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Agus M. Hardjana
Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2001
658.312 404 Har t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cherly Kemala Ulfa
Rancangan pelatihan yang diperolah diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi untuk
mengatasi permasalahan dan kendala yang dihadapi oleh supervisor PT. X dalam
melaksanakan tugas, (imgsi dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai supervisor.
Adapun beberapa permasalahan dan kendala yang dialami oleh supervisor PT. X
pada umnmnya disebabkan karena kurang terampilnya supervisor dalam
melaksanakan keterampilan manajerial dan keterampilan berhubungan dengan
Oleh sebab itu pemberian supervisory training bertujuan mengajarkan, melatih
dan mcningkatkan keterampilan manajerial dasar yang sangat pcnting dalam
pelaksanaan tugas, iimgsi dan tanggungjawab supervisor. Adapun materi yang
ada dalam supervisory training mencakup keterampilan dasar manajerial yang
dibutuhkan oleh supervisor yakni Keterampilan Kepemimpinan, Memotivasi
Bawahan, Pengambilan Keputusan, Keterampilan Komunikasi, Teamwork dan
Manajemen Konflik

he focus of the study is a supervisory training planning as one of subject of
management trainee program in PT.X. Since 2001 PT. X management attend the
Management Development Program as known Management Trainee to get
potential employees as supervisors. Beside that, the purpose of the training is
creating a future leader of the company.
The planning porpuse as a solution to solve supervisor problems related to lack of
managerial skill which need to do their jobs, functions and responsibilities. So this
supervisory training will focus to deliver the management skill such as leadership,
communication etc.
Tl1crcf`orc, the subjects in the supervisory training are leadership skill, subordinate
motivating skill, decision making skill, communication skill, teamwork, and
management conflict as important basic managerial skill to the Supervisors

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamblyn, Doni
New York : McGraw-HIll, 2000
658.312 404 TAM b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bartono P.H.
Yogyakarta: Andi, 2005
370.113 BAR h (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dicky Irawan Kesuma
Kejadian kriminalitas di perumahan Citra Indah Jonggol terus terjadi
Banyaknya kasus pencurian yang terjadi sudah sangat meresahkan warga
perumahan Citra Indah Hal tersebut menmibulkan ketidakpuasan warga terhadap
pelayanan sekunti perumahan Citra Indah Fasihtas sekunti perumahan belum
mampu mananggulangi hal tersebut Hal mi terkait dengan kinerja petugas
sekuriti yang belum efektif Faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi kmerja petugas
sekuriti diantaranya pelatihan dan motivasi Bertolak dan itu peneliti melakukan
penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pelatthan motivasi terhadap
kinerja petugas sekuriti dan hubungannya dengan kepuasan warga Citra Indah.
Penelitian diiakukan di perumahan Citra Indah Kecamatan Jonggol
Kabupaten Bogor Pendekatan penehtian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan
kuantitatif dengan metode desknptif analitis Sampel penelitian terdin dan
petugas sekunti dan warga perumahan Citra Indah Sampel petugas sekuriti
diambil dengan rumus atau tabel Issac dan Michael dengan taraf kesalahan 5%
didapat jumlah responden 72 orang Sedangkan sampel dan warga perumahan
Citra Indah diambil dengan tekrnk simply random sampling dengan jumlth
responden sesuai kebutuhan analisis sebanyak 72 orang Alat analisis yang
digunakan yaitu korelasi dan regresi dengan menggunakana SPSS.
Hasil penelitian tahap I menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh masmg
masmg vanabel atara lam pelatthan terhadap kinerja petugas sekunti dan
motivasi terhadap kinerja petugas sekuriti Kemudian secara bersama-sama
variabel pelatihan dan motivasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja petugas sekuriti
Selanjutnya hasil analisis tahap II menuujukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara
kinerja petugas sekunti dengan kepuasan warga perumahan Citra Indah Jonggol.

Crime in Perumahan Citra Indah Jonggol still happens all the time The
increasing number of theft is causing restlessness to the housing residents and it brings
dissatisfaction upon the services of security in Perumahan Citra Indah The security
facilities can not afford the overcoming of such problems related to ineffectiveness of
security s performance Factors that affects the performance of security person are vary
such as training and motivation In respect thereof research on The Impact of Training
Motivation to The Performance of Security Person and Its Correlation to the
Satisfaction of Perumahan Citra Indah Jonggol Housing Residents is done
Research takes place in Perumahan Citra Indah Kecamatan Jonggol Kabupaten
Bogor This research uses quantitative approach with analytical descriptive method
Research samples consist of security person and the housing residents itself Samples of
security officers are taken by formula or table Issac and Michael with an error level of
5% on 72 respondenf s Meanwhile samples of perumahan Citra Indah housing
residents are taken by simply random sampling with the numbers of respondents of 72
based on purposes Analysis tools uses in this research are correlation and regression in
Result of Research in first term shows that there are effect of each variable
namely training to security person's performance and motivation to security person's
performance Together these variables affect security's performance Result of Second
term shows correlation on the performance of security person with the satisfaction of
housing residents of Perumahan Citra Indah Jonggol
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Tri Hartanto Sukamto
"Pasai 10 BAB IH Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahlm 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak secam jelas membuka kesempatan pada anak agar mendapat dukungan dan penghargaan terhadap pengembangan dirinya, sesuai dengan dngkat keoerdasan dan usianya. Oleh sebab itu, pemberian rangsangan yang tepat sangatlah panting pada masa lima tahun panama dalam kehidunpan anak yang dikenal dengan istilah "The Golden Age"_Konsep dari kecendasan yang semakin berkembang mengantarkan temuan bam mengenai konsep Mulnple Intelligences yang kemudian diterapkan pada Prasekolah-pmsekolah dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan segala aspek kecerdasan yang oleh anak didiknya. Pencrapan konsep tersebui seyogyanya didukung oleh kemampuan dari pengajarnya agar penerapan terscbut dapat berjalan secara optimal, sehingga sangatlnh pcnting dalam membuat suatu rancangan modul pelatihan dalam upaya unmk mempersiapkan tenaga pcngajar agar dapat menjalankan fungsinya tersebut dengan baik. Program pelatihan ini dirancang untnk membekali pam pengajar dalam upaya penerapan konsep Multiple Intelligences secara optimal dan juga mengatasi keluhan dan kendala yang diakibatkan kesenjangan kemampuan yang mereka miliki sebelumnya Subjek penelitian adalah para pengajar di prasekolah yang mencrapkan konsep Multiple Intelligences seperti Sekolah Alam Bogor dan Global Islamic LabSchool Depok. Metodc pcngumpulan data dengnn menggunakan metode wawancara serta kuesioner bagi para pcngajar untuk didapatkan informasi yang berguna untuk menyuslm materi dari modul pelatihan yang dirancang berdasarkan basil analisa kebutuhan. Rancangan modul pelatihan dirancang beniasarkan hal-hal yang perlu dikembangkan pada para pengajar yang antara lain adalah pcngetahuan dasar mengenai perkembangan anak usia dini, kemampuan merancang pola pengajaran Multiple Intelligences yang sesuai, pengembangan kreativitas pengajar dalam penerapannya serta keterarnpilan dalam mengkornunikasikan perkembangan siswa kepada orang tuanya.

23 Year 2002 about Protection of Child clearly open opporttmity for child in order to get appreciation and support to development of themselfl as according to iutellegence storey;level and hisfher age. On that account, giving of correct excitement of vital importance at a period of five first year in child life, lt's recognized with term " The Golden Age. Conception of intelligence which progressively expand to send new finding regarding concept of Multiple Intelligences which is 1ater;then applied by preschools as a mean to develop all intellegence aspect had by its protege. Applying of the concept is properly supported by ability of its instructor so that the applying can walk in an optimal fashion, so that of vital importance in making a training module device in the effort to draw up instructor energy, so that can nm its iimction better. this Training program is designed to supply all instructor in the effort applying of concept of Multiple Intelligences in an optimal fashion as well as overcoming resulted by constraint, and sigh ability dilference which they have previously. Research Suhjek are instructors in preschool which is applying concept of Multiple Intelligences like Natural School of Bogor and Global of Islamic Labschool Depok. Method data collecting by using method interview and also quesioner to all instructor in order to got information which good for compiling items of designed training module pursuant to result of requirement analysis. Module training device designed pursuant to things required to developed by all instructors which for example; basic knowlcdges concerning growth of age child early, ability design pattem instruction of appropriate Multiple Intelligences, development of instructor creativity in its applying and also skill in communicating growth of student to its old fellow."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Coates, Dennis E.
"This issue presents eight enhancements to improve your current organizations impact on permanent, measurable results in performance. Youll learn how to identify training needs and incorporate learning strategies, develop learning networks, coach, as well as align your organizations policies and practices support improved performance."
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
McArdle, Geri E.
"A comprehensive resource for training professionals who plan, organize, design, implement, and evaluate training. Training Design & Delivery provides background strategies and development techniques to ensure that your training interventions get the results you desire. It features a 20-step training system model, dozens of useful standard forms and client memorandums, step-by-step methodology checklists, and other job aids."
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Overfield, Karen
Program life cycles: Tinker, Taylor
Program development process
System defined
Design and development
Research tools
Alternatives to training
Media comparison
Monitoring and eveluation
An information systems case study
Administrative worksheet
References & resources
Job aid"
Alexandria, VA: [American Society For Training & Development;, ], 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Overfield, Karen
"Training programs, like other products, have life cycles. They are designed to teach a specific skill or knowledge thet a needs analysis has determined isboth necessary and missing from the workforce. The needs analysist turns his or her findings over to... "
Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training & Development, 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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