ABSTRAKPendidikan sebagai salah satu kebutuhan untuk masa depan manusia memiliki peranan
penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Setiap manusia berusaha untuk menempuh pendidikan.
Jenjang pendidikan awal yang ditempuh adalah pendidikan dasar dan dilanjutkan dengan
pendidikan menengah. Setiap manusia memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda,
karakteristik yang berbeda menyebabkan perbedaan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan.
Proses pengambilan kepuutusan menghasilkan keputusan untuk memilih lokasi SD dan
SMP. Dari berbagai SD dan SMP yang ada dipilih sekolah yang memiliki karakteristik
tertentu dan sesuai dengan karakteristik pemilih. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah
bagaimana pola pemilihan SD dan SMP penduduk Kelurahan Jatinegara. Penelitian ini
dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola pemilihan SD dan SMP penduduk di Kelurahan
Jatinegara. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis spasial.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan karakteristik penduduk perumahan teratur yaitu
pendidikan dan pendapatan berpengaruh terhadap jarak SD yang dipilih dari tempat
tinggal. Penduduk perumahan teratur memilih SD yang terletak di permukiman teratur dan
tidak banjir. Karakteristik penduduk perumahan tidak teratur tidak berpengaruh terhadap
karakteristik lokasi SD yang dipilih. Penduduk perumahan tidak teratur memilih SD yang
jaraknya dekat dari tempat tinggal, terletak di permukiman tidak teratur dan tidak banjir.
Karakteristik penduduk perumahan teratur tidak berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik lokasi
SMP yang dipilih. Penduduk perumahan teratur memilih SMP yang jaraknya jauh dari
tempat tinggal, terletak di permukiman teratur dan tidak banjir. Karakteristik penduduk
eprumahan tidak teratur yaitu pekerjaan dan pendapatan berpengaruh terhadap jarak SMP
yang dipilih dari tempat tinggal. Penduduk perumahan tidak teratur memilih SMP yang
terletak di permukiman tidak teratur dan tidak banjir.
ABSTRACTEducation as one of the requirements for the human future had the important role in the
life of humankind. Each kind of humankind tried to follow education. The level of
beginning education that was followed was basic education and was followed by middle
education. Each kind of humankind had the different characteristics, the different
characteristics caused the difference in the process of decision making. The process of
decision making producing the decision to choose the location of the primary school and
junior high school. Many of various primary schools and the available junior high school
was chosen the school that had the certain characteristics and in accordance with the
characteristics of the voter. The problem in this research was how the pattern of the
election primary school and the inhabitants junior high school of the Jatinegara District.
This research was carried out to know the pattern of the primary school election and the
inhabitants junior high school in the Jatinegara District. This research method used the
descriptive analysis and the spatial analysis. Results of this research showed to the
characteristics of the inhabitants of housing were arranged that is education and the income
were influential towards the distance of the primary school that was chosen from the
residence. The inhabitants of housing were arranged chose the primary school that was
located in the settlement was arranged and not flooded the flood. The characteristics of the
inhabitants of housing were not arranged was not influential towards the characteristics of
the location of the primary school that was chosen. The inhabitants of housing were not
arranged chose the primary school that his distance was close from the residence, was
located in the settlement was not arranged and not flooded the flood. The characteristics of
the inhabitants of housing were arranged was not influential towards the characteristics of
the location of the junior high school that was chosen. The inhabitants of housing were
arranged chose the junior high school that his distance far from the house, was located in
the settlement was arranged and not flooded the flood. The characteristics of the
inhabitants of housing were not arranged that is the work and the income were influential
towards the distance of the junior high school that was chosen from the residence. The
inhabitants of housing were not arranged chose the junior high school that was located in
the settlement was not arranged and not flooded the flood."