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Shainberg, I.
Israel: IIC, 1978
627.52 SHA q
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Plant productivity is determined by watercontent management in the root zone with respect irrigation. A proper irrigation or irrigation scheduling requires a program which questions of when to irrigate, how much water at apply and what best method to apply the water. A way to calculate the amounts of water available and required for supplemental irrigation is to analyse the water balance. The principal of water balance analysis is the total water additions (from all source) must equal the total water losses. soil water must be maintained at the range of available for plant. Information about water balance components in the root zone will assist in decision making leading to improvement of irrigation efficiency. The water balance approach to irrigation scheduling choses a strarting point total soil water in the root zone. Then the water balance equation is solved on a daily basis, considering the amounts of water that move into and out of the root zone for that day. Actual readings of soil water using gravimetric soil water sampling or a calibrated soil-monitoruing device such as a neutron probe, time domain reflectometry, or transiometers should be taken to calibrate the estimated balance."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sirait, R.U. Maruasas
Daerah Bekasi pusat pertanian tanaman pangan dan industri di Jawa Barat. Akan tetapi peran pertanian akan terganggu oleh kehadiran industri, yang mengakibatkan keseimbangan air untuk lahan terganggu. Oleh karena itu, faktor dampak industri yang berakibat pada kualitas irigasi akan diteliti, untuk dikelola bagi pertanian.
Dalam rangka tersebut, pokok penelitian meliputi a) debit dan kualitas air sebagai variabel kualitas irigasi, kebutuhan air dan air limbah sebagai variabel dampak industri, serta dampak kualitas irigasi pada lahan sawah dan produksi sebagai variabel produktivitas lahan, b) korelasi antara kebutuhan air dan air limbah industri dengan kualitas irigasi, c) korelasi antara kualitas irigasi dengan pemberian air untuk lahan. Sehubungan dengan korelasi antara variabel diatas, dirumuskan dua hipotesis sebagai berikut :
1) Penurunan debit air dari sistem irigasi ada korelasinya dengan pemasokan air irigasi untuk industri, jika air limbahnya dibuang ke sistem drainasi.
2) Penurunan pemberian air untuk lahan tidak ada korelasinya dengan penurunan debit air irigasi dari sistem irigasi, jika kebutuhan air untuk industri dipenuhi dari air tanah.
Dengan menggunakan data perkembangan industri, kualitas irigasi dan produktivitas lahan pada MT Gadu dalam kurun waktu 9 tahun (thn 1983-1991), diduga ada korelasi antara kebutuhanair dan air limbah industri dengan perubahan kualitas irigasi. Indikasinya, intensitas tanam 65,5 persen (38.313 ha), produktivitasnya 6,68 ton/ha, pemberian airnya 12,685 m3/det, lahan kurang air 17,2 persen karena debit air irigasi menurun 0,21 persen dari 44.940 m3/det, akibat air limbah industri 56,8 persen dari pemasokan airnya (0,167 m'}/det) dibuang ke sistem drainasi. Kualitas air irigasi khususnya S Bekasi meningkat sebagai dampak Prokasih. Data diungkapkan secara deskriptif dari hasil registrasi instansi terkait.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel air 10 titik sampling termasuk 2 titik sampling limbah industri, 25 unit industri untuk pemasokan airnya dan 21 responden untuk produktivitas lahan (metoda cluster). Pengujian hipotesis dengan analisis statistik, menggunakan variabel kebutuhan air dan air limbah industri, debit air irigasi dan pemberian air untuk lahan.
Hasil analisis data memperlihatkan, 1) Dampak industri pada kualitas irigasi, adalah sebagai akibat pemasokan air untuk industri tersebut dari sistem irigasi yang lebih besar dari air limbah yang dialirkan ke sistem tersebut, sehingga debit air irigasi menurun (0,21 persen) dan kualitas air S Bekasi menurun (2,6 persen) (non significant); 2) Dampak kualitas irigasi pada produktivitas lahan, sebagai akibat penurunan debit air irigasi (1,51 persen) hingga pemberian air untuk lahan menurun (significant). Akibatnya, lahan kurang air (27,9 persen) dan produktivitas lahan menurun (12,3 persen).
Air limbah sebagai faktor dampak industri diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan lagi dan diprioritaskan untuk dikelola dengan baik agar memenuhi sebagai air irigasi namum pelaksanaannya relatif sulit. Dampak lebih jauh swasembada pangan dan kebutuhan air wilayah Barat akan terganggu, karena peruntukan air untuk industri meningkat menjadi 5,2 m3/det. Diversifikasi tanaman tahunan hemat air berpeluang, untuk mempertahankan kualitas irigasi dan swasembada pangan, tetapi timbal tantangan karena produknya berbeda dengan beras.
Kesimpulan yang diberikan, akibat air limbah industri yang cenderung dibuang ke sistem drainase adalah terjadinya penurunan kualitas irigasi (debit dan kualitas airnya). Akibatnya pemberian air untuk lahan menurun, swasembada pangan dan kebutuhan air wilayah Barat terganggu. Diversifikasi tanaman tahunan hemat air berpeluang, untuk mengatasi masalah kualitas irigasi dan swasembada pangan, hanya kualitasproduknya perlu disesuaikan agar setara dengan beras.

Bekasi region is the center of food crops agriculture and industry in West-Java. The agriculture role will be disturbed with the presence of industry and which is also important for the regional economy, due to the disturbance of the water balance for land plots. Therefore, the factor of the industry impact on the quality of irrigation will be surveyed, in order to be able to be managed for irrigation (agriculture).
In said frame, the priority of research shall cover : a) the discharge and quality of water as a variable of irrigation quality, the requirement of water and waste water as a variable industrial impact and the impact on the irrigation quality on rice fields and production as a variable of the land plot's productivity, b) the correlation between the requirement of water and industrial waste water with the irrigation quality, c) the correlation between the quality of irrigation with the discharge of water for land plots. In relation to the correlation between the variables above, two hypothesis are formulates as follows :
1) The declination of the water discharge of irrigation has its correlation with the supply of the water for the industry of the irrigation system, if its waste water to be disposed to the drainage system,
2) The decrease of the water supply for the land plots has no correlation with the decline of the irrigation water discharge of the irrigation system, if the need of water for the industry is fulfilled from ground water.
By using the industrial development data, the irrigation quality and land productivity at MT Gadu in the duration of 9 (nine) years (year 1983-1991), at is guessed that there is a correlation between the need of water and industrial waste water and the change of the irrigation quality.
Its indication comprises the intensity of planting 65.5 percent (38,313 ha), its productivity : 6.68 ton/ha, the discharge of its water : 12.685 m3/sec, land plots with insufficient water : 17.2 percent as the irrigation water discharge decreases with 0.21 percent of 44.940 m3/sec, consequence of industrial waste water : 56.8 percent of itswater supply (0.167 m3/sec) is disposed to the drainage system. The quality of the irrigation water particularly Bekasi river increases as the impact of Prokasih (Clean River Program). The data are revealed descriptively based on the results of registration of linked government agencies.
The collection of data shall be conducted with the sampling of 10 points of water samplings including the 2 points of industrial waste samplings, 25 industrial units for the supply of its water and 21 respondents for the land productivity (cluster method). The testing of the hypothesis with the statistic analysis, uses variables on the requirement of water and industrial waste water, irrigation water discharge and the discharge of water for the land plots.
The results on analysis of data shows, 1) The industrial impact on the irrigation quality is as the consequence of the water supply for said industry of the irrigation system which is larger than a waste water which is discharged to said system, so that the irrigation water discharge -decreases of (0.21 percent) and the quality of the water of Bekasi River declines (2.6 percent) (non significant) ; 2) The impact of the quality of irrigation on the productivity of land plots, as the consequence of the decrease of the water discharge of irrigation (1.51 percent) so that the discharge of water for land plots declines (significant). The consequence thereof is that the land plots with insufficient water (27.9 percent) and the productivity of land plots decreases (12.3 percent).
Waste water as the factor of industrial impact is expected to be able to be made use of and priority is given to be managed well in order to fulfill the purpose as irrigation water butits implementation is relatively difficult. The further impact of self-supporting food and the need of water for the Western territory will be disturbed, because of the allocation of water for industry increases to 5.2 m3/sec. The diversification of annual plants which do not require much water shall have the opportunity to maintain the irrigation quality and self-supporting on food, but challenge will arise as its production differs from rice.
The conclusion given, that the consequence of industrial waste water which has the tendency to be discharged into the drainage system shall be the decrease of the quality of irrigation (its water discharge and quality). The consequence thereof is that the discharge of water for land plots decreases, the self-supporting of food and the need of water for the Western territory becomes disturbed. The diversification of annual plants which do not need much water shall have the opportunity to overcome the problem of the quality of irrigation and the self-supporting of food, only the quality of its production should be adjusted in order that it is equal to rice.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Most of the existing water gates in Indonesia was made of iron or/and wood. Both materials are relatively easy to rusted , damaged or decayed and also attractive to be stolen. Alternative material and design was needed to overcome this issues. This study aim to design water gates using alternative material rather than iron.i.e GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics). This material has several advantages compared to the other material [such as metal] especially its weight, strength and price. The gate in this study was designed for width of 50 cm and 120 cm. Estimated optimal thickness for these width respectively 12 and 30 mm. Mechanical strength testings were conducted according to the Japanese Industrial standard for flexural strength. Testing conducted on two tipes of samples that have different thicknesses, i.e 12 mm and 30 mm. The average density of sample was 1,5 gr/cm, sample with 12 mm and 30 mm thickness reach fexural strength respectively about 200 kg/cm and 299 kg/cm at 10 mm strain. This result comply mechanical strenght requirement for water gate. Thus, recommended thickness for GFRP water gate was thicker than estimated,i.e was 10 mm for width of 50 am and 20 mm for width of 120 cm. The GFRP water gate with round shape in the bottom has contraction coefcient (c)= 0,951 and a value of dischage coefcient (c) can be determined by C=C {h-w); with ko =15 and K1=0,062"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hansen, Vaughn E.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980
631.7 HAN i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018
620 JID
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
The retirement of land from agricultural production as a means of reducing the volume of sub-surface drainage generated in the Western San Joaquin Valley, Calif., is under consideration. Reticence among local farmers and water managers renders only willing-seller land retirement feasible. There is an interest to acquire land that will generate the maximum possible drainage reduction relative to a "no retirement" baseline. An investigation was conducted to determine the drainage reduction potential of the retirement of (1) parcels that span land underlain by tile drains and land free of drainage infrastructure; (2) a "downgradient" parcel plagued by shallow ground water and equipped with subsurface tile drains; and (3) an "upgradient" parcel overlying well-aerated soil requiring no drainage. Long-term modeling with a deforming finite-element model suggests that the contiguous retirement yields the greatest drainage reduction. For single parcels, the 31% drainage reduction potential of downgradient retirement appears more attractive than the 16% drainage reduction associated with upgradient retirement."
New York : American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018
620 JID
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article attempts to identify factors affecting participation in payment of irrigation service fees. There are five
variables comprising demographic and economic of land variables were tested to find the variables that influenced the
participation significantly. The five variables tested consisted of age and formal education as demographic variables;
land productivity, land size, and land tenure as the economic of land variables. The results showed that formal education
(demographic variable) had positive relationship and land size (economic of land variable) had negative relationship
with the participation. Positive relationship between formal education and participation in payment of irrigation service
fees meant that the participation increased as farmers’ education increased. Meanwhile, negative relationship between
land size and the participation in payment of irrigation service fees showed that the farmers’ participation would
increase as the land size owned by farmers decreased. In other words, participation in payment of irrigation service fees
was higher among farmers with small lands rather than that among farmers with large lands."
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herlambang Prijatno Soeparto
Berbagai penelitian terdahulu menyatakan bahwa pada pengoperasian jaringan irigasi selain meningkatkan intensitas tanam dan produksi padi, juga berpengaruh pada kualitas tanah, penggunaan masukan produksi dan pendapatan usahatani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa keuntungan yang diperoleh dari pemberian air irigasi juga memberikan kerugian lingkungan terutama terhadap keberlanjutan usahatani.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah irigasi Solo (Proyek Irigasi Bengawan Solo), yang terletak pada tiga wilayah administrasi kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Karanganyar dan Sragen, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, pada musim tanam I (MT I ) 1994/1995.
Pemilihan petani contoh dikaitkan dengan letak usahatani. pada lahan sawah beririgasi (terkena proyek) dan lahan tadah hujan (tanpa proyek). Karena keterbatasan waktu penelitian, maka pendekatan untuk mengetahui kondisi tanpa proyek digunakan kondisi lahan sawah tadah hujan di daerah sekitar proyek. Pemilihan petani contoh dilakukan secara stratifikasi dan perwakilan. Perwakilan dilakukan menurut pembagian daerah irigasi yaitu bagian hulu dan bagian tengah (Kab. Sukoharjo) dan bagian hilir (Kab. Karanganyar dan Kab. Sragen). Pada setiap bagian daerah irigasi, pengambilan contoh untuk data sosial ekonomi petani/responden dan usahatani dilakukan pada 20 orang petani responden. Pengambilan contoh untuk data kondisi kualitas tanah dilakukan pada setiap bagian daerah irigasi (hulu, tengah dan hilir) masing-masing pada tiga kali ulangan/petak sawah.
Pengumpulan data sifat fisik tanah dilakukan pengamatan lapang dan sifat kimia tanah dilakukan dengan pengambilan contoh tanah yang selanjutnya dilakukan analisis laboratorium di Laboratorium Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pengambilan contoh air dilakukan pada saluran tersier dan petakan sawah pada lahan sawah beririgasi, masing-masing dua kali ulangan. Analisis laboratorium untuk kualitas air dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia, Laboratorium Pusat, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa :
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa:
1. Pada pengelolaan lahan sawah beririgasi maupun lahan sawah tadah hujan (tanpa irigasi), petani cenderung menggunakan pupuk buatan (Urea, TSP dan KC1) melebihi dosis anjuran, dan pada lahan sawah beririgasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lahan sawah tadah hujan. Pola penggunaan masukan sarana produksi padi yang melebihi dosis anjuran secara jangka panjang akan mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas tanah, kualitas air dan dikhawatirkan akan mempengaruhi pemanfaatan lahan jangka panjang dan mengganggu keberlanjutan usahatani.
2. Akibat pemberian pupuk buatan yang melebihi dosis anjuran dan penanaman padi sepanjang tahun menurunkan kualitas tanah pada lahan sawah beririgasi yaitu nilai kemasaman tanah (pH) dan Kejenuhan Basa (KB). Kandungan N-total dan C-organik tanah pada lahan sawah beririgasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lahan sawah tadah hujan, sedangkan kandungan P-tersedia, K-tersedia dan Kapasitas Pertukaran Kation (KPK) relatif sama.
3. Akibat penggunaan pupuk buatan yang melebihi dosis anjuran menurunkan kualitas air, yaitu nilai Nitrit (N-NO2), Amonia bebas (N-NH3), Magnesium (Mg) dan Oksigen terlarut yang melebihi kadar maksimum yang diperbolehkan sesuai dengan kualitas air golongan C.
4. Hasil produksi padi rata-rata per hektar pada lahan sawah irigasi berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan lahan sawah tadah hujan, masing-masing yaitu 7.191,40 kg/ha dan 3.652,75 kg/ha.
5. Pendapatan bersih usahatani padi pada lahan irigasi berbeda nyata dengan lahan tadah hujan, masing-masing yaitu Rp. 1.255.705,90/ha/musim dan Rp. 443.669,12/ha/musim.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa dampak sistem irigasi terhadap pengelolaan usahatani, yaitu terjadi kecenderungan penurunan kualitas tanah dan peningkatan penggunaan masukan sarana produksi padi yang diperkirakan akan mengakibatkan keberlanjutan usahatani terganggu, meskipun terjadi peningkatan produksi padi dan pendapatan bersih usahatani.

Many researches concluded that the operation of irrigation system do not only have effect on yield and cropping intensity, but also on soil quality, use of agricultural inputs, and net income. This study was designed to identify whether that the advantage from using water irrigation, also give environmental damage, especially on the farming management sustainability.
The study was carried out at Bengawan Solo Irrigation Scheme (Bengawan Solo Irrigation Project), covering 3 administrative districts (kabupaten), i.e. Sukoharjo, Karanganyar and Sragen, in the Central Java Province, during the period of cropping season in 1994/1995.
The criteria of the participating farmers as respondents were selected in term of their farm site, which located on the irrigated rice field (with project) and rain fed rice-field (without project), respectively. The selection of respondents conducted by stratification and representation sampling. Due to time constraints, approach to identify without project condition was based on the condition of rain fed rice-field in the surrounding of the project. The representation was based on irrigation scheme areas : upper region (hulu), middle region (tengah) and lower region (hilir). In each irrigation region, data on farm management and socio-economic status of the farmers house-holds were collected randomly for 20 respondents. Samples of the soil condition observed, i.e. soil physics and soil fertility were conducted through soil samples collection and laboratory analysis in Laboratory of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Water quality samples were observed on farm level and tertiary channel, whereas laboratory analysis were conducted in the Chemistry Laboratory, Centre Laboratory, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.
Results of the study are :
1. On farm management due to on the irrigated rice-field and non-irrigated rice-field, the farmers tend to use fertilizers (Urea, TSP and KC1) higher than standard dosage that recommended by Ministry of Agriculture; and on the irrigated rice-field higher than on the non-irrigated rice-field. Such pattern will cause decrease in the soil and water quality, and tend to affect the long-term utilization and sustainability of the farming management.
2. In the irrigated rice-field, the utilization of fertilizer that higher than standard dosage and the continuous rice monoculture system affect on the decreasing of soil acidity and base saturation. But the soil N-total and soil C-organic of the irrigated rice-field higher than the non-irrigated rice-field; and P, K, and Cation Exchange Capacity tend not different.
3. The effect of the utilization of the fertilizer that higher than standard dosage tend to decrease the water quality i.e. Nitrite (N-NO2), Ammonia (NNH3), Magnesium (Mg) and Dissolved Oxygen higher than maximum standard of the water quality standard for C.
4. The average of production rice yield in the irrigated rice field is significantly different compared with the rain fed rice field, i.e. 7.191,40 kg/ha (irrigated) and 3.652,75 kg/ha (non-irrigated), respectively.
5. The net income of rice yield in the irrigated ricefield is significantly different compared with the rain fed rice field, i.e. Rp 1.225.705,90/ ha/season (irrigated); and Rp. 443.669,12/ha/ season (non-irrigated).
The summary of this study is the impact of irrigation system of Bengawan Solo on farming management sustainability having the trend to decrease of soil and water quality index and to increase of using rice production inputs which is estimating to disturb of the farming management sustainability, although the yield of the production and net income is increasing.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wili Andri Utama
"Irigasi mempunyai peran vital, karena berfungsi sebagai penyediaan air untuk lahan-lahan pertanian, perkebunan, dan perikanan. Untuk merancang saluran irigasi, perencanaan yang matang sangat diperlukan supaya tujuan pembuatan saluran tercapai. Namun di lain pihak, pada pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi di Indonesia secara umum jumlah kecelakaan kerja juga meningkat. Merujuk data Badan Penyelenggara Jasa Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan, secara nasional angka kecelakaan kerja sektor konstruksi tercatat sebagai sektor terbanyak nasional angka kecelakaan kerja. Peraturan dan ketentuan tentang pembiayaan K3 yang ada di Indonesia belum diatur secara jelas dan terukur. Peraturan yang ada mengenai pembiayaan K3 diatur di tiga peraturan yaitu, Peraturan Menteri No. 31 Tahun 2015, Surat Edaran Menteri PUPR No. 66 Tahun 2015, Peraturan Menteri PUPR No. 28 Tahun 2016 serta yang terakhir Surat Edaran Menteri PUPR No. 11 Tahun 2019. Menurut Cooper dan Kaplan (1992), perhitungan biaya berbasis aktivitas telah muncul sebagai pendekatan baru yang menghubungkan biaya yang terkait langsung dengan kegiatan bisnis dengan produk manufaktur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko apa saja yang berpotensi bahaya pada pekerjaan irigasi, pembuatan safety plan dengan menggunakan standar WBS berbasis risiko, dan hasil dari peneltian ini dapat membuat analisa struktur biaya K3 untuk pekerjaan irigasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisis deskriptif. Data Primer diperoleh dengan melakukan survey kepada para pakar dan responden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa jatuh dari ketinggian merupakan potensi bahaya dengan nilai risiko tertinggi pada proyek Saluran/Irigasi. Pengendalian yang dilakukan dengan pengendalian administratif, penggunaan APD serta APK dengan Komponen Biaya K3 Umum dan Khusus. Dari hasil perhitungan biaya K3 berbasis WBS pada 2 proyek, diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 0.862% dimana persentase tersebut masih sesuai dengan kebijakan beberapa BUMN Konstruksi.

Irrigation have a vital role, because serves the provision of water for agricultural, plantation and fisheries lands. To design irrigation channels, careful planning is needed so that the goal of making the channel is achieved. But on the other hand, the implementation of construction projects in Indonesia in general the number of work accidents also increased. Referring to the data from the Social Services Provider Agency (BPJS), nationally the number of work accident accidents in the construction sector was recorded as the national sector with the highest number of occupational accidents. The regulations and provisions regarding HSE financing in Indonesia have not been clearly and measurably regulated. Existing regulations regarding HSE financing are regulated in three regulations, namely, Ministerial Regulation No. 31 of 2015, Circular of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 66 of 2015, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Regulation No. 28 of 2016, and the last in Circular of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 11 of 2019. According to Cooper and Kaplan (1992), Activity-Based Costing (ABC) has emerged as a new approach that connects costs directly related to business activities with manufactured products. This study aims to identify any risks that are potentially hazardous in irrigation work, making a safety plan using risk-based WBS standards, and the results of this research can make Analysis cost of safety for irrigation works. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis. Primary data is obtained by conducting surveys of experts and respondents. Based on the results of the study it was found that falling from a height is a potential hazard with the highest risk value in the Irrigation/Channel project. Controlling proceed by administrative controls, the use of PPE as well as GER with General and Special OSH Cost Components. From the results of WBS-based OSH cost calculations on 2 projects, an average of 0.862% was obtained where the percentage is still in accordance with the policies of several Construction SOEs."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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