"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh identitas etnis dan faktor-faktor sosio-demografis terhadap peluang mengalami informalitas kerja di sektor formal. Dengan menggunakan data IFLS 2014, hasil regresi logistik biner menunjukkan bahwa faktor identitas etnis dan sosio-demografis-ekonomi signifikan dalam menentukan peluang mengalami informalitas kerja di sektor formal. Kebijakan yang dapat ditempuh yaitu refocusing kebijakan ketenagakerjaan kepada pekerja dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut: etnis non-lokal, etnis lokal di sektor sekunder, pekerja berpendidikan dasar dan menengah, pekerja laki-laki, pekerja perempuan usia muda atau perempuan yang telah menikah, pekerja di perkotaan di regional Jawa yang bergerak di sektor sekunder dan tersier.
This study aimed to analyze the influence of ethnic identity and factors sociodemographic toward tendency to experience informality of work in the formal sector. By using IFLS 2014 data, logistic binary regression results indicate that ethnic identity and socio-demographic-economic factors are significant in determining the tendency to experience informality of work in the formal sector. The policy that can be suggested is by refocusing manpower policies to workers with the following characteristics: non-local ethnic, local ethnic in the secondary sector, workers with basic and intermediate education background, male workers, young female workers and married women, workers in urban areas in the Java region that engaged in the secondary and tertiary sectors."