Ditemukan 6763 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Clark, Samuel D.
Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1978
301.441 CLA n
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2008
307.760 9 URB
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article is aimed at discussing the structure of non-farm employment and small-scale non-agricultural enterprises in the rural areas where the rural-urban relation is increasing tremendously in the last decade. A special attention is devoted to the structure and sectoral as well as spatial linkages of small non farm enterprises (SNFE). In this context, rural-urban linkage is simply measured in terms of flow of materials, and labor from both rural to urban as well as from urban to rural areas. Interpretation of those flows is made to understand their respective implication for rural and regional development from which some policy recommendation are offered. An intensive single visit survey and rapid rural appraisal are conducted, covering three villages (Maguwoharjo, Kembang, Putat) in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). To some extent a qualitative information is also available for two additional villages of Pendowoharjo and Murtigading. This enables to draw a more complete picture of rural-urban linkage from and to all directions between Yogyakarta Municipality and its vicinity."
GEOUGM 29:73 (1997)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
London : Croom Helm, 1984
362.580 95 BAS
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Sulthan Abyan Nurihsan
"Migrasi dari pedesaan ke perkotaan telah menjadi fenomena global yang mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat, termasuk kesehatan mental. Di Indonesia, percepatan urbanisasi memicu perubahan demografis dan sosial yang signifikan. Studi ini menginvestigasi dampak migrasi internal terhadap kesehatan mental, mengungkap faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi seperti stres ekonomi, isolasi sosial, dan adaptasi budaya. Metodologi yang digunakan melibatkan analisis regresi logistik menggunakan data dari Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) yang mencakup riwayat migrasi dan indikator kesehatan mental. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penduduk yang tinggal atau migrasi ke perkotaan cenderung memiliki kesehatan mental yang lebih buruk dibandingkan perdesaan. Migrasi memiliki dampak ganda; di satu sisi meningkatkan akses terhadap peluang ekonomi dan sosial, sementara di sisi lain meningkatkan risiko masalah kesehatan mental akibat tekanan adaptasi dan isolasi sosial. Studi ini menekankan pentingnya pendekatan holistik dalam kebijakan urbanisasi yang tidak hanya fokus pada pertumbuhan ekonomi, tapi juga integrasi sosial dan dukungan kesehatan mental untuk migran
Migration from rural to urban areas has become a global phenomenon affecting various aspects of community life, including mental health. In Indonesia, accelerated urbanization triggers significant demographic and social changes. This study investigates the impact of internal migration on mental health, revealing contributing factors such as economic stress, social isolation, and cultural adaptation. The methodology used involves logistic regression analysis using data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), which includes migration history and mental health indicators. The findings indicate that residents who live or migrate to urban areas tend to have worse mental health compared to rural areas. Migration has a dual impact; on one hand, it increases access to economic and social opportunities, while on the other, it increases the risk of mental health issues due to adaptation pressures and social isolation. This study emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach in urbanization policies that not only focus on economic growth but also on social integration and mental health support for migrants"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilbert, Alan
Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana Yogya , 1996
307.76 GIL u
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Lipton, Michael
Cambridge, UK: Harvard University Press, 1980
301.441 LIP w
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Salah satu strategi pembangunan wilayah ialah memperkuat keterikatan pedesaan dan perkotaan untuk membangun kekuatan ekonomi lokal kedua kawasan. Kerikatan pedesaan dan perkotaan ditandai dengan adanya arus orang, barang, uang, tekhnologi, pengetahuan dan informasi antar kedua kawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat keterikatan pedesaan dan perkotaan di Kota Pagar Alam melalui pendekatan LQ local quetient dan arus komoditas antar kawasan. Untuk mengetahui basis ekonomi dianalisis dengan pendekatan LQ dan wawancara mendalam untuk mengidentifikasi arus antara kawasan rural dan urban.Analisis basis ekonomi menunjukkan komoditas teh dan kopi merupakan basis ekonomi yang menggerakkan arus barang dan orang baik itu dalam wilayah, maupun keluar wilayah Kota Pagar Alam.
Arus tersebut dianalis melalui distribusi tenaga kerja, rantai pengolahan produk product chain dan distribusi komoditas hingga kekonsumen. Di bandingkan dengan arus dalam wilayah Kota Pagar Alam, arus keluar wilayah lebih besar. Kawasan urban menjadi pusat pengolahan dan distribusi komoditas dalam berbagai bentuk dan kegiatan, sedangkan kawasan rural sebatas memproduksi komoditas yang menyebabkan arus balik ke kawasan rural masih sangat sedikit. Peningkatan infrastruktur dan pengembangan kawasan rural menjadi agrowisata dapat menjadi strategi dalam meningkatkan arus balik ke kawasan rural. Kebijakan pemerintah dalam menetapkan wilayah strategis pertumbuhan ekonomi belum memperhatikan peluang komoditas untuk menjadi katalisator pertumbuhan ekonomi. Selain itu pemerintah perlu memperhatikan potensi wilayah strategis pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam aglomerasi kegiatan produksi komoditas.
One of the regional development strategies is to strengthen the rural and urban linkages to build the local economic power of the two regions. Rural and urban linkages s characterized by the flow of people, goods, money, technology, knowledge and information between the two areas. This study aims to see rural and urban linkages in Pagar Alam through LQ approach local quetient and commodity flow between regions. To find out the economic basis is analyzed by LQ approach and in depth interviews to identify current between rural and urban areas.The analysis of economic base shows tea and coffee commodities is the economic base that drives the flow of goods and good people in the region, as well as out of Pagar Alam. These currents are analyzed through the distribution of labor, product chain and commodity distribution to consume. In comparison with the current in the area of Pagar Alam, the outflow of the region is greater. Urban area becomes the center of processing and distribution of commodities in various forms and activities, while the rural area is limited to produce commodities that cause the flow back to the rural area is still very little. Increasing infrastructure and development of rural areas into agro tourism can be a strategy in increasing the flow back to rural areas. Government policy in determining the strategic area of economic growth has not considered the commodity opportunity to be a catalyst for economic growth. In addition, the government needs to consider the potential of strategic areas of economic growth in the agglomeration of commodity production activities."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
New York:
331.86 COM t
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, DC: World Bank, 2006
362.5 WOR m
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library