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Ouano, E.A.R.
Manila: National Science Development Board (NSDB, 1983
628.119 OUA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ailsa Ulfa Indrianing Hapsari
"IPAL Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia sudah lama mengalami tantangan dalam menyisihkan kandungan fenol yang sering melebihi baku mutu. Anomali nilai COD pada penelitian sebelumnya dan kecenderungan efluen yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan influen mengharuskan COD sebagai parameter yang juga membutuhkan perhatian. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) menganalisis teknologi pengolahan air limbah potensial berdasarkan kajian literatur dan kondisi eksisting IPAL; (2) Menganalisis konsentrasi fenol dan COD di sump pit, netralisasi, sterilisasi, grease trap, inlet, dan outlet IPAL; dan (3) mengevaluasi efektivitas penyisihan fenol dan COD teknologi terpilih dengan simulasi laboratorium. Penelitian ini menggunakan decision matrix untuk memilih lima teknologi potensial (adsorpsi, fotokatalisis, fitoremediasi, ion exchange, dan chemical precipitation). Hasil menunjukkan teknologi yang terpilih adalah adsorpsi dan chemical precipitation. Kemudian, hasil sampling menyatakan bahwa sumber konsentrasi fenol tertinggi adalah toilet (sump pit) sebesar 0.258 mg/L. Eksperimen jar test dilakukan dengan dosis yang berbeda, baik untuk FeCl3 (40, 80, 120, 160, dan 200 mg/L), maupun PAC (0.09, 0.18, 0.45, 0.90, dan 1.80 g/L). Pengadukan cepat (40 rpm) dan lambat (120 rpm) masing - masing dilakukan selama 1 menit dan 20 menit untuk chemical precipitation, sedangkan pengadukan sebesar 150 rpm selama 3 jam untuk adsorpsi. Sampel dianalisis, ketika waktu pengendapan mencapai 15 menit (chemical precipitation) dan 30 menit (adsorpsi). Simulasi menunjukkan dosis optimum (160 mg/L) FeCl3 mampu menyisihkan 68% fenol dan 43.6% COD. Sedangkan adsorpsi mengungkapkan bahwa PAC pada dosis optimum 1.8 g/L mengeradikasi fenol (92%) dan COD (70%). Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa adsorpsi merupakan teknologi potensial terbaik untuk IPAL Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia.

Universitas Indonesia Hospital WWTP has long experienced challenges in removing phenol content which often exceeds quality standards. The anomaly in the COD value in previous studies, as well as the tendency for the effluent to be higher than the influent which requires COD to be a parameter that also needed attention. For this reason, research was carried out on optimizing phenol and COD levels in WWTP RSUI. This study aims to (1) analyze the potential wastewater treatment technology based on a review of the literature and the existing WWTP conditions; (2) Analyze the concentration of phenol and COD in the sump pit, neutralization, sterilization, grease trap, inlet and outlet of WWTP; and (3) evaluating the phenol and COD removal effectiveness of the selected technology with laboratory simulations. This study uses a decision matrix to select five potential technologies (adsorption, photocatalysis, phytoremediation, ion exchange, and chemical precipitation). The results show that the technology that has been selected through a decision matrix are adsorption and chemical precipitation. Jar test experiments were carried out with different doses, both for FeCl3 (40, 80, 120, 160, and 200 mg/L), and PAC (0.09, 0.18, 0.45, 0.90, and 1.80 g/L). Rapid (40 rpm) and slow (120 rpm) mixing were carried out for 1 minute and 20 minutes respectively for chemical precipitation, while mixing at 150 rpm for 3 hours for adsorption. Samples were analyzed, when the settling time reached 15 minutes (chemical precipitation) and 30 minutes (adsorption). Simulation of the optimum dose (160 mg/L) of FeCl3 was able to remove 68% phenol and 43.6% COD. While adsorption revealed that PAC at the optimum dose of 1.8 g/L eradicated phenol (92%) and COD (70%). Overall, it can be said that adsorption is the best potential technology for Universitas Indonesia Hospital WWTP."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Badzlina Khairunizzahrah
"Zat pewarna sintetik merupakan salah satu komponen yang paling berbahaya dari limbah cair tekstil. Limbah yang mengandung banyak senyawa organik terutama zat pewarna menyebabkan nilai Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) tinggi. Zat pewarna remazol blue merupakan zat pewarna reaktif yang banyak digunakan untuk proses pencelupan tekstil. Limbah zat pewarna ini jika dibuang tanpa pengolahan terlebih dahulu akan menyebabkan pencemaran air. Pada penelitian ini, inovasi teknologi pengolahan limbah diterapkan dalam reaktor plasma Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD). Reaktor plasma DBD merupakan reaktor plasma non- termal yang dirancang untuk mendegradasi senyawa organik dan anorganik dalam limbah cair melalui proses oksidasi oleh spesi-spesi aktif, seperti O3, H2O2 dan •OH, yang terbentuk dalam reaktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja reaktor plasma DBD non-termal dalam mendegradasi limbah cair yang mengandung salah satu zat pewarna tekstil, yaitu remazol blue. Persentase degradasi yang dicapai yaitu sebesar 98,43% dalam waktu proses 120 menit dengan konsentrasi akhir sebesar 0,75 mg/L. Kondisi optimum diperoleh pada nilai pH 4, laju alir udara 2,5 L/menit, laju alir limbah 50 mL/menit, dan tegangan sekunder NST 19 kV. Nilai COD juga mengalami penurunan hingga 45,67%.

Synthetic dyes are one of the most dangerous component of textile wastewater. Waste that contains many organic compounds, especially dyes, causes high Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) values. Remazol blue is a reactive dye that is widely used for the textile dyeing process. If the dye waste is discharged without prior treatment, it will cause water pollution. In this research, innovation in waste treatment technology is applied in the Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma reactor. DBD plasma reactors are non-thermal plasma reactors designed to degrade organic and inorganic compounds in liquid waste through the oxidation process by active species, such as O3, H2O2 and •OH, which are formed in the reactor. This study aims to evaluate the performance of non-thermal DBD plasma reactor in treating wastewater containing one of the textile dyes, namely remazol blue. Percentage of degradation achieved was 98.43% in the process time of 120 minutes with a final concentration of 0.75 mg/L. The optimum conditions were obtained at pH value of 4, air flow rate of 2.5 L/min, liquid flow rate of 50 mL / min, and a primary NST voltage of 19 kV. The value of COD also decreased to 45.67%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rich, Linvil G.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980
628.3 RIC l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachmi Azhar Aji
"PT X merupakaan perusahaan penetasan telur ayam yang menerapkan sistem daur ulang air limbah untuk mengurangi pengambilan air tanah dan pembuangan air limbah. Sistem daur ulang air limbah yang berkelanjutan harus layak secara teknologi, ekonomi dan sosial. Namun masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah ketiadaan informasi kelayakan dan strategi pengembangannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi keberlanjutan penerapan sistem daur ulang air limbah di PT X dan merumuskan strategi pengembangannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan diantaranya mengevaluasi efisiensi penggunaan air tanah, penurunan konsentrasi pencemar air limbah, analisis biaya manfaat, analisa persepsi & tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat kemudian pengembangan strategi dengan metode SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sistem daur ulang air limbah mampu meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan air tanah secara rata-rata sebesar 30,18%, performa penurunan konsentrasi pencemar untuk parameter BOD5, COD, TSS, Minyak dan lemak diatas 70% dan mampu memenuhi baku mutu yang diharapkan, dan memiliki kelayakan ekonomi dengan nilai NPV positif dan BCR>1. Selain itu mayoritas masyarakat sekitar perusahaan memiliki pengetahuan lingkungan lebih dari cukup dan perspektif positif terhadap daur ulang air limbah PT X. Strategi peningkatan kekuatan & peluang cocok diterapkan untuk pengembangan berkelanjutan. Secara umum daur ulang air limbah layak diterapkan dalam industri sejenis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sistem daur ulang air limbah yang diterapkan PT X memiliki kelayakan teknologi, ekonomi dan sosial dan dapat dikembangkan melalui peningkatan teknologi daur ulang air limbah dan pemanfaatan peluang eksternal

PT X is a poultry hatchery company that implements a wastewater recycling system to reduce groundwater extraction and wastewater disposal. The sustainable wastewater recycling system must be technologically, economically, and socially feasible. However, the problem in this research is the lack of feasibility information and development strategies. The objective of this research is to evaluate the sustainability of implementing the wastewater recycling system at PT X and formulate development strategies. Research methods include evaluating the efficiency of groundwater use, reducing pollutant concentrations in wastewater, cost-benefit analysis, analyzing community perceptions and knowledge levels, and developing strategies using the SWOT method. The research results indicate that the wastewater recycling system can improve the efficiency of groundwater use by an average of 30.18%. The performance in reducing pollutant concentrations for parameters such as BOD5, COD, TSS, oil, and fat is above 70%, meeting the expected quality standards. It is economically viable with a positive NPV and BCR > 1. Additionally, the majority of the community around the company has sufficient environmental knowledge and a positive perspective on PT X's wastewater recycling. Strengthening internal strengths and capitalizing on external opportunities are suitable strategies for sustainable development. In conclusions, wastewater recycling is feasible for similar industries. The conclusion of this research is that PT X's implemented wastewater recycling system is technologically, economically, and socially feasible and can be developed through improved wastewater recycling technology and leveraging external opportunities."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Candela Azizah Hasanamita
"Resistensi antibiotik terjadi karena adanya penyalahgunaan antibiotik. Salah satu dari dampak resistensi antibiotik adalah produksi enzim ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase) pada bakteri. WHO menciptakan tricycle protocol untuk pengawasan global pada bakteri E.coli penghasil ESBL (ESBL-Ec) salah satunya di lingkungan. Penelitian ini memilih objek studi air drainase dan air sungai di Kawasan DKI Jakarta berdasarkan standar ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis konsentrasi E.coli, ESBL-Ec, rasio ESBL-Ec terhadap E.coli, dan pengaruh lokasi pengambilan sampel terhadap konsentrasi E. coli dan ESBL-Ec. Metode prevalensi E.coli dan ESBL-Ec dilakukan dengan metode spread plate dan antibiotic susceptibility test (AST). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan rata-rata konsentrasi E.coli kategori menengah atas sebesar 4,8x106 CFU/100 mL, menengah sebesar 3,9x106CFU/100 mL, dan menengah bawah sebesar 6,5x106 CFU/100 mL dengan nilai konsentrasi terbesar 9,1x106 CFU/100 mL pada kategori menengah bawah. Rasio ESBL-Ec terhadap E.coli pada setiap sampel berada diangka 0,74%-12,24%. Terdapat tiga lokasi yang tidak ditemukan konfirmasi ESBL-Ec sehingga rasio 0%. Lokasi pengambilan sampel mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya konsentrasi E.coli dan ESBL-Ec terutama lokasi sampel dengan kategori menengah bawah yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi dan sanitasi yang rendah. Masih adanya prevalensi ESBL-Ec di DKI Jakarta menunjukkan perlu adanya pengawasan penggunaan antibiotik oleh fasilitas kesehatan dan peningkatan sanitasi masyarakat seperti penyuluhan kepada masyarakat demi kesehatan dan keamanan.

Antibiotic resistance occurs due to the misuse of antibiotics. One of the impacts of antibiotic resistance is the production of ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase) enzymes in bacteria. WHO has established the tricycle protocol for global surveillance of ESBL-producing E. coli (ESBL-Ec) bacteria, including in the environment. This study selected drainage water and river water in the Jakarta area based on economic standards as the study objects. The aim of this research is to analyze the concentration of E. coli, ESBL-Ec, the ratio of ESBL-Ec to E. coli, and the effect of sampling locations on the concentration of E. coli and ESBL-Ec. The prevalence method for E. coli and ESBL-Ec was conducted using the spread plate method and antibiotic susceptibility test (AST). The test results showed the average concentration of E. coli in the upper-middle category was 4.8×106 CFU/100 mL, middle category was 3.9×106 CFU/100 mL, and lower-middle category was 6.5×106CFU/100 mL, with the highest concentration value of 9.1×106CFU/100 mL in the lower-middle category. The ratio of ESBL-Ec to E. coli in each sample ranged from 0.74% to 12.24%. There were three locations where ESBL-Ec was not detected, resulting in a 0% ratio. The sampling location influenced the concentration of E. coli and ESBL-Ec, particularly in lower-middle category locations with high population density and poor sanitation. The continued prevalence of ESBL-Ec in Jakarta indicates the need for monitoring antibiotic use in medical facility and improving community sanitation for public health and safety."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Purnawan
"Pencemaran air dan udara menjadi tantangan utama dalam pengelolaan lingkungan saat ini, karena membahayakan kehidupan manusia dan kehidupan lainnya. Limbah cair industri tahu, sebagai studi kasus penelitian ini, adalah salah satu limbah berbahaya karena banyak mengandung bahan yang membahayakan lingkungan dan kehidupan air serta menghasilkan bau yang menyengat. Sedangkan NOx (NO dan NO2) adalah salah satu pencemar udara yang membahayakan kehidupan dan dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya infeksi pernapasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat membran datar berbasis Polivinilidena Fluorida (PVDF) menggunakan aditif Polivinilpirolidona (PVP) dengan variasi komposisi 14,9/0,1; 14,85/0,15 dan 14,8/0,2 gram PVDF/gram PVP. Membran datar dimanfaatkan untuk mengolah limbah cair industri tahu dengan proses ultrafiltrasi (UF) yang sebelumnya diolah dengan proses koagulasi-flokulasi melalui jar tester menggunakan poli aluminium klorida (PAC) sebagai koagulan. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk membuat membran serat berongga berbasis PVDF tanpa aditif untuk penyisihan gas NOx menggunakan berbagai senyawa absorben, yaitu larutan hidrogen peroksida dan asam nitrat (H2O2-HNO3), natrium klorit dan natrium hidroksida (NaClO2-NaOH), serta natrium klorat dan natrium hidroksida (NaClO3-NaOH). Untuk memahami dan membandingkan perubahan sifat fisik dan kimia yang terjadi, dilakukan karakterisasi membran diantaranya pemindaian mikroskop elektron (SEM), sudut kontak air, dan Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Berdasarkan karakterisasi membran datar berbasis PVDF untuk pengolahan limbah cair industri tahu, penambahan aditif PVP memperbesar ukuran dan distribusi pori serta membuat membran bersifat lebih hidrofilik sehingga meningkatkan permeabilitas serta nilai fluks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh PVP terhadap fluks yang paling besar yaitu pada membran PVDF/PVP 0,15 baik air maupun limbah cair industri tahu. Persentase rejeksi tertinggi untuk TSS, TDS dan kekeruhan diamati pada membran PVDF/PVP 0,1 secara berturut-turut besar 99,11%, 23,49% dan 96,67%. Pada penyisihan gas NOx didapatkan bahwa kekuatan oksidan mempengaruhi efisiensi penyisihan NOx. Larutan penyerap yang mengandung hidrogen peroksida memiliki efisiensi penyisihan tertinggi karena merupakan oksidan yang paling kuat, diikuti oleh natrium klorit dan natrium klorat dengan nilai secara berturut-turut sebesar 99,7%, 99,2% dan 99,3%. Ketiga senyawa absorben memberikan efisiensi penyisihan NOx yang tinggi (di atas 90%), yang berarti bahwa semua absorben yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sangat potensial digunakan untuk mereduksi NOx melalui proses basah. Efisiensi penyisihan NOx pada laju aliran gas umpan yang sama meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah serat dan konsentrasi penyerap. Namun, efisiensi penghilangan NOx berkurang karena laju aliran gas umpan meningkat pada modul membran dan konsentrasi penyerap yang sama.

Water and air pollution have become significant challenges in current environmental management, posing threats to human life and other organisms. Wastewater from the tofu industry, as the case study in this research, is one hazardous waste due to its high content of environmentally harmful substances, affecting aquatic life and emitting a pungent odor. Meanwhile, nitrogen oxides (NOx), including NO and NO2, are air pollutants that endanger life and can lead to respiratory infections. This research aims to develop a flat sheet membrane based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) using Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as an additive with various composition of 14.9/0.1; 14.85/0.15; and 14.8/0.2 grams of PVDF/gram of PVP. The flat sheet membrane is utilized for tofu wastewater from the tofu industry using the ultrafiltration (UF) process, preceded by coagulation-flocculation through jar testing using poly aluminum chloride (PAC) as a coagulant. Additionally, the study aims to create a hollow fiber membrane based on PVDF without additives for NOx gas removal using various absorbent compounds, namely hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid (H2O2-HNO3), sodium chlorite and sodium hydroxide (NaClO2-NaOH), and sodium chlorate and sodium hydroxide (NaClO3-NaOH). To understand and compare the physical and chemical property changes, membrane characterization was conducted, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), water contact angle, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Based on the characterization of the PVDF-based flat sheet membrane for treating wastewater from the tofu industry, the addition of PVP enlarges pore size and distribution, making the membrane more hydrophilic, thereby increasing permeability and flux. The research results indicate that the most significant impact of PVP on flux is observed in the PVDF/PVP 0.15 membrane, both for water and wastewater from the tofu industry. The highest rejection percentages for TSS, TDS, and turbidity are observed in the PVDF/PVP 0.1 membrane, with values of 99.11%, 23.49%, and 96.67%, respectively. In NOx gas removal, it is found that the oxidizing strength influences the efficiency of NOx removal. The absorbent solution containing hydrogen peroxide shows the highest removal efficiency as it is the strongest oxidizer, followed by sodium chlorite and sodium chlorate with values of 99.7%, 99.2%, and 99.3%, respectively. All three absorbent compounds exhibit high NOx removal efficiency (above 90%), suggesting their great potential for NOx reduction through the wet process. The efficiency of NOx removal at the same feed gas flow rate increases with the rising number of fibers and absorbent concentration. However, the removal efficiency decreases as the feed gas flow rate increases for the same membrane module and absorbent concentration."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiratni Budhijanto
"This paper presents the efficiency improvement in aerobic wastewater treatment technology through the application of a microbubble generator (MBG) for aeration. Aeration using an MBG is accomplished through water circulation and does not need air compressors, making it more energy efficient than conventional aerators. The MBG aerobic system with the variations on liquid flow rate (Q1) and airflow rate (Qg) combination was tested using artificial wastewater with a typical composition of organic waste. Experimental data were evaluated by means of a simplified mathematical model to systematically compare different MBG schemes. The study confirmed that the soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) removal efficiency was significantly affected by the Qg values. Lower Qg values were preferable because they tended to have higher soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) removal efficiency. However, the microbubbles were less stable at lower Qg due to the high incidence of bubble collisions. The study concluded that for applications in an actual aerobic waste treatment pond, the positioning of the MBG in the pond had to be carefully designed to minimize the collision tendency."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:7 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadine Septia Nugraha
"Pabrik pengolahan air limbah ini berada di 594 km timur dari Perth di kota Kalgoorlie. Region ini dikenal dengan industri pertambangan emas, yang diketahui mengggunakan jumlah air yang besar dan jejak lingkungan yang ditinggalkan. Hasil riset dari CSIRO mengatakan bahwa operasional tambang emas membutuhkan lebih dari 250ML air untuk memproduksi 1 ton emas. Selain itu, situasi pertambangan emas saat ini di Kalgoorlie meninggalkan efek yang cukup drastic pada lingkungan sekitar. Di Kalgoorlie terdapat 26 sumber air yang dipergunakan untuk industri pertambangan. Selain itu, bendungan yang dipergunakan untuk menyimpan air hasil proses berbahaya bagi lingkungan sekitar. Tujuan utama dari pabrik ini merupakan untuk mendapatkan air proses pertambangan dari industri pertambangan emas untuk diolah kembali agar dapat dipergunakan kembali. Air yang dihasilkan akan menjadi 80% kelas C dan 20% kelas B.

The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is located 594km east of Perth in the town of Kalgoorlie. This region has a prolific gold mining industry, an industry well known for its large water consumption and large environmental footprint. Research from CSIRO found that a gold mine operation requires over 250ML of water to produce a single tonne of gold. Moreover, current gold mining operations over the last few decades have devastated the natural landscape and quality of local waterways through the excessive sourcing of water from ground water reserves. There are a total of twenty-six operational bore fields in Kalgoorlie to supply water to all mining operations. Furthermore, tailing dams used to store processed mine water have caused further damage to waterways through the continual seepage back into underground reserve which has affected drinking water supplies. The sum of this reported damage over many years, further exacerbated by the call for more sustainable mining operations has allowed Gold Wastewater to see the benefits and longevity of investing in the area. Ultimately, the main purpose of the plant is to receive mine tailings from local gold mining operations, to process the tailings water up to re-use quality, and to return this water to the same mine operations in large quantities thus reducing the load on local water supplies. The water to be returned to mining operations will fall under Class C and will make up 80% of the water produced. The remaining 20% of water will undergo further processing to Class B, available for watering of parks, gardens and sports facilities, supporting the green vision of Kalgoorlie’s community."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amala Kusumaputri
"Pengelolaan air limbah di rumah sakit diperlukan untuk mengurangi beban pencemar yang terkandung di dalam air limbah. Pengelolaan air limbah di rumah sakit secara terpadu dilakukan mulai dari reduksi pada sumber, pengolahan, sampai ke pembuangan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rumah sakit sudah melakukan upaya pemanfaatan air limbah namun dihentikan karena terkendala biaya operasional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh penerapan produksi bersih dalam pengelolaan IPAL melalui identifikasi peluang inefisiensi pengelolaan air limbah serta upaya reuse air hasil olahan. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan mix method. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan adanya inefisiensi pada pengelolaan IPAL dari aspek manusia, metode, material, dan mesin. Pekerja di RS Kanker Dharmais sudah memiliki tingkat keterlibatan yang baik pada upaya penerapan produksi bersih IPAL ditinjau dari tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku karyawan yang baik. Efisiensi biaya operasional yang didapatkan melalui penerapan produksi bersih sebesar Rp.762.375.500/tahun. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Implementasi produksi bersih dapat meningkatkan kinerja IPAL melalui optimasi sistem dan teknologi IPAL.

Wastewater management in hospitals is needed to reduce the pollutant load contained in wastewater. Integrated management of wastewater in hospitals is carried out starting from reduction at source, processing, to disposal. The problem in this study is that the hospital has made efforts to utilize wastewater but was discontinued due to operational costs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of implementing cleaner production in WWTP management through identifying opportunities for inefficiency in wastewater management and efforts to reuse processed water. The method used is a quantitative approach using a mix method. The results showed that there were inefficiencies in WWTP management from the human, method, material, and machine aspects. Workers at Dharmais Cancer Hospital already have a good level of involvement in efforts to implement cleaner production on WWTP in terms of the level of knowledge, attitudes, and good employee behavior. The operational cost efficiency obtained through the application of cleaner production is Rp.762.375.500/year. The conclusion of this study is that the implementation of cleaner production can improve the performance of WWTPs through system optimization and WWTP technology.."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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