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Ignatia Widhiharsanto
"Kebijakan Pertanian 13ersama Liu [ropy atau 1'oli/ique llgrk)/e commune' (PAC) merupakan integrasi ekonomi negara anggota Uni Fropa di sektor pertanian. Sebagai sebuah kebijakan ekonomi, PAC memiliki berbagai mekanisme, seperti mekanisme pasar, mekanisme pendanaan. Sejak dibentuk pada tahun 1962, PAC telah mcngalami beberapa reformasi, namun reformasi yang terpenting adalah reformasi Mac sharry dan Agenda 2000. Kedua reformasi PAC ini memuat beberapa perubahan yang mendasar dalam PAC, antara lain pengalihan subsidi harga dan subsidi ekspor yang diberikan berdasarkan basil atau volume produksi menjadi tunjangan penghasilan yang diberikan berdasarkan faktor produksi: penetapan pengembangan wilayah pedesaan sebagai pilar kedua PAC; dan pembatasan produksi melalui penutupan dan penghutanan kembali sebagian lahan serta penetapan kuota produksi. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini diawali dengan asumsi bahwa pemberlakuan kedua reformasi tersebut akan membawa dampak yang signifikan bagi sektor pertanian Prancis, negara anggota Uni Fropa penghasil produk pertanian terbesar dan penerima bantuan terbesar di sektor ini."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Eka Ramadhona
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Diana. author
In the Treaty of Rome 1957, agriculture sector has been recognized as an important feature regarding its strategic values, such as the natural factor with its major role, food endurance and its susceptibility toward competitive pressures although its contributions on economics declined.
On 30 July 1962, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was introduced after three years of negotiations in line with the mechanism settlement and its organizations as a whole. Various agricultural problems in member states were the causes of the difficulties in achieving agreements on CAP mechanism.
Protectionism through market mechanism (price intervention and subsidies) which tried improving the welfare of farmers was the central focus of CAP. But as time goes, this mechanism burdens the European Union's budget. The EU's budget allocation to CAP in 1990 was almost 60% which lead to debates between France and United Kingdom on Budgeting 2007-2013. The EU's enlargement in 2004 was also a cause that burdens the budget. Other factors are the demand from the international trade regulations in GATT, then WTO which tried to establish international trade liberalization through reducing protectionism such as reducing tariffs and subsidies. Various requests on environment conservations, rural development and biotechnology improvement were backgrounds of Mac Sharry Reformations, Agenda 2000 and Reformation 2003.
Pros and Cons on CAP within the European Unions didn't affect the EU's integration because of the common perspectives on uniting Europe as a whole. Less debates within the CAP would shift the focus on external issues therefore strengthen the international positions of EU. But even though EU is powerful enough, deadlock against United States would still remain.
These days international trade is already relative free where barriers in trade are declined. Therefore CAP is no longer a relevant issue. It can block the international trade liberalization because the protectionism still exists. It will be a difficult task for the European Union to completely remove CAP because of its importance for the member states. Currently the European Union is only able to reduce its protection value in phase."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessy Yasminy
"Multilingualism in EU is a state of affairs emerged as a range of different languages encounter one another. The history of European integration and the course of language policy in EU show that there is no policy on the language of EU. Issues related to language regulate themselves to practical tenets. This is what is identified as laissez-faire policy model. The putting into practice of this laissez-faire policy model in EU has significant implications to French language. They are closely correlated with the question of power. France, as a member-state having a vital role and strong leadership character in integration, perceives this circumstance as a form of threat against the strength and the popularity of its language.
Situations of multilingualism and language policy belong to one theoretical framework of sociolinguistics study and come into surface alongside political thinking_ One of the sociolinguistics scholars is Pierre Bourdieu, who suggests diverse concepts; among them are champ, capital, habitus, ilhrsio, libido and symbolique violance. Bourdieu develops sociology theory and associates it with other studies, such as media, literature, and politics. The study on Ianguage policy in ELI in this thesis applies the approaches put forward by Bourdieu. EU has been an arena of political interest struggle (champ) to two key member states i.e. France and the UK. Both states engage in the champ and draw on different capital. Language policy is the primary factor determining the dissemination and reinforcement of French language. France has vigorously promoted its language by employing massive policies on language and culture. Nevertheless, the results of these efforts cannot go beyond the popularity of English in EU, which in this case is influenced by the factors of economy, culture, and politics.
There is in fact another factor that determines the dissemination and reinforcement of English language, i.e_ the factor of the U.S. soft power. This thesis uses the concepts of power proposed by Joseph Nye Jr as well. Nye Jr defines soft power as an ability to gain what is desired by means better than force or money. English has ties to the economic system and global network dominated by the U.S. English itself is an integral part of globalization. The power of globalization becomes a habitus which at the end supports the dissemination and reinforcement of English language. The government of the UK does not need to carry out massive efforts similar to the ones done by the French government to elevate its language on top of language hierarchy. If hierarchy of language is regarded as something that is proper and natural, the acknowledgment of one single dominant language will easily take place. English will easily become the lingua franca of EU. EU's language policy which regulates to practical tenets will turn English into the de facto dominant language. This condition can eventually deteriorate EU's slogan of united in diversity_ The challenge for EU now lies on the ways of how to manage and regulate issues concerning language to strengthen the slogan without having to diminish the national identity of its member states."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardhilla Parama`Arta
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Hikmawan
"Tesis mi membahas sikap Prancis mengenai kedaulatannya ketika dihadapkan pada peraturan Urn Eropa Pemenntahan Sarkozy beranggapan bahwa kebijakannya dalam mengusir Etms Roma merupakan haknya sebagai negara berdaulat Namun ketika Prancis memutuskan untuk bergabung ke dalam Urn Eropa maka negara tersebut hams mengikuti berbagai peraturan yang ditetapkan termasuk larangan untuk mengusir suatu etnis secara masif.

This thesis tries to understand the meaning of sovereignty for Sarkozy's administration when it has to face the rules from European Union Sarkozy's administration assumes that the Roma expulsion policy was France right as a sovereign state But when France decided to join European Union they must follow several laws including the prohibition to expel people collectively.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pertanian merupakan sektor yang penting bagi Prancis. Selama berabad-abad sektor ini mendominasi dan menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian Francis. Hingga Perang Dunia II berakhir masih setengah dari penduduk Prancis yang bekerja di sektor pertanian. PD II yang memporakporandakan keadaan dalam negeri Francis membuat pemerintah Prancis berusaha membangun kembali perekonomiannya. Semenjak saat itu, yaitu tahun 1946 hingga tahun 1970-an atau disebut juga sebagai Les 'Yenta Glorieuses, Prancis mengalami kemajuan ekonomi yang pesat.Pertanian Francis yang hingga mesa pra PD II masih diolah dan dikelola secara sederhana dan tradisional, pada masa pasca PD II mulai beralih dan mulai menerapkan metode dan teknik-teknik pertanian yang modern. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada masyarakat petanianya. Masyarakat petani Francis masa Pra PD II masihlah bersifat subsisten, tertutup, curiga terhadap pengaruh luar dan memiliki tingkat kehidupan yang rendah."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Charles Ferdinand
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis kebijakan luar negeri dan keamanan bersama Uni Eropa (Common Foreign and security Policy ) pada tahun 1997-1999. Secara lebih spesifik membahas respons entitas Uni Eropa (UE) terhadap dinamika perubahan lingkungan eksternal maupun internalnya, dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem kebijakan luar negeri dan model constraints and opportunities.
Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini berasal dari lingkungan eksternal UE, yaitu_ kebijakan burden sharing AS ke UE, dan dari lingkungan internal UE adalah politik identitas Eropa. Keterhubungan logis antarvariabel diperlihatkan melalui pengaruh pemunculan serangkaian peluang dan hambatan yang berasal dari kedua variabel independen, terhadap variabel dependen. Dengan kata lain, kebijakan burden sharing AS-UE dan politik identitas Eropa diduga mempengaruhi pemunculan serangkaian peluang dan hambatan terhadap peningkatan peran internasional LTE pada tahun 1997-1999.
Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa peluang bagi peningkatan peran internasional UE muncul dari adanya interaksi antara kebijakan burden sharing AS-UE yang berjalan selaras dengan fenomena politik identitas UE, dan sama-sama dilandasi oleh pengembangan nilai-nilai peradaban Barat. Kedekatan secara kultural antara kedua entitas tersebut dalam peradaban Barat memungkinkan keduanya melakukan kerjasama yang cukup dalam, hingga hal ini merupakan peluang bagi UE untuk meningkatkan peran internasionalnya.
Di sisi lainnya, hambatan bagi peningkatan peran internasional UE disebabkan karena dari lingkungan eksternal UE terjadi kompetisi antara AS dan LIE, yang mana hal ini juga inheren dalam suatu kerjasama. Dari sisi internal UE, politik identitas UE dapat menjelaskan bagaimana UE sebagai bagian dari peradaban Barat harus berbenturan dengan persoalan identitas kultural.
Peluang dan hambatan di atas kemudian menyebabkan UE pada tahun 1997 harus melakukan reformasi institusional agar CFSP dapat diterapkan secara lebih efektif, dan dengan demikian akan dapat meningkatkan pula peran internasional UE. Perjanjian Amsterdam, menyepakati ditingkatkannya sarana untuk mencapai tujuan berupa peningkatan peran intemasional UE sebagai kolaborator kawasan, kepemimpinan, sekutu, dan promoter of security, mediator, dan independen."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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