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Ditemukan 2766 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jones, Gavin W.
Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press, 1977
301.329 92 JON p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henley, David
Leiden : KITLV Press , 2005
330.959 84 HEN f
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aris Ananta
Jakarta: Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, 1995
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natalya Kurniawati
Penyakit jantung koroner (PJK) tercatat sebagai penyebab kematian utama di
Indonesia. Tingginya angka kematian di Indonesia akibat PJK mencapai 26% dari
keseluruhan jumlah kematian akibat penyakit. Penyakit jantung koroner (PJK)
merupakan salah satu bagian dari kelompok penyakit kardiovaskuler, yaitu suatu
keadaan dimana otot jantung kekurangan suplai oksigen akibat penyumbatan pada
arteri koroner jantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan
gambaran kejadian PJK pada penduduk usia 15-64 tahun di Provinsi Sulawesi
Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut dari Riskesdas 2013 yang
menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah penduduk
di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara yang berusia 15-64 tahun yang memiliki data variabel
penelitian lengkap. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi PJK di
Sulawesi Utara adalah sebesar 1,9%. Prevalensi PJK tertinggi ditemukan pada
penduduk usia 55-64 tahun (3,2%), perempuan (2,2%), tinggal di perdesaan
(2,2%), berpendidikan rendah (2,2%), bekerja sebagai petani (2,3%), berstatus
kawin (2,2%), mantan perokok (4,7%), kurang aktivitas fisik (2,4%), jarang
mengonsumsi buah dan sayur (2%), tidak pernah mengonsumsi makanan berisiko
(25%), mengalami gangguan mental emosional (11,6%), hipertensi (5,7%),
hipertensi stage 2 (3,7%), DM (7,1%), obesitas (2,5%), dan obesitas sentral
(2,5%).;Coronary heart disease (CHD) was recorded as the leading cause of death in
Indonesia. The high number of deaths in Indonesia from CHD reached 26% of the
total number of deaths caused by diseases. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is part
of a group of cardiovascular disease, is a condition which the heart muscle is
deprived of oxygen supply due to blockage in the coronary arteries. This study
aims to estimate the prevalance and to describe the CHD cases due to its risk
factor in population of 15-64 years old in North Sulawesi. This study is a
secondary data analysis of Riskesdas 2013, which uses cross-sectional survey as
study design. The participants were member of population of 15-64 years old
in North Sulawesi who had complete variable data needed. The result showed
1,9% of participants were proved to have a CHD. CHD prevalance was
higher among participant aged 55-64 years old (3,2%), women (2,2%), live in
rural area (2,2%), low education level (2,2%), work as a farmer (2,3%), married
(2,2%), former smoker (4,7%), physical inactivity (2,4%), lack of fruits and
vegetables intake (2%), never consume risk foods (25%), having mental
emotional disorder (11,6%), hypertension (5,7%), stage 2 hypertension (3,7%),
diabetes mellitus (7,1%), obesity (2,5%), and central obesity (2,5%).;Coronary heart disease (CHD) was recorded as the leading cause of death in
Indonesia. The high number of deaths in Indonesia from CHD reached 26% of the
total number of deaths caused by diseases. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is part
of a group of cardiovascular disease, is a condition which the heart muscle is
deprived of oxygen supply due to blockage in the coronary arteries. This study
aims to estimate the prevalance and to describe the CHD cases due to its risk
factor in population of 15-64 years old in North Sulawesi. This study is a
secondary data analysis of Riskesdas 2013, which uses cross-sectional survey as
study design. The participants were member of population of 15-64 years old
in North Sulawesi who had complete variable data needed. The result showed
1,9% of participants were proved to have a CHD. CHD prevalance was
higher among participant aged 55-64 years old (3,2%), women (2,2%), live in
rural area (2,2%), low education level (2,2%), work as a farmer (2,3%), married
(2,2%), former smoker (4,7%), physical inactivity (2,4%), lack of fruits and
vegetables intake (2%), never consume risk foods (25%), having mental
emotional disorder (11,6%), hypertension (5,7%), stage 2 hypertension (3,7%),
diabetes mellitus (7,1%), obesity (2,5%), and central obesity (2,5%).;Coronary heart disease (CHD) was recorded as the leading cause of death in
Indonesia. The high number of deaths in Indonesia from CHD reached 26% of the
total number of deaths caused by diseases. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is part
of a group of cardiovascular disease, is a condition which the heart muscle is
deprived of oxygen supply due to blockage in the coronary arteries. This study
aims to estimate the prevalance and to describe the CHD cases due to its risk
factor in population of 15-64 years old in North Sulawesi. This study is a
secondary data analysis of Riskesdas 2013, which uses cross-sectional survey as
study design. The participants were member of population of 15-64 years old
in North Sulawesi who had complete variable data needed. The result showed
1,9% of participants were proved to have a CHD. CHD prevalance was
higher among participant aged 55-64 years old (3,2%), women (2,2%), live in
rural area (2,2%), low education level (2,2%), work as a farmer (2,3%), married
(2,2%), former smoker (4,7%), physical inactivity (2,4%), lack of fruits and
vegetables intake (2%), never consume risk foods (25%), having mental
emotional disorder (11,6%), hypertension (5,7%), stage 2 hypertension (3,7%),
diabetes mellitus (7,1%), obesity (2,5%), and central obesity (2,5%)., Coronary heart disease (CHD) was recorded as the leading cause of death in
Indonesia. The high number of deaths in Indonesia from CHD reached 26% of the
total number of deaths caused by diseases. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is part
of a group of cardiovascular disease, is a condition which the heart muscle is
deprived of oxygen supply due to blockage in the coronary arteries. This study
aims to estimate the prevalance and to describe the CHD cases due to its risk
factor in population of 15-64 years old in North Sulawesi. This study is a
secondary data analysis of Riskesdas 2013, which uses cross-sectional survey as
study design. The participants were member of population of 15-64 years old
in North Sulawesi who had complete variable data needed. The result showed
1,9% of participants were proved to have a CHD. CHD prevalance was
higher among participant aged 55-64 years old (3,2%), women (2,2%), live in
rural area (2,2%), low education level (2,2%), work as a farmer (2,3%), married
(2,2%), former smoker (4,7%), physical inactivity (2,4%), lack of fruits and
vegetables intake (2%), never consume risk foods (25%), having mental
emotional disorder (11,6%), hypertension (5,7%), stage 2 hypertension (3,7%),
diabetes mellitus (7,1%), obesity (2,5%), and central obesity (2,5%).]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasna Irbah Ramadhani
"Kardiovaskular merupakan penyakit yang menyumbang angka tertinggi kematian di dunia dan di Indonesia. Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit kardiovaskular dengan angka kematian tertinggi dalam kategori penyakit kardiovaskular. Obesitas sebagai faktor risiko dominan dalam terjadinya hipertensi, terus mengalami peningkatan prevalensi dari tahun ke tahun di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan obesitas dengan kejadian hipertensi pada penduduk usia 19-64 tahun di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional menggunakan data sekunder Riskesdas tahun 2018 yang diperoleh melalui Badan Kebijakan Pembangunan Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Populasi penelitian ini merupakan seluruh anggota rumah tangga berusia 19-64 tahun di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Terdapat sebanyak 10.870 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi hipertensi di Sulawesi Utara tahun 2018 adalah sebesar 26,1% dan prevalensi obesitas adalah sebesar 28,8%. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara obesitas dengan kejadian hipertensi dengan nilai Prevalence Ratio (PR) sebesar 2,126 (95% CI 1,865-2,424) setelah di kontrol oleh variabel usia (PR= 2,144; 95% CI 1,935-2,376) dan interaksi obesitas*usia (PR= 0,687; 95% CI 0,585-0,806). Perlu dilakukannya promosi kesehatan yang mengedukasi masyarakat terkait obesitas dan hipertensi serta hubungan antara keduanya guna meningkatkan kesadaran dan kewaspadaan masyarakat terhadap bahaya penyakit tersebut.

Cardiovascular is a disease that contributes to the highest number of deaths in the world and in Indonesia. Hypertension is one of the cardiovascular disease with the highest number of deaths among other cardiovasculars. Obesity as a major risk factor of hypertension continues to increase in prevalence from year to year in North Sulawesi Province. This study aimed to determine the association between obesity and hypertension in populastion aged 19-64 years old in North Sulawesi Province. This study used quantitative method with an analytic cross sectional study design with secondary data sorce obtained from Basic Health Resource (Riskesdas) 2018, National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health RI. The population of this study is all household member in North Sulawesi Province with the aged of 19-64 years old. Meanwhile, there were 10.870 samples that matched the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. Based on this study showed that the prevalence of hypertension in North Sulawesi Province year 2018 was 26,1% and the prevalence of obesity was 28,8%. Analystic result showed there was an association between obesity and hypertension with prevalence ratio (PR) of 2,126 (95% CI 1,865-2,424) after being adjusted by age (PR= 2,144; 95% CI 1,935-2,376) and interaction between obesity and age (PR= 0,687; 95% CI 0,585-0,806). It is necessary to do health promotion to educate people about obesity and hypertension, also the association between both, to increase public awareness about the danger of those diseases."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadly Muhammad
"Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tujuan; untuk mengetahui jumlah populasi dan spesies penyu bersarang, untuk mengetahui karakteristik habitat peneluran penyu mencakup vegetasi dan untuk mengetahui ancaman antropogenik berupa sampah. Tanjung Binerean merupakan bagian dari Kawasan Ekosistem Esensial terutama untuk perlindungan burung maleo. Pantai berpasir putih yang membentang sepanjang 3 km tersebut juga menjadi kawasan peneluran bagi penyu. Terdapat empat spesies penyu yang tercatat pernah bertelur di kawasan tersebut, yaitu penyu lekang, penyu sisik, penyu belimbing dan penyu hijau. Penelitian yang dilakukan selama 3 bulan dari bulan September sampai Desember 2020 menunjukkan hanya 1 penyu yang mendarat yaitu penyu lekang dengan jumlah telur 103 butir dengan karakteristik sarangnya sebagai berikut, yaitu kedalaman 46 cm dan diameter 15 cm, suhu tanah 28,8℃, pH 5,8, kelembapan 98% dan jarak sarang dengan air laut 7,8 m. Rata-rata suhu Tanjung Binerean pada tahun 2020 sebesar (28,4℃ ± 1,71). Analisis vegetasi Tanjung Binerean menghasilkan nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H’) sebesar H’=3,06. Nilai INP untuk jenis vegetasi pohon yang paling tinggi dimiliki oleh Cocos nucifera dengan nilai INP 59. Sedangkan untuk jenis vegetasi lower crop nilai INP terbesar dimiliki oleh Ipomoea pes-caprae yaitu sebesar 30. Total berat sampah yang didapatkan sebanyak 65,2 kg. Jumlah sampah terbanyak adalah jenis sampah plastik sebanyak 1023 dari total 1485 pieces (69%).

This research has several objectives; to determine the number of nesting populations and species of turtles, to determine the characteristics of turtle nesting habitat including vegetation and to determine anthropogenic threats in the form of marine debris. Tanjung Binerean is part of the Essential Ecosystem Area, especially for the protection of maleo birds. The 3 km long white sandy beach is also a nesting area for turtles. There are four species of sea turtles that have been recorded as having laid their eggs in the area, namely the olive ridley turtle, hawksbill turtle, leatherback turtle and green turtle. Research conducted for 3 months from September to December 2020 showed only 1 turtle landed, namely the olive ridley turtle with 103 eggs with the following nest characteristics, namely 46 cm depth and 15 cm diameter, soil temperature 28.8 ℃, pH 5.8, humidity 98% and the nest distance from sea water is 7.8 m. The average temperature of Tanjung Binerean in 2020 is (28.4 ℃ ± 1.71). Tanjung Binerean vegetation analysis produces a diversity index value (H ') of H' = 3.06. Cocos nucifera had the highest IVI value for tree vegetation with an IVI value of 59. Meanwhile, Ipomoea pes-caprae had the highest IVI value for lower crop vegetation, namely 30. The total weight of waste obtained was 65.2 kg. The highest amount of waste is plastic waste, amounting to 1023 of a total of 1485 pieces (69%)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aris Ananta
Jakarta: Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, 1995
312.959 844 ANA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In order to characterize the distribution patten of rotifers Brachionus spp.in North Sulawesi,sample collections have been conducted at four locations,two at east coast and other two at West coast of North Sulawesi peninsula,which are connected to Maluku and Sulawesi Seas,respectively...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia 1995,
312.959 843 BEN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dell, Burnham North
Boston: Little, Brown, 1938
312 DEL p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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