ABSTRACTAs part of the society, woman who lives in urban slum areas usually did not get much attention of their existence. When we talk about their roles in their life, actually these women have three roles. These three roles are not only reproductive role or dosmectic role, when women should take care of their family and house, but also productive role or the role that makes them to work too as a primer or secondary income-earners, and the third role, the community management (Moser, 1988; 1993, dalam Miraftab, 1995).
These women in slum areas became special as their three roles should meet the economic presure and bad condition of their settelement. They should face the truth about patriarchy system in the family, which men (or their husband) is said to have domination, including women space of activities.
From the pre-research in 2012, researcher found out that women in slum areas can use even the small space in their house efficiently and effectively. But at that pre-research, researcher did not include about the women point of view of the use of that space with their husband or children. Because of that, this research is about exploring women’s life and apce of activities in slum areas with their roles and activities in spaces in slum areas from gender perspective of how the space is created and used as it related with people around the women’s life, especially their husband, when they use that space.
The case studies of this reasearch are slum areas in Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta, with focus on RT 11 and RT 15 in RW 10. Both RTs is the poorest and always got flooded when the rain season comes because of their location in Kali Ciliwung riverbank. These women who live in this settlements can show us that poor women can live their life in very bad and limited spaces in their settlement for their space of activities. The limited spaces meet a lot of needs of space then relates to the existence of negotiation that women did as the way they form and use the existing spaces for their space of activities.
The method that researcher used is ethnograpic method, especially about the relation of people and spaces. The main approach is participant-observation to know these women’s space, people who involved, activities, the objects, actions, events, aims, and feeling in each of their activities (Reeves, Kuper, dan Hodges, 2008). With that method, research can learn how these women and their family, especially their husband, use the space in their house and their society for their activities as part of space negotiation.
Research then found out that women in slum areas can balance their three roles and that’s relate to how their face life presure from their husband, children, and the condition of their house and settlement. But at the same time, all of that pressures can make them stronger and can get opportunity to have access of spaces in their house and settlement. This can show us the position of these women in family are not subordinated. Even that position can be seen in how they use the spaces for their activities as a result of space negotiation that women and their husband did. So all of the condition that being thought will make them have a hard time to do their activities is actually can help them balance their roles, which area reproductive role, productive role, and community management role."