"Belum ada prosedur baku sentrifugasi untuk pemisahan protein. Dilaporkan bahwa sentrifugasi 10.000 g dapat memisahkan protein saliva ≥30 kDa.
Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh kecepatan sentrifugasi 7.000 g, 8.000 g, dan 9.000 g terhadap frekuensi kemunculan dan profil protein saliva ≥30 kDa.
Metode: Profil protein supernatan saliva hasil sentrifugasi diuji dengan SDS-PAGE
Hasil: Frekuensi kemunculan protein ≥30 kDa mengalami penurunan sesuai peningkatan kecepatan sentrifugasi. Terdapat perbedaan profil protein antara hasil sentrifugasi 7.000 g, 8.000 g, dan 9.000 g.
Kesimpulan: Kecepatan sentrifugasi 7.000 g, 8.000 g, dan 9.000 g berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi kemunculan dan profil protein ≥30 kDa.
There are no established standard operational procedure of centrifugation for protein separation. Centrifugation at 10.000 g separates salivary protein ≥30 kDa. Objective: To determine the effect of centrifugation at 7.000 g, 8.000 g, and 9.000 g on the frequency of salivary protein emergence and protein profile ≥30 kDa. Method: Salivary supernatant were analyzed with SDS-PAGE. Results: Increased centrifugation speed resulted in decreased frequency of protein ≥30 kDa. There are differences in the protein profiles between the results of each centrifugation. Conclusion: Centrifugation at 7.000 g, 8.000 g,and 9.000 g influence frequency of salivary protein emergence and protein profiles ≥30 kDa."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013