"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- International Engineering Consortium Background
- Media Sponsors and Partners
- University Affiliates
- Section I: Executive Perspectives
- Customer Satisfaction and the Role of OSS
- Real-Time OSS for Next-Generation Service Management
- Real-World DSL Deployment Issues
- The IP Local Exchange and Its Role in the Service-Provider Environment
- Venture Capital for Competitive Telecom Carriers
- What to Look for in IP Load Balancers
- Customer Care and Billing: Mission Critical
- Trends in the Communications Industry
- Network Convergence and Operations Support Systems
- Enhanced Services: Examples and Opportunities
- XDSL vs. Competing Technologies
- The Next-Generation IP-Based Network
- Regional Optical Fiber Cable Systems: A European Case Study
- Full Fiber Capacity Realized with High-Order Mode Technology
- An Introduction to Intelligent Optical Networking
- Advanced Management and Provisioning of Next-Generation Digital Subscriber
Line Services
- Managing Innovation in the New Economy
- Improving Customer Focus and Competitive Positioning through Effective
- The Softswitch Revolution for IP Networks, Voice Services Are Just the Beginning
- E-Commerce Bundling for the Communications Provider
- Provisioning Solutions Must Keep in Step
- E-Commerce at Work
- Unleashing the Network's Edge
- The Operations Systems Implications of Managing Next-Generation Networks
- A New Model for Broadband Connection Management
- The Elegant Evolution to Wireless Third Generation
- Architecture for a Scalable IP Services Switch
- The Postal Customer Service Center System: An Example of Network and Field
- IP Voice, Fax, and Video Services and Applications
- Network Intelligence: A Paradigm for the Service and Networking Convergence
toward Universal Communications
- The Power of DSL
- The Market-Driven Economics of Voice over IP
- Change Realization in the Communications Industry
- Next-Generation Operations Support Systems for Next-Generation Networks
- Customer Satisfaction in a Multiparty Environment
- Efficiently Provisioning Custom Software-Development Services
- Transformation of the Cable Television Industry
- Public Policy from the Perspective of an Aggressive Competitor
- The New Network Landscape
- Fiber Deployment in the Local Loop for Business Applications
- Third-Party Mediation Services
- Development of QoS Services
- Managing the Copper Loop in the 21st Century
- New Models in the Creation of Internet-Ready Buildings
- The New Integrated Communications Providers
- DSL: The Current State of the Market and Technology
- Internet Customer Care: The Shift to Consumer Self-Testing
- Branching Out: What's Next for OSS
- The Many Voices of DSL - Marketing Strategies for Voice over DSL
- Automating Service Management for Competitive Advantage Options and
Opportunities for CLECs and ISPs
- Prepaid International Roaming Enters the Mass Market
- Germany As an Attractive Telecommunications Location
- Delivering On-Demand IP Services in the Next-Generation Network
- Personalizing the Web Experience with Streaming Audio
- VDSL for International Full-Service Access Networks
- The Evolution of the Remote Acces Server to a Universal Port-Enabled Platform
- New-Generation Networks and Services: E-Management or E-Chaos?
- Providing Ubiquitous DSL Service
- Collaboration Strategy to Penetrate into ISP, ICP, and Telecom Services Markets in
- Section II: Business, Marketing, and Regulatory Issues
- DSL: Branding for Success
- Making Electronic-Commerce Transactions Happen
- The Value-Added Effect: Role and Importance of Value-Added Services
- The Direction of the Optical-Networking Market
- An International View of xDSL
- A Vision for E-Commerce
- Pricing Value-Added Services: Flat Rate versus Usage Sensitive
- Shared Loops: How ILECs and CLECs Can Deliver Competitive DSLAM
- Global Value Discipline and the Communications Provider
- A Primer on International Telecommunications Strategy
- Telecom Convergence: Revolutions and Evolutions
- Why CLECs Are Well Positioned in the ICP Maricel
- Business Process Revolution
- Convergence: The Demand for Bundled Services
- Using Marketing Disciplines to Increase Profits in International Telecommunications
Joint Ventures
- Companies Vie for Market while Defining the Role of ASPs
- Defining the Emerging Wholesale Market and Its Opportunities
- Business Intelligence for the Telecommunications Industry
- DSL Regulatory Issues: A Competitor's Perspective
- The Brave New World of Networking, etc.