"A study of the syntax of apassage from the old English with particular reference to the Latin original the chosen old English passage is a copy of BEDE S account of the coming of the angles Saxons and juts ( Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Analorum, I. XV. ) which is extract IX, PP. 39-41, of Sweets Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse, revised throughout by C.T. onions, sometime reader in English philology in the University of Oxford, thirteenth edition, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1954. The corresponding Latin original is Bede Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum_, Libor Primus cap, XV, taken from pp. 30.033, of Bede; Ecclesiastical history_,Books I-II, Text, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, reprinted lithographically 1948, 1950 from C . Plummer_s complete edition, Oxford, 1896. Mine is to be a .comparative linguistic study of the Latin. and CAE texts, The:method to be followed is to put the Latin and the. Old English, texts together in parallel, and .then .write commentaries on what I observe! line. by line as. necessary. On the. strength of these: commentaries"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1961
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