bekerja pada tribun gedung olahraga. Dalam kenyataannya, invasi terhadap keduanya dapat berakibat negatif baik bagi penonton maupun atlet. Pembahasan dilihat dari aspek teknis (dimensi, elemen-elemen arsitektur) dan aspek non teknis (perilaku). Hasilnya menyatakan bahwa ukuran ruang personal pada tribun dapat mengerucut akibat minimnya dimensi gerak yang tersedia. Teritori dapat bertahan pada area padat jika penanda teritori dirasa kuat. Dalam mendesain tribun, sebaiknya mengacu pada garis pandang (sight line) dimana setiap titik tribun harus dapat melihat objek secara keseluruhan, sehingga menghindari terjadinya invasi berlebihan pada ruang personal dan teritori.

The focus of this study is discusses about the relationship between personal space and territory theory and the density that happen in sport facility?s tribune. In fact, the invasion of both, personal space and theritory, are able to bring negative influence not only to the spectators but also the athlete. This discussion analyzed based on the technical aspects (dimension and architectural elements) and the non technical aspect (the behaviour). The result shows that personal space for the spectators in the tribune shrinks as the effect from the lack of movement dimension available. The territory will remain in a high density area if the sign of the theritory is strong enough. In designing tribune, we should refer to sight line where in every spot in the tribune must be able to see objects in the court as a whole, so that the excessive invasion to the personal space and territory can be avoided."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfiani Shabrina
"Ruang personal dan teritorialitas merupakan perilaku spasial yang terbentuk saat seseorang berdampingan dengan orang lain di dalam ruang. Pada skripsi ini akan dibahas mengenai ruang personal dan teritori yang terbentuk pada kamar tidur dengan kondisi berbagi, yakni kondisi dimana kamar tersebut dihuni oleh lebih dari satu orang di dalamnya. Penghuni kamar yang merupakan saudara kandung menampilkan bagaimana fleksibilitas manusia dalam memenuhi dua kebutuhan tersebut. Dalam skripsi ini juga ditampilkan bagaimana sistem berbagi pada masing-masing kakak beradik mempengaruhi kenyamanan masing-masing individu di dalam ruang terkait pemenuhan kebutuhan akan ruang personal dan teritori.

Personal space and territoriality is the spatial behavior that is formed when a certain person alongside with others in a room. This study will discuss the personal space and territory which formed in a bedroom with a shared condition, the condition where the rooms inhabited by more than one person. The occupants who is a sibling show how flexible human in their fulfillment of these needs. In this study also shown how the sharing system of sibling affect the comfort of each individual in space-related fulfillment of the need for personal space and territory."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Permukiman kumuh memiliki karakter yang khas dalam hal interaksi dan kehidupan sosialnya. Kecenderungan masyarakat untuk saling berinteraksi dan berkegiatan di tempat-tempat umum seperti jalanan menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai bagaimana pembentukan konsep personal space dan teritori yang terdapat pada mereka.
Bagaimana pula perealisasian secara fisik dari rumusan konsep tersebut."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Humiras Hardi
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2009
658 PUR i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Fatina Risinda

As part of the society, woman who lives in urban slum areas usually did not get much attention of their existence. When we talk about their roles in their life, actually these women have three roles. These three roles are not only reproductive role or dosmectic role, when women should take care of their family and house, but also productive role or the role that makes them to work too as a primer or secondary income-earners, and the third role, the community management (Moser, 1988; 1993, dalam Miraftab, 1995).
These women in slum areas became special as their three roles should meet the economic presure and bad condition of their settelement. They should face the truth about patriarchy system in the family, which men (or their husband) is said to have domination, including women space of activities.
From the pre-research in 2012, researcher found out that women in slum areas can use even the small space in their house efficiently and effectively. But at that pre-research, researcher did not include about the women point of view of the use of that space with their husband or children. Because of that, this research is about exploring women’s life and apce of activities in slum areas with their roles and activities in spaces in slum areas from gender perspective of how the space is created and used as it related with people around the women’s life, especially their husband, when they use that space.
The case studies of this reasearch are slum areas in Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta, with focus on RT 11 and RT 15 in RW 10. Both RTs is the poorest and always got flooded when the rain season comes because of their location in Kali Ciliwung riverbank. These women who live in this settlements can show us that poor women can live their life in very bad and limited spaces in their settlement for their space of activities. The limited spaces meet a lot of needs of space then relates to the existence of negotiation that women did as the way they form and use the existing spaces for their space of activities.
The method that researcher used is ethnograpic method, especially about the relation of people and spaces. The main approach is participant-observation to know these women’s space, people who involved, activities, the objects, actions, events, aims, and feeling in each of their activities (Reeves, Kuper, dan Hodges, 2008). With that method, research can learn how these women and their family, especially their husband, use the space in their house and their society for their activities as part of space negotiation.
Research then found out that women in slum areas can balance their three roles and that’s relate to how their face life presure from their husband, children, and the condition of their house and settlement. But at the same time, all of that pressures can make them stronger and can get opportunity to have access of spaces in their house and settlement. This can show us the position of these women in family are not subordinated. Even that position can be seen in how they use the spaces for their activities as a result of space negotiation that women and their husband did. So all of the condition that being thought will make them have a hard time to do their activities is actually can help them balance their roles, which area reproductive role, productive role, and community management role."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dino Caesaron
"Tesis ini meneliti tentang persepsi jarak baik pada lingkungan nyata maupun maya dalam jarak exocentric pada ruang peri-personal. Sepuluh partisipan melakukan 72 estimasi jarak antara 10 sampai dengan 50 cm, pada enam tata letak sasaran yang berbeda dan juga dikombinasikan dengan tiga parallax yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan dua macam target, maya dan nyata yang dilihat dengan menggunakan kacamata tiga dimensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kompresi atau penurunan estimasi jarak pada ruang peri-personal dalam jarak exocentric yang mengkombinasikan antara dua macam target, maya dan nyata. Hasil tersebut berbeda dari penelitian sebelumnya pada jarak egocentric dalam ruang peri-personal yang sama. Hal yang menarik dari penelitian ini adalah hasil yang konsisten dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya dengan menggunakan teknologi High Mounted Display (HMD), khususnya permasalahan kesalahan pada bidang pandang, ketika kita menempatkan target atau objek nyata pada bagian bawah terhadap objek lainnya, yaitu terjadi penurunan estimasi jarak. Meskipun hasil yang kita dapatkan konsisten dengan penelitian sebelumnya, penyebab mengapa hal ini terjadi masih belum dapat diketahui. Dengan memahami permasalahan ini seharusnya dapat memberikan perbaikan yang lebih baik kedepannya di bidang teknologi maya. Meskipun demikian, pada penelitian ini berdasarkan metode ANOVA yang kita lakukan, teknik bagaimana kita menempatkan sasaran baik nyata maupun maya (tata letak) mempengaruhi akurasi dari estimasi jarak, F(5,45) = 7.285 dengan p
< .05, dan, parallax juga mempengaruhi akurasi dari estimasi jarak F(2,18) =
4.934 dengan p = 0.02.

The present study investigated distance perception both in virtual and real environments within exocentric distance at peri-personal space. Ten participants estimated 72 target distances between 10 cm and 50 cm in six different target positions combined with three different parallaxes. The study examined virtual targets seen through the 3D glasses, and combined real and virtual objects. The results give evidence that the exocentric distance of virtual and combined real and virtual objects is underestimated at peri-personal distance, a different result from a previous cross study that has been found in egocentric distance in the same peri- personal space. The interesting aspect of this finding is that our result is consistent with a previous study, regarding the implication of a misleading field of view when real object placed in lower side. This result indicates the same degree of underestimation when showed both the real + virtual environments with HMD technology. Although, the results show that participants underestimated the distance for exocentric within peri-personal space, the reason why this happened remains unknown. Understanding these issues should lead to useful and applicable virtual reality technology improvement. However, the ANOVA result shows that the way we positioned a real and virtual target (layout) is affecting the accuracy of estimation, F(5,45) = 7.285 and p < .05, while, the parallax also has effect on the accuracy of distance estimation F(2,18) = 4.934 and p = 0.02."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evita Nidyasari
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nindita Prameswari Suroyo
"Skripsi ini membahas ruang personal manusia dalam ruang publik, yaitu desain sirkulasi pusat perbelanjaan, dan kaitan antara keduanya. Pengamatan, wawancara, kuesioner, dan pengisian diagram adalah cara-cara yang digunakan untuk mengukur kenyamanan ruang personal pengunjung. Melihat parameter desain sirkulasi ideal pada kajian literatur dan membandingkannya dengan kenyataan di studi kasus, kemudian dipelajari apa pengaruhnya terhadap ruang personal pengunjung.
Studi kasus memperlihatkan bahwa dua hal yang paling mempengaruhi kenyamanan ruang personal di sirkulasi pusat perbelanjaan adalah jumlah orang yang ada dan aspek arsitektural. Selain itu desain ideal bukanlah hal yang mutlak karena.meski rancangan sirkulasi banyak memiliki kekurangan kenyamanan ruang tetap dapat terpenuhi.

The main focus of this study is personal space in public spaces, especially the circulation of shopping centers, and the correlation between them. Observations, interviews, questioners, and diagram drawings are the methods used to measure the needs of users? personal space. Using the parameter of ideal circulation designs in the literature review and comparing it to the actual shopping centers in the case studies, then analyzing how the design and personal space are connected.
The case studies show that the two things impacting the comfort of personal space the most are the amount of people in there and the architectural aspects. The ideal design is not something absolute because even though the case studies show many flaws in the design, most people are still comfortable and don?t think that their personal spaces are being invaded.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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