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Ditemukan 15219 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kirchhoff, Lars
Netherlands: Kluwer, 2008
327.172 KIR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
McIlwrath, Michael
Austin: Wolters Kluwer, 2010
340.2 MCL i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
The Hwee Hwee
Singapore: Butterworth, 2000
341.522 Bou m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Goldberg, Stephen B.
"From the leading authors in mediation and dispute resolution comes this new psychology-based work on the nuts and bolts of mediation. Using the behavioral theories of interests, rights, and power, Goldberg, Brett, and Brenneur explain what mediators do, what makes for a successful mediator, and how best to structure a mediation, essentially the role of the mediator and the disputing parties at each step of the process. Also included is an essential chapter on the relationship between mediation and the law by Nancy Rogers, one of the foremost U.S. authorities on the topic."
United Kingdom: Emerald, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Kamil Akbar


Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penyelesaian konflik norma peraturan perundang-undangan memlalui jalur mediasi yang dilakukan oleh lembaga Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 2 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyelesaian Disharmoni Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Melalui Mediasi. Berlakunya Permenkumham No. 2 Tahun 2019 ini kemudian memunculkan permasalahan, yang itu berkaitan degan kewenangan Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam menyelesaikan konflik norma peraturan perundang-undangan melalui mediasi dan mengenai mekanisme mediasi itu sendiri dan akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, sejarah, dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Kemenkumham tidak memiliki kewenangan dalam menyelesaikan konflik norma peraturan perundang-undangan melalui mediasi  dan penyelesaian konflik norma peraturan perundang-undangan melalui mediasi tidak termasuk dalam tugas dan fungsi Kemenkumham maupun Direktorat Jenderal Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Kemudian dalam hal mekanisme mediasi yang digunakan merupakan suatu kekeliruan, karena mediasi merupakan mekanisme yang biasa diterapkan dalam perkara yang bersifat privat, dimana para pihak bertindak untuk dan atas namanya sendiri. sehingga menjadi aneh apabila mediasi digunakan dalam penyelesaian konflik norma peraturan perundang-undangan yang normanya mengatur secara umum. Adapun hasil dari mediasi tersebut tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat dan tidak memiberikan dampak hukum terhadap keberlakuan dari norma peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah disepakati.



This research discusses the conflict completion of legislative norm through mediation path which is held by Ministry of Justice and Human Rights based on Justice and Human Rights Ministry Regulation No. 2/2019 about Completion Disharmony of Regulation by Mediation. The validity of Justice and Human Rights Ministry Regulation No. 2/2019 brings some problems up which related to authority of Ministry of Justice and Human Right on completing conflict of legislative norm by mediation, the mediation mechanism, and legal consequences. This study is normative which used statute, historical, and conceptual approach. The result showed Ministry of Justice and Human Rights did not has any authority for completing legislative norm by mediation and conflict compelation of legislative norm through mediation is not include in duties and function of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights or Directorate General of Legislation. Moreover, mediation mechanism used by Justice and Human Rights Ministry is a mistake. Mediation is a mechanism which is used on private cases, in which the parties act and to their name self. As a result, mediation is a weird feature if it used for completing legislative norm conflict which was created for general norm. Its outcomes have no binding legal force and no legal consequence on the validity of legislative norm which was agreed.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dizar Febrisista
"[Dalam skenario keuangan ekonomi dan non-keuangan dimana kelangsungan hidup organisasi dari usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) yang lebih dikondisikan dari sebelumnya oleh kinerja kompetitif. Karya tulis ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa penggabungan strategis dari tindakan yang bertanggung jawab secara sosial, lebih peduli, keterlibatan usaha dengan para stakeholder, serta memberikan kontribusi untuk meningkatkan competitive performance organisasi. Dengan demikian, keberadaan hubungan langsung atau peran mediasi antara pengembangan praktik Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dan competitive performance dianalisis dari perspektif stakeholder. Data dikumpulkan dari sampel 150 UMKM di Jabodetabek. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan praktik CSR kontribusi untuk meningkatkan kinerja kompetitif baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, melalui kemampuan organisasi-organisasi ini untuk mengelola peningkatan hubungan dengan stakeholder;In a financial economic and non financial scenario in which the organization survival of micro, small and medium enterprises (SME) are more conditioned than ever by competitive performance. This paper aims to show that the strategic incorporation of socially responsible actions, more concerned and engaged with stakeholders, contributes to improve the competitiveness of these organizations. Thus, the existence of a direct or mediated relationship between the development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and competitive performance has been analyzed from a stakeholder perspective. To accomplish this task, data were collected from a sample of 150 Jabodetabek SME?s. Results showed that the development of CSR practices are not significantly influential in enhance the competitive performance, both directly and indirectly, through the ability of these organizations to manage the relational improvement their stakeholders.;In a financial economic and non financial scenario in which the organization survival of micro, small and medium enterprises (SME) are more conditioned than ever by competitive performance. This paper aims to show that the strategic incorporation of socially responsible actions, more concerned and engaged with stakeholders, contributes to improve the competitiveness of these organizations. Thus, the existence of a direct or mediated relationship between the development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and competitive performance has been analyzed from a stakeholder perspective. To accomplish this task, data were collected from a sample of 150 Jabodetabek SME?s. Results showed that the development of CSR practices are not significantly influential in enhance the competitive performance, both directly and indirectly, through the ability of these organizations to manage the relational improvement their stakeholders.;In a financial economic and non financial scenario in which the organization survival of micro, small and medium enterprises (SME) are more conditioned than ever by competitive performance. This paper aims to show that the strategic incorporation of socially responsible actions, more concerned and engaged with stakeholders, contributes to improve the competitiveness of these organizations. Thus, the existence of a direct or mediated relationship between the development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and competitive performance has been analyzed from a stakeholder perspective. To accomplish this task, data were collected from a sample of 150 Jabodetabek SME?s. Results showed that the development of CSR practices are not significantly influential in enhance the competitive performance, both directly and indirectly, through the ability of these organizations to manage the relational improvement their stakeholders., In a financial economic and non financial scenario in which the organization survival of micro, small and medium enterprises (SME) are more conditioned than ever by competitive performance. This paper aims to show that the strategic incorporation of socially responsible actions, more concerned and engaged with stakeholders, contributes to improve the competitiveness of these organizations. Thus, the existence of a direct or mediated relationship between the development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and competitive performance has been analyzed from a stakeholder perspective. To accomplish this task, data were collected from a sample of 150 Jabodetabek SME’s. Results showed that the development of CSR practices are not significantly influential in enhance the competitive performance, both directly and indirectly, through the ability of these organizations to manage the relational improvement their stakeholders.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This edited volume aims at examining China's role in the field of international governance and the rule of law under the Belt and Road Initiative from a holistic manner. It seeks alternative analytical frameworks that not only take into account legal ideologies and legal ideals, but also local demand and socio-political circumstances, to explain and understand China's legal interactions with countries along the Road, so that more useful insights can be produced in predicting and analysing China's as well as other emerging Asian countries' legal future. Authors from Germany, Korea, Singapore, Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong have contributed to this edited volume, which produces academic dialogues and conducts intellectual exchanges in specific sub-themes."
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Endiyani
"Kawasan Timur Tengah merupakan kawasan yang sarat akan konflik dan salah satunya adalah konflik Israel-Palestina. Konflik yang telah berlangsung selama puluhan tahun tersebut kemndian meneniukan titik terang. Pihak Israel dan Palestina bersedia berunding untuk pertama kalinya dan melahirkan Kesepakatan Oslo pada September 1993. Dalam proses perandingan tersebut, Amerika Serikat berperan sebagai fasilitator sebagai upaya menjaga perdamaian dunia. Sayangnya pelaksanaan kesepakatan tersebut tidak berjalan mulus sehingga mengalami stagnansi di awal tahun 1997.
Melihat fakta ini, Amerika Serikat pada masa pemerintahan Clinton berinisiatif menghidupkan kembali proses perandingan dengan mengupayakan suatu proposal perdamaian bagi kedua belah pihak. Pada perundingan damai kali ini, Amerika Serikat tidak hanya sebagai fasilitator namun berperan lebih aktif sebagai mediator yang berusaha mencari suatu kesepakatan bersama. Amerika Serikat sebagai pihak penengah melainkan. proses negosiasi yang kemudian menghasilkan Wye River Agreement Kaput-man AS untuk terlibat dalam proses perundingan dipengarahi oleh faktor-faktor tertentn yang berasal dari lingkungan eksternal dan internal Amerika Serikat. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, penulis mengajukan pertanyaan riset, yaitn: Mengapa Amerika Serikat memainkan peran sebagai mediator dalam proses perundingan damai Israel Palestina di Wye River?
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menetapkan batasan-batasan waktu dari awal 1997, berkaitan dengan masa administrasi kedua Clinton dan dimulainya kembali proses perundingan damai hingga dihasilkannya Wye River Agreement pada Oktober 1998.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan riset di atas, penulis menggunakan beberapa tahapan untuk menjabarkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlibatan Amerika Serikat dalam perundingan damai Israel-Palestina di Wye River. Yaitu dengan menganalisa luar negeri Amerika Serikat pada masa pemerintahan Clinton dengan melihat penerapan prinsip-prinsip politik luar negeri AS serta pelaksanaan kepentingan nasional AS di kawasan Timur Tengah. Pada penyelesaian konflik Israel-Palestina ini, Amerika menggunakan instrumen politik luar negeri berapa diplomasi publik dan bantuan luar negeri. Kemudian penulis menjabarkan proses negosiasi yang dilaksanakan para pejabat pemerintah AS hingga menghasilkan Wye River Agreement. Terakhir, penulis menggambarkan peran aktif AS sebagai mediator dalam perundingan Wye River.
Berdasarkan sistematika penelitian yang telah diuraikan secara singkat di atas, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa: peran mediasi Amerika Serikat dilandaskan pada strategi global AS dan sebagai penerapan prinsip-prinsip politik luar negeri yang telah ditetapkan oleh administrasi Clinton. Kemudian sistem internasional yang berciri multipolar dan kondisi regional Timur Tengah dimana terjadi konflik Israel-Palestina menjadi faktor.
The Mediation Role of the United States of America in the Israeli-Palestine Peace Process in Wye River (1998) Middle East is described as the region full of conflicts and one of them is the Israeli-Palestine conflict. The conflict that has been going on for years finally comes to a solution. The Israeli and the Palestine have both agreed to meet and settle the conflict by signing the Oslo Declaration of Principles in September 1993. In the peace process, the United States acted as a facilitator in a way to keep the world peace. However, the implementation of the Oslo Treaty did net succeed well and came to a dead end in early 1997.
Seeing the fact, the United States during the Clinton administration had initiated to bring back the peace process on the right track by endorsing a peace proposal. In the recent peace process, the United States has actively participated as a mediator in making the final peace talk resolution. The United States has conveyed a negotiation process to both parties which resulted in the Wye River Agreement The U.S government decision to be involved in the peace process is influenced by several factors drawn from its external and internal environment Due to this point of view, the writer raises a research question: Why the United States of America participates as a mediator in the Israeli-Palestine peace process in Wye River peace talk?
The writer has determined the research range from early 1997, related to the second Clinton administration and the beginning of the reactivation of the peace process to the result ofthe Wye River Agreement in October 1998.
In order to answer the research question raised above, the writer will explain the answer in a few steps. That is to analyze the United States foreign policy during Clinton administration by examining the implementation of the foreign policy principles and the United States national interest in the Middle East. In order to reach the snccess of the peace talk, the U.S. government utilizes the instrument of public diplomacy and foreign aid. Next, the writer will elaborate the negotiation process conducted by the U.S_ government officials to result in the Wye River Agreement. Last, is to describe the active role of the United States as the mediator in the Wye River peace talk
Based on the systematically explanation above, the writer has come to conclusion that the mediation role of The United States is based on-the U.S. global strategy and the foreign policy principles set by the Clinton administration. Then the international system of multipolarity and the regional condition in the Middle East where the conflict occurs are considered as the dominant external factors. While keeping the U.S. national interest in the Middle East, especially the oil asset and the intensive Jewish lobby within the body of the U.S. government are the dominant internal factors. Those factors are above have influenced the mediation role of the United States of America in the Israeli-Palestine peace process in Wye River (1998).
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sumual, Jolanda Maureen Hendriyete
"Konflik di Aceh adalah konflik yang paling lama dan paling buruk terjadi dalam sejarah Indonesia, lebih dari 20 tahun. Konflik di Aceh secara singkat disebabkan karena masalah distribusi dan identitas, yang berhubungan dengan faktor struktural, politik, ekonomi/sosial dan budaya. Efek utama dari konflik di Aceh adalah rakyat sipil menjadi korban konflik, muncul gerakan-gerakan pemberontakan serta separatis di Aceh, dan penggunaan cara represif melalui kekuatan militer oleh pemerintah, terutama pada masa pemerintahan otoriter Orde Baru.
Ketika konflik sudah menahun, proses memulai dialog tidaklah mudah untuk dilakukan. Bahkan ketika pemerintah Orde Baru tumbang, para pemimpin GAM tidak bisa melepaskan diri dari prasangka buruk, walaupun ada keinginan dari pemerintahan Gus Dur selanjutnya, pada awal Mei 1999 untuk melakukan cara dialog, sebagai usaha menyelesaikan konflik di Aceh. Konflik di Aceh bersifat sangat politis, sensitif, dan telah menimbulkan ketidakpercayaan (lack of trust) antara kedua belah pihak. Dengan alasan ini, tampak jelas bahwa tidaklah mudah bagi pemerintah RI dan GAM, untuk tiba-tiba duduk bersama di meja perundingan, tanpa mediasi pihak ketiga. Inilah kemudian yang menyebabkan pemerintah RI dan GAM memilih untuk menghadirkan pihak ketiga.
Organisasi yang kemudian masuk sebagai pihak ketiga adalah Henry Dunant Centre yang akan menjadi fasilitator pertemuan-pertemuan dan negosiasi-negosiasi antara pemerintah RI dan GAM, serta menjadi mediator yang akan membantu pemerintah RI dan GAM mencari solusi-solusi penyelesaian konflik di Aceh.
Secara prinsip, proses-proses yang dilakukan oleh HDC adalah dalam menjalankan perannya adalah fact finding to dialogue, dialogue to Humanitarian Pause, establishment of Joint Council and Joint Committees/Monitoring Teams, Pause to renewed of Pause followed byMoratorium on Violence, Commander to Commander Meetings, Attempted Peace Zones, Dialogue for Peace (hope for Democratic Consultations and wider consultative processes for the GOI and GAM).
Walaupun pada akhirnya HDC harus meninggalkan Indonesia (Aceh) dengan dijalankannya Martial Law di Aceh pada tahun 2003, namun sebagai pihak ke-3 dalam upaya resolusi konflik di Aceh, HDC telah memberikan masukan positif bagi negara ini dengan mengawali suatu pertemuan perundingan secara damai antara pemerintah Indonesia dan GAM."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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