Ditemukan 8965 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jepang: Japan Times, 2000
345 WHI
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Uttar Pradesh: Allahabad, 1965
344.052 IND p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Masakatsu, Okabe
Jakarta: Faculty of law University of Indonesia, 2002
345 Mas e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Markas Besar Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, 1993
363.2 IND p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Dipo Ramdhanu Wicaksono
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap implementasi kerja sama Polri dan Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) dalam handing over Tersangka SP-Anggota Muslim Cyber Army yang diketahui bersembunyi di Korea. Sebagai solusi dari lamanya proses ekstradisi, Polri menciptakan kebijakan handing over yaitu penyerahan pelaku kejahatan negara lain yang ditangkap di Indonesia melalui kerja sama Police to Police dengan berasaskan resiprositas (timbal balik). Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasus dengan investigasi secara mendalam terhadap dokumen dan wawancara pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam kebijakan handing over khususnya praktek kerja sama Polri dan KNPA dalam kasus SP. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kerja sama Polri dan KNPA dalam kebijakan handing over SP gagal, dimana pada akhirnya SP dipulangkan ke Indonesia melalui deportasi atas kerja sama Imigrasi Korea dan Imigrasi Indonesia. Teori Kerja Sama Kepolisian Internasional digunakan untuk menggambarkan bentuk kerja sama Polri dan KNPA yang selama ini telah terjalin, sedangkan Teori Implementasi dan Teori Resiprositas digunakan dalam mengungkap kerja sama Polri dan KNPA dalam kasus SP. Komunikasi, keterbatasan sumber daya baik anggaran dan sumber daya manusia, disposisi pengangkatan birokrasi dan struktur birokrasi yang terfragmentasi menjadi hambatan kerja sama Polri dan KNPA dalam kasus SP berjalan secara optimal. Hambatan yang terlihat pada kasus SP memberikan gambaran upaya perbaikan internal dan eksternal yang perlu dilakukan Polri khususnya Divhubinter Polri untuk meningkatkan terwujudnya prinsip resiprositas dalam kebijakan handing over di masa yang akan datang.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to reveal the implementation of cooperation between the INP and the Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) in the handing over of perpetrator named SP-A Muslim Cyber Army member known to be hiding in Korea. As a solution towards the length of the extradition process, the Indonesian National Police (INP) created a handing over policy which is surrendering other countries's fugitives who has been arrested in Indonesia through Police to Police Cooperation on the basis of reciprocity. This study uses qualitative case study research with in-depth investigation of documents and interviews of parties who involved in the handing over policy and especially the practice of the cooperation between the INP and KNPA upon SP. This study found that the cooperation between the INP and KNPA regarding the handing over policy upon SP was failed. SP was eventually sent back to Indonesia through deportation process which facilitated by Korean Immigration and Indonesian Immigration cooperation instead of handing over policy. The Theory of International Police Cooperation is used to describe the form of cooperation between the INP and KNPA, while the Theory of Implementation and Theory of Reciprocity are used in revealing the cooperation between INP and KNPA upon SP. Bad communication, limited resources (financial and human resources), the disposition of bureaucratic appointments and the fragmented bureaucratic structure became obstacles which caused the cooperation between INP and KNPA upon SP was not running optimally. However, SP case could be an important experience for INP especially International Relations Division to formulate internal and external breakthroughs to increase the realization of the principle of reciprocity in handing over policy in the future."
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Satrio Adie Wicaksono
ABSTRAKMaraknya aksi unjuk rasa yang terjadi selama Pilgub DKI Jakarta terfokus pada proses hukum kasus yang menjerat salah satu calon Gubernur DKI Basuki Tjahaja Purnama BTP . Selama proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan kasus BTP, Polri dihadapkan pada tekanan publik yang dipengaruhi oleh pemberitaan media massa. Aksi unjuk rasa yang terjadi dilakukan oleh kelompok pendukung dan penentang BTP dengan mengusung tuntutan yang saling bertolak belakang. Kelompok pendukung menuntut penghentian perkara dan penangguhan penahanan BTP sedangkan kelompok penentang BTP menuntut agar proses hukum dipercepat dan dilakukan penahanan terhadap BTP oleh penyidik. Dari proses hukum yang sudah selesai dilaksanakan, terlihat bahwa penyidik tidak menghentikan perkara dan tidak melakukan penahanan terhadap BTP. Langkah tersebut menandakan bahwa penyidik menempatkan tekanan publik sebagai salah satu pertimbangan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Hal itu dimaknai sebagai respon penyidik terhadap tekanan publik selama proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan Kasus BTP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Analisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori agenda setting untuk melihat bentuk-bentuk tekanan publik selama proses hukum kasus BTP dan teori pengambilan keputusan untuk membahas respon penyidik terhadap tekanan publik yang muncul dalam dalam penyelidikan dan penyidikan Kasus BTP.
ABSTRACTA large number of civil unrest during Jakarta rsquo s Governor Election 2017 was focused in legal process of incumbent candidate, Ir. Basuki Tjahja Purnama BTP . During the investigation process of BTP case, INP was exposed by public pressures which influenced by mass media coverage. The civil unrests were did by the supporters and the opponents of BTP whose brought different and contradictive demands into police duty. The supporters demanded to stop the legal process and to delay the BTP's arrest. In other side, the opponents demanded to accelerate the law process and to arrest BTP. At the legal process of BTP, it shown that the investigator didn't stop the case and didn't arrest BTP. It implies that the investigator used public pressure as their consideration in their decision making process. It was also interpreted as an investigator's response to public pressure during the investigation and investigation process of the BTP case. This research is a qualitative with collecting data techniques through observation, interview, and study literature. The analysis was conducted using the agenda setting theory to look at the forms of public pressure during the legal process of the BTP case and the decision making theory to explain the investigator's response to public pressure which arise in the investigation's of the BTP Case."
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Runturambi, Arthur Josias Simon
"This paper is the result of research that discusses the conception of paramilitary policing and investigating their implementation within the body of the POLRI. Including identify the elements of paramilitary policing in a variety of functional unit (satfung) in departement of police in resort level.
The results of this study indicate the necessity of paramilitary policing control in the execution of duty serving the interests of the general public, but still needed internally in order to improve discipline and unity of police personnel in facing the instability and uncertainty of duties in the field."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Lundman, Richard J.
New York: Holty,Rinchart and Winston, 1980
363.2 Lun p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Maitland, F.W.
New York: Russel & Russell, 1885
347.42 MAI j
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Dipo Ramdhanu Wicaksono
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap implementasi kerja sama Polri dan Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) dalam handing over Tersangka SP – anggota Muslim Cyber Army yang diketahui bersembunyi di Korea. Sebagai solusi dari lamanya proses ekstradisi, Polri menciptakan kebijakan handing over yaitu penyerahan pelaku kejahatan negara lain yang ditangkap di Indonesia melalui kerja sama Police to Police dengan berasaskan resiprositas (timbal balik). Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasus dengan investigasi secara mendalam terhadap dokumen dan wawancara pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam kebijakan handing over khususnya praktek kerja sama Polri dan KNPA dalam kasus SP. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kerja sama Polri dan KNPA dalam kebijakan handing over SP gagal, dimana pada akhirnya SP dipulangkan ke Indonesia melalui deportasi atas kerja sama Imigrasi Korea dan Imigrasi Indonesia. Teori Kerja Sama Kepolisian Internasional digunakan untuk menggambarkan bentuk kerja sama Polri dan KNPA yang selama ini telah terjalin, sedangkan Teori Implementasi dan Teori Resiprositas digunakan dalam mengungkap kerja sama Polri dan KNPA dalam kasus SP. Komunikasi, keterbatasan sumber daya baik anggaran dan sumber daya manusia, disposisi pengangkatan birokrasi dan struktur birokrasi yang terfragmentasi menjadi hambatan kerja sama Polri dan KNPA dalam kasus SP berjalan secara optimal. Hambatan yang terlihat pada kasus SP memberikan gambaran upaya perbaikan internal dan eksternal yang perlu dilakukan Polri khususnya Divhubinter Polri untuk meningkatkan terwujudnya prinsip resiprositas dalam kebijakan handing over di masa yang akan datang.
This study aims to reveal the implementation of cooperation between the INP and the Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) in the handing over of perpetrator named SP – a Muslim Cyber Army member known to be hiding in Korea. As a solution towards the length of the extradition process, the Indonesian National Police (INP) created a handing over policy which is surrendering other countries’s fugitives who has been arrested in Indonesia through Police to Police Cooperation on the basis of reciprocity. This study uses qualitative case study research with in-depth investigation of documents and interviews of parties who involved in the handing over policy and especially the practice of the cooperation between the INP and KNPA upon SP. This study found the cooperation between the INP and KNPA regarding the handing over policy upon SP was failed. SP was eventually sent back to Indonesia through deportation process which facilitated by Korean Immigration and Indonesian Immigration cooperation instead of handing over policy. The Theory of International Police Cooperation is used to describe the form of cooperation between the INP and KNPA, while the Theory of Implementation and Theory of Reciprocity are used in revealing the cooperation between INP and KNPA upon SP. Bad communication, limited resources (financial and human resources), the disposition of bureaucratic appointments and the fragmented bureaucratic structure became obstacles which caused the cooperation between INP and KNPA upon SP was not running optimally. However, SP case could be an important experience for INP especially International Relations Division to formulate internal and external breakthroughs to increase the realization of the principle of reciprocity in handing over policy in the future."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library