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Howard, John A.
Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press, 1996
304 How p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The technical capability of IRS-P6 satellite remote sensing system i.e. the satellite system and its sensors, the data characteristics and the data product types, and also the data application was studied based on the current literatures or informations. The study results can be used as considerations tool in the alternative data to replace the ETM plus LANDSAT data in SLC OFF condition. The result also can be used as a consideration in the development of LAPAN REMOTE SENSING GROUND STATION FOR THE CONTINUITY OF REMOTE SENSING DATA SERVICE IN iNDONESIA AND ALSO TO SOLVE THE etm plus LANDSAT in SLC OFF condition. The study results among others are the technical capability of IRS-P6 satellite system and its sensors i.e: LISS III, LISS IV and AWIFS, the data characteristics, the dsata product types and also the main data application. Another result showed that the LISS III IRS-P6 data can be used to replace the ETM plus LANDSAT data in SLF OFF condition based on the capability of the IRS-P6 sensors or the data ie : spectral resolution, spatial resolution, radiometric resolution, temporal resolution and also the data swath ; however the thermal band spectral is not exist to replace the ETM plus LANDSAT. The considerations or the advantages in the use each of IRS-P6 (LISS III, LISS IV, AWiFS) data for various applications is also presented in this paper."
620 DIR 1:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this research is to determine the geothermal potential dissemanition area using remote sensing...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lillesand, Thomas M.
Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press , 1990
621.367 8 LIL p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Some micro satellite and small satellite remote sensing systems which are operating and being operated in the national / regional / global region was studied based on the current literatures or informations. The study results can be used as considerations tool in the development of the micro satellite LAPAN-TUBSAT for the next generations. The study results among others are the satellites and their imager sensors technical capability., the image data characteristis and also data applications of : 1. the micro satellite LAPAN-TUBSAT, 2. the micro satellite DLR TUBSAT, 3. the small satellite SUNSAT XE, 4. the constellation of small satellites FUEGO, 5. the constellation of small satellites GOAL and Go, and 6. the small satellite DIAMANT. Another result showed that the use of constellation of a number small or micro satellites on LEO orbit are necessary especially for disaster detection and monitoring and disaster relief assistance or another applications which need high temporal resolution or real time remote sensing data. There are 4 micro or small satellite remote sensing systems obtained in this study which can be considered to be used to develop the micro satellite LAPAN TUBSAT for the next generations, ie the small satellite SUNSAT XE or the constellation of small satellites SUNSAT XE, 2. FUEGO : a dedicated constellation of small satellites to detect and monitoring forest fires, 3.the constellation of small satellites GOAL and GO for disaster monitoring and disaster relief assistance, 4. the small satellite DIAMANT or the constellation of small satellites DIAMANT, which all described in this paper."
620 DIR 1:2 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bangun Muljo Sukojo
"Sejalan dengan pembangunan yang sedang dan sudah dilakukan di seluruh wilayah pantai Indonesia maka kerusakan pantai dari hari ke hari semakin terasa akibatnya. Penurunan kualitas lingkungan atau ekosistem makin terasa dan juga berdampak baik secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung terhadap segi-segi kehidupan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka diperlukan data atau informasi yang dapat melihat secara tepat sejauh mana tingkat penurunan kualitas tersebut dan bagaimana penanganan selanjutnya. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan adalah teknologi yang berbasiskan komputer yang dikenal sebagai Sistem Informasi Geografis. Teknologi ini dapat melakukan pekerjaan pengumpulan, penyimpanan, pengolahan dan penyajian data atau informasi yang diperoleh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dari lapangan. Data yang diperoleh dapat dikatakan aseptable dengan validitas tinggi sehingga sebelum diakuisasi dapat dilakukan analisis ekologi dan teknologi penginderaan jauh terlebih dahulu.

Application of Remote Sensing and Ecology Analysis Method for Geographic Information System of Coastal Ecosystem. With the development that have been done on all Indonesian coastal area, the damaged can be suffered from day to day. The decrease of environmental or ecosystem quality occurred and effected the economic, social and cultural life directly or indirectly. Based on that condition, data or information is needed to look accurately the decrement level and the way to handle it. One method that can be used is a computer based technology which commonly called Geographic Information System (GIS). The technology can gathering, recording, processing and displaying data or information which is obtained directly or indirectly from the field. As the data to be said acceptable with high validity, then before it is being acknowledged, then an ecology analysis and remote sensing technology can be done first."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahastra Ridho
"Daerah panas bumi Limbong, Kabupaten Luwu Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan merupakan salah satu lapangan panas bumi yang belum dilakukan eksplorasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merekomendasikan wilayah prospek panas bumi guna dilakukan kegiatan eksplorasi. Metode analisis penginderaan jauh dan geokimia air digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Terdapat 12 manifestasi air panas bumi yang dianalisis, terdiri dari 11 air panas dan 1 air dingin. Analisis penginderaan jauh menunjukkan pola kelurusan pada daerah penelitian berorientasi utara – selatan dan timurlaut – baratdaya, dengan tingkat densitas kelurusan dari sangat rendah hingga sangat tinggi. Pola dan densitas kelurusan tersebut diinterpretasikan sebagai zona permeabel yang mengontrol kemunculan manifestasi panas bumi. Selain pola kelurusan, analisis penginderaan jauh juga menunjukkan tingkat kerapatan vegetasi di daerah penelitian tersebar dari vegetasi tinggi hingga tidak bervegetasi, dengan suhu permukaan berkisar antara 12˚C hingga 26˚C. Berdasarkan analisis geokimia air, tipe air panas bumi pada daerah penelitian adalah klorida – bikarbonat. Sumber air panas bumi dari satu reservoir dengan kondisi full equilibrium dan immature waters yang telah mengalami pengenceran oleh air meteorik. Analisis geoindikator menunjukkan zona outflow dari daerah penelitian berada pada mata air APKD-5. Berdasarkan analisis data penginderaan jauh dan geokimia air, dapat direkomendasikan dua area prospek panas bumi di daerah penelitian. Area rekomendasi prospek panas bumi A terletak pada daerah Kanan Dede dengan luas sekitar 6.9 km2 di koordinat 120.012132, -2.557325 dan 120.045600, -2.573257. Area rekomendasi prospek panas bumi B terletak pada daerah Salu Rassasisi dengan luas sekitar 6.8 km2 di koordinat 119.964534, -2.552284 dan 120.000229, -2.567610.

The Limbong geothermal area, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province is one of the geothermal fields that has yet to be explored. The purpose of this study is to recommend geothermal prospect areas for further exploration activities. Remote sensing and geochemical methods were used to gain this purpose. There are 12 geothermal water manifestations analyzed, consisting of 11 hot springs and 1 spring. The results of remote sensing analysis show a lineament in the study area with an N-S and NE-SE orientation, with lineament density levels from very low to very high. The lineament orientation and density are interpreted as a permeable zone that controls the appearance of geothermal manifestations. Remote sensing analysis also shows the level of vegetation density in the study area is spread from high to non-vegetated vegetation index with surface temperatures ranging from 12˚C to 26˚C. Based on Ternary Diagram, shows that the water manifestations in this area were classified as chloride – bicarbonate water types. The water source for the geothermal systems from a reservoir with full equilibrium and immature water conditions. Geoindicator analysis shows outflow zone from the research area is in the APKD-5 hot spring. Based on the remote sensing data analysis and water geochemistry, two geothermal prospect areas can be recommended. The recommended area for geothermal prospect A is around Kanan Dede with an area covers 6.9 km2 at coordinates 120.012132, -2.557325 and 120.045600, -2.573257. The recommended area for geothermal prospect B is around Salu Rassasisi area with an area covers 6.8 km2 at coordinates 119.964534, -2.552284 and 120.000229, -2.567610."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bangun Muljo Sukojo
"Informasi tentang kandungan bahan organik (BO) diperlukan untuk pemantauan dan pengelolaan lingkungan serta digunakan dalam praktek budidaya tanaman. Dalam penelitian ini dicobakan untuk memetakan kandungan bahan organik tanah di daerah Malang Selatan dengan menggunakan teknik penginderaan jauh (inderaja). Data inderaja yang digunakan adalah citra Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) (band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7). dan dipilih area yang memiliki nilai Normalized Difference Soil Index (NDSI) lebih dari 0,3. Data ground-truth diperoleh dengan menganalisis kandungan BO dan contoh-contoh tanah dengan menggunakan metode Black-Walkey.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan nilai derajat keabuan dan citra asli dapat digunakan untuk menduga kandungan bahan organik tanah. Penerapan persamaan regresi dengan menggunakan nilai derajat keabuan citra asli untuk menduga kandungan bahan organik tanah memperlihatkan bahwa tanah di daerah penelitian umumnya memiliki kandungan bahan organik sedang (meliputi 63,18% dari luas area penelitian).

Application of Remote Sensing for Mapping Soil Organic Matter Content. Information organic content is important in monitoring and managing the environment as well as doing agricultural production activities. This research tried to map soil organic content in Malang using remote sensing technology. The research uses 6 bands of data captured by Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) satellite (band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7). The research focuses on pixels having Normalized Difference Soil Index (NDSI) more than 0.3. Ground-truth data were collected by analysing organic content of soil samples using Black-Walkey method.
The result of analysis shows that digital number of original satellite image can be used to predict soil organic matter content. The implementation of regression equation in predicting soil organic content shows that 63.18% of research area contains of organic in a moderate category."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bangun Muljo Sukojo
"Penelitian analisis perubahan penggunaan lahan telah dilakukan menggunakan metode penginderaan jauh (inderaja) dan sistem informasi geografis (SIG). Identifikasi peta perubahan penggunaan lahan dilakukan dengan menggunakan proses tumpang susun peta penggunaan lahan tahun 1990 (hasil digitasi skala 1:50.000) dan peta penggunaan lahan tahun 1997 hasil interpretasi citra Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) tahun 1997 dengan koordinat UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator). Perbaikan kontras citra melalui perataan histogram dilakukan dengan teknik klasifikasi terawasi yang terbagi menjadi 7 (tujuh) klas (sawah, perkampungan, tegalan, industri, tambak, lapangan olah raga dan semak). Analisis perubahan penggunaan lahan dan tingkat pencemaran air sungai BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) dan TSS (Total Suspended Solid) dilakukan dalam sistim informasi geografis hingga diperoleh database dengan format link spasial dan tabular. Perubahan penggunaan lahan dianalisis berdasarkan pembagian segmen mengacu arah kontur sepanjang Kali Surabaya. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan perubahan penggunaan lahan pada tahun 1990-1997 yakni sawah berkurang 5,72 %, perkampungan bertambah 15,16 %, tegalan bertambah 0,54 %, tambak berkurang 9,67 %, industri bertambah 36,67 % dan semak berkurang 26,67 %. Hasil analisis tingkat pencemaran air dengan regresi linier berganda menunjukkan BOD (koefisien determinan 56 %) dan TSS (koefisien determinan 65 %) masih dipengaruhi oleh perubahan penggunaan lahan, tidak demikian halnya dengan COD (koefisien determinan 24 %).

Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Methods for Land Using Difference. Land using difference analysis has been done using remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) methods. Identification of land using difference was conducted using map overlaying process of 1990s (digitized scalling 1:50.000) and 1997s land using map (interpreted from Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) Image 1997) with UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate. Image enhancement was done through histogram equalization with supervised classification devided into 7 classes: rice field, settlement, dry field, industry, pond, sport field and bush. Land using difference and river pollution BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) analysis were done through GIS to get database in spasial link and tabular format. Land using difference was done based on division segment of Kali Surabaya contour as reference. The result shows that there were changes on land using from 1990 until 1997 that rice field reduced by 5.72 %; settlement increased by 15,16 %; dry field increased by 0.54 %; industry increased by 36.67 % and bush reduced by 26.67 %. Water pollution analysis results which was done using multiple linier regression show both BOD (determinant coefficient 56 %) and TSS (determinant coefficient 65 %) are affected by difference in land using, but COD (determinant coefficient 24 %) is not affected."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puguh Dwi Raharjo
"Tahun 2008 Kabupaten Kebumen dilanda kekeringan. Masyarakat kesulitan air bersih dan air irigasi menyusul menurunnya debit sumber air. Penggunaan data penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi daerah rawan kekeringan. Transformasi citra satelit Landsat TM untuk mendapatkan indeks kecerahan, indeks ke basahan, dan indeks vegetasi digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi permukaan dalam hubungannya dengan kekeringan. Indeks kecerahan dan indeks kebasahan diperoleh dari modifikasi tasseled cap, sedangkan indeks vegetasi diperoleh dari nilai normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Parameter lain seperti kondisi akuifer, curah hujan serta jenis penggunaan lahan pertanian kering merupakan faktor dalam mengidentifikasi kekeringan. Data-data tersebut dilakukan sesuai dengan deskripsi zona wilayahnya guna mendapatkan kajian wilayah dalam hubungannya dengan kekeringan. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengidentifikasikan bahwa sebagian kecamatan di Kabupaten Kebumen yang meliputi Karanggayam, Karangsambun g, Sadang, Alian, Puring, Klirong, Buluspesantren, Ambal, dan Mirit terdeteksi memiliki potensi kekeringan.

Kebumen regency was drought in year 2008, community clean water shortages and irrigation water following a decline in water resources. The use of remote sensing data and GIS can be used to identify the potential for drought-prone areas. Transformation of Landsat TM satellite imagery to obtain the brightness index, wetness index and vegetation index used to determine surface conditions in relation to drought. Brightness index and wetness index derived from the tasseled cap modifications, while the vegetation index derived from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values. Other parameters such as aquifer conditions, rainfall and other types of dry agricultural land use was a factor in identifying drought. The data are performed in accord ance with the zone description in order to get the study area in relation to regional drought. The result of the research is identified area the district of Karangsambung, Karanggayam, Sadang, Alian, Puring, Klirong, Buluspesantren, Ambal and Mirit potential drought."
Depok: Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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