ABSTRACTPenelitian yang disajikan dalam laporan ini dilakukan di Laboratorium IRISA – UBS (Institut
de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires – Université de Bretagne Sud) dengan
judul “ Asialog : Pemindaian Jurnal Perusahaan India (Perbandingan Lintasan Input dan
Lintasan Koreksi)“ di bawah arahan Jeanne Villaneau.
Tujuan dari proyek ini adalah membedakan lintasan input dan lintasan koreksi kapal.
Sebelumnya pencatatan perjalanan kapal dicatat secara manual. Titik point pencatatan
diperoleh dari pangakalan data (database). Lintasan koreksi diperoleh dari pencarian titik
kesalahan berdasarkan perbedaan jarak. Untuk mendeteksi titik kesalahan ditentukan jarak
tiap titik point marker.
Dalam proyek ini, menampilkan peta posisi lintasan kapal dengan lintasan input dan lintasan
koreksi dengan keterangan titik Longitude dan Latitude. Peta disini menggunakan
Openstreetmap berbasis Linux.
ABSTRACTThe research presented in this report was carried out in the Laboratory IRISA-UBS (Institute
for Research in Computer Science and Random Systems - University of South Brittany) on
the subject Asialog: Scanning of Journals India Company (Comparison of Tracks Input and
Tracks Correction).
The aim of my work is distinguished path of travel and entry path fixes boat. The purpose of
the trip is correct enter road before boat ride on the old manual card. Input path is obtained
from the point of the database. While the path is corrected obtained by finding the point of
error based on the distance. To detect the error point is determined the distance between the
point at any time based on changes that have been determined.
In this project, I will display the route map entry and correct with respect to the longitude and
latitude points. To view the map, I use OpenStreetMap program under Linux platform."