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Prijastono Purwanto
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Fardy Laksana Bambang Tutuka
"Industri penerbangan komersial merupakan salah satu moda jasa angkutan yang ideal dalam mobilisasi masyarakat Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan. Secara yuridis, pelaksanaan jasa angkutan udara niaga merupakan ruang lingkup perjanjian pengangkutan. Hal ini melahirkan perikatan antara penumpang dengan maskapai udara, yang dalam peraturan penerbangan dikonkretisasi melalui tiket. Dalam perjalanannya, sengketa antara penumpang seperti kecelakaan pesawat, kerugian bagasi, dan keterlambatan penerbangan silih berganti mewarnai industri penerbangan komersial Indonesia. Teori tanggung jawab pelaku usaha atas kesalahan, atas wanprestasi, dan atas kemutlakan, dapat diterapkan dalam upaya pelindungan konsumen penerbangan. Hukum Indonesia telah menstandardisasi kewajiban kompensasi dan ganti rugi terhadap faktor di luar dasar pelepas tanggung jawab. Walaupun demikian, hukum penerbangan mengakomodasi hak gugatan yang tidak terbatas standardisasi kompensasi dan ganti rugi baik secara materiil dan imateriil. Sebaliknya, hukum penerbangan memberikan pembatasan tanggung jawab bagi maskapai udara atas pembatalan penerbangan atas keadaan kahar (alam maupun sosial). Oleh karena itu, inti gugatan yang diajukan berkaitan ada atau tidaknya kesalahan. Dalam penelitian ini, analisis dilakukan terhadap pelaksanaan hak penumpang terdampak pembatalan, prinsip tanggung jawab maskapai terhadap kerugian penerbangan, dan dasar pelepas tanggung jawab terhadap keadaan kahar. Tinjauan teoretis kerugian perdata dalam UU Perlindungan Konsumen dan hukum penerbangan dikaitkan tinjauan praktis putusan gugatan kerugian dalam analisis Putusan No 176/PDT.G/2019/PN PTK yang dikuatkan Putusan No 80/PDT/2020/PT PTK. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini mencapai penemuan bahwa pengecualian keadaan (alam/cuaca maupun sosial/teknis) merupakan dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam membenarkan maskapai udara dari kesalahan. Oleh karena itu, regulasi lebih detail diperlukan dalam mengatur faktor maskapai yang merupakan keadaan kahar sejauh diverifikasi jabatan badan yang berwenang. Selain itu, perjanjian penanggungan (asuransi penerbangan) dapat pula disepakati dalam mengatur nilai kerugian. Hal ini dapat memberikan keseimbangan upaya pelindungan kerugian penumpang dan kelangsungan usaha pelaku usaha.

The commercial aviation industry is one of the ideal modes of transportation services in mobilising societies, moreover in Indonesia, as an archipelagic country. Legally speaking, the commercial air transportation services is within the scope of the carriage agreement. This creates a binding agreement between passengers and airlines, which is concretised through a ticket. Nevertheless, passengers’ disputes, such as aircraft accident, baggage damages, and flight cancellation ripen after another on Indonesian commercial aviation industry. As a service industry, the producer’s liability such as negligence liability, contractual liability, and strict liability shall be applicable, for the consumer protection realization. With the adoption to the EU 261/2004 regulations, Indonesian provision has standardised the passengers’ damages and compensations to be compiled on top of the legal justification. However, aviation law also urges the passengers’ right on pledging damages in the extent of the aforementioned limitation. On the other hand, aviation law limits liability for air carriers for flight cancellations due to force majeure (both natural and social). Therefore, the negligence proof is required in claiming the material and immaterial damages through the torts. This research focuses on passenger’s right implementation, airline’s liability, and the particular flight’s extraordinary events exemption. The theoretical overview of civil damages sue under Consumer Protection Act is analysed on the practical overview on similar cases of flight cancellation indicments, to anaylse the verdict of Court Decission No 176/PDT.G/2019/PN PTK and No 80/PDT/2020/PT PTK (in appeal procedure). Eventuallys, there is an urgency in the regulation amendment that recognises aircraft issue as the liability with the verification of the official authority. Plus, airline might offer the aviation insurance to valuate its liability. Therefore, these two advices provide the equal protection to passengers’ losses and airlines’ business sustainability."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Brantyopati Bregas B.W.
"AC telah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan mendasar manusia terutama di Indonesia. Penggunaan AC tersebut difokuskan untuk kenyamanan pengguna nya. Dengan meningkatnya jumlah populasi masyarakat Indonesia, terjadi peningkatan pula pada penggunaan energi listrik. AC adalah salah satu alat yang digunakan pada rumah yang sangat konsumtif energi listrik. Permasalahan pemakaian energi yang meningkat ini adalah alasan pemerintah Indonesia mendorong untuk menggunakan teknologi yang efisien energi. Salah satu metode adalah pengujian AC dan pelabelan AC menggunakan energy efficiency ratio dengan menggunakan ruangan psikometrik. Salah satu syarat untuk perhitungan EER adalah temperatur udara yang akan digunakan untuk perhitungan kapasitas pendinginan AC. Alat ukur temperatur udara yang digunakan akan berfungsi untuk mengukur temperatur bola basah dan kering udara masuk serta keluar evaporator yang akan digunakan untuk mendapatkan perbedaan entalpi udara. Diperlukan perhitungan serta pertimbangan saat merancang dan mengkonstruksi alat ukur temperatur udara seperti ukuran fan, ukuran pipa, dan sensor yang digunakan. Selain perhitungan, harus dipastikan bahwa rancangan tersebut sesuai dengan standar yang sudah diterapkan pemerintah atau pun lembaga internasional. Secara keseluruhan, karya tulis ini akan membahas mengenai tahap perancangan serta perhitungan alat ukur temperatur udara untuk pengujian dan pelabelan energi AC.

Air conditioner has been one of the main necessities for mankind, especially for people living in warm climate countries such as Indonesia. The need for air conditioner itself functions for the comfort of users and also operating functions of certain equipment. Due to global warming, increase in the temperature of the Earth forces greater energy consumption of air conditioner to reach the required room temperature requested by the user. This increase in energy consumption has been the main focus of the Indonesian government in finding solutions to help reduce energy consumption from non-renewable energy power plants while still fulfilling societies demand. One solution is applying energy labelling for air conditioners using Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) as a parameter. In order to calculate the EER of air conditioners, a controlled room environment is needed, thus the reason of creating the Psychrometric Chamber. One of the required data to calculate EER is the temperature of air leaving the evaporator which will take part for the cooling capacity calculation, thus the reason for constructing the Air Sampling. The Air Sampling collects data of dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature of air exiting the evaporator and also the Psychrometric Chamber room. Certain calculations are needed in designing the Air Sampling which involves fan selection, pipe selections, and sensor selections. Besides calculation, the design of the Air Sampling needs to follow standards where applicable. Overall, this paper shows the design process and construction of the Air Sampling in the Psychrometric Chamber to calculate the EER for energy labelling."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Riandika Nurfakhri
"Penggunaan perangkat elektronik pada sektor rumah tangga meningkat setiap tahunnya, serta berbanding lurus dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Penggunaan pengkondisi udara merupakan yang tertinggi dalam memengaruhi konsumsi energy sektor rumah tangga. Pengukuran tingkat energi dalam perangkat AC berdasarkan Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) merupakan nilai perbandingan antara beban pendinginan dengan kebutuhan listrik yang dibutuhkan. Pada Pengujian AC secara keseluruhan disebut kalorimeter merupakan pengukuran jumlah panas yang diserap untuk menentukan panas spesifik yang akan dikalkulasi menjadi besaran beban pendinginan. Pengujian AC metode entalpi udara, parameter utama yang dianalisa adalah sifat dari udara tersebut.
Udara yang berasal dari unit uji akan disalurkan ke alat yang disebut receiving chamber atau psychometric measurement chamber. Pada receiving chamber terdapat air sampler yang berfungsi mengukur entalpi udara berdasarkan sifat udara. Sebelum dilakukan pengukuran entalpi udara untuk menentukan nilai EER dibutuhkan nozzle agar aliran udara saat pengukuran sesuai dengan standar yang dijadikan acuan. Berdasarkan standar acuan, udara ketika melewati nozzle harus memiliki kecepatan udara 15-35 m/s.
Standar utama yang digunakan pada desain ini adalah SNI 19-6713-2002, dan SASO 2681 (2007), dan ASHRAE 37 (2005), dan ARI 340/360 (2000) sebagai acuan pendukung. Berdasarkan perancangan yang dilakukan dihasilkan ukuran nozzle sebanyak 4 tipe yaitu throat diameter 10 cm dan 15 cm pada indoor unit, serta pada outdoor unit 16 cm dan 22 cm. Sistem pengukuran menggunakan sensor perbedaan tekanan, dan suhu yang berupa sinyal analog, serta daya memiliki output digital. Agar dapat diolah datanya oleh komputer dibutuhkan DAQ untuk mengubah sinyal analog menjadi digital.

Electricity utilization in household unit has increased every year and it has a direct proportional with population growth. The most contribution to the power consumption in house hold is spent by the usage of air conditionig. The measurement of energy in air conditioning depends on value of Energy efficiency ratio (EER) which is a comparation between cooling load AC and power electricity value of AC. AC measuring instrument which is called Calorimeter has a purpose to measure the quantity of absorbed or emitted heat or to determine the specific heat which will be converted to cooling load calculation. Those electrical instrument consist of two method, namely air enthalpy and refrigerant measurement. In air enthalpy method, the principal parameter depends on characteristic of air to be analyzed.
Air from measuring instrument will distribute to the equipment called receiving chamber or psychometric measurement chamber. Receiving chamber has an air sampler which has a function to measure air enthalpy which depends on characteristic of air. Before measuring the air enthalpy to determine EER value, it needs a nozzle as a component to reach the standar air velocity when it comes out to the nozzle. Based on the standard, the velocity of air when it discharges through the nozzle is between 15-35 m/s.
The standards usage in these design are SNI 19-6713-2002, and SASO 2681 (2007) as a primary standard, and it has a ASHRAE 37 (2005), and ARI 340/360 (2000) as a support standard. Based on result, there are several size of nozzle in 4 types. For indoor unit measurement has using 10 cm and 15 cm of throat diameter. For outdoor unit has using 16 cm and 22 cm of throat diameter. For measurement system has need temperature, differential, and power sensor. Temperature and differential pressure has output analog sensor, so on those system must use DAQ to convert analog to digital signal.;
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setyo Dwitanto
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erry Hartanto
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Balitbang Perhubungan Kemenhub RI, 2018
387.7 IND m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suharto Abdul Majid
Jakarta: Rajawali, 2009
387.7 SUH g (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
T. Faisal
"Beginning with the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 in US, followed by the European Union in 1997, airlines have been constructing route networks of their own choosing rather than operating ones implicitly chosen for them by civil aviation authority. These changes have had profound effects on many aspects of airline operation, particularly fares, service, quality, and safety. But, most importantly, airlines have altered their route structures by developing hub-and-spoke networks, and this has affected all of these aspects. This structure is likely to flourish around the world as a consequence of airline liberalization and the growing trend toward privatization of this industry.
In a hub-and-spoke network, centrally located service facilities serve as the hubs. Flows from a set of outlying nonhub nodes arrive at hubs and, after regrouping, all leave the hub facilities bound either to other hubs or to their ultimate destinations. Thus, the flows from the same origin with different destinations are consolidated on the route to a hub facility and the flows with different origins but the same destination on the route out of a hub facility. The centralization and broader scope of operations let the system take advantage of economies of scale.
This paper proposes a framework to optimize the flight network using hub-and-spoke system. This problem consists of the determination of hub number, hub location and route assignment in order to minimize the overall transportation cost. The model is solved using genetic algorithm approach. Two networking strategies are considered:
1. Strict hubbing, in which a spoke is assigned to exactly one hub and all flows to/from spoke are channeled trough the same hub and
2. Nonstrict hubbing, in which a spoke can be assigned to more than one hub under certain condition. Different values of airport fixed costs are also implemented. Variations of these strategies are evaluated along with various parameters of air transport production using data on air passenger flows between top 30 Indonesian airports in 2000.
The result shows that the adoption of hub-and-spoke network increase the overall system performance with increasing load factor, frequency, coverage area, revenue passenger kilometer, available seat kilometer and more efficient utilization of aircraft. Moreover, Nonstrict hubbing strategy offers smaller total system cost, more routes and more nonstop flights."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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