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Kerslake, D. McK.
London: Cambridge University Press, 1972
612.01446 KER s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Veerasamy Sejian, editor
"This book explores the influence of the environment on livestock production across global biomes. The challenges the livestock industry faces in maintaining the delicate balance between animal welfare and production are also highlighted."
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nafees A. Khan, editor
"The book ‘Phytohormones and abiotic stress tolerance in plants’ summarizes the current body of knowledge on crosstalk between plant stresses under the influence of phytohormones, and provides state-of-the-art knowledge of recent developments in understanding the role of phytohormones and abiotic stress tolerance in plants. This book presents information on how modulation in phytohormone levels affect regulation of biochemical and molecular mechanisms."
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simaremare, Rumiris Feronika
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan penilaian terhadap pajanan tekanan panas
di workshop pembuatan batik yang terletak di Kecamatan Mauk, Tangerang.
Sebanyak 84% dari pekerja yang diwawancarai mengeluh tentang suhu lingkungan
kerja yang dirasa terlalu panas, meskipun dalam hal ini sudah terdapat pengendalian
terhadap tekanan panas yang terpasang pada bangunan. Penilaian didasarkan pada tiga
kriteria menurut Worksafe BC 2007, yakni faktor lingkungan, faktor pekerja, dan
faktor pekerjaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indeks Suhu Basah dan Bola
(ISBB) di luar ruangan (outdoor) lebih tinggi dibanding ISBB di dalam ruangan
(indoor) dan indeks panas berada pada area berbahaya dengan level risiko tinggi.
Hasil observasi faktor pekerja yang meliputi aklimatisasi, status hidrasi dan pakaian
kerja tidak menunjukkan adanya upaya pengendalian yang dilakukan. Demikian juga
hasil observasi pada faktor pekerjaan yakni beban kerja dan pola kerja tidak
menunjukkan adanya pengendalian administratif yang diupayakan dalam menangani
keluhan terhadap pajanan tekanan panas ini. Penurunan tingkat risiko pajanan tekanan
panas diharapkan dapat dilakukan dengan modifikasi pengendalian teknis,
mengupayakan pengendalian administratif serta penggunaan pakaian kerja yang
sesuai dengan lingkungan kerja dengan pajanan tekanan panas

The aim of this study was to make an assessment of the heat stress exposure in a Batik
Workshop located at Kecamatan Mauk, Tangerang. 84% of interviewed workers
complained about the working environment temperature that tends to be very hot,
although the building already has a built-up control to heat stress. The assessment is
based on three criteria by Worksafe BC 2007 that is environmental, worker, and work
factors. The result showed that the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) outdoor
higher than indoor, and the heat index is at dangerous area with a high risk level.
Observation on worker (acclimatization, hydratin and clothing) and work (work load
and work rate) factors did not show any control measures undertaken. The level of
risk can be reduced by modification of engineering control, administrative control and
the proper personal protective equipment (clothing)."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dianth Kartina
"Penelitian pada 2 lokasi di area PT Antam (Persero) Tbk UBPP Logam Mulia yang terdiri atas area Peleburan dan Pemurnian Perak menunjukkan indeks WBGT indoor antara 29.8℃ sampai dengan 32,25℃. Setelah dilakukan analisis indeks WBGT, beban kerja dan pola kerja berdasarkan Permenaker No. 13 Tahun 2011, didapatkan hasil bahwa dari 23 responden yang menjadi subyek penelitian, 22 responden (95,7%) termasuk kelompok berisiko mengalami pajanan tekanan panas. Seluruh responden (100%) merasakan temperatur lingkungan tempat mereka bekerja panas serta 70% responden merasa tidak nyaman (terganggu) dengan kondisi tersebut. Seluruh responden yang menjadi subyek penelitian pernah mengalami keluhan akibat pajanan tekanan panas tetapi dengan frekuensi yang berbeda-beda.
Berdasarkan keluhan-keluhan yang dirasakan responden didapatkan bahwa 78,3 % responden mengalami gejala Heat Exhaustion, 17,4% responden mengalami gejala Heat Cramps, dan 4,3% Responden mengalami Heat Rash. Dan jenis keluhan yang sangat sering (setiap hari) dirasakan pekerja adalah banyak mengeluarkan keringat (78,3%) dan merasa cepat haus (69,6%), sedangkan jenis keluhan yang hampir tidak pernah dirasakan oleh pekerja adalah merasa ingin pingsan (78,3%).

Research on 2 location at PT Antam (Persero) Tbk UBPP Precious Metal consisting of Smelting Area and Silver Refining Area show WGBT index indoor 29.8℃ until 32,25℃. After WGBT index analysis, workloads and work pattern based on Permenaker No. 13 Tahun 2011, from 23 respondents who become subject of this research showed result 22 respondents (95,7%) belong to group which have a risk to get heat pressure exposure. All respondents (100%) feel temperatures on their work environment so hot and 70% respondents feel not uncomfortable (annoyed) with that condition. All respondent on this research had complaints due to heat pressure exposure with different frequency.
Based on respondents complains show that 78,3 % respondents get symptom Heat Exhaustion, 17,4% respondents get symptom Heat Cramps, and 4,3% respondents get symptom Heat Rash. The most complaint (everyday) felt by worker are worker always sweating (78,3%) and get thirsty easily (69,6%), other complaints which almost never felt by worker is faint (78,3%).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alwina Fitria Maulidiani
"Kombinasi dari temperatur lingkungan kerja, panas metabolik dari tubuh pekerja, pakaian kerja, dan faktor individu dapat menimbulkan tekanan panas (heat stress) bagi pekerja di area peleburan, proses sekunder, dan pengecoran SSP PT Krakatau Steel. Tekanan panas berpotensi menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan (heat-related disorders) yang diawali dengan berbagai respon fisiologis tubuh (heat strain) berupa gejala-gejala atau keluhan yang dirasakan secara subjektif oleh pekerja. Penelitian dilakukan pada 51 orang responden dengan desain studi cross sectional deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden yang mengalami tekanan panas adalah 36 orang dari 51 responden (70,6%) di area peleburan dan proses sekunder. Seluruh responden merasa bahwa suhu lingkungan kerja mereka panas dan 74,5% responden merasa tidak nyaman (terganggu) dengan kondisi panas tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan berbagai upaya pengendalian dari segi teknis, administratif, maupun penyediaan alat pelindung diri untuk meminimalisasi risiko timbulnya keluhan yang dirasakan pekerja akibat tekanan panas.

The combination of work environment temperature, metabolic heat, clothing, and individual factors could generate heat stress for workers in melting, secondary process, and casting area of SSP PT Krakatau Steel. Heat stress could potentially generate heat related disorders which started with physiological responses (heat strain), remarked as workers’ subjective complaints. This study performed on 51 workers using cross sectional descriptive study design. The results showed that there are 36 among 51 respondents (70,6%) in melting and secondary process area experienced heat stress. All respondents felt the work environment temperature was hot and 74,5% felt uncomfortable with it. Therefore, efforts are needed, such as technical and administrative controls and also distribution of personal protective equipments, to minimize the risk of heat stress signs."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The authors of this book have collected the most recent advances and discoveries applied to breeding for abiotic stresses in this book, starting with new physiological concepts and breeding methods, and moving on to discuss modern molecular biological approaches geared to the development of improved cultivars tolerant to most sorts of abiotic stress."
Berlin: [Springer, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Ayu Indira Dwika Lestari
"PT. American Standard Indonesia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang sanitary manufactur yang memproduksi peralatan sanitasi seperti closet dan wastafel. Salah satu tahapan produksinya yaitu pencetakan (casting) serta pembakaran yang suhunya dapat mencapai 20000C. Hasil menunjukkan indeks WBGT in rata-rata area Kiln dan Cast Shop antara 30.710C-33.80C dengan pola kerja pekerja 50%-75% serta beban kerja yang masuk dalam katagori sedang hal ini dapat menyebabkan pekerja mengalami heat stress. Heat stress dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor suhu lingkungan yang tinggi, kelembaban, kecepatan angin, pola kerja, beban kerja, serta pakaian kerja.
Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan desain penelitian cross-sectional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengethui pengendalian heat stres yang telah dilakukan perusahaan terhadap pekerja di area Kiln dan Cast shop di PT. American Standard Indonesia. Hasil Penelitian berupa analisis faktor penyebab heat stress dan pengendalian heat stress yang telah dilakukan di area Kiln dan Cast Shop PT. American Standard I.

PT. American Standard Indonesia is a company engaged in the field of sanitary manufactur -producing sanitary equipment, such as closets and sinks. One of the stages of production that is printing ( casting ) as well as the combustion temperature can reach 20000C . Results showed WBGT index in the average area between Kiln and Cast Shop 30.710C - 33.80C with work patterns 50 % -75 % of workers as well as the workload in the category of being this may cause workers to experience heat stress. Heat stress can be influenced by high ambient temperatures, humidity, wind speed, work patterns, workload, and work clothes.
This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study design. This study aims to determine heat stress control company that has been done in the area of workers and Kiln Cast shop in PT. American Standard Indonesia . Research results form the analysis of the causes of heat stress and heat stress control has been done in the area of Kiln and Cast Shop PT. American Standard Indonesia and evaluation of control programs that have been carried out.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Suci Rahmawati
"Pembangunan infrastruktur dan kegiatan konstruksi menjadi salah satu cara bagi pemerintah Indonesia untuk membangun perekonomian nasional. Namun disisi lain proses kerja kegiatan konstruksi memiliki bahaya dan risiko, salah satunya bahaya fisik yang menjadi bahaya paling tinggi salah satunya adalah unsafe condition seperti lingkungan kerja panas yang merupakan kombinasi dari suhu udara, kelembaban udara, kecepatan udara, dan suhu radiasi. Apabila kombinasi tersebut dihubungkan dengan produksi panas tubuh maka akan menyebabkan tekanan panas (heat stress). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan hubungan tekanan panas (heat stress), dan faktor individu (usia, indeks massa tubuh, riwayat keturunan hipertensi, dan status hidrasi) dengan kejadian hipertensi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Agustus-Desember 2021 pada pekerja konstruksi proyek Depo Light Rail Transit (LRT) Jabodebek Jatimulya, Jawa Barat. Pendekatan menggunakan kuantitatif observasional deskriptif analitik dengan studi cross sectional dan melibatkan 185 responden yang diambil menggunakan cluster proporsional random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 67% pekerja mengalami tekanan panas, 69,7% berusia < tahun, 76,8% memiliki IMT tidak berlebih, 73% tidak memiliki riwayat keturunan hipertensi, 91,9% mengalami dehidrasi tidak berat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, variabel yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian hipertensi adalah variabel tekanan panas (heat stress), usia, dan riwayat keturunan hipertensi (P value= 0,05).

Infrastructure development and construction activities are one way for the Indonesian government to develop the national economy. On the other hand, the process of construction activities has dangers and risks, that physical hazard that is the highest, one of which is unsafe conditions such as a hot work environment which is a combination of air temperature, humidity, air velocity, and radiation temperature. If this combination is associated with the production of body heat, it will cause heat stress. This study aims to determine the description and relationship of heat stress (heat stress) and individual factors (age, body mass index, history of hereditary, and hydration status) with the incidence of hypertension. This research was conducted in August-December 2021 on construction workers of the Depo Light Rail Transit (LRT) project in Jabodebek Jatimulya, West Java. The approach with descriptive-analytic quantitative a cross-sectional study involving 185 respondents that was taken using cluster proportional random sampling. The results showed that 67% of workers experienced heat stress, 69.7% were aged < years, 76.8% had a moderate BMI, 73% had no history of hereditary disease, and 91.9% had mild dehydration. Based on the results of the analysis bivariate, the variables that had significant relationships with the incidence of hypertension were heat stress, age, and history of hereditary (P-value = 0.05)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This volume deals with abiotic stress-induced morphological and anatomical changes, abberations in metabolism, strategies and approaches to increase salt tolerance, managing the drought stress, sustainable fruit production and postharvest stress treatments, role of glutathione reductase, flavonoids as antioxidants in plants, the role of salicylic acid and trehalose in plants, stress-induced flowering. The role of soil organic matter in mineral nutrition and fatty acid profile in response to heavy metal stress are also dealt with. Proteomic markers for oxidative stress as a new tools for reactive oxygen species and photosynthesis research, abscisic acid signaling in plants are covered with chosen examples. Stress responsive genes and gene products including expressed proteins that are implicated in conferring tolerance to the plant are presented. Thus, this volume would provides the reader with a wide spectrum of information including key references and with a large number of illustrations and tables."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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