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P.M. Laksono
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1985
306 Lak t
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
P.M. Laksono
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1985
306 Lak t
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
P.M. Laksono
"Pemahaman mengenai struktur masyarakat Jawa dirasakan sangat perlu bagi penelitian tentang pengaruh terobosan unsur-unsur sosial budaya Barat terhadap Jawa. Berkenaan dengan hal ini, maka abad XIX merupakan periode yang sangat penting diperhatikan. Sebab pada masa ini berlangsung perubahan-perubahan di dalam masyarakat Jawa yang digerakkan oleh penumpangan kekuasaan langsung kolonial Belanda di Jawa. Peneliti bermaksud menganalisis tradisi dalam kerangka suatu struktur masyarakat. Disini tradisi ditempatkan sebagai bagian dinamis dalam struktur itu. Pendekatan serupa ini tentu saja belum jelas, karena struktur masyarakat yang merupakan medan bagi berlakunya tradisi sering ditafsirkan secara berlainan."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
P.M. Laksono
"Pemahaman mengenai struktur masyarakat Jawa dirasakan sangat perlu bagi penelitian tentang pengaruh terobosan unsur-unsur sosial budaya Barat terhadap Jawa. Berkenaan dengan hal ini, maka abad XIX merupakan periode yang sangat penting diperhatikan. Sebab pada masa ini berlangsung perubahan-perubahan di dalam masyarakat Jawa yang digerakkan oleh penumpangan kekuasaan langsung kolonial Belanda di Jawa.
Untuk menjelaskan masalah di atas dari segi perekonomian, J.H. Boeke (1910) mengajukan konsep dualisme ekonomi. Konsep ini telah membawanya sampai pada suatu anggapan bahwa penetrasi kolonial terhadap Jawa sebagai suatu ekspansi yang statis. Artinya di Jawa secara barsarnaan ada ekonomi Timur (Jawa) yang tetap tidak berkembang dan ekonomi Barat (Belanda) Kapitalistik yang berkembang tanpa menyerap yang pertama. Dalam hal ini Jawa menanggapi ekspansi ekonomi Barat dengan ledakan penduduk sambil mempertahankan nafkah per kepalanya, sehingga ekonomi Jawa dikatakan statis.
Konsep Boeke itu banyak mendapat serangan justeru pada dasar metodenya. Karena ia telah melihat pertemuan antara Jawa dan Belanda dengan dua tolok ukur yang berbeda, yang pertama dengan standar hubungan sosial dan yang kedua dengan standar ekonomi kapitalistik, sehingga disimpulkan bahwa Jawa dilandasi mentalitas homososial dan Belanda dilandasi homoeconomicus. Dengan demikian ia telah menyatakan bahwa ekonomi Belanda berbeda dengan ekonomi Jawa menurut alat analisa yang berbeda."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasrifin Tahara
"Buton manuscripts indicated that Buton Kingdom appeared in 14th Century. In the periods of the 17 th, 18th, and 19th centuries, Buton Kingdom initiated to be the free kingdom. In the begining of 20th , dutch colonial goverment incorporated that the Buton kingdom and placed it under their rule. The principles were laid down based on the social cultural in eceonomic development. Relation to be governed especially are in the field of education, health, and economy. In 1960, Buton kingdom was dissolved following the death of Sultan Laode Muhammad Falihi as the last sultan. During the kingdom era, Buton social system consisted of three groups namelly kaomu, walaka, and papara. The system was established as power of ideology in Buton social political system in the era of goverment the fourth Sultan Dayanu Ikhsanuddin in 1578-1615. The Katobengke people as the subject and object of this paper belong to papara group. In the era of Buton Kingdom, the society was dominated by kaomu and walaka groups. This condition existed until the new order era, where in this period the dominant groups still have cultural and stereotype views toward this people as ini the era Buton kingdom. This paper focuses on the phenomena of power in the dynamic Buton?s social structure. In the Buton social structure, kaomu and walaka groups claimed them selves as the groups who have higher civilization in comparation with the Katobengke people, until today."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Rompas, J.
"The author explains how social change occurred in Minahasa due to education. Traditional education in Minahasa was strongly influenced by traditional belief (malesung) in which the teachers were adat leaders called walian. The impacts of Western education were felt with the arrival of the Spanish and Portuguese in the 16th century. In the middle of the 17th century both of them were expelled by the Dutch. VOC and NZG intensively disseminated Protestantism with the founding of schools for teachers, assistant preachers, and elementary schools. Those schools resulted into the decline of agricultural skills and handicraft of the youth which had been the primary way of earning a livelihood. They tend to look for work outside their villages. After independence, education grew rapidly with the increase of the number of schools. However, the awareness of the importance of education in some rural areas was not accompanied with the increase of social welfare."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Pattiselano, J.Th.F.
"In a traditionally Central Moluccan communities spread over the islands of Ambon, Haruka, Saparua, Nusalaut and in particular, Ceram, any conflict between two individuals of different denomination, or between two villages of different creeds, is usually settled in very short time. Conflicts do not spur intervillage riots as the Central Moluccan islanders have a strong commitment to their Pela and Gandong alliances and principles. However, the significance alliance systems had been undermined by the influx of migrants who have settled in the residential areas. The migrants have been totally excluded from the traditional pela system. With the decline influence of the traditional mechanism of authority, the outbreak of communal violence between the sa'lam (Moslem) and thesarane (Christian) inhabitants became unavoidable. The traditional laws have been ineffective as a problems-solving mechanism. The author maintains that it is high time to seriously consider the need to revive and maintain the alliance systems, and to adjust then to the present and future circumstances."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 1999
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Aditya Media , 1993
306 ETO
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1998
306 POL
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasmine Zaky Shahab
"These days there are many who believe that the Betawi will become mere legends of an ethnic group that once lived in Jakarta. Even as they are aware of the existence of Jakarta's indigenous people, they are swept by the myth that this ethnic group has been marginalized, and gradually losing its identity as a result of development. However, the voice of the Betawi is now being heard-including their demand that the office of Governor of Jakarta be held by a Betawi-leading many to ask: 'Who are they?' What the Betawi are doing is in contrast to the myths surrounding them. The author sees the matter as a contradicting viewpoint of Betawi. Although many believe that this ethnic group is becoming marginalized and in the process of disappearing, the author believes the opposite is true. The Betawi are becoming more noticeable; and they are playing a larger role in Jakarta's history. They are not in the process of disappearing, but are re-appearing. They are not losing their identity; instead, they are creating, and in fact have found and are actively expressing Betawi identity as a means of representing their existence. This has been going on since the 1970's in many aspects of life. This article focuses on art as one aspect. The author believes has been given much attention by actors in the invention of tradition. The outcome has been a qualitative and quantitative improvement in the existence of the Betawi ethnic group, which has in turn raised the attention of those any deal with the Betawi people. Several issues are discussed here: when did all these begin among the Betawi? What triggered the process? Who are involved, and who, especially, are the active players? If art is reinvented, are the effects limited to art and matters of identity and self-representation; or are there wider ranging consequences? If the latter is the case, then the author expects the use of cultural aspects for non-cultural ends. How will this take place? With a focus on the actors of reinvention, the question to be addressed is who holds authority in the reinvention of tradition in efforts to achieve non-cultural goals through a cultural approach, and how does this come about?"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library