ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek pamberian bubuk susu kedelai
2x30 gramlbari, selama 8 minggu terhadap kadar
kolesterol LDL dan HDL serum pada wanita
Bertempat di Klinik Seruni Departemen Ilmu Gizi Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas lndnesia, jalan Salemba Raya no.6, Jakarta
Penelitian dengan rancangan one group pre-post tes yang
telah disetujui Komite Etik FKUI. Subyek mendapat
suplementasi susu bubuk kedelai 2x30 g/hari selama 8
minggu. Pada awal (minggu 0); pertengahan (minggu IV);
dan akhir penelitian ( awal minggu IX) dilakukan
pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol LDL dan HDL. Data isilpan
zat gizi dilukukan sebelum dan selama penelitian
berlangsung, dengan menggnnakan food recall l x24 jam.
Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji t berpasangan jika
data berdistnbusi normal dan Wilcoxon, jika data
berdistribusi tidak normal. Tingkat kemaknaan yang
digunakan p<0,05.
Sebanyak 19 subyek penelitian yang dapat mengikuti
penelitian sampai selesai. Setelah delapan minggu
perlakuan, didapatkan adanya penurunan yang bermakna
(p<0,05) pada kadar kole-ol LDL, yaitu sebesar
8,59±17,31% di minggu IV dan 7,81±11,32% di minggu IX.
Kadar kolesterol HDL menurun pada minggu IV dan IX,
namun tidak bermakna (p>0,05). Rasio kolesterol LDL
terhadap HDL, men= secilla bermakna (p<0,05) di
minggu IV, yaitu sebesar 7,03±16,82%, sedangkan di
minggu IX terjadi penurunan, namun tidak bermakna
(p>0,05), sebesar 4,04±12,25%.
Pemberian bubuk susu kedelai 2x30 g/hari selama delapan
minggu, dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL serta
rasio LDLIHDL secara bermakna.
AbstractThis research aim to investigate the effects of2x30 lifd soy milk flour, for eight
. weeks on serumo cholesterol LDL andHDL levels in
hypercholesterolemic perimenopausal women
Located at Seruni Clinic, Depar1ment of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine
University of Indonesia
The study was a one group pre-post test design, which was
approved by The Ethical Clearance Research Committee of
Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. The subjects
received 2x30 g/d soy milk powder for eight weeks. Serum LDL
and HDL cholesterol levels were determined at the heghming
(week 0), the middle (week4), and the end of the stndy(early
week 9). Dietery intakes were assessed using lx24 hours food
recall. Statistical analysis was performed using dependent t tes
for normal distribution and Wilcoxon for not normal distribution
data. The level of significancy was 5% (p<0,05)
There were 19 subjects who completed the study. After eight
weeks intervention, there was 8.59±17.31% significant decreased
in LDL cholesterol levels at the 4th week of the study and
7.81±1 1.32% at the s"' week of the study (p<0,05).HDL
cholesterol levels decreased at the 4\h and 8" weeks, but not
significant(p>0,05). The ratio ofLDL to HDL was 7,03±16,82o/o,
which was significant decreased at the 4" week (p<0,05), while at
the 9th week the decrement was not significant (4.04±12.25%),
p> 0.05.
Consuming soy milk powder 2 x 30 g/dduring eight weeks, can
reduce the LDL cholesterol level and LDLIIIDL ratio