ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas fenomena pengkaryaan kembali pekerja senior pasca
pensiun di perusahaan menufaktur Jepang. Jepang yang merupakan negara dengan
penuaan populasi tercepat no 1 di dunia mengalami masalah dalam demografi
penududuknya. Sementara itu, pemerintah semakin gencar melancarkan upaya-upaya
untuk membuat Jepang bangkit dari resesi ekonominya sejak tahun 1990-an. Salah
satunya adalah menghimbau setiap dari masyarakat yang masih mampu bekerja untuk
berkontribusi pada sektor ketenagakerjaan demi tercapainya strategi pertumbuhan
ekonomi. Salah satu kelompok yang didorong adalah pekerja senior pasca pensiun
pada perusahaan manufaktur Jepang. Himbauan tersebut disambut baik dengan mulai
banyaknya perusahaan yang mengadopsi sistem tersebut dengan berbagai alasan,
yakni angka harapan hidup yang meningkat, adanya himbauan pemerintah kepada
masyarakat, kebutuhan perusahaan akan pekerja senior, gaji dan pandangan
perusahaan terhadap pekerja muda. Kondisi pekerja senior pasca pensiun pada
umumnya sama dengan kondisi mereka sebelum dikaryakan kembali, namun
perbedaan yang paling menonjol ada pada penerimaan gaji yang berkurang dari gaji
sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa fenomena pengkaryaan kembali
pekerja senior pasca pensiun merupakan akibat dari perubahan-perubahan sosial yang
terjadi dalam masyarakat Jepang saat ini.
ABSTRACTThis study discusses about the phenomenon of the re-employed senior workers after
retirement in Japan?s manufacturing companies. Japan is a country with the fastest
aging population in the world that has many problems in its population demographic.
Meanwhile, the government launched intensifying efforts to make Japan rises from its
economic recession since the 1990s. One of the efforts is call on each of the people
who is still able to work to contribute to the employment sector in order to achieve
economic growth strategy. One of the encouraged groups is the post-retirement senior
workers in Japan?s manufacturing companies. The call on was well received while a
number of companies were adopting this system with several different reasons
namely life expectancy increases, the government calls to the people, the needs of the
company's senior workers, the salary and the company's view of the young workers.
The conditions of the post-retirement senior worker are generally same as their
conditions before re-employed, but the most notable difference is in their salary
receiving which is less than the previous salary. This study concludes that the
phenomenon of the re-employed senior workers after retirement is the result of social
changes that has occurred in Japanese society today., This study discusses about the phenomenon of the re-employed senior workers after
retirement in Japan’s manufacturing companies. Japan is a country with the fastest
aging population in the world that has many problems in its population demographic.
Meanwhile, the government launched intensifying efforts to make Japan rises from its
economic recession since the 1990s. One of the efforts is call on each of the people
who is still able to work to contribute to the employment sector in order to achieve
economic growth strategy. One of the encouraged groups is the post-retirement senior
workers in Japan’s manufacturing companies. The call on was well received while a
number of companies were adopting this system with several different reasons
namely life expectancy increases, the government calls to the people, the needs of the
company's senior workers, the salary and the company's view of the young workers.
The conditions of the post-retirement senior worker are generally same as their
conditions before re-employed, but the most notable difference is in their salary
receiving which is less than the previous salary. This study concludes that the
phenomenon of the re-employed senior workers after retirement is the result of social
changes that has occurred in Japanese society today.]"