"Era globalisasi memaksa industri tekstil untuk menghasilkan produk berdaya saing tinggi. Kemampuan ini menuntut manajemen pemeliharaan industri menjalankan programnya dengan baik supaya pabrik beroperasi dengan normal.
Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan kebijakan yang telah diambil dilakukan pengukuran kinerja manajemen pemeliharaan. Dalam pengukuran, manajemen pemeliharaan menetapkan indikator kinerja sesuai dengan visi, misi, dan strategi perusahaan dalam bersaing dengan perusahaan kelas dunia.
Penulisan tesis ini dimaksudkan untuk menetapkan indikator kinerja kunci manajemen pemeliharaan industri tekstil dari tiga kelompok indikator: keandalan, biaya, dan material. Data didapat dari kuesioner dengan metode penilaian skor. Diperoleh indikator kinerja kunci manajemen pemeliharaan industri tekstil sebanyak 23 dari 50 indikator yang diusulkan. Indikator yang dipilih responden 92,30 % dianggap merefleksikan kondisi bisnis industri tekstil di era globalisasi yang periode pelaporannya dilakukan setiap bulan.
In globalization era, textile industries have to be very competitive in producing high quality products. This situation demands industrial maintenance management to carry out its programs so well that the industries can operate normally. To investigate how successful the management policy has been implemented by the industries, measurement of the maintenance performance had been undertaken. In the measurement, the maintenance management used key performance indicators based on the visions, mission and strategies used by the industries in competing with their world class counter parts.
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the appropriate key performance indicators for measuring the performance of the maintenance management amongst the three indicators, namely reliability, cost and material. Data were taken from questioners using score value method.
The number of key indicators chosen by respondents for the performance of the maintenance management was 23 out of 50, which were the total indicators proposed. The indicators chosen was believed to 92,30 % reflect the condition of the textile industries in the globalization era that reporting period was done every month."