"Pada keadaan hipoksia sel aksn berganti metabolisme dari tipe aerob Ire tipe yang lebih anaerob, yang lebih sedikit menghasilkan energi. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi yang sama, set pada keadaan hipoksia meningkatkan konsurnsi glukosa. Penelitian ini bertuju.an untuk mengetahui gambaran adaptasi metabolisme otot pada tikus yang dibuat hipoksia dibandingkan dengan penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas). Penyu bijau merupakan hewan yang bernafas dtngan paru-paru namun dapat berakti.vitas lama di bawah air laut.
Sejumiah tikus ditempatkan pada kandang hipoksia (tekanan l atm,dan kandungan o, 10%) selama I, 7 14, dan 21 hari. Pada akhir periode hipoksia setelah euthanasia. otot dianalisis untuk pengukuran konsumsi glaktivitas spesifik LDH dan etektroforesis isozim LDH. Analisis yang sarna juga di1akukan pada penyu yang ditempatkan pada kondisi nonnoksia.
Konsumsi glukosa dan aktivitas LDH meningkat sejalan dengan lamanya hipoksia pada otot tikus, sedangkan isozim LDH tidak mengalami pcrubahan po1a.; kecuali peningka:tan LDH 4 dan LDH 5. Konsumsi glukosa dan aktivitas spesifik LDH otot penyu Iebih. tinggi dibanding otot tikus dan hanya terdapat satu tipe isozim LDH yaitu LDH 4 yang merupakan isozim LDH anaerob. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adaptasi sel otot terhadap hipoksia, dengan mengubah metabolisme aerob menjadi lebih anaerob.
During hyPOxia, there is a shift ftom aerobic to anaerobic metabolism which results in the production of less ATP. 1n order to meet the same energy needed, the hypoxic cells have to increase the glucose consumption rate. In this study, we described the muscle metabolic adaptation in globally hypoxic rats as wcU a<;. in sea turtles (Chelonia mydm), the latter animals are well known as lung breathing species which spend most of their time under sea water.
Rats were placed in a hypoxic chamber (I atrn, 0, l 0 Va! %) for I, 7, 14 and 21 days. At the end of each period, after euthanasia their muscles were analyzed for glucose metabolism rate, total specific LDH activities and LDH isozymes electrQphoresis. The same a!lalysis was made in sea turtle muscles which were placed in normal condition.
Glucose consumption rates and LDH activities increased proportionally with the duration of hypoxic state in rats, whereas for LDH isozymes. there were no any change in pattern except for LDH 4 and LDH 5, which was more prominent the course of hypoxia. On the other hand, even in normoxic condition, sea turtles muscles consumed higher amount·of glucose. showed much higher of total specific LDH activities and had only one type of LDH isoZ)'Ule, i.e. LDH 4, which is anaerobic isozyme of LDH.The results suggest that during adaptation to hypoxia, the metabolism of aerobic muscle of rat switch to more anaerobic pattern and that sea turtle was genetlcally set fur hypo-xia condition."