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William Marthy
Komposisi kelompok mitra spesies burung di Way Canguk, Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan, Lampung, telah diteliti bulan Juni - Nopember 1997. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode ad-libitum untuk kelompok mitra spesies burung, dan metode point count untuk kepadatan jenis burung. Penelitian ini mencatat 119 spesies burung terdapat di lokasi penelitian, 111 spesies burung tercatat dengan mempergunakan metode point count. Terdapat 78 spesies burung yang bergabung dalam kelompok mitra spesies, 64% diantaranya adalah burung pemakan serangga. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa dengan bergabung dalam kelompok mitra spesies burung, anggota memperoleh beberapa manfaat, seperti meningkatnya efisiensi dalam pencarian pakan. Terdapat tiga tipe kelompok mitra spesies burung di lokasi penelitian, dan setiap tipe memiliki spesies inti yang berbeda. Kompetisi antara individu dari setiap jenis berkurang karena jumlah individu yang bergabung kecil, sedangkan kompetisi antara jenis berkurang dengan adanya perbedaan pada kelompok fungsional dan varian strata."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahrah Afifah
Pembukaan lahan merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang dialami beberapa habitat hutan tropis di Indonesia, salah satunya terletak di Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan, Lampung. Burung merupakan salah satu hewan yang dapat digunakan sebagai hewan indikator karena burung relative mudah dijumpai pada berbagai habitat dan mampu menempati berbagai tipe habitat dan relung. Burung memiliki tipe feeding guild yang beragam, salah satunya adalah burung insektivora. Burung insektivora dapat tergabung ke dalam sebuah kelompok pencari makan yang di dalamnya terdapat beberapa jenis berbeda atau biasa disebut mixed-species foraging flock. Metode survey burung yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode titik-hitung dan ad-libitum. Survey burung dilakukan pada tiga transek sepanjang 1 km, yang terletak pada habitat hutan dan kebun, dan melewati tiga desa: Sumberejo, Pemerihan Bawah, dan Pemerihan Atas. Sebanyak 23 kelompok burung yang ditemukan merupakan mixed-flock. Mixed-flock yang terdapat di kebunyaitu 14 kelompokdanhutan 9 kelompok. Sebanyak 14 kelompok ditemukan pada transek Sumbererjo, 2 kelompok pada transek Pemerihan Bawah, dan 7 kelompok pada transek Pemerihan Atas. Terdapat asosiasi antara Cipoh jantung (Aegithina viridissima) dan Jingjing batu (Hemipus hirundinaceus) dengan nilai Xhit 87,1>Xtab 3,84 (dk=1; p < 0,05). Potensi pembentukan mixed-flock terdapat di kawasan tepi TNBBS. Komposisi tipe pengambilan pakan gleaner, sallier, probe, searcher.

Land clearings is one of the problems that occur in most tropical forest habitat in Indonesia, one of them occur at Bukit Barisan National Park, Lampung. Birds considered as an environmental indicator because they are easily found and able to occupy different type of niche and habitats. Birds have diverse food preferences called as feeding guilds, one of them is insectivorous birds. Insectivorous birds from different species can banda foraging group called as mixed-species foraging flock. The methods used to survey the birds is point-count and ad-libitum method to examine birds species. We conduct birds survey on three transects along 1 km, that located in both plantation and forest and thru three village: Sumberejo, Pemerihan Bawah, and Pemerihan Atas. 23 groups of mixed-species were found during the survey. 14 of them located at plantation habitat and while the other 9 located at the forest habitat. 14 groups found in Sumberejo transect, 2 groups found in Pemerihan Bawah transect, and 7 group found in Pemerihan Atas transect. Association occured between the green Iora Aegithina viridissima and black-winged flycatcher-shrike Hemipus hirundinaceus with the value of Xcount (87,1) is greater than Xtab (3,84) (df=1; p < 0,05). Formation potential of mixed-species flocking mostly occured at the edge of BBNP. Composition of foraging guild are, gleaner, sallier, prober, and searcher.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"As a mall zoobenthos inhabiting interstitial spaces of the substrates, endopsammon play an important ecological role in ecological marine ecosystem...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paterson, Hugh E
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992
575 Pat e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabilla Nuril Kaunain
"Partisi relung antara spesies mesopredator belum banyak dikaji, padahal informasi partisi relung spesies sangat diperlukan dalam perencanaan pengelolaan kawasan konservasi yang efektif di tengah ancaman kerusakaan habitat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh massa tubuh terhadap pembagian relung spasial 6 spesies mesopredator yang menempati Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ) di dalam Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS). Keenam spesies yang dikaji adalah Cuon alpinus, Catopuma temminckii, Neofelis diardi, Pardofelis marmorata, Prionailurus bengalensis, dan Prionodon linsang. Data spesies yang terdeteksi kamera penjebak dianalisis dengan metode okupansi single season multi-species menggunakan variabel elevasi, kelerengan, NDVI, jarak ke tepi hutan, jarak ke sungai, serta okupansi mangsa, untuk mendapatkan nilai indeks interaksi spesies (Species Interaction Factor/SIF). Keberadaan spesies dideteksi menggunakan kamera penjebak yang dipasang selama 186 hari di 65 petak berukuran 3x3 km dalam IPZ sejak 21 Mei sampai 22 November 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa partisi spasial diamati terjadi pada pasangan spesies Prionailurus bengalensis-Prionodon linsang dan rasio massa tubuh tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap partisi spasial yang terjadi pada pasangan spesies mesopredator di Intensive Protection Zone Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan.

Spatial partitioning among mesopredators has not been widely studied, even though the information is crucial for conservation management planning amid habitat destruction threats. Therefore, this study aimed to fill the knowledge gap by determining the extent of influence of body mass on spatial partitioning of 6 mesopredators species in Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ) Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP). Species detection data collected by camera trap was analyzed using single season multi-species occupancy analysis method and 6 variables including elevation, slope, NDVI, distance to forest edge, distance to river, and prey occupancy to generate species interaction factor (SIF) value. Species detection data was collected using camera trap survey for 186 days in 65 camera stations with 3x3 km grid size from May 21st until November 22nd, 2019. Study results shows that Prionailurus bengalensis-Prionodon linsang species pair is going through spatial partitioning and body mass does not have any influence on spatial partitioning among mesopredators species."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darwin, Charles
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2007
575.016 2 DAR o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cambridge, UK: Massachusetts The MIT Press, 1992
570 UNI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Septianto Aldiansyah
"Keberadaan Taman Nasional Gandang Dewata menunjukkan kemauan, komitmen dan ambisi untuk memperluas kawasan lindung bagi spesies penting. Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi) berstatus Endangered Species (EN) dan juga masuk dalam Appendix I CITES yang berarti spesies ini terancam punah dan dilarang dalam segala bentuk perdagangan internasional. Tindakan konservasi bagi spesies ini di pulau Sulawesi memerlukan pendekatan ekologi dan geospasial. Pendekatan yang tepat diharapkan dapat meminimalisir tekanan terhadap populasi dan menghubungkan kawasan konservasi yang mungkin saja menjadi rumah bagi populasi anoa terbesar di dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan memodelkan prediksi habitat secara spasial dan memprediksi kondisi habitat anoa tahun 2018 dan 2021 serta melihat potensi konservasi melalui pendekatan lansekap. Metode yang digunakan dalam membangun model adalah Maximum Entropy dengan memanfaatkan parameter lingkungan dan data kehadiran anoa. Parameter lingkungan yang digunakan adalah jarak dari jalan, jarak dari permukiman, jarak dari sungai, penggunaan lahan dan tutupan lahan, kemiringan lereng, wilayah ketinggian, dan kerapatan vegetasi. Sedangkan data kehadiran yang digunakan adalah jejak aktivitas anoa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa jejak aktivitas yang ditemukan adalah sarang, kotoran (feses), jejak kaki, tempat istirahat dan tempat tidur. Anoa pegunungan di Taman Nasional Gandang Dewata dapat ditemui pada wilayah yang jauh dari sumber aktivitas manusia seperti jalan dan permukiman, dekat dengan sungai, terdapat pada tutupan lahan berupa tutupan vegetasi dengan kemiringan lereng landai hingga curam dan dapat ditemukan pada hutan pegunungan bawah hingga hutan pegunungan atas. Dalam waktu 3 tahun, terjadi pengurangan habitat anoa seluas 3.203 ha. Terkait aspek geospasial, korelasi terbesar bersumber dari aktivitas manusia (jarak dari jalan dan jarak dari permukiman). Pendekatan lansekap menemukan kemungkinan migrasi melalui koridor dari Taman Nasional Gandang Dewata menuju Taman Nasional Lore Lindu dengan memanfaatkan struktur topografi dan hutan lindung disekitarnya.

The existence of Gandang Dewata National Park shows the willingness, commitment and ambition to expand the protected area for important species. Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi) has Endangered Species (EN) status and is also included in Appendix I CITES which means this species is threatened with extinction and prohibited in all forms of international trade. Conservation action for this species on the island of Sulawesi requires an ecological and geospatial approach. The right approach is expected to minimize population pressure and link conservation areas that may be home to the world's largest anoa population. This study aims to model habitat predictions spatially and predict the condition of anoa habitat in 2018 and 2021 as well as see the potential for conservation through a landscape approach. The method used in building the model is Maximum Entropy by utilizing environmental parameters and anoa presence data. The environmental parameters used are distance from roads, distance from settlements, distance from rivers, land use land cover, slope, elevation, and vegetation density. While the presence data used is traces of anoa activity. The results showed that the traces of activity found were nests, feces, footprints, resting areas and beds area. Mountain anoa in Gandang Dewata National Park can be found in areas far from sources of human activity such as roads and settlements, close to rivers, found in land cover in the form of vegetation cover with gentle to steep slopes and can be found in lower mountain forest to upper mountain forest. Within 3 years, anoa habitat has been reduced to an area of 3.203 ha. Regarding the geospatial aspect, the largest correlation comes from human activities (distance from roads and distance from settlements). The landscape approach finds the possibility of migration through the corridor from Gandang Dewata National Park to Lore Lindu National Park by utilizing the topographical structure and the surrounding protected forest."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1994
R 578.6803 ENC
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Endang Christine
Penelitian ?Etnobotani Masyarakat Enis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka,
Sumatera Utara? bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan
berguna dan perbedaan pengetahuan lokal tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan
berdasarkan gender dan umur oleh masyarakat etnis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka.
Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan etik dan emik. Pengumpulan
data dilakukan melalui wawancara terbuka dan semi terstruktur, observasi
partisipatif dan diskusi kelompok fokus (Focus Group Discussion--FGD). Data
tentang keanekaragaman pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan dianalisis dengan metode
LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); dan data
tentang perbedaan pengetahuan pemanfaatan tumbuhan brdasar gender dan umur
dianalisis dengan metode UVs (Use Values), dan statistik. Terdapat 158 spesies
yang termasuk dalam 61 famili yang dikenal dan dimanfaatkan masyarakat etnis
Karo di KecamatanMerdeka. Seratus lima puluh delapan spesies tumbuhan
tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk obat-obatan, pangan, sumber penghasilan, teknologi
lokal, kayu bakar, adat/ritual/hiasan, racun/anti racun dan pewarna. Berdasarkan
analisis LUVI diperoleh 60 spesies yang dianggap paling penting dan pangan
sebagai kategori guna terpenting. Oryza sativa mendapat nilai ICS tertinggi yaitu
50, yang dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan pokok. Berdasarkan umur dari
kelompok responden, rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan
dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs pada responden umur lebih dari 50 tahun lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan umur 30--50 tahun. Sementara itu, berdasarkan gender,
rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs
pada responden laki-laki lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan

The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women., The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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