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Triarko Nurlambang
"Air sebagai kebutuhan utama manusia tentunya harus dapat dilestarikan dan dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya. Secara alamiah sumber daya air ini merupakan komponen utama dari satuan ekosistem yang disebut DAS (Daerah Aliran Sungai). Ketidak seimbangan, serasiari dan selarasan dalam pengelolaan DAS dapat menyebabkan ekosistem daerah tersebut terganggu dan bahkan dapat menimbulkan sumber malapetaka bagi penduduk setempat. Salah satu malapetaka tersebut adalah banjir. Demikian pula banjir yang terjadi di Bandung Selatan yang terletak pada Daerah Aliran Ci Tarum Wilayah Hulu.
Atas dasar pemikiran di atas penelitian ini bertujuan membahas terjadinya perubahan luas areal banjir yang disebabkari oleh perubahan penggunaan tanab sebagai faktor dinamis Daerah Aliran Ci Tarum Hulu (DA Ci Tarum RH).
Adapun masalah yang akan dibahas yaitu :
- Bagaimana perubahan penggunaan tanah di DA Ci Tarum WH ?
- Bagaimana perubahan luas banjir di DA Ci Tarum WH ?
- Bagaimana pengaruh perubahan tanah terhadap perubahan luas banjir ?
Sebagal hipotesa untuk mengarah jawaban masalah di atas yaitu dengan menurunnya fungsi vegetatif-hidrologisnya yang tercermin dari pengguriaari tanah maka daerah yang relatif rendah dan datar dengan curah hujan rata-rata yang intensitasnya sama akan mudah terjadi banjir dan banjir bertambah luas.
Untuk dapat memecahkan masalah tersebut maka digunakan analisa geografi dan hidrologi serta. ditunjang analisa statistik sederhana melalui teknik scatter diagram untuk tahun pengamatan 1980 dan 1986."
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atiti Setyaning Utami Mudjiardjo
"Tahun 2017 Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum mencatat pencemaran Sungai Citarum terutama daerah hulu DAS terus mengalami peningkatan yang ditandai penurunan kualitas air secara signifikan. Menurut laporan, 47,1% DAS Citarum Hulu mengalami pencemaran berat dengan total cemaran mencapai 280 ton limbah setiap harinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis indeks kerentanan yang meliputi: variasi sumberdaya air, kelangkaan air, eksploitasi air, pencemaran air, kapasitas alam, kapasitas fisik, modal sosial, dan kapasitas ekonomi. Hasil analisis kerentanan tersebut menjadi dasar perumusan strategi intervensi untuk menjaga keberlanjutan fungsi eksosistem sungai di wilayah DAS Citarum Hulu.Metode riset yang digunakan adalah kombinasi antara metode analisis spasial, analisis statistik, SEM dan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai indeks kerentanan sebesar 1 yang berarti bahwa kondisi lingkungan di wilayah DAS Citarum Hulu sangat buruk dan diperlukan restorasi wilayah sungai. Kondisi ini mengharuskan berbagai pihak untuk melakukan strategi intervensi yang meliputi aspek sosial, kebijakan, dan teknologi untuk menjaga keberlanjutan fungsi ekologisnya.

In 2017, the Citarum River Basin Center noted that pollution of the Citarum River, especially the upstream watershed, continued to experience an increase marked by a significant decrease. 47.1% of the Upper Citarum watershed is polluted with a total of 280 tons of waste per day. This study aims to analyze the vulnerability index which includes: variations in water resources, water scarcity, water exploitation, water pollution, natural capacity, physical capacity, social capital, and economic capacity. The results of the vulnerability analysis are the basis to maintain the sustainable. The research method used is a combination of spatial analysis methods, statistical analysis, SEM and questionnaires. The results showed a vulnerability index value of 1, which means the environmental conditions in the Upper Citarum watershed area are bad and require restoration. This condition requires various parties to carry out intervention strategies covering social, policy and technological aspects to maintain the sustainability."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andry Rustanto
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fernando, Xavier
"DAS Citarum Hulu merupakan kawasan yang mengalami banjir tahunan. Banjir tahunan yang dialami oleh DAS Citarum Hulu karena faktor perubahan tata guna lahan. Dari kejadian itu banjir tahunan, akan ada tingkat kerugian yang dialami oleh masyarakat yang terkena dampak banjir. Banjir yang terjadi di DAS Citarum Hulu dapat dilihat dari hasil digitalisasi visual banjir di Hulu DAS Citarum, sehingga dapat diperoleh informasi daerah yang terkena banjir dan ketinggiannya banjir dari setiap daerah yang terkena banjir. Untuk mengetahui kerugian akibat banjir diperlukan tingkat resiko banjir, yang merupakan hasil overlay dari tingkat bahaya banjir dan kerentanan banjir. Tingkat bahaya banjir dapat diperoleh dari pengolahan digitalisasi model banjir dan survei lapangan. Sedangkan tingkat kerentanan banjir diperoleh dari pengolahan data penggunaan tanah yang diubah menjadi nilai ekonomi dari setiap penggunaan lahan. Tingkat resiko Banjir yang diakibatkan, maka dapat diketahui besarnya resiko masing-masing banjir. Tingkat Risiko didominasi oleh tingkat risiko banjir sedang sebesar 44.15%, kemudian tingkat risiko tinggi sebesar 42,25%, dan tingkat risiko banjir rendah sebesar 13,60%. Tingkat resiko banjir yang tinggi didominasi di Kabupaten Bojongsoang dan Kabupaten Dayeuhkolot. Mulai dari setiap tingkat risiko banjir kemudian dikonversi menggunakan nilai ekonomis penggunaan tanah dari setiap area tingkat risiko banjir, untuk setiap kerugian penggunaan yang akan diperoleh tanah di dalam area berisiko banjir. Berdasarkan luasan wilayah rawan banjir yang telah dihasilkan maka dapat diperoleh tingkat kerugian pada tiap level wilayah Tingkat risiko rendah memiliki kerugian terbesar yaitu Rp11.976.035.911.890. Sedangkan tingkat risiko sedang memiliki tingkat kerugian terkecil yaitu sebesar Rp1.104.198.881.270.

The Upper Citarum Watershed is an area that experiences annual flooding. The annual flooding experienced by the Upper Citarum watershed is due to land use change factors. From the event that it is an annual flood, there will be a level of loss experienced by the affected communities flood. Floods that occur in the Upper Citarum Watershed can be seen from the results of visual digitization of floods in the Upper Citarum Watershed, so that information can be obtained from the affected areas and the height of the floods from each flood-affected area. To determine the loss due to flooding, a flood risk level is required, which is the overlay result of the flood hazard level and flood vulnerability. The flood hazard level can be obtained from the processing of digitization of the flood model and field surveys. Meanwhile, the level of flood vulnerability is obtained from the processing of land use data which is converted into the economic value of each land use. The level of risk caused by flooding, it can be seen the amount of risk for each flood. Level The risk was dominated by a moderate flood risk level of 44.15%, then a high risk level of 42.25%, and a low flood risk level of 13.60%. The high level of flood risk is dominated in Bojongsoang Regency and Dayeuhkolot Regency. Starting from each flood risk level, then it is converted using the economic value of land use from each flood risk level area, for each use loss that will be obtained by land in the flood risk area. Based on the extent of the flood-prone areas that have been produced, the level of loss at each regional level can be obtained. The low risk level has the largest loss, namely Rp. 11,976,035,911,890. Meanwhile, the moderate risk level has the smallest loss level, which is IDR 1,104,198,881,270.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernardinus Realino S
"Rice fields located in Citarum Hilir watershed of Karawang district are more and more affected by growth of residential and industrial areas. This resulted in the need to have supporting rice fields elsewhere including in the upstream region. ln Citarum Hulu watershed, 19,5% fiom the existing rice fields is non-irrigated with 32,l9% of population work in the agriculture sector. But productivity of' non-irrigated rice fields of Citanim Hulu watershed is still low, which is below 25 kwintal/ha. One of the efforts to increase its productivity is to look at the local climate model. The low productivity may also be caused by factors such as slope and altitude, which are used as variables in Wilayah Tanah Usaha (WTU). Sandy (1985) wrote that growth and death of any plant in Indonesia depend on water. Awarding to Chang (1968) every process in a plant is affected by water. Furthermore, FAO believed that the growth requirement of a rice plant is also depended on water availability. Mohr, Schimdt-Ferguson, and Oldeman made climate classifications based on rainfall in relation with plant needs of irrigation. Spatial climate model and planting time/season are important factors in management of non-irrigated rice fields in Citarum Hulu watershed. These rice fields are nou-unifonnly found in the center down to the south. Rice production varies from 22 to 4l kw/ha where the majority produces 30-40 kw/ha. Productivity model for the northem part is varied, and to the south is more stable with productivity of 30-40 kw/ha. The annual average rainfall in Citarum Hulu watershed is 1770-3458 mm/yr where the majority of the region has in the range of 2000-3000 mm/yr. Maximum monthly rainfall is 558 mm and a minimum of 6 mm on average. Rainfall is high in the months of November to April and dry period is fiom June to August. Mol-rr?s climate classification is around class III - Vb where the majority is in class III-IV. Schmidt-Ferguson?s climate classification for this area is type C to type A, where the majority is in the wet type (A). 0Ideman?s climate classification varies from D3 to Bl where the majority ofthe region is in climate group C-B (humid-wet). ln general, climate model for Citarum Hulu watershed is as follows: in the center (around the city of Bandung) is almost always drier than its surrounding areas, specifically in the northem and southem parts that are mountainous. The distribution of non-irrigated rice fields has a strong correlation with the annual rainfall model of Schimdt-Ferguson and Oldeman, because as an area has more precipitation there tend to be non-irrigated rice fields. But it is not true with Mohr climate. A strong correlation in productivity of non-irrigated rice fields with rainfall model, Mohr, Schmidt-Ferguson, and Oldeman climate models mean that as a region receives more precipitation then 'there is a tendency of higher rice productivity. But there is also a tendency that if an area is extremely wet, the productivity will decrease. Planting season in the Citarum Hulu watershed is from October and May with 4 planting time models: October/February, October/March, November/March, and December/April. In the November/March, planting time is dominant in almost all of the watershed area. Part of the non-irrigated rice fields in Citarum Hulu watershed are still according to the WTU conception, that is 65,87%, which the majority is in the center. As for the rest of this region, they should be converted into protected forest areas (especially in the south) and hard plant agriculture (in the cast). Keywords: DAS Citarum Hulu, non-irrigated rice fields, rainfall, climate model, Mohr, Schmidt-Ferguson, Oldeman, WTU conception, planting time."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aniek Nurfitriani
Banjir merupakan bencana alam yang dapat diprediksi karena memiliki periode tertentu. Akan tetapi, banjir yang terjadi di Daerah Aliran Sungai DAS Citarum Hulu terjadi setiap musim penghujan datang yang disebabkan oleh tingginya laju alih fungsi lahan dan pencemaran limbah industri, rumah tangga, pertanian, peternakan, dan kegiatan bisnis lainnya. Pada pertengahan Maret tahun 2010, Karawang terkena banjir terbesar selama 15 tahun terakhir. Banjir ini, selain disebabkan oleh curah hujan yang tinggi, juga adanya kiriman dari hulu karena tinggi muka air Waduk Jatiluhur sudah melebihi kapasitas maksimal. Banjir di Karawang memiliki periode 3-5 tahunan, namun setelah terjadi banjir tahun 2010, sama seperti yang terjadi dengan DAS Citarum Hulu, Karawang yang berada di DAS Citarum Hilir pun mengalami banjir hampir setiap tahun.Perubahan watak banjir dan pencemaran yang terus terjadi di Sungai Citarum ini menyebabkan respon berbeda-beda dari masyarakat Karawang. Respon pertama, masyarakat yang menerima begitu saja tanpa perlawanan. Respon kedua, masyarakat yang ingin melakukan perlawanan tapi tidak memiliki kekuatan. Respon ketiga, masyarakat yang ingin mengubah kondisi lingkungan yang tercemar dan melakukan usaha perubahan.
Flood is predictable environmental disaster because it came periodically. But, this condition unoccured at Upper Course of Citarum rsquo s Riverbank that every year became a flooded area. Land conversions and industrial plants, domestic, agriculture, and animal farms waste became one of causes the floods occured. In the mid of March 2010, the biggest flood since two decades happened in Karawang, which is as Lower Course of Citarum rsquo s Riverbank. And ever since, every year, like the Upper Course, this Lower Course area flooded.The change of flood nature in Citarum River caused difference responds from Karawang citizens. First respond, there were accepted it as nothing happened. Second respond, citizen who showed resistance but cannot do anything because power unpossessed. Third respond, citizen who want to rehabilitate the environment and did it."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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