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Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Rizqi Yuwanto Hanapi
"Radiografi umum merupakan pelayanan diagnostik yang menggunakan paparan sinar-X, terutama untuk mendeteksi patah tulang, tumor, dan masalah organ internal tubuh. Paparan sinar-X dapat menciptakan citra, memerlukan perlindungan agar area penggunaan radiasi tetap amanbagi pekerja radiasi dan lingkungan. Timbal menjadi pilihan utama saat ini dalam pemilihan material untuk perisai radiasi karena dapat menyerap paparan radiasi sinar-X dengan efektif tetapi kurang efektif dari segi biaya produksi.  Berbeda dengan timbal, beton tidak memiliki kemampuan yang sama dalam menyerap radiasi secara efektif. Namun, produksinya relatif mudah dan biaya produksinya lebih rendah. Salah satu massalah utama terkait dengan penggunaan beton adalah variasi massa jenisnya yang signifikan di berbagai lokasi yang akan diukur terlebih dahulu, disebabkan oleh perbedaan dalam pemilihan material dasarnya. Sehingga pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan bentuk kurva antara faktor transmisi dan ketebalan dinding dalam milimeter yang sesuai dengan material beton yang ada di Indonesia hingga membuat perangkat lunak berbasis website untuk mempermudah kalkulasi ketebalan beton yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pesawat sinar-X sebagai pemancar radiasi dan beton lokal sebagai perisai radiasi, dilakukan dengan dua percobaan yakni percobaan perisai primer dan percobaan perisai sekunder. Setelah mendapatkan data hasil pengukuran dilakukan pembuatan kurva antara transmisi radiasi dan ketebalan beton,telah didapatkan perbedaan yang cukup besar antara kurva beton lokal dan kurva pada NCRP 147 pada perisai primer maupun perisai sekunder.

General radiography is a diagnostic service that uses X-ray exposure, primarily to detect fractures, tumors, and internal organ issues. X-ray exposure can create images, requiring protection to ensure the radiation usage area remains safe for radiation workers and the environment. Lead is currently the primary choice for radiation shield material because it can effectively absorb X-ray radiation exposure, though it is less cost-effective to produce. Unlike lead, concrete does not have the same capability to absorb radiation effectively. However, its production is relatively easy and cheaper. One major issue with using concrete is the significant variation in its density across different locations, which must be measured beforehand due to differences in basic material selection. Therefore, this research aims to determine the curve form between the transmission factor and wall thickness in millimeters corresponding to the concrete material available in Indonesia and to develop web-based software to facilitate the calculation of the required concrete thickness. This research uses an X-ray machine as the radiation emitter and local concrete as the radiation shield, conducted through two experiments: primary shield experiment and secondary shield experiment. After obtaining the measurement data, curves were created between radiation transmission and concrete thickness, showing a significant difference between the local concrete curve and the NCRP 147 curve for both primary and secondary shields."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The characterization of shield panel of X-ray radiation was carried out. Aim of the characterization is to find the panel in that qualities comply with the reference, so the panel can be used for the folding door of nuclear medical...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"DETERMINATION OF MATERIAL AND ITS THICKNESS FOR Cs - 137 GAMMA SOURCE SHEILDING. Its has been determined the sheilding material and its thickness necessarily conducted due to every material will have different half - thickness characteristics, and by the selection a suitable material and its thickness will be obtained...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, 2007
R 541.38 RIS
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Huda
"Berdasarkan analisis data satelit cuaca dan lingkungan, terlihat daerah "Heat Island" di Jakarta yang semakin melebar ke daerah sekitarnya. Kondisi ini merupakan konsekuensi logis dari meningkatnya sektor industri. Disamping adanya perubahan O2 dan O3, sejumlah ahli telah mendeteksi peningkatan konsentrasi CO2 di atmosfer . Hal ini perlu diwaspadai, termasuk juga zat yang membahayakan lingkungan, zat polutan, seperti NH3, timah (Pb), SOx, NOx dan H2S.
Transmisi radiasi matahari yang menjalar ke bumi akan mengalami hambatan yang disebabkan oleh adanya media penyerap seperti zat polutan dengan karakteristik dan panjang gelombang yang dimilikinya. Dengan memantau panjang gelombang ini dapat diperoleh informasi spektrum radiasi matahari yang dapat direkam menggunakan Fotometer Matahari.
Dengan memanfaatkan sarana dan peralatan yang ada di Laboratorium Optik Program Studi Opto-elektroteknika Universitas Indonesia serta menambahkan komponen pendukungnya, dapat dibentuk sebuah Fotometer Matahari.
Konstruksi Fotometer Matahari dibangun dengan peralatan teleskop, serat optik, monokromator, ihotomultiplier, dan komputer berikut program pemantauannya.
Dengan pertimbangan keterbatasan seluruh komponen pembentuknya, Fotometer Matahari mampu merekam pola spektrum panjang gelombang dari 400 sampai 1200 nm dengan sensitivitas tinggi pada daerah 700 sampai 900 nm dan waktu observasi 16 menit 56 detik.
Analisis data hasil pemantauan pada bulan Oktober 2000 yang diwakili dengan 8 had menunjukkan adanya pola spektrum radiasi matahari yang hampir sama. Puncakpuncak dominan terjadi pada panjang gelombang 712, 753, 785, 810 dan 887 nm dan lembah dominan terjadi pada 764 nm. Dan puncak-puncak spektrum ketiga daerah ini dapat diprediksi adanya polutan O2, O3 dan H2O.
Pemantauan secara berkala sebagai fungsi panjang gelombang bisa membantu untuk memperoleh data meteorologi yang berguna, tenrtarna informasi spesifik pada daerah panjang gelombang tertentu."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
In vivo apoptosis of fibroblast pulp cells by ionizing radiation from radiotherapy of the head and neck area has not yet been demonstrated. The study aimed to show in vivo the effect of a single dose of ionizing radiation on apoptosis of fibroblast pulp cells. The sample group consisted of 24 healthy male Wistar rats that were 3-4 months old and 150- 200 g in weight. The rats were divided into 4 groups of 6 rats that were subjected to Cobalt 60 radiation to the head at the levels of 0, 100, 200 or 400 rad. The rats were sacrificed 24 hours after radiation exposure, and the lower incivus were taken for histopatological processing. Apoptosis was detected by using the TUNEL Assay method. The apoptotic fibroblast pulp cells were counted under light microscope by multiple observers using the blind test approach. The fraction of apoptotic cells was counted as mean of labial and palatal sides of the teeth below odontogenic and free-cell zone. The data were statistically analyzed using one-way anova. The results showed the percentage of apoptotic of fibroblast pulp cells was 6.4, 23.7, 34.5 and 17.8% after 0, 100, 200 and 400 rad doses, respectively. There were significant differences in the apoptotic percentages between the four groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, the highest fraction of apoptotic fibroblast pulp cells was found after a single 200 rad dose, and this fraction decreased after a single dose of 400 rad."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember;Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramzy S. Amier
"Sejalan dengan diberlakukannya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 63 tahun 2000 perihal Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Terhadap Pemanfaat Radiasi Pengion serta untuk memenuhi persyaratan lulus Contractor Safety Management System, maka sistem manajemen keselamatan radiasi menjadi penting bagi perusahaan yang memanfaatkan radiasi pengion.
Tuntutan implementasi sistem keselamatan menjadi tinggi karena resiko dampak radiasi selain ada yang mempunyai efek langsung ada juga yang mempunyai efek tunda hingga 15 - 25 tahun. Oleh karenanya sistem pantauan pajanan radiasi dan dokumentasinya menjadi sangat penting dan peraturan mensyaratkan dokumentasi wajib disimpang hingga 30 tahun setelah pekerja radiasi berhenti bekerja.
Masalah yang terjadi adalah adanya gap yang melebihi toleransi antara hasil bacaan pajanan radiasi alat pantau radiasi individu pendosimeter yang dibaca oleh pekerja radiasi dengan alat pantau radiasi individu filmbadge yang besar pajanannya dievaluasi oleh BATAN sebagai badan yang terakreditasi.
Oleh karenanya dilakukan studi evaluasi untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor-faktor human error yaitu rule-based, knowledge-based dan skill-based serta audit sistem manajemen keselamatan radiasi sebagai penyebab terjadinya gap bacaan pajanan radiasi analisa dilakukan di PT RUI terhadap 40 orang pekerja radiasi yang bekerja dengan radiasi selama atau diantara bulan Desember 2002 hingga Pebruari 2003.
Hasil analisa diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan kajian dalam program peningkatan keselamatan kerja pada umumnya dan pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan radiasi khususnva.
Daftar Bacaan : 37 (1976 - 2003)

In line with Government Regulation Number 63 year 2000 Concerning Safety and Health on User of Ion Radiation and to meet the requirement of Contractor Safety Management System. Radiation Management system become an essential thing to company who take an advantage from the radiation.
The requirement of implementing safety management increase due to radiation impact beside direct effect it has also delay effect may take 15 to 25 years. That is why the regulation require have to keep the personal radiation exposure data until 30 years after the employee resign.
Problem arise while the gap is happen between gamma dosimeter evaluated by the employee and filmbadge evaluated by BATAN as authorized body, the reading gap of radiation exposure is more than tolerable value
The aim of applied research is to know the correlation of human error factors thru item rule-based, knowledge-based and skill-based, included the implementation of radiation management system audit as cause factors human error to arise radiation reading gap.
The analysis is conducted at PT RUI for 40 employees who work with radiation during or within December 2002 until February 2003.
The result expected to be used as information to set up or to update safety program for continual improvement. especially on occupation radiation sector.
Bibliography: 37 (1976-2003)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia,
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Imam Surya
Sweet sorghum is a kind of sorghum that contains high content of sugar in its stem. Sweet sorghum has a big potential to be developed in Indonesia owing to its wide adaptation and the fact that it can be used as raw material for liquid sugar, syrup, ethanol, and also as animal feed. Sweet sorghum has not been developed in Indonesia because of lack of a sweet sorghum variety. Improvement of available sweet sorghum genotype can be done among others through plant breeding program. First step on the plant breeding program is to increase the plant genetic variability. This might be done by introduction of varieties or by breeding to create new varieties. Induced mutation using Gamma irradiation can be used to increase the genetic variability of sweet sorghum. Mutation breeding using Gamma irradiation in sweet sorghum was aimed at improving the yield and quality of sweet sorghum. This research was conducted to study the effect of Gamma irradiation on sweet sorghum growth in the M1 generation, and to estimate the optimal dose range suitably for the breeding program. Beside, the objective of this research was to evaluate the genetic variability for the purpose of plant selection in the M2 generation. Plant materials consisted of 2 sweet sorghum lines introduced from ICRISAT namely line No. 79 and No. 83. Non-saccharin sorghum of local variety Higari was used as a control. The doses of Gamma irradiation treatment were 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 Gy. The M1 plants were sown in greenhouse at PATIR-BATAN Jakarta, and then were transplanted in the experimental field at Balitbiogen, Bogor. The M2 plants were grown in the experimental field at Lubang Buaya, Jakarta. Important agronomic traits such as plant height, spike length, stem diameter, and grain weight/spike were observed. The results indicated that sorghum lines gave different response to Gamma irradiation, and all measured variables were significantly affected. Irradiation gave morphology and physiology damages on sorghum like abnormality, sterility, and lethality in the M1 generation. The increase of irradiation doses increased physiological damage. Effective doses of Gamma irradiation for sweet sorghum was to be around 400?500 Gy, and the lethal doses 50% of sweet sorghum was around 800?1000 Gy. Putative mutation sometimes could be observed in the M2 generation. The treatment of Gamma increased genetic variability of plant height, spike length, stem diameter, and grain weight/spike. The highest genetic variability was found in the dose treatment of 200?300 Gy. Within this interval dose, there might be high probability to find desirable mutants for further breeding purpose. A number of 38 plants had been selected from the M2 population as putative mutants.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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