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Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2007
332.129 7 ASC a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adiwarman A. Karim, 1963-
Jakarta: Rajawali, 2009
332.1 KAR b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adiwarman A. Karim, 1963-
Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2004
332.1 ADI b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Rajawali, 2013
297.273 ASC a (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasrul Fahmi Zaki Fuadi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman nasabah Bank Syariah tentang wakaf uang. Selain itu juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dan seberapa besar pengaruh variabel sikap, norma subjektif, dan kendali prilaku terhadap intensi berwakaf uang di Badan Wakaf Indonesia (BWI). Penelitian ini menggunakan theory of planned behaviour oleh Ajzen. Metode yang digunakan yaitu tabulasi silang dan regresi berganda. Hasil riset menyatakan bahwa nasabah Bank Syariah masih belum memahami wakaf uang dengan baik, termasuk pengetahuan mereka akan kebolehan wakaf uang. Selain itu, hasil riset juga menyatakan Variabel norma subjektif dan kendali prilaku berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intensi nasabah Bank Syariah untuk berwakaf uang secara parsial, sedangkan variabel sikap tidak berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial, dan variabel intensi berwakaf uang mampu dijelaskan oleh ke tiga variabel yaitu sikap, norma subjektif, dan kendali perilaku sebesar 40%.

This research is aiming to find the understanding of Islamic bank customers about the cash waqf, and also to find out how and how much the attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control influence the intention for cash waqf in Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI). This study is based on the theory of planned behavior by Ajzen. The method used are cross tabulations and multiple regression. The results indicate that the Islamic bank customers' understanding about cash waqf is not yet well enough, including their knowledge about the ability of cash waqf. Besides, the result indicates that subjective norms and perceived behavioural control significantly and partially affect the Islamic bankings' customers' intention. Whereas attitude does not significantly and partially affect the intention. Cash waqf intention is able to be explained by attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control by 40%."
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Floury Handayani
Salah satu penyebab krisis keuangan adalah pertumbuhan lembaga keuangan yang tinggi dan kegagalan lembaga tersebut mengidentifikasi, mengukur, mengendalikan dan mematuhi level risiko. Krisis semakin sering terjadi dalam 25 tahun terakhir karena volatilitas tingkat suku bunga, nilai tukar, serta harga saham yang besar. Pertumbuhan perbankan syariah yang sangat cepat juga berpotensi meningkatkan risiko industri ini. Pembiayaan sebagai aktivitas utama bank syariah juga merupakan sumber risiko. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur risiko portofolio pembiayaan perbankan syariah berdasarkan akad (mudharabah, musyarakah, murabahah, istishna, ijarah dan qardh) serta berdasarkan skim pembiayaan (bagi hasil, jual beli, dan jasa). Metode pengukuran menggunakan Value at Risk pendekatan Variance-Covariance dengan tingkat keyakinan 90%, 95% dan 99%. Data yang digunakan adalah data bulanan periode Maret 2004 – Desember 2012. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa potensi risiko kerugian pada portofolio pembiayaan syariah relatif stabil di sekitar 0,2% hingga 1,8%.

One of the causes of the financial crisis is the high growth of financial institutions and the failure of the institution to identify, measure, control and fulfill the level of risk. Crises are becoming more frequent in the last 25 years due to the high volatility of interest rates, exchange rates, and stock prices. The enormous growth of Islamic banking also potentially increase the risk of this industry. Financing as the main activity of Islamic banks are also the main of risk. This study was conducted to measure the risk of the portfolio financing based on the principles of Islamic banking (mudaraba, musharaka, murabaha, istishna, ijara and qard) and based on financing schemes (profit sharing, trading, and services). Measurement method using the Value at Risk, Variance-Covariance approach, with confidence level 90%, 95% and 99%. The data used are monthly data from March 2004 to December 2012. The result indicates that the risk and potential loss of the Islamic financing portfolio are relatively stable at around 0.2% to 1.8%."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Untuk mencapai program akselerasi perbankan syariah, Bank Indonesia telah
menargetkan agar perbankan syariahdiakhir tahun 2008 dapat menyalurkan
pembiayaan kapada masyarakat sebesar Rp.65.950.000.000.000,- tapi ternyata
realisasinya hanya bisa dipenuhi sebesar Rp.,- atau hanya tercapai
sebesar 55%nya sehingga perlu penelitian tentang analisis faktor-faktor yang
mcmpengaruhi pcnyaluran pembiayaan pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia
menggunakan Multiple Linier Regression dengan metode OLS (Ordinary Least
Square) guna bisa mcmberikan soiusi bagi perkembangan perbankan syariah di
Variabcl-variabel independen yang digunakan adalah Sertifikat Wadiah Bank
Indonesia (SWBI), Non Performing Financing (NPF), equivalent rate pembiayaan
(ERPYD), equivalent rate Dana Pihak Ketiga (ERDPK), dan tingkat inflasi Indonesia
(Inflasi) yang kesemuaqya dari sisi kebijakan moneter dan perbankan, sedangkan
yang menjadi variabel dependennya adalah Pcmbiayann yang diberikan (PYD).
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa SlBI dan 1LTF mempengaruhi secara signifikan
terhadap pembiayaan yang diberikan. Sedangkan equivalent rate pembiayaan,
equivalent rate dana pihak ketiga dan tingkat inflasi. temyata tidak signifikan
mempengaruhi penyaluran pembiayaan pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia.

In order to achieve the sharia banking acceleration program~ Bank of lndonesia
fuls targeted that by the end of2008 the sharia banking should channel a total finance
ofRp 68,950,000,000,000, however, !he realization was only Rp 38,195,000,000,000
or only around 55 % of the target. Thus, it is important to analyze the factors
affecting the financing provided by sharia banking in order to provide solutions for
the development of sharia banking in Indonesia. This study used Multiple Linear
Regression with OLS (Ordinary Leas/ Square) method.
The independent variables were Wcdiah Certificate of Bank of Indonesia
(SWBI), Non Performing Financing (NPF). equivalent rate financing (ERPYD),
equivalent rate of the third party (ERDPK), and inflation rate of Indonesia that were
from the monetary and banking policy side, while the dependent variable was the
given financing (PYD). The result showed that SWBI and NPF affected the given
financing significantly. Meanwhile, ERPYD, ERDPK, and inflation rate did not
significantly affect the financing provided by sharia banking in Indonesia."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Permana
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan perbankan syariah di Indonesia yaitu ROA dan ROE yang dilihat dari; karakteristik bank dan kondisi makroekonomi. Analisis dalam penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif serta menggunakan data dari 3 bank Islam yang terdapat di Indonesia dengan periode 2004-2014. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan metode Generalised Least Square ( GLS ) serta fixed effect dan random effect. Analisis kualitatif yang dilakukan adalah untuk mendapatkan deskripsi tentang keterkaitan antara variabel yang di uji berdasarkan model yang ada. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kinerja keuangan bank syariah yang dilihat dari ROA dan ROE dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik bank,dan kondisi makroekonomi yaitu equity to assets ratio, deposit & short term funding to asset ratio, Loan to Asset Ratio, Liabilities to Asset Ratio, Cost of Efficiency, PDB dan inflasi, ROA hanya di pengaruhi oleh variabel EAR, COE dan Inflasi sedangkan ROE di pengaruhi oleh Variabel COE, PDB dan Inflasi.

This aim of this research is to analyze the profitability determinant of Islamic banks which can be seen from variable, such as; bank characteristic and macroeconomic condition. Quantitative and qualitative are used in this study, by using data from 3 Islamic bank in Indonesia in the 2004-2014. Quantitative analysis is generated through panel data reggression model with Generalized Least Square ( GLS ) also fixed effect well as random effect and also common effect Model based on Hausman test. Qualitative analysis is used to capture description ofthe relationship between variables exist in the model. The result shows that; bank characteristics that appear equity to assets ratio, Cost of Efficiency and macroeconomic that appear inflation have significant effect to ROA, while ROE is only influenced by Cost of Efficiency, GDP and Inflation., This aim of this research is to analyze the profitability determinant of Islamic banks which can be seen from variable, such as; bank characteristic and macroeconomic condition. Quantitative and qualitative are used in this study, by using data from 3 Islamic bank in Indonesia in the 2004-2014. Quantitative analysis is generated through panel data reggression model with Generalized Least Square ( GLS ) also fixed effect well as random effect and also common effect Model based on Hausman test. Qualitative analysis is used to capture description ofthe relationship between variables exist in the model. The result shows that; bank characteristics that appear equity to assets ratio, Cost of Efficiency and macroeconomic that appear inflation have significant effect to ROA, while ROE is only influenced by Cost of Efficiency, GDP and Inflation.]"
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Myrna Anggarani
"Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menganalisis pengaruh pembiayaan yang disalurkan terhadap profitabilitas Unit Usaha Syariah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh pembiayaan yang disalurkan Unit Usaha Syariah terhadap profitabilitas perbankan syariah yang diproksikan dengan rasio Return On Assets (ROA), dan Return on Equity (ROE). Selain itu, penelitan ini juga menganalisis pengaruh pembiayaan yang disalurkan terhadap Non Performing Financing (NPF). Penelitian ini menggunakan data yang terdapat di Statistik Perbankan Syariah periode 2015 sampai dengan 2019. Adapun Unit Usaha Syariah yang terdapat di Statistik Perbankan Syariah sebanyak 20 bank.Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data sekunder yang bersifat time series. Metode yang dipergunakan untuk penelitian ini yaitu metode kuantatif dengan pengolahan data menggunakan model pendekatan Vector Auto Regression (VAR) dengan menggunakan aplikasi eViews 9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan Istishna mempunyai kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap ROA, Pembiayaan Musyarakah, dan Istishna mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap ROE dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05, Pembiayaan Mudharabah, musyarakah, dan Qardh memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap NPF dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05.

This study examines and analyzes the effect of financing on the profitability of the Sharia Business Unit. The purpose of this study is to find out how the influence of financing by the Sharia Business Unit to the profitability of Islamic banking is proxied by the ratio Return on Assets (ROA), and Return On Equity (ROE). In addition, this study also analyzes the effect of financing to Non-Performing Financing (NPF).This study uses data in Sharia Banking Statistics from 2015 to 2019. There are 20 banks of Sharia Business Units. The data used in this study are secondary data which is time series. The method used for this study is the quantitative method of data processing using the Vector Auto Regression (VAR) with eViews 9 tools. The results showed that Istishna financing had a significant contribution to ROA. Musyarakah, and Istishna had a significant influence on ROE with a significance level of 0.05. Mudharabah, musyarakah, and Qardh had a significant contribution to NPF with a significance level of 0.05."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Current islamic banking in Indonesia is experiencing a significant growth. Up to February, 2013 the number of Islamic banks is as much as 35 banks which consist of 11 islamic banks and 24 islamic business units. This indicates that public interest in islamic banks is quite large and is projected in coming years will continue to increase along with the increasing moslems’ awareness of and need for usury-free banks. In islamic banking activities, any product will not be released from its contract. This study aims to determine the concept of contract in islamic law, principles used in islamic banking operations as well as the implementation of the murabaha contract in Islamic banking."
AHKAM 1:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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