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Ditemukan 104705 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Keraf, Gorys
Jakarta: Gramedia, 1994
808 KER a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Effective presidential rhetoric is an important issue. This study investigated the argumentation of President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono's State of Nation Address 2006. The argumentation to investigate encompasses clain, narration, explanation, and evaluation which consists of validity, reliability, and significancy. Content analysis is employed by investigating every word, phrase, and discourse in the text. It is discovered that the address does not belong to the rhetoric of crisis, and it puts more importance on economy than most other issues, and it was prepared to avoid controversy. It was dominated by narration than other elements of argumentation, and it was a lack of evaluation which consists of validity, reliability, and significancy."
LIND 27:2 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keraf, Gorys
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1994
499.221 KER d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keraf, Gorys
Ende: Nusa Indah, 1981
808.066 GOR e
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harun Derauh
Kuala Lumpur: Nusantara Publishing, 1989
808.85 DER m (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keraf, Gorys
Jakarta: Gramedia Widia Indonesia, 1995
808.066 GOR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pandu Wicaksono
Sebagai rangkaian kunjungannya ke Amerika Serikat, setelah menghadiri forum
G-20, Presiden Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) berpidato di
Universitas Harvard. Salah satu tujuannya adalah merespons pidato pidato
Barrack Obama di Kairo. Dalam pidato yang berjudul ?Toward Harmony among
Civilizations? tersebut, SBY menyampaikan sembilan langkah yang dapat
diterapkan untuk mencapai keharmonisan antar peradaban. Selain penjabaran
langkah-langkah tersebut, SBY juga membangun retorika hubungan komunitas
Muslim, terutama Indonesia, dengan Amerika. Penelitian ini mencoba
menjabarkan formasi retorika, strategi, serta motivasi yang dibangun oleh SBY.
Dengan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis dengan didukung oleh teori benturan
peradaban, penelitian ini menemukan adanya kecenderungan untuk memperkuat
citra Indonesia di mata dunia alih-alih memposisikan Islam sebagai rekan
Amerika dalam mencapai perdamaian dunia.

After attending the G-20 forum, the president of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono (SBY) gave a speech in Harvard University as one of his activities in
the United States of America. It is also a response to Barrack Obama?s speech in
Cairo. Through his speech, which titled ?Toward Harmony among Civilizations?,
SBY presented nine imperatives to achieve harmony. Besides, he also built
rhetoric of relationship between Muslim community, especially Indonesia, and
America. This study aims to elaborate rhetoric formation, strategy, and motivation
which are built by SBY. By using critical discourse analysis approach and clash of
civilization theory, it discovers that there is a tendency to strengthen the image of
Indonesia instead of arranging Islam as a partner of America to attain world?s
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khalda Salsabila
"Faruq Juwaidah adalah seorang penyair berkebangsaan Mesir yang terkenal akan karya puisi bertemakan cintanya, salah satunya ialah puisi yang berjudul Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq. Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang Bagaimana struktur lahir dan batin dalam puisi Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq karya Faruq Juwaidah dan apa aspek retorika Arab dalam puisi Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq karya Faruq Juwaidah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan struktur lahir dan batin dalam puisi Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq karya Faruq Juwaidah dan juga menjelaskan aspek retorika Arab yang terkandung dalam puisi Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq karya Faruq Juwaidah. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam makalah ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan strukturalisme. Sumber yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data utama data yaitu puisi yang berjudul Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq dan data sekunder seperti dari jurnal, makalah, dan artikel-artikel di situs internet. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka. Kerangka teori meliputi strukturalisme dan ilmu retorika Arab/balaghah. Terdapat penggunaan unsur intrinsik untuk menganalisis puisi Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq. Setelah dilakukan analisis, diketahui bahwa puisi ini memiliki tema kesedihan. Terdapat juga unsur retorika Arab dalam puisi ini yang terdiri dari ilmu al-Ma’aaniy, ilmu al-Bayaan, dan ilmu al-Badii’ yang didominasi oleh ilmu al-Bayaan jenis isti’arah makniyyah.

Faruq Juwaidah is an Egyptian poet well known for his loved themed poetry, one of them titled Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq. This paper analyzes the poem Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq by Faruq Juwaidah’s outer and inner structure as well as the various elements of arabic rhetoric. This study aims to explain the outer and inner structure in Faruq Juwaidah’s poem Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq and also to explain the Arabic rhetorical aspects contained in Faruq Juwaidah’s Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq poem. The research method used in this paper is a qualitative method with a structuralism approach. The sources used in this study are primary data from the poem and secondary sources from journal, articles, and online publication. Data collection techniques is using a literature study. The theoretical framework contain stucturalism and Arabic rhetoric or balaghah. The poetry of Law Annanaa Lam Naftariq anlyzed using instrinsic elements, following the anlysis it was determined that the poem's theme was melancholy or sadness. There is also an element of Arabic rhetoric in this poem which consists of al-Ma'aaniy science, al-Bayaan science, and al-Badii' science which is dominated by al-Bayaan science of the isti'arah makniyyah type."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Misbakhudin
Perseteruan antara KPK dan POLRI merupakan salah satu kejadian yang menimbulkan gejolak politik dan sosial karena menyangkut komitmen dan dukungan terhadap upaya pemberantasan korupsi sehingga keberhasilan penyelesaiannya sangat berpengaruh pada image dan dukungan publik pada pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan teori dramatisme, penelitian ini mendeskripsikan aspek dramatik dalam retorika Presiden Jokowi dan Presiden SBY dalam menyelesaikan konflik KPK – POLRI. Dalam dramatisme, retorika dianalisis berdasarkan lima elemen dramatistik (dramatisic pentad) yaitu scene, act, agent, agency dan purpose sehingga dapat diketahui konteks (guilt) dan menilai motif (motives) yang mendasari retorika tersebut serta elemen apa yang menjadi kunci persuasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola retorika tidak ajeg, tetapi mengikuti guilt yang dialami. Ketidakajegan tersebut dapat dilihat dari bagaimana Presiden menentukan kelima unsur dramatistic pentad dalam retorikanya serta unsur-unsur mana yang ditonjolkan sebagai kunci persuasi.

The enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion;The enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion, The enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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